A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1159: New humans!

嘀, 嘀, 嘀, 嘀, 嘀...

In the gentle alarm of the virtual mothership, hundreds of mechanical warehouses are marked with "metal service, good life, Skynet changes the world, Vantage Quantum Technology" intelligent metal robots, neatly from the capsule maintenance cabin After opening the eyes, slowly open the hatch and walk out of the capsule.

These metal robots have basically no combat capability. They are one meter and five tall and adopt the softest design. After comparing with Tianwang, they have confirmed the environment outside the virtual mother ship through the 3D light curtain.

A series of confirmations, these metal robots lined up neatly, stepped out from the door of the empty maintenance hall, and joined the machines in several other halls, and then each performed their duties and began to fill each of the virtual motherships. corner.

These robots are actually living robots!

Some of these living robots began to remove the dust from the corners of the void carrier, and they were meticulous. Some of them began to regulate the normal functioning of the virtual motherships, while others germinated and germinated the plant seeds in the breeding room, and even began to cultivate ice-blocking solutions. After the livestock provide meat, as well as catering services, entertainment and leisure services...

A few days later, the virtual airship living service area became well organized.

It seems that everything is ready, in the deepest part of the virtual mothership, in the high security level hall, after more than 100 robots lined up to verify the encrypted information, a layer of blue water wave shield is closed, followed by a light scrub, heavy metal The door was slowly opened.

The gate is a high-grade material that has been insulated by Vantage Quantum Technology. It can effectively resist the erosion of the void. At the crucial moment, the entire hall is a huge escape cabin, which is very user-friendly.

哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒, 哒...

The machines try to keep the gentle steps into the hall.

The lobby is large in size and is at the safest core of the virtual carrier. Protected by the most densely sealed, a cylindrical glass unit with a length of four meters and a diameter of two meters is neatly scattered in every corner of the hall, with numerous tubes inserted. There was a sense of oppression in an ancient wizarding laboratory.

Inside the cylindrical glass unit, it passes through the transparent crystal and the green liquid filled inside. Through the soft and dim glow of the inside, it is faint to see a three-meter-like humanoid creature sleeping peacefully in the liquid.

These humanoid creatures are also the structure of the skull, neck, torso, and limbs, which are similar to humans in the wizarding world.

The only difference is that these humanoid limbs are more slender and fragile, and their bodies are taller, about three meters, similar to ordinary mechanical terminators, and disproportionately large heads. It is a half-transparent organization, and it is faint to see that thousands of light spots in the organization are moving at high frequencies.

The machine people stand in front of the corresponding cylindrical glass unit according to their respective labels, and simultaneously press a device button.


After a rush of hydraulic flow, the viscous nutrient solution in the cylindrical crystal vessel is sucked out by the connecting pipe, while a mechanical arm is extended inside, some are responsible for cleaning, some are responsible for massage, some are responsible for injection, and some are responsible for combing. Finally, a few mechanical arms put on a set of tights for the humanoid inside.

Gradually, the pair of eyes occupying a large proportion of the skull, slowly opened.

Soft and elegant music sounds in your ears. There is also a 3d imaging light curtain.

"Metal service, good life, Skynet change the world, Vantage Quantum Technology. No. sxy13784387261 second class citizen, Skynet special carrier is very happy to provide full service for your archaeological trip, take care of your living and happy journey It will be our greatest happiness. After the 750 billion quantum, the destination of the ancient world of Tramayi has arrived. Please enjoy this unforgettable excavation."

“Hint: Your body tissue has a long-term dormancy with an active strength of 15%. Please take restorative exercise with the help of the auxiliary tights.”

“Hint: Your light brain stays in the Skynet Unreal Simulation game for a long time. The recognition of reality is 33%. Please accompany the service robot to adapt to the real world rules.”

"Hint: You are from the official Sky Network id player, and the information is still full of 76%. Please go all out to make your own contribution to Vantage Quantum Technology New Humanity and defeat the development of civilization. All the enemies on the road."

"Hint: When your spiritual soul resonance has 3.7 trillion quantum, there are normal life indicators, no need for genetic drug modification, and maintain vitality."

"Hint: Your friend..."

This new human being has gradually adapted to the most basic situation of the real world in the meticulous micro-services of many robotic arms. The thinking is connected with the virtual environment by the light-brain training, and gradually disengages and begins to adapt to the fragility of the ontology.

Gradually, after the completion of the Skynet’s reality message, a reddish alarm appeared.

"Warning: You have left the Skynet Perpetual Motive to shelter the world of the universe and come to the wild colonial development world group. Please consciously abide by the rules of Vantage Quantum Technology. Trama Yigu World is living in the dark area outside the world. The wizards are relatively close to each other and are in the second-level policing state. We have dispatched a virtual fleet to defend the world, and can be protected from the powerful brain id players from the surrounding base. I wish you a smooth journey. ""


As many robotic arms retracted, the clear crystal glassware compartment slowly opened, and a passionate high-intelligent life service robot came together.

"Hello, I am a small yy, I am very happy to serve you, your happiness is my greatest happiness. Yes, I have a new human three-level citizenship certificate, belonging to the third-class citizen of Vantage Quantum Technology, so you must maintain equality. And respect, otherwise it will be downgraded by Skynet's rating~www.novelmtl.com~ Thank you for your cooperation."

咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓, 咔嚓...

"I am a small cs..."

"I am a small zt..."


After the vessel compartments were opened, the new humans wearing the auxiliary tights began to adapt to the real world life with the help of the life service robots, flying long and long distances, in order to become a light brain id player, manipulating the metal destroyer. Dreams, these new humans have lived in the world of Skynet virtual world for too long.

In reality, these new human beings are very strange to each other. Even the simplest biological group communication must be carried out through Tianwang and the miracle people. It seems that face-to-face exchange of true feelings is hard to say.

In this new way of life between humans and robots, and through robotic communication with humans, time passes by.

With the help of auxiliary tights, the new humans gradually began to restore real-world mobile functions. (To be continued.)

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