A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1191: Evil sacrifice

Two years later.

It is getting closer and closer.

According to Green's estimation, at least one or two years later, you should be able to reach the light of the shroud of hope.

Water and fire hedge, produce the power of annihilation, have the ability to eliminate all things, do not dissolve in any energy, and represent the essential destruction.

The material energy and the power of the void oppose each other, produce the source of annihilation, possess the ability to pseudo-replicate flesh and blood, and even the green body of the fifth grade, representing the most primitive creation.

According to Green's long-term research on light and dark hedging, this new energy, which is different from the power of annihilation and the source of annihilation, has the ability to open the door of time and space like one of the levers of destiny, just like the unique rules of the evil gods!

In the dark, Green named this new energy as the way to annihilate.

The five-level element wizard is promoted to the six-level element wizard, who needs to conform to the natural rules, or to obtain the energy-enhanced natural bonus unique to the six-level element witch, which will be added to different degrees according to the different sublimity and special nature of the natural phenomenon. to make.

According to Green's estimation, he has acquired the ability to annihilate the light and dark hedges. Perhaps... can be combined with the annihilation, and then promoted to the sixth-level holy sorcerer!

As for the degree of gaining the natural rule, according to Green's estimate, it should be between 800,000 and 1 million degrees, which is a relatively high level.

Booming rumbling...

In the high-altitude gray mist, the violent energy fluctuations broke out again, as if the rolling thunder exploded.

With some inspiration, Green stopped and carefully remembered whether it was a seal fluctuation, or like two years ago, a master fled to the deep illusory world of the Dimensional Esophagus, avoiding another master chase.

"It's a seal."

Take a sigh of relief. Although it is known that it is impossible to have frequent dominance, even if it is only a few thousandths of a chance, for Green. It is a crisis of life and death.

This kind of powerlessness that others control the initiative of life and death is something that no one wants to face.

Green waited quietly. See if there will be a sacrifice call, the secondary esophage seal is a deeper seal than the forgotten truth time and space seal, often the surgeon is extremely powerful, and Green has a great possibility to be summoned.

Sure enough, after a little stalemate for a while, the above fluctuations showed some changes!

"Hey, look at the real time and space power that will sacrifice for many years."

In fact, after Green's research over the years. The compensation obtained by the sacrifice of the sacrifice is not directly related to the change of the soul, but enhances the defense of the soul to the passage of time in the illusory world. It belongs to the indirect enhancement of life, but it is not the universal soul life in the traditional sense of the material world.

Quickly flew away from the energy fluctuations in the gray mist, and after a short moment, he found a huge crack of nearly a thousand meters.

"Oh? Such a strong seal can't finish the seal. It seems that the surgeon is very powerful, at least it is already the elite level of the crystallizer."

Think like this, through the cracks. Green looked at the real world.

In the immediate scene, Green’s suspicion of smashing the three colors of light was a bit blank. Stayed for a while.

Painted dark red mixed magic cloud, the sky seems to be bloody, nourishing the world's black and ugly creatures everywhere, but at this time, these ugly creatures are in fear, because there is a statue in the sky The sun-like light of the sun, the wings of the light behind it flashing, killing in this world. Very cruel.

The lightsaber is a finger, as if it runs through the heavens and the earth. Tens of thousands of ugly creatures have become ash.

And under this power, just a moment. It is the four-level world master monsters that have been led by the overwhelming army. They have also fallen under this group of holy lights.

At the top of the Black Blood Mountain, at this time, in a demon palace, a variety of life-captured slaves were used as sacrifices. There is a demon who casts a secondary esophage seal and carries out a sacrifice call.

"Oh... it seems that the character has turned away. The dark forces of this world community have become so weak, and they have no choice but to apply seals."

After Green returned to God, he frowned and muttered.

However, if you want to pull this holy light creature into the secondary esophagus, it is impossible to try to drag and drop the power of the Green Body at this time, unless you use the world to seal.

But if it is, the power of the soul consumed, in exchange for the soul that only works in this illusory world resists the erosion of time, there is no gain at all.

After thinking about it, Green did not choose to accept the sacrifice of the demon immediately, but conveyed a will, although this will, after the loss of reality and illusion, can only understand the most primitive meaning.

"I need more sacrifices, these sacrifices are not enough!"

Green estimates that, in any case, he has to stay in the second esophagus for a few hundred years. If he can get more sacrifices, it will be worth the loss of the soul.

On the other hand, this demon who is applying seals seems to have accepted Green's fuzzy will.

There was no worry in Green's imagination, but instead a look of surprise, a roar, several powerful demons destroyed the palace of the mountain, and then exposed the caves of the crater.

In the belly of the mountain, countless creatures are mourning and struggling!

This is not finished yet. The demon king roared, and the infinite and endless army around the mountain peaks quickly climbed up the mountain, and went forward into the mountainside. It seemed to be a storage seal space, and it would never be filled.

After a while, the devil nodded with satisfaction and prevented the back legion from continuing to flow in.

The tip of the devil's finger, a dark red energy ball fell into the mountain's belly, the next moment, "bang", the blood column skyrocketed, straight into the sky!

It turns out that the blood rain of the world that Green has seen is a real blood rain, not a special rule of the world.

"The great existence of the secondary esophagus is enough?"

Green quietly felt the energy contained in the sacrifice, and his face gradually rejoiced, and the sacrifice of a thousand years was almost the rule limit of the sacrifice of the second esophagus.

Now it seems that it is no wonder that this world will be destroyed by the Lord of the Light World. It seems that this world has indeed done a lot of evil.

However, everything that happened in this unknown world community has nothing to do with Green.

Without answering, Green greedily enjoys the sacrifice and reaches out to the palm of his hand. The black ball of the Thousand Worlds points to the material world, the six-level world master who suffers from the layers of gray illusion. .


The twists and turns of time and space, struggling, but like all the creatures that have suffered from the black ball seal, this group of light is getting smaller, the roar of anger and panic, can not understand the horrible gray creatures that appear in this deep illusion, What kind of existence!

After the Holy Light was finally pulled into the black ball, Green quickly recovered the palm of the real world, and the crack in the front healed.


Ps: fourth! Ask for the full set of "The Wizarding Journey", and receive a line of white egrets on the starting point of the Chinese network to support the worship of the gods! Ask for a ticket, a monthly ticket, and a reward.

Yesterday I forgot to subscribe and the monthly ticket, the result fell a lot, my heart was cold, crying...

Because when I uploaded the fourth chapter yesterday, something happened, a little delay, and I forgot to subscribe and the monthly ticket.

What happened? First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their support for the egrets in the past two months. The Qingmang editor talked with the Egret and delayed the end of the book, and the Egret’s support for everyone was also seen in the eyes. The results of the Wizarding Journey did come up. The Egret felt that he had the excitement of his original creation. Every day he was desperately coding, instead of being bored. He was upset every day and was anxious to prove himself.

Well, in fact, in the outline of the Egret, after Green returned to the Wizarding World, there would be no large-scale description of the war of civilization, because the weak click will break the plot, and the integration of the wizard world civilization will be passed over for thousands of years.

The preparation of the colonial world community and the chaotic world community for the development of the colonial hunter expedition will take a stroke, and then there will be no fourth civilization war and the second war, ending with the end story that has already been set, so that it will be at the end of June. The end of July.

Although it was a little hasty, but before the state of the egret, writing "The Wizarding Journey" is no longer an exhilarating enjoyment, but a daily torture, eager to open a book to prove its existence value.


With the good performance of this month's "Witch Tour", the Egret felt hope again. Just like the wizard, if there is no hope, there is no meaning. It is better to die than to live, and to have hope is full of motivation, so yesterday the editor also discussed with the egret. Next, the decision will be added as a story of the rotten gossip, and strive to impact the top ten of the monthly list after the next month, to increase exposure, which requires the Egret to make a certain investment.

However, when I read the subscription this morning, the egret is like a roller coaster ride, so I am begging to support the wizard journey, subscription, recommendation, monthly ticket, reward!

The egret is no longer a newcomer~www.novelmtl.com~ With a certain writing skill, the "Sorcerer's Journey" has a bad performance. It is because the egret is a newcomer and wrote before the "Sorcerer's Journey". In some parts of the article, although the thoughts are correct, the rhetoric grammar and the ill-sentence statements are indeed improper. Therefore, the major revisions are made in one chapter and one chapter every day. The typos and typos are fully corrected, and the rhetoric is properly adjusted. Now it is about 30 chapters. It is.

There is no way, this is the road to growth for newcomers, and the price that every individual must pay!

Of course, this can only be corrected on the Chinese website at the starting point. On piracy, it may still be the most primitive and original 1.0 part. The egret is powerless.

Ask everyone to support the "Witch Tour", support the Egret, before the end of the day, leave the two more, the bottom of the three more, the outbreak of four more, super burst five more! The stellar big bang six!

After the outbreak of the future, the egret must ask for a subscription and a monthly pass, and everyone will make a few words, like a friend.

Next month, the Egret will fight for the top ten of the monthly ticket list for the Wizarding Journey. To increase the exposure, you need the wizards and friends to help the Egret! If you have any conditions, please vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket at 12 o'clock on the evening of the 30th! The egret should create a perfect "Witch Tour" and ignite the fantasy of war! (To be continued.)

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