A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1216: Destruction

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A thousand years later.

Time is very fast for the exiles in the esophagus waiting to be slowly digested by the endless world. Here, time is meaningless, and all purposes are to go out.

Green has been lurking in the laboratory for a long time. Only when the world collapses will he leave the laboratory and appear briefly. At this time, it is only at this time that the company will conduct a series of reports on the inspection of the Green Territory.

As the evolution of physique has reached the limit, Green almost does not hesitate to ask for any food. Gradually, the sorcerer's "good temper" is annihilated, and it spreads throughout the gated area. Many can't stand the majesty of the predators in other territories. The exiles gathered in the territory of Green.

Green is only focusing on his own experiments and exploration.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

On this day, I was concentrating on the key to life, deciphering the greens of the human beings, the most initial limiting way of evolution in the field of biological cytogenetics. The vibrations transmitted from the vicinity of the laboratory destroyed the peace of mind, and the blood-stained specimens on the glassware were in a series of vibrations. In the sound, I kept shaking and I could not continue the experiment.

"who is it!"

The cold snoring of Sen Han, Green slammed his eyes, the eyes of the fierce and brutal color!

Probably nothing more than disturbing a wizard who is fully focused on exploring the knowledge experiment and making the wizard angry.

The kind of pleasure in the ocean of knowledge, the enrichment of the goal of pursuing the truth of the truth, the desire to control the rules of the climb, but the middle of the road is interrupted, destroying the opportunity of light that can be seen at any time, even if the temper is A good Ming wizard will also open the wizard's ferocious nature in an instant, not to mention the fact that Green is such an extremely savage dark wizard!

Under the face of truth, in the cold snoring of Greenson, the glass lens blood-stained specimen was thrown on the experimental platform, and the anger in Green's heart could be imagined.

"Look, I want to see who dares to be so arrogant and interfere with the peace of the wizard!"

As Green stepped out of the lab step by step, tens of thousands of meters away from the laboratory. There is a gnome king with a golden warhammer fighting with a sphinx monster, but it is a five-level peak creature, attacking more than ten thousand degrees. Not worth mentioning in Green's eyes.

"what happened?"

The voice of Green Yinsen came from behind the American Society, and tens of thousands of small snakes screamed at the top of the head. The three-meter-high human snake tail Meisha took a turn and turned to the light and dark. The annihilation of Green is respectful.

Full of mystery and treacherous majesty!

"Returning to the great annihilation of wizards, because the number of exiles in the territory has been too many. The intensity is much higher than that of other ridgeland areas."

Meishesha has never seen Green so angry, and suddenly his heart is cold, which reminds me that a thousand years ago, the annihilation of the sorcerer to kill the phoenix lizard to replace his predator’s throne is not in the mouth of the exile. What is the "good temper" person, at most, there is no habit of eating a lot of blood food.

"There are too many?"

Once, before Green as a stalker of the predator, the snails of the snails of the stalks of the stalks of the stalks of the stalks of the snails will be swallowed every few decades, highlighting the deterrence. And for more than a thousand years of laziness, I have unwittingly destroyed the unique balance rules that run through the gates!

The trio of Green's tri-colors glimpsed a little, and the dangerous atmosphere that made the American Society of Shakess frightened was gradually filled.

"In this case, then it is time to clean up the number of exiles in the territory!"

The sub-esophagus organisms are killing each other. This is one of the digestive segments of the endless world. Now, because of the disturbed Green's anger in the experiment, since it is said to clean up the number of exiles...

It’s awkward!

Suddenly, the Green figure turned into an arc, and the elemental teleport disappeared.

The mighty pressure of the majestic, suddenly appeared on the top of the gold warhammer gnome and the face of the human face. The twisted and staggered light and darkness are looking forward to the two monsters in the battle, and they can't help but stop.

In the annihilation of the light and the darkness, even if you have never seen Green, the two can not help but think of the predators in this territory. The high-frequency shock of the frightened battle is unrelenting.

"Destroy the wizard!"

At this time, the two talents realized that they had been fighting for the hunter for so long. Because the subconscious thought that the predator was not dangerous, he gradually chose to forget, and he was so dead!

The golden warhammer gnome king, this gold warhammer is even bigger than his body. The body seems to have been subjected to some kind of curse, and there has been a large area of ​​ulceration.

And if it is not this curse, let the golden warhammer gnome king's violent temperament force suppress itself, while fighting the Sphinx, it will obviously have an absolute advantage.

On the other side of the Sphinx, there is nothing special about it, just relying on a strong cross-body, constantly attacking the golden warhammer gnome king who is as flexible as a flea.

Without too much language, after the appearance of Green in both eyes, it seems like a black hole in the sky that is constantly twisting all directions, mysterious and strange, exuding the overwhelming pressure of the overwhelming, and the undisguised Sen Han is angry.

It’s awkward! It’s awkward!

The two black arcs are distorted in all directions, and they are fleeting.

In the disturbing high-frequency turbulent shock, the human face squad had little reaction, and was smashed by the arc, and the light and dark gathered, and the desperate screams stuck in the depths of the throat.

The next moment, the face of the human face is as if it has been wiped out by the air. The arc is completely wiped out, and there is no one on the ground.

On the other hand, the gold warhammer gnome is obviously more powerful. The temperament gathered on the body is no longer suppressing the body curse. It falls to the ground with amazing explosive power. One foot and one foot, the ground instantly cracks a footprint of more than ten meters, and is physically For the afterimage disappeared.

However, at this time, under the attention of Greene Truth, it is nothing but a clown, not worth mentioning!

The annihilation of the arc was a big turn, and it was easy to catch up with the gold warhammer gnome king. Like the human face singer, it was instantly sensitized by the annihilation of the arc for more than a million degrees, as if it had been wiped out by the air. Left.

"Oh, it's time to remind the exiles properly, the majesty of the wizard."

This muttered to himself, Green disappeared in the air, and after a short while, "噼里啪啦", "噼里啪啦" twisted the light and dark annihilation arcs frequently fall into the territory, maintaining the running through the door The rules of the evolutionary rule of killing are balanced with the endless world digestive system of the secondary esophagus.

Some lurking from other predators' territories ~www.novelmtl.com~ in the Green Territory, even the exiles who want to challenge the replacement of the predator's throne in the near future, fled like a frightened bird, but still angered by anger Green in the kills a lot.

Destroy the sorcerer's fierce reputation and spread it in the nearby area in a short time.

For a time, there was a sense of desolateness in the territory of Greene, and it was obvious that Green, who was violent, frightened many exiles.

Green, who flew back to the lab again, was in a much calmer mood. Green whispered toward Meishasha: "Call out, this laboratory is within 100,000 meters. From then on, no one is allowed to step in, otherwise it will be treated as a challenger. I will destroy it myself. If there are so many exiles in the territory, you will go to the King of the Spider to invite him to help him clean up. I don't think it will refuse."

Green said, stepping into the lab again, leaving the body of the body of the body, Sharan, standing in the same place.

This annihilation wizard seems to be mild, and has not yet swallowed up blood food. Once it is cruel, it is a hundred times more horrible than other predators! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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