A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1200: Hope

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The center of the smooth crater of time and space collapsed and destroyed by the mouth of a small eight, formed a viscous lake, in this extremely disgusting mucus, Green is affected by the dimensional gap rules of the beautiful little girl body, Gradually change back to the body image.

The recovery of magic, the perception of balance rules, the use of witchcraft props, the feeling of full strength of the body, everything, let Green fully feel the huge difference between the endless world and the dimensional dimension.

Dimensional gaps, as the film between different dimensions, have been so horrible, the essential rules are so great, what is the difference if it is a different dimensional dimension?

It is certainly certain that between the different dimensions, any power system will not be brought in. At least the low-latitude power system will never be able to bring into higher latitudes.


Thousands of confetti gradually formed a paper man in an empty area that was just affected by the dimensional gap rule. Along with an inconspicuous bone, a skeleton creature slowly drilled out and six eye sockets bloomed. The darkness of death, the two are low and one high, one black and one white, standing on the side of the crater, looking at the strange creatures slowly rising to the center of the mucus lake.

It is wearing a translucent outer coat, with a gray-white face, three main eyes each with a different luster, and six pairs of complex eyes squinting.

"Wow, Green Beast, I am here to drag your material world time as far as possible, you don't have to worry about the time, but don't be digested by the streamer, I have to go back and find the leaf. Yeah!"

Among the high-altitude, the vastness of the small eight, the head of the sneer is gradually faded, apparently because the effect of the dimensional gap on the secondary esophagus is slowly disappearing.

At this point, the paper man and the skeleton bone look at the green on the mucus at the center of the pit, full of dignified color!

"Oh... It seems that this time the challenger came with an extremely strange guy. If you let this guy grow up, it might be more terrible than the magic doll."

The paper man's gaze is recovered from the gap phenomenon of the high-altitude eight rainbow neovich faded, staring at the surrounding eight rainbow neovich to protect the saliva is also desaling the disappearance of Green, the sound is somewhat dignified.

"It turned out to be through the gap of the dimension. I don't know which one of us would choose us. Hey, though weird, if you choose me, I will solve it in the first time before he can play any strange ability!"

The sound of the bones is cold.


the other side.

Regression from the dimensional gap to the secondary esophagus. At the first time, Green, who felt the balance rule again, looked at the little girl who sold the bomb in the dimension gap, causing the crater edge of the super-explosive phenomenon, and the two terrible life.


This incredible oppressive force, this kind of sinister sentiment, although not achieved, but the level of power of these two horror creatures has transcended the general six levels of biological level that Green can understand. many.

They are all close to the special life of the King of the Inferno Giants. I don’t know that in the digestive tract of the Dimension, there are a few epochs that have been exiled for a few days and are still stubborn and undigested!

Thousands of worlds swarmed in front of Green, preventing possible crises, balancing the light of the levers, and Green was extremely cautious, holding the Extreme Abyss magic wand slowly floating from the center of the pit, staring at them, looking directly at these two powerful Terrible life.

Perhaps, should they be used as a breakthrough point as an attempt to understand some of the deeper illusory rules of the secondary esophagus?

"Hello. My name is to destroy the wizard."

Green took the initiative to convey the will of goodwill, the skeleton of the skeleton was a gloomy appearance, and ignored Green, and the other side was relatively short. About three meters of paper people showed a strong interest.

"The annihilation wizard from the gap of the dimension welcomes to the gathering place of hope. The number of special places in the secondary esophagus is unclear. The hope is certainly one of the top places where the strongest people gather, annihilating the wizard. You are ready. ?"



Green was shocked, and this secretly realized that at this time, the hopeful scepter in his body directed the direction, even above the top of the head!

How is this going?

"What are you ready?"

Green slowly shook his head.

"Sorry, I just happened to be here by chance. I am very happy to see you in the other two illusory worlds. If you can describe the rules here and explain in detail the so-called hopes, I think I will think about it."

Green is very secretive, and has been using the annihilation source's biological breath mimicry ability to raise his life level information to the sixth level for deterrence.

Green does not want to have any conflict with these two horror creatures.

Because Green can't be sure, these two horrible powers have the ability to forcibly break through the world!

"Is it by chance?"

In Green's induction, it seems that the skeletal scent is weaker than the paper man, and the sinister atmosphere has dissipated. Looking at Green, he rushed to answer the paper before the paper man.

"Oh, it is said that in the distant period of the esophagus, a person from the material world came to the end of the esophagus, and was endangered by many desperate strongmen who were about to be digested, and several of them were lucky enough to acquire a soul of remnant rule. Back to the material world. However, they are not the biggest beneficiaries. Once the light of hope has captured the time, time can be a life-long opportunity to detach from time and space!"


Hearing the clues from the information on the esophagus, Green couldn't help but get excited to take a deep breath, and the three colors were violent.

"Don't this hope be the time?"

"Listen to me!"

For the words that were interrupted, the screaming screams of screaming anger.

"Later, when the light of hope returned to the second esophagus again, it turned out to be an endless lord, but it was already the soul of the Lord, and it was the instinct of its body to guide it back here, and to hope for time. Bound, stayed in the deepest layer of illusion, I don’t know where to go. Some people say that it has hidden its body in the dark area outside the mainland of the cheekbones, so it was not found."

Green was incredible in getting important intelligence information.

For the battle between the ancient wizarding world and the abyss civilization, the light of hope that dedicated his life is dominated by ~www.novelmtl.com~ there are still such past events.

Without disturbing the words of the skeleton, Green continued to listen carefully.

"Deep illusory, according to normal circumstances, don't say us, even if the lord can't easily reach it, so we don't have the chance to get a chance in any case. Until then, a special life found a way, that is, using a large number of strong people to gather The phenomenon of dimensional gaps is triggered! The dimensional gap phenomenon will automatically remove a large number of weak people, leaving the real strong, with the rules of weakening the nearby esophagus. The strongest of us will have a short chance to approach the hope. coffin."


PS: Thank you for your strong support from the low egrets yesterday. I will never forget it!

Therefore, the Egret wanted to drive out the draft today, and it was too late to sleep in the morning, sorry.

In addition, the Qingmang editor has already applied the great witchcraft, and in the page of the fate of the one hundred and ninety-eight chapters, the egrets are copied and copied in the first half. Everyone has to go back and see, the important half chapter, relationship One of the big clues of the whole book, the Egret is really annoyed and stupid. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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