A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1167: 4 fleeing


A dazzling light passed between Green and the super-magic hand Sylvanis. More than 600,000 degrees of terrorist attacks, even if only a few of them were distributed, still made Green and Svervilis quite affected.

"Mom egg, Eight Lords flash, Green Beast, you are careful, you can't use it!"

A flash, the small eight drilled into the dimension gap.

Under the face of Green Truth, the look is serious, but the three-color light is slightly anxious, and I can’t keep looking back. Even the five-level sacred sorcerer, the speed in the void is surpassed by the Void Fleet, let alone 诡Crystal Terminator.

Just over that 600,000-degree energy beam was launched by the crystallizer Terminator elite.

Even if there are only six crystal-terminated terminators, in any case, a group of four people will not be their opponents, let alone one of the elite crystal-terminated terminators, composed of dark red crystals, surging, even if they are separated by the void, It makes people feel like needles.

"Damn, if we go on like this, we can't escape, split up!"

After the screaming screaming sorcerer’s screaming, the poisonous tumor hama “snap” was called, and the smack of the smuggling smack was swallowed in the rapid expansion, and then rushed toward the other empty direction, the speed was obviously faster than before. A cut.

The people waited silently. After a short moment, they quickly chased the empty fleet that was approaching. They separated a small branch and chased it under the leadership of a crystallizer.

Inadvertently, the super devil's hand Sylvester sighed.

"This Void Fleet will be chased according to the threat of the Skynet Hunting List. We are all the holy marks wizards on the list of the potential of the Wizards World. They belong to the wizards in the eyes of the other side. The Void Fleet has separated so few motherships to pursue the battle. Toxic words should be the reason why this guy is ranked lower."

The heart is sorrowful, and the hand of the super demon is dignified.

I have performed many dangerous tasks myself. I am afraid that the level will never be low in the Skynet hunting list. This trip...

"Wish you guys good luck!"

Unwilling to drag down the two more powerful wizards around him, Sylvester screamed low. Also active separation, hoping to take away a large number of virtual fleets chasing themselves. Leave a chance to escape for the two people around.

After only a short moment, the same, the Nether Fleet, still only a small virtual airship fleet and a crystallizer terminator to chase.

Halfway, Xavier is unbelievable. What is going on?

Can you say that your evaluation on the Skynet Hunting List is just the same as the scorpion? ?

Hurry and turn around, squatting a few people have not completely separated in the void. The super devil's hand, Sylvester's eyes, suddenly shriveled, and for a moment, even the breathing was a little rush!

I saw that at this time, the emptiness of the air, Green and the mountain brute force are also separated, chasing the mountain brute force of the Nether fleet is also a small number, a crystal of the ultimate.


At this time, behind Green, not only has more than half of the number of virtual aircraft carriers, but also three crystallizer terminators, the power of the dark red elite crystallizer terminator far beyond the ordinary crystallizer terminator, is in it. The "bang" and "bang" energy shock waves continue to flash, disappearing into the void.

冇 "The original ... the original goal of this Void Fleet. It turned out to be this guy!"

When he was sighing in his heart, Sylvester was full of shame. Which potential is preparing for the sacred sorcerer is not born and died in the zhan of civilization, he is only one of them, he is not the protagonist of the wizarding world, compared to slowly What is the difference between the sacred sorcerers who have been promoted in the history of the river?

However, Green was pursued by such a Chengdu, even more than himself and the other two. Can you say that... in the position of his Skynet hunting list, there is already a wizard. Promoted to the wizard to lead the elite! ?

What did he do? ?

The wizards lead the elite, except for the real wizards. Only some of the most powerful six-level sacred sorcerer elites can lead the existence of one party, and will be listed as the leading elite.

"Green, the wizarding world won't forget you."

Sylvester clenched his teeth and muttered to himself, gazing at the huge chasing fleet, and gradually appeared tens of thousands of different runes and speed.



There is no endless emptiness in the vast expanse of the universe. Even within the world community, the sacred sorcerer and the lord of the world are only a drop in the ocean. It is not trivial. Otherwise, there will be no emptiness of decades and hundreds of years.

Although Green had already thought that the main goal of this fleet was himself, he did not expect that he would be so cared for.

Six crystal-terminated terminators, more than a thousand virtual motherships, three of which are end-users with no less than six hundred virtual airships, and even the dark red 诡 that is not an opponent even if he self-sealing Crystal Terminator Elite!


Far away, a void creature like a continent is chasing another hollow creature with only half of its body, wanting to swallow it. It is not known how many void worms are inadvertently integrated into the body along the way.

The vain creatures fleeing are extremely desperate, and such chasing does not know that it has lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.

This is the existence of the void creature, the rule creature

Deftly passing through the Nether creature, Green Jī published a robe of elephants, and his energy response will be minimal, hoping to escape.

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

Hundreds of energy beams, this body-like emptiness of the giants in the sky, was instantly smashed and broken, and the will of the emptiness creatures spread.

Be cautious, the emptiness flows through the side of the sky, although Green is hidden, but did not choose to stay in place, but changed direction and continued to flee, only a small moment, the Void Fleet still chased it again!

Leading the dark red crystallizer terminator, or a special virtual aircraft carrier in the Nether Fleet, has the ability to detect the hiding power of Green's appearance!

Glut, whisper, whistle...

Green swallowed a bottle of lavender turbidity, and then the body changed again and again, and then opened four layers of wild instinct to transform, and continued to flee in the form of barbarian giants day by day, the speed is significantly faster.


After a little half a month.

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

A fragment of the debris of the ruined space, the area of ​​the tower that has not been annihilated is vast, and the ground is full of black lacquer bugs, feeding on the light of the rainbow that spans the endless void.

Green gasped for the sky.

The three crystallizers are opening up the rules of the fragile and meager world, and the mechanical indifference seems to be the most deadly blow to Green as long as they fall within this piece of the world.

The blood wound of the left arm was repaired under the repair of the alienation and the source of annihilation~www.novelmtl.com~, after the silence of Green, the book of Truth was taken back in the bitter smile, giving up the last struggle to resist the struggle, and the dimension gap was opened. Slowly, a golden cane appears.

"Mom, decided?"

Xiao Ba stretched out from the gap of the dimension and asked.

"There is no way."

Green held the light of the scepter of hope, shook his head, and replied in a low voice. At the same time, a glimpse of the sand of the time and the quaint wall clock appeared, and a strange illusion began to pervade.

"Using illusory time and space to break through the dimension dimension is the truth of the truth that every wizard is trying to pursue. The streamline backtracking is very close to the dimension gap. Hey, although I can't enter the streamline backtrack, if you accidentally fall into the dimension gap, Call me, the gap between the dimensions is not what you can do now, right... and the page of fate."

I hope that the light of the scepter will be more dazzling. Behind the huge hole that the three crystallizers of the crystallizer broke open in the sky, it is faint to see that the huge void fleet has already surrounded this space debris, and the endless black bug on the ground seems to have I feel that the end of the world is coming, and there are hoarsenesses.

"The Wizarding World, I will definitely be back!"


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The twenty-fourth volume of the esophagus, please look forward to. (To be continued) []

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