A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1199: Little girl selling bombs, 8 more

"Wow, my Green Beast, I can finally pull you out, the page of the fate of the old thing is taken out?"

Xiao Ba "嘎嘎嘎" laughed.

"What do you feel in your belly?"

Green opened his hand, a piece of paper that looks different from ordinary book paper, floating in Green's hands. However, unlike the general thing, Green can clearly feel that even in the gap of the dimension, it still has the effect!

This is the power of higher latitudes, the power that low latitude life can't understand!

"found it."

Green shook his head and was still thinking about the picture of the page of fate in the small eight-legged belly.

"Hey, hello, don't be so silent. This is the page of fate. Although it is not sure to kill those powerful masters, the average guy is basically one by one. According to my master, I estimate that it will last for hundreds of years. It is absolutely effective. Right. That's right, tell me about how you got this page of fate."

"You take me out of the gap!"

Xiao Ba reluctantly said: "Really, the Eight Lord also said that you are forced to take you to fly, forget it, but although I can find the gap between the dimension gap and the streamer back, I don't know where to throw you. So you have to be careful."


Green is speechless, do you want to go again?

Don't be too far from the light of hope to dominate the corpse, the second eclipse is connected to other illusory worlds, and the dangers of certain events may occur at any time. Green has also understood the reasons why the strong are unwilling to move around.

Moreover, in addition to the corpse that the light of hope dominates, I hope that the scepter's unknown object is also the Green goal, and I don't know what will happen.

In the small eight soft force lift, Green fell into the feather forest on the small eight head. And with the small eight body continues to shrink.

The feathers of these towering giant trees gradually became a small forest in the eyes of Green.

"Beautiful big goose, let me go out for a while!"

The little eight-way white goose said hello. Faning his wings and gradually flying away from the blue sky and blue clouds. And urged Green to talk about how to get the page of Antonio's hidden destiny.

"Come back soon, or the scallion cake should be left again. Next time I will make a rainbow cake roll..."

The big goose responded.

Green stood on the top of the small eight heads, while watching the passage of the page of fate of the little eight, while looking at the gap between the scenes.

With Xiaoba in the incredible speed of the gap between the dimensions, farther and farther, the blue sky and white clouds and green hills gradually disappeared. In the innocent darkness, occasionally some incomprehensible deformed monsters appear, which is not a supernatural phenomenon that the knowledge of Green Wizards can reasonably explain.

A series of red crotch is flying in the sky, about tens of thousands of looks, with countless patterns on it, and each pattern seems to be alive and chatting with each other.

"Don't stop!"

Xiao Ba fanned these annoying red pants and continued to listen to Green's description, apparently interested in Green's wisdom light.

The dark front of the dimension gap. The strange tone came, it turned out to be a pencil wearing a straw hat, constantly screaming the strange song of "planting the sun and planting the sun." And these sunflowers actually bloom like a sun.

Xiao Ba swept through the low sky, and the wind was raging. In the fear of the sun's pencil, he swallowed a few suns.

After passing through the long darkness again, a golden armor warrior chased a black machine monster and flew by, followed by the front, and there was an endless sea. The strange thing was that the heads of animals were floating at high altitude. With.

There are cooked pig heads. There are steamed chicken heads and even some heads with a strong flavor.

These heads are squinting. Constantly watching the flying objects around, a semi-transparent thread on the neck is connected to the bottom of the sea. Very strange.

Green gave a small eight to the little boy who wrote the page of fate to be caught by the instructor. While looking at the weird heads of the dimensional gap, one of the grilled pigs, Green actually felt extraordinarily familiar, this is not exactly in Bisser. When the city test talent, the strange pig head with a candle as a wax torch?

Still looking at the four eyes, but this time, Green did not retreat, let Xiaoba take his own fly to a farther side, the pig head eyes to send Green away.

woo woo woo woo……

A huge baby's head floating in the sky, making a cries of screaming, at this time the sky is far more than a small creature flying over, there are other kinds of normal, abnormal monsters.

The baby's crying caused a caterpillar to pay attention. At this time, the pattern on the back of the caterpillar actually formed two children's faces and kept arguing.

“Fresh and juicy, it’s delicious at first glance, we ate it.”

A child licked his tongue and made a sound of swallowing water, giving his own advice.

"No, we can't steal the heads of other children, or Dad will marry us. We have to be good children. It is wrong to eat the heads of other children."

Another child made an objection.

"No matter, I will eat... ah!"


At the moment when the caterpillar bite into the crying baby's head, only the thread connecting the baby's head was pulled, and the caterpillar was pulled down into the sea and copied by a fishing net.

"Mom, I don't like the story of sadness, the boy, cut, write a love letter, afraid of it? Life doesn't have so much time to give you a crush, look at the Lord, I like it, just do it, Go for a strong push, if you are too big, you will be punished by the Santa Claus rule. Even the punishment is afraid, and the love of the fart is not love."

Green's stunned listen to Xiao Ba said that the head is the road, this guy and Ye Ye should not be like this.

Going through the sea, I came to a desert. Suddenly, I opened a big mouth on the sand. The little eight took Green, and I drilled straight into it, followed by endless darkness.

I don't know how much time, a sad crying voice came.

"Oh, pity me, please beg you to buy me a time and space to collapse and destroy the bomb, I have not eaten a day, I am so cold, I am so hungry, hehe..."

It turned out that a little girl was crying with a mechanical device that kept ringing.

"Wow, find it, wow, let's not worry."

Xiaoba said with a sigh of relief, Green looked at it with sorrow, selling a little girl who collapsed in time and space?

At this time, it is faint to see the afterimage of the secondary esophagus, and it is even more exaggerated that it seems that there is a gathering there, at least hundreds of the world's main powers gather, at this time the world's owners see the sale of time and space collapse After the catastrophic little girl's dimension gap vision, they all sucked a chill of fear, and desperately fled in all directions.

Already a dozen breaths, no one came to buy the little girl's time and space collapsed and destroyed the bomb, the little girl was cold and hungry, curled up, very sad, she remembered the world, the only grandmother who loved her.

She remembered what Grandma had said before she left. As long as she started the time and space to collapse and destroy the bomb, she would get warm and see Grandma.

The hungry poor little girl was in the midst of dying, and she had no strength at all. She wanted to see her grandmother, so she weakly pressed the time and space to destroy the red button.


An endless amount of energy twists and tears ~www.novelmtl.com~ Next moment, in the monster group of the second era of the esophagus world, many of the world's owners have seen their grandmother.

"Wow, just to clear the way for you, just go over this place! Ha... Hey!"

Green was wrapped in a small mouth and spit, breaking through the time and space of the collapse of the time and space, and falling on the vast expanse of the bones that had been smashed by time and space.


Ps: Eighth, Egret also has a manuscript. I have to stay up all night to catch up with the manuscript, but I am still very happy. I look forward to your subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly pass, and reward support. I hope I can continue to be on the hot list tomorrow. Expose on the day.

If the amount of updates is small or not on time tomorrow, please forgive me, and the egrets will try to get out all night.

In the second half of April, the Egret can only maintain the full four, and prepare for the top ten of the monthly ticket list next month. I look forward to your support! (To be continued.)

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