A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1190: hide


Suddenly, a familiar feeling, that is under the mirror of the shadow mystery world Thunder, the golden Titans who avoid the fate of punishment also feel the same. Super fast and stable update of the novel, this article by . . Starting

At this time, the horror of Green's feet exists, although it is not Titan armor, but there is no doubt that it must be the same as the establishment of a brilliant civilization, here to avoid the punishment of the truth, the destiny, the **** of heaven, the **** of origin!

And this is also the raw material for the page of the book of destiny in The Book of Destiny!

Unfortunately, there is no "Book of Destiny" in Green's hands.

At this moment, Green stood in the middle of the eyes of this horror creature, awakened it, felt the vast and sturdy breath that was forcibly suppressed, and the feeling of being able to crush himself easily, Green did not dare to move!

Its existence, on its own, represents the destruction of the rule of balance of all things. It is the existence of the punishment of the truth, the heavenly, the **** of origin, and attempts to challenge the destiny. Therefore, it is the light of the balance of the rules in the hands of Green, and it cannot affect it. .

Although rationally Green Mingming knows that this unknown eight-level creature is like a golden Titan. Once it attacks itself, the seal breath leaks, it will be wiped out by the fate of truth, but this life and death is manipulated in others. The sense of crisis, can not help but let Green remember when he was a newcomer, the kind of ambiguity, humble, powerless.

In fact, the equivalent exchange ability that Green has gained in balancing the rules of leverage is not the same?

Seemingly powerful ability. Balance the lives of both parties, but once activated. It shows that Green is already at an absolute disadvantage and has to use this passive way to save lives.

The storm on the top of the head is still "squeaky" and it is particularly harsh and irritating. For many years, Green has heard it many times, but at this time. Obviously so harsh. Green felt that he was in a huge hail, so that he could not breathe and the silence was terrible.

"Trying to disturb your sleep, please forgive my reckless!"

Finally, Green cheered up his courage and sent out his humble and friendly will to this horrible existence that did not know how many years of burial, in an attempt to complete the communication with the golden Titan.

Maybe, can you get this great information?

however. After all, Green's thoughts fell into disappointment. He seemed to accept Green's friendly will, and he did not pay attention to this little bit of trouble that disturbed his sleep, or feared the fate of truth. The black eyelids closed again, obscuring this huge eyelid like a light curtain.


Green sighed quietly, his feet greet the debris and debris that was falling from the top of his head, flew a little distance, letting himself be submerged, waiting for the storm to disappear.

It is worthy of being a second-degree esophagus. Give yourself a big surprise again!

Although, this surprise has scared Green to be unknowingly dyed by cold sweat, and sucked up and did not know how much cold.

After a few hourglass hours.

When the storm vanished, Green first revealed the bones of the bones and looked around. It was no different from the ordinary bones in all directions. Green even had to go through a very strong time fluctuation in the distance and escape at the fastest speed. .

I don't know the eclipse of this dimension, but what is horrible.


Ten years later.

The reaction of the Shroud of Hope is getting stronger and stronger. On this day, in the high-altitude gray streamlined back-tracking rules, suddenly the energy is violently rolling.

Is it the seal of the material world?

Or is it a seal that loses its realistic coordinates?

Or a short coverage connection to a deep illusory world?

With all kinds of possibilities, Green had to be cautious, and with the use of the Thousand Worlds to seal the strong enemy of the six creatures, the soul of Green has relatively declined, so the sacrifice for the material world is very Craving, although this does not change anything in essence.

After a while.

As the energy fluctuations at high altitudes have become larger and larger, and even exceed the limits of Green's tolerance, Greene dare not hesitate to go to the distance and try to escape from here.

Even if it is indeed a seal sacrifice, it is definitely not the existence of this kind of existence, and 10,000 is printed with an endless master, and the surgeon chooses exile, I do not know whether the angry and violent master will be easy. I will erase Green.


An arc flows through the gray mist of the top of the green head, feeling the pressure of the behemoth on the top of the head, the absolute endless dominance of the pressure, its strength, I am afraid enough to reach the time of his participation in the war, the seven-ring true spirit wizard and the metal destroyer At the level of the game, Green only thought that it was a simple flight at this time, as if he was holding a mountain.

A master who descends on the secondary esophagus?

It is so powerful!

Also, weak and small, I am afraid I will not choose to break into here.

Although the masters can break the gap between reality and illusion with the omnipotent dominating soul, but in such a deep illusory world, it is not a minority to consume the soul of the dominance, and the crisis here, some even for the master, You may be killed at any time!

Looking up, the three colors of the face of Green Truth can be seen in the gray mist. A huge ball is covered with flesh and blood tentacles, and the sound of the dolphins sounds, causing the resonance of the sacral bones of the body. Then these serene sacral bones were actually shattered into smaller pieces.

Because this endless master of most of the body is still in the depths of the fog, only to **** the endless green that dominates the small half of the body, guessing that this super-large body is only a deep sea monster, the first time to choose to be in the wreckage A hole was dug in the ground, and one drilled in, and then it was hidden under the robes of the appearance, waiting quietly.


The sound of the arc thunderstorm followed the dominance of the secondary esophagus ~www.novelmtl.com~ did not stay at all, chose to go fast, the pressure is gradually dissipated, Green is relieved, is about to leave, suddenly, the top of the head is gray The misty mist has once again erupted a powerful and horrible atmosphere, and another master has come!

"The battle between the masters is killing?"

In the meantime, there was some speculation in Green's heart, but after this second terrible breath appeared briefly, it was a little quiet, and it seemed to give up the pursuit, and gradually retreated from the ecstasy world of the secondary esophagus.


This kind of emergency is really hard to prevent, and it is also one of the secondary esophageal crises.

"If you have the chance, be sure to find an old monster that has experienced more years here and try to communicate."

Thinking like this, Green is moving closer and closer to the corpse, which is getting closer and closer to the shroud, and continues to fly. (To be continued.)


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