A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1166: crisis


For the civilization developed on this new heterogeneous system, Green's understanding is relatively shallow, there are too many unknowns, and it must not be judged by those indigenous world standards, so it is already ready for exposure.

In this case, the arrival has been obtained, and it is time to leave!

In the first time, Greene suddenly appeared in the virtual mothership. Even if there was no deliberate release of any imposing pressure, the excessive wave of life caused by the excessively high level of life caused the two new humans and living robots nearby to fly. Go out.


A cold voice, Green's extreme abyss wands waved again and again, completely smashing one after another frightened new human beings, left hand "Book of Truth" "哗哗啦啦" flipped, forgotten runes surging, falling on these wonderful ice sculptures On the top, one by one, the forgotten sweat palms that protruded from the cracks dragged them one by one into the illusory world.

These humanoids, if there is a value about the metal destroyer civilization, the most critical evolution must also be in the skull tissue, even though Green's anatomical biological specimens have long been countless, and have never seen a similar biological evolutionary organization!

嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜, 嗡呜...

Alert: Discover dangerous intruders and discover dangerous intruders. Ask everyone to go to the nearest escape cabin with the help of the accompanying robot!

At the time of the Green Devil's raging, the false carrier's more urgent alarm came.

If it was said that only a small group of people were scared, then the intruder heard that he was in his own virtual aircraft carrier, and on the 3d imaging light curtain, Green appeared in a hall and screamed. "The scene, everyone is not in the creeps.

"Here, come here!"

"There are twelve escape cabins in this direction..."

噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, ......

Entering the escape cabin is a new human horror. The door quickly closed, followed by a series of jets, and the gravity was out of tune. Obviously it has been separated from the virtual mothership and it is temporarily safe.

Although long-term investment and Skynet virtual world. But as a creator of civilization, the new human beings are naturally very clear, if the ontology encounters the horror of the creatures in the dark areas of the sky net in the real world.

In the old human and some film and television works, through the constant imagination, these monsters have long been depicted as extremely terrible.

On the 3d imaging light curtain, the humanoid monster with short face and many eyes is so terrible that it is a devil. It should not exist in this world, it must be wiped out forever by the metal terminator and metal destroyer who represent the most advanced civilization of the new man!


"These specimens should be enough. Take them back to the real wizards and discover the secrets."

About 100 kinds of personal biological specimens were sealed and all the rest were already escaping from the virtual mothership.

In the Void Mothership, these low-level robots cannot be attacked with great power because of certain specific rules. Even though the so-called big power attack, it is only a itch for Green.

The face of truth is perceived by the three colors of light. The virtual mothership presents a black and white structure consisting of points and lines. The energy blocks at the chest of each metal robot emit red hot luster, and the dark matter reactor energy is transmitted to all corners of the virtual mothership. One after another, the escape cabin is rapidly separating from the virtual mothership.

On the outside, the raging wind is mixed with a lot of particles, which seriously affects the perception of truth. But through the most basic elemental energy induction of the wizard, it is clear that there are several huge energy sources that are slowly approaching, although there is no When boarding a ship, it is not important to judge whether it is another virtual aircraft carrier or a metal terminator or even a crystallizer terminator.

Here. Green has collected all the information and specimens he wants.

"I hope these are what the real wizards want!"

The magic is swung, and the coordinates of the space under the feet are extended. In the next moment, the body suffered from a huge time and space to distort the pressing force. As if to pull the noodles, a cockroach, has appeared in the void.

"Mom, this is so big! Green Beast, what have you been doing there?"

At this time in the void, the mountain savage, the scorpion smuggling, the super magic hand three, actually flying at high speed, a fugitive look, the look is somewhat unnatural.


Green looked back, and the three-color pupils shrank!

There is a huge fleet of chasing huge voids, which is far more than the number of Green's previous explorations!


What is even more frightening is that in front of this huge Netherfleet, one, two, three, four, five, six, a total of six crystallizer terminators bloom with dazzling energy spots, and even one of them in the Green Eye, the energy response far exceeds other Obviously, it is the elite of the Twilight Terminator, and its combat power is higher than that of the ordinary crystallizer terminator.

"How is this going

! ? ”

Green sucked a sigh of coolness, smashed into the air, and was chased by such a virtual empty mothership and the crystallizer terminator. It was not a joke.

So far, the Wizarding Alliance has fought against the metal destroyer civilization, and the void field is still a relatively weak link.

I have to admit that in the emptiness of the void, the Witch Corps fought against the Metal Destroyer's Legion, because the fate of the fate changed the evolution of the ancient wizard's sky city virtual warfare, so it was almost innate disadvantage and was firmly suppressed.

"How can we know! These virtual motherships seem to have emerged out of thin air, and it seems that we have long waited for us to wait here. Once we have come up, we have locked us. Is it that we have long known that our whereabouts have already been buried here? Say, what happened to you in the ruined world?"

Shan Man Lux has a low voice and a few vibrato.


Green's firm low voice.

Then, Green immediately thought of something, a flash in his hand, four crystal **** appeared, and after copying the information recorded in the ruined world quickly, there were several new human specimens, which were flashed and distributed to other Three people.

"Which of us, no matter who succeeds in getting out of danger, we must send the mission information back to the Wizarding League. Although it is not certain, the reason why this ridiculous pursuit will be related to the intelligence inside!"

In Green's mind, the unknown dark area of ​​the metal destroyer civilization is guessed, as if the layer of veil has been found, which must have some clues that the wizarding world can't understand for a while.

The war of civilization, the struggle between the two sides, often show their most ferocious and powerful side to each other, while hiding their weak side.

Different civilizations will evolve different types of combat styles according to their own characteristics~www.novelmtl.com~ Wizarding World Dawn Wisdom, and classify them into three categories for analysis.

One is the principle of wooden barrels, which is a piece of woodwork in various fields of the civilized world. It is not the strongest board component, but the weakest one!

The second is the tapered model. If the civilized world wants to get the strongest development in the shortest time, it must concentrate all resources and study a field to form some areas of crushing advantages and include more resources.

The third is snowballing. The foundation of the development of the civilized world is the stronger combat system in the Vietnam War. Whoever can bring this system to the strongest position will be able to give full play to its own advantages and destroy the other side with an unstoppable general trend.

The war of civilization is ever-changing, and the cultures of the two sides vary widely. However, in the eyes of the highest intelligent elite of the wizards, there are no more than these three modes of warfare. This broad-minded intellectual understanding has far surpassed the local operational planning and even the so-called civilized strategic arrangement. This is the station. At the height of history, overlooking the rise and fall of civilization.

What the wizard needs to do is to fully exploit the advantages of his wooden barrel principle.


Ps: I accidentally repeated the vip chapter before because the web page had an upload error. After the result was clicked again, the situation appeared and I apologized.

Because there is still a last chapter in the volume of the war of civilization, it is necessary to move one of the four that was originally expected tomorrow to today, or else forget to forget the volume.

The next volume, the second esophagus! (To be continued) []

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