A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 24 Chapter 1174: Seal call

A month later, in the past, the metal forest, Green again came to the boundless bones of the earth. ``し

"How big is this secondary esophagus?"

Green rides on the golden lion and asks, while at the same time he is relying on the face of truth, and can not study a specimen of scales, which is precisely in the ruined world, unexpectedly get a strange creature that can perceive the robe of Green's appearance.

Soon, Green found this little creature, able to see through the mysterious principle of his robes.

It turned out to be a change in gravity. This made Green, who inherited the perseverance of Peranos, to be a bit of a sultry, endless world, no wonder, to understand Green’s understanding of the double force, and to solve the problem of the robe of appearance. simple.

The key to the perception of the twelfth project, which was made by Green's self-made truth, lies in these scales.

“There is no end, no end, space and time are meaningless here.”

Simba said, but added: "However, although the second esophagus is endless, but the wreckage corridor has its end, but in the case of invisible light barrier barrier can not move at high speed, it is not a hundred years to cross When I was just stamped here, I once arrived at the edge of the sacral corridor."

When the two talked, suddenly, Green was keenly aware of a trace of strangeness. Under Green's motion, Simba quickly stopped and made a fighting guard posture. The golden mane blew up and blew in the low voice, looking in all directions.

After a while, Green sighed.

"already left."

Simba apparently did not notice the existence of the secret peep, and heard Green say so, and relaxed a little.

"What did you notice?"

Speaking, Simba actually walked around in the vicinity and threw a metal sword from the ground, although it had already lost a lot of power. However, the extent is only higher than the nine-nine sword that was being nurtured by the body of the Green Guru, and the Golden Lion gave it to Green. This is also the area of ​​Grint.

"A six-level creature should exist in the form of an element. I think it should be like me, it will not be long before I enter it, so I will be so careful."

While talking, Green appreciates the long sword in his hand, and also has the characteristics of effectively resisting the erosion of the time. He is played by Green for a while and then thrown into the gap.

In case you leave later, each of the artifacts found here can be exchanged for amazing wealth.

Green did not intend to replace the nine-nine swords in the ancient giants. With the ancient giant sorcerer constantly gestating weapons, Green is looking at the weapon function, not the degree, the time is sufficient, and every weapon bred in the Green body will be earth-shattering.

With the help of the Sage Stone, this goal is not far away.

"Let's go, it's a long time, this kind of guy will see more, and can be qualified to seal the existence of this Yuanjiji, at least the world's master class creature."

Finished. The Golden Lion carried Green and continued to follow the direction of the Shroud of Hope.


Three days later.

The endless giant corpse, the dark carapace is like a black gold. Because of the baptism of the years, they have condensed into a group. In this deserted and empty land, Green and the Golden Lion Simba stopped.

Feeling the strange fluctuations of the gray sky, Green looked at Simba, and he was puzzled: "What happened?"

These high-altitude and foggy rules of conversion are that the face of Green Truth can only be seen through hundreds of meters, and then upward is an illusion.

"Good luck, I actually encountered a crack in the seal. We waited a little while here. See if the operator will pay for the sacrifice."

Sacrifice Calls! ?

Green responded to this, before the radiation world battlefield. The forgotten truth of time and space seals, which was displayed in the state of self-encapsulation, was sealed in the forgotten world in perfection. He has once performed a sacrifice call, summoned a horrible forgotten illusion big guy, and earned a forgotten world.

The big guy that I summoned at that time wouldn’t be like this at the moment with Simba! ?

After a while, Simba, who knows more about the illusory rules here, sings and whispers: "Oh? It seems that the seal is not going well. The subject is very strong. Oh, let's see!" ”

call out! call out!

At the same time, Green and Simba rush into the gray sky and fly toward the strange energy fluctuations that are sensed.

Gradually, a crack of several hundred meters appeared in the eyes of Green.

Looking to the other side of the crack is a world of plants that reveals infinitely beautiful and vibrant, like a peep above the bottle, or a light curtain of the crystal ball, faintly visible to the overwhelming slap-sized plant elves, around After opening the real body, hundreds of meters of powerful black scales and monsters flew.

Behind these elves, there are two green blades as wings, which are constantly fanning, and the life energy released from each other has achieved perfect connection. This is more than a sorcerer and a wizard. .

However, this five-level monster is too powerful. Although these perfectly connected screens can constantly bind the monsters, they will be smashed by brute force.

And this streamer retrospective seal, or the second-order esophageal seal of the surgeon, turned out to be more than 20 three-level peak of the leaf elf!

These leaf elves are surrounded by an ancient tree altar, and they keep coming back from the stream to the world. At the foot of Green and the golden lion Simba, they summon a gray mist and try to drag the monster into the crack.

The monster is struggling with brute force, and this seal is inherently not enough.

"Oh, it seems that we are going to take it, let's make a sacrifice!"

The golden lion Simba snorted with excitement and low, staring at the more than twenty leaf elves on the altar.

Sure enough, after only a short moment, these three-level peaks and leaves of the elves screamed, and with this scream, a lot of berries on the altar were broken, and they were already visible to the naked eye, and their eyes were fast, Green A strange energy was collected with Simba.

This strange energy is drilled into the body of the Green. In an instant, it seems to come from the soul of the turbulent millet. Green feels that the soul of the sacred mark has been added a little. It seems that the inherent illusion of the streamer is also smaller, which reduces the erosion of time. The body skin has become younger.

"what happened?"

Green's question, Simba is excited and roaring.

"Although this does not make much sense to us who are trapped in the secondary esophagus, but can live for hundreds of years, and hope for hundreds of years, maybe there will be a day to go out? Now our task is to put that guy Come in, oh, otherwise these sacrifice energy will not only disappear ~www.novelmtl.com~ will bring a strong time erosion."


Ps: The fourth is finished. Please ask for a full set of egrets on the light of the blue sky, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a ticket, and seek rewards!

The volume of the second esophagus is very difficult to write, because it involves too many illusory clues to make the absurdity and the hugeness, but also to take into account the dimensional gaps that may be drawn later. Therefore, the speed of the code drops sharply, and the code itself is very slow.

As a result, it takes more than four hours to write a chapter. Most of the time is meditation, and the Egret is making 40 final changes to the free chapter. It is 30,000 words and works for 14 hours a day. exaggeration.

It may also be that as the writing time is too long, the study and leisure time is reduced, the amount of information contacted is reduced, and the vitality is nearly exhausted.

This kind of imaginary exploration of the text is really difficult to write, because the author itself needs to continue to learn, and then write it in a fantasy way, it is not only necessary to grasp the reader's seven emotions to shape the contradiction of the character story, create a sense of refreshing achievement. (To be continued.)


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