A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1175: Ant colony

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"Hey, work harder, I’m coming in!”

Simba shouted, turned into a real body and turned into a hundred-meter-tall red lion, and Green, who became a barbarian giant day-to-day, together with the five-level monsters that are constantly struggling, no matter how much they dragged into the stream. In the world.

Let this horrible monster raging in the leaves of the elves, how to scream and roar, unable to struggle, but it does not help, but inspires some of the strange feelings of Green and Simba, like a giant wrapped around the prey As the cockroaches continue to work harder, the two continue to exert their own stronger strength.

This five-level monster is also powerful, but in the hands of the streamer back to the rules of the Green and Simba, there are still some not enough.

"What do we look at now, in their eyes?"

Compared to Simba, Green wants more. At this time, through the cracks, looking at the real world like a light curtain through a layer of crystal balls, the blade elves shouted and prayed for prayer, looking forward to the gaze. Even some of the blade elves hand in hand and sing.

The whole world is condensed into one, and together with the picture of the invasion of alien evil spirits, it is printed in the eyes of Green.

In order to protect the motherland from being insulted by the evil spirits of the alien gods, more than 20 three-level peaks and leaves of the Elf King sacrificed the treasures of the whole world to purify and their own lives, summoning the streamer back, the secondary esophagus, Green and Xin Pakistan is such a powerful sealer.

What is certain is that Green and Simba are no longer in the original form in the eyes of these operators. Secondly, another image appears, even a certain regular phenomenon, similar to the forgotten sweat monster that Green summoned. [See the latest chapter of the book, please go to]


The last high roar, this five-level monster, was finally joined by Green and Simba, completely pulling the stream back to the world and pulling into this desperate deep illusory world.

In the moment when the monster enters the illusion, there is a "beep". It was wrapped in gray mist in all directions, and the unwilling but powerless fear was struggling, and gradually disappeared, in a way that Green could not understand. From the real creatures to the illusory creatures, they have risen into the sky, which is the unknown side of the secondary esophagus that Green and Simba can never reach.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

Simbala has a bit of breathing, and the long-term hunger makes it lack of support, and it is exhausted after a little stalemate. In contrast, Green has just begun to exert its strength.

Although it has a six-level biological foundation, Simba is able to play only five levels, even far less than Green.

“The wizards like you thinking like you, knowing that you can get the benefits if you just grab it. Do you want to be so tired?”

After a little rest, Simba gasped and gradually calmed down and asked Green.

"Tired? No, no. No, that is the insight into the mutual appearance of things, pointing to the joy of truth, the source of the wizard's pursuit of strength, how can it be tired?"

Green used a crystal ball to record the changes in reality and illusory rules that occurred in the healing cracks. From an illusory point of view, he looked down on it: "If a wizard feels tired in the process of pursuing knowledge, then he will gradually Eliminated, extinct by evolutionary rules. Can't be a wizard, so you say that all wizards are like this, theoretically correct."

After the smashing of the majestic mane, the Simba state has recovered.

"In the Alliance of the Beasts. The most powerful Beastmaster can only think of the least, the most courageous to play the existence of their own hunting instinct, think too much, will make you weak."

Simba actually told a truth that made Green feel awkward, and Green thought of the most suitable one in the mouth of Simba. Purgatory giant Wang Aibad.


Two years later.

Leading by Simba, through its powerful adaptability and dangerous instinct for the world, it distinguishes hidden time faults.

Compared to Green's slow walking, it is not known how many times faster than the shock wave positioning of the toe rubbing the toes under the toes.

The form of the wreckage under the foot kept changing. During the period, the two had also had a brief contact with several powerful biological wills. Indeed, as Simba said, he was able to enter this world, regardless of whether he came forward or suffered a seal, and the level was not enough. Did not come to this illusory world qualification.

The two companions and creatures gave the prying powers a considerable deterrent, and there was no active attempt to trigger the existence of the battle.

There is a crystal pearl in the hand, and with some special effects of the time, the delightful color in the three colors of the green is no longer like the layer.

Seeing more, the enthusiasm has subsided.

嗡, 嗡, 嗡, 嗡...


The keen insight brought by the face of truth made Green first aware of the concussion of the infrasound. This was not the infrasound shock caused by the storm. After stopping the pace, Green was a dignified color.

"what happened?"

Simba turned to look at Green.

"I think we are in trouble."

In this deep illusory world, Green seems to be walking in the dark forest of the little mouse, full of crises everywhere, at any time may encounter some unbreakable disasters, even the unimaginable absurdity of the real world rules.

This Simba looked down at Green's gaze, faintly seeing the distant horizon, a black line hit like a wave, and the mouth whispered a low voice.

"That's still doing something, not running!"

Simba and Green have found that the black line that rushes over the waves is composed of endless terrorist ant colonies. The vastness of the sky, the Green does not doubt, even In front of his own body, he will be swallowed up by a moment.

It seems that the existence of the seals falling into this illusory world is obviously not the only ones who are powerful and incomparable!

The long-changing mutant monsters, which are threatening to some world balances, can be sealed into such a illusory world at any time, letting the endless world balance rules be digested~www.novelmtl.com~ This is simply a second-order garbage field!

call out! call out!

Behind them are endless ants, chasing over.

Through the face of truth, Green discovered that the ants that make up this terrible ant wave are black-and-slap sized ants with wings, and the disasters will be swallowed up by everything along the way.

And before the endless insults of the sea, it is not only Green, Simba, but also a few strong breaths fleeing behind the two.

A little half a month passed.

As the time of flight has become longer and longer, more and more powerful people are chased by these terrible ants, and there are many people, many of them have six levels of existence!

These arrogant world leaders are chased by the terror ant colony that is almost swallowed up behind them. (To be continued.)


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