A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1160: Guard fleet

Innocent and empty, 120 years of time for the sacred marks of the wizard, but the journey of the war between the front lines of the war of vast civilizations.

"Void fleet?"

With the help of truth, Green has been in the vast expanse of the sky, observing the coordinates of the ruins of the world, a virtual fleet of more than a hundred virtual motherships, quietly floating, silent.

For more than a hundred years, Green's self-seal sequelae have been restored, and have begun to enter the next phase of self-sealing and accumulating process.

If it is inside the world, this virtual fleet consisting of more than a hundred virtual motherships is nothing under the four-level five-point sorcerer wizard power. However, in the void, it is much more troublesome!

The face was dignified, and everything that Green would observe was presented to the other three people who stopped at the light curtain.

"Oh, it seems that this mission is really troublesome! According to a secret agent who is secretly relying on the world, this ruined world has extraordinary significance in the metal destroyer civilization. It has witnessed several virtual fleets gathered here. After passing this world intelligence to the Wizarding League, it became our mission."

Shan Man Luxe snorted, but said the real reason for the mission.

The more unusual, the more likely it is to hide secrets, otherwise a round of true spirit wizards will not specifically remind the person of the difficulty and arduousness.

The swearing swearing sorcerer did not speak, and the sag of the eye socket turned to Geshvilles. Compared to Green, the name of the super magic hand was even bigger.

"According to the secrets of the second ring of real spirits, the metal destroyers have been discovered, there are four places, the most powerful of which is the emperor of Vantage Quantum Technology, whose position is equivalent to the lever of the wizard's civilization. It is hidden in the core of the universe. The specific functions are unclear. Third, the four are metal fires and stellar orbital guns, all of which have changed the power of civilization to the process. As for the second item, it is still unknown. The Wizarding Alliance is collecting all the things about it. The clue, the ruin of the world is abnormal, and is also listed as one of the potential clues."

Sylvester, again, gave some information.

At the same time, because there was no more vain, Xiao Ba also got out of the gap between the dimensions. After hearing the words of Hilvers, he was shocked.

"Mom. This civilization has such a strong potential? It has created four civilizations, one more than the wizarding world!"

The scorpion whispering language does not agree with it, the voice with its unique trembling smile.

"Oh, in fact, according to actual combat data, whether it is a metal fire or a stellar orbital gun, it is a little more than a wizard's world fate lever, "The Book of Destiny", and the city of Eternal Heaven. Even now it is rare to show power. "The Book of Destiny," said that when the ancient wizards ruled, there were not a few masters who died under them."

The original five-person squad became four at this time. Although the rewards are more than a part, they are also less powerful.

Otherwise, if it is five people, taking the initiative to attack this void fleet should be the best choice. Then it collects all the information in the ruined world at the fastest speed.

time flies.

While everyone is making detailed operational plans, they are constantly looking at Green in the ruins of the world. Suddenly, the body is stiff, sucking a cold breath and eating and screaming: "Hey...the end of the crystal, two!"

Fortunately, Green strengthened the insight of the truth, and finally in a humble virtual carrier, spying on the energy response of the twin crystallizers blocked by the energy fluctuations of the dark matter reactor.

"Two twins terminators!"

Everyone who is working on a detailed plan is all surprised.

Although Green successfully sealed a crystallizer terminator, it does not mean that Green already has the capital to defeat the Twilight Terminator. At this time, Green's self-sealing book storage capacity is far less than 140% explosive, and secondly, it is in the void. The assisted combat capability of the Nether Fleet has been greatly enhanced.

And since there have been two crystallizer terminators, the huge Terminator Legion is almost inevitable!

The more so. The more people are almost certain, there must be some unknown secrets in this world, waiting for everyone to discover.

For a time, everyone fell into silence.

"Half of the mission reward, two kilograms of witchcraft, you are responsible for guarding my soul partner Yahong Niweixi, to ensure that it is absolutely safe here, I am willing to sneak into the world to explore."

Green suddenly said that he broke the silence between several people.

"You sneak into it alone?"

It’s hard to understand the smuggling slogan, “How do you sneak in? With our huge body, it’s impossible to get through the emptiness of the fleet of empties through the world of ruins, even if you have some hidden means?”

"Hey, you can enter the Wizards World with five levels of wizards, and naturally have their own unique collections, aren't they?"

Green actually asked the swearing words.

Compared with the scorpion slang, Shan Man Lux and the super devil's hand, Sylvernis, have a little understanding of the rules and regulations of the Green World's clothing rules, but the price of the two thousand sage stone...

"Mom, this is the battle of civilization. When my young master is born and died, I want half of your mission reward. It is equivalent to earning two thousand grams of sages from the sky when you run away."

Xiao Ba dissatisfied shouting.

After a few people glanced at each other, the hand of the super-magic Severus stared at the three colors of the face of Green Truth, and said: "How much do you have to grasp? If we let us go to rescue, it is not the equivalent of your white occupation. Are we cheap?"

"Nine points to grasp!"

Green has been in the world of radiation, and has recently tested the degree of concealment of the robes of the appearance of the crystal dynasty. If there is no close combat, the robes of the appearance can reach a fairly high degree of privacy for the crystallization terminal, as long as Green is careful, The task should not be too arduous~www.novelmtl.com~ said, Green seriously said: "If something goes wrong, you don't have to rescue it. Just take care of yourself and leave, but you must protect my soul partner. It escapes into the illusory world because of danger, and I will use it to travel through time and space."


"Get it!"

Shan Man Luxe made the first statement, and directly handed the stone of the three big ones and four small sages to Green. After thinking about it, Hevilnis finally decided to hand over the stone of the two thousand sages of Green.

In the end, Green looked at the swearing words.

"I replaced it with the silk of time."

Said, in the gaze of Green and Xiaoba, the smuggling secret language actually took out a line ball, the line ball is black and white two-color, interactive entanglement.

"These silks of time, you have to pay me another thousand grams of the sage."

After being silenced for a while, Green nodded and said, "Yes." (To be continued.)

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