A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1157: Awaken and victory!

Endless darkness, cold and hot, mixed with Green's nerves.

Tired and tired, even if you shake your eyelids, you can't do it, but Green knows that you can't go on like this anymore.

In the almost suffocating oppression, Green desperately tried to get more gas into the lungs and squeezed the gas out of the lungs.

"Get up, can't go on like this!"

"Open your eyes and open it quickly..."


After a long darkness, it seems as if I can't remember a long dream. When the first light hits the Green eye, it seems to represent hope. The two-color pupil is shrunk from the unconscious magnification to the tip size.

"I... How long have I been in a coma?"

The first thing that Green wakes to see is the small eight and the leaves that are standing on the left and right sides of each side, and the dew that is sweating for himself. In the weak and weak, Green Instinct interrogates the situation.

"Green, you woke up!"

Lucy snorted in surprise, and then hurriedly helped Green to lean on the soft pillow on the edge of the bed, whispering: "You have been in a coma for ninety-five days."

"Ninety-five days!"

Green asked again: "How is the war, is the war victorious?"

Immediately, Green felt the rich and radiant world rules around him, shook his head in a silly manner, and asked what nonsense he was asking.

If it fails, you will not wake up again.

"Of course it was victorious! We won a great victory. Not only did we successfully destroy the space-based starship, but we also killed the metal destroyer on the Central Continent after being chased by the huge wizarding army led by the seven-ring spirit wizard. Turned into a vast and extremely dominated crater. It is rumored that the seven-ring true spirit wizard has sealed all the remaining metal fires. In the battle of the entire civilization, the metal destroyer civilization will never appear metal fire!"

A series of good news, so that Green, who has just been awake from the coma, can't react.

It’s like closing your eyes and blinking, and the whole world situation has turned over and it’s hard to accept.

"Victory, victory, victory..."

Green repeatedly muttered to himself, so that he was so victorious that he could not persist in the end, witnessing the most glorious scene, and he was extremely sorry.

Victory, not only because of the last witnesses, but also the thousands of wizards who have fallen for the wizard's will, and there are countless sorcerers like Green and the Three Winds, but they have not survived. Glorious, become a member of the historical scroll, silently dedicated.

Turbulent, Green felt the strange atmosphere around him, and was surprised. Then he noticed that Xiao Ba’s face was so sullen and dripping, and there was a leaf that was ashamed.


Xiao Ba directly interrupted Green's words.

"Accurately, you have been stunned for a hundred and fifty hourglass hours. During this period, you called a total of 99,721 leaves, but only shouted three Lafite. You are almost forgetting Lafite!"

Ye Ye, who is on the side, is shy and said: "You don't be angry when you are young, beautiful things will be loved by more people. Hey... I blame me, so beautiful, not only you and your sister, but even Green. I have always loved me secretly, er... woman, I have to be a little better, so that I can keep my beauty all the time."

Said, Ye Ye apologetically looked at Green.

"Green, although you like me very much, I also appreciate your scholarly talent, but I already have a small eight, so we can only be friends. Sorry, you are a good person, don't be sad..."

Green opened his mouth, and after a while, he said: "I am not sad."

"You still said that you are not sad, so you don't know what to say. Sorry, it's all bad for me, it's all my fault, Green, you don't want to open it!"

Ye Ye apologizes more.

"I won't think about it..."

Green answered with a headache.

"Ah! Green, you must not do some stupid things, we can still be friends, then, you will..."

What exactly is going on?


A few years later.

嘎嘣, 嘎嘣, 嘎嘣...

At the waist of the mountain, there is a leopard-printed animal skin. The two giant bells and bells keep ringing, and the mouth of the scorpion "skull" and "skull" chew the stone of the sage, and look at the unpredictable rules in front of you. The pit, a low voice.

"The seven-ring true spirit sorcerer came and destroyed a metal destroyer, and it was amazingly good news. However, the war of civilization has become more and more frequent and fierce."

One sigh, Shan Man Luxe walks on the earth of the radiant radiation world. Every step is so heavy, but it seems to be a metaphor of the element. The last step is still a few kilometers away. This step has already arrived, the next step. It disappeared into the sky.


Deep in the base of the round, the main hall was sealed in time and space, and three figures stood.

One person's colorful runes shrouded, glaring at the extreme abyss magic wand, and the three-color glare on the mask kept moving, very mysterious.

The other two, one with a leopard-print skirt at the waist, bare-chested, like granite-like skin, the last one is a strange face, the sullen eye sockets are green and green, actually a cursed wizard, holding in his hand A cockroach that is full of cancerous tumors.

"Hey, this annihilation tower sacred sorcerer, your state doesn't seem very good? I heard that this trip to the ruins of the world is not simple, don't be surprised by your situation."

The swearing secret language cursed the sorcerer's voice low and hoarse, and spoke a little vibrato, seemingly faintly smiling.

Unlike the ancient appearance, the fire of the inner soul is very strong.

"嘎嘎嘎~www.novelmtl.com~ Don't be self-sufficient, one, my young master takes half the strength and is better than you. Just take care of yourself."

On the shoulders of Green, the little eight is unhappy.

I didn’t pay attention to this smuggling secret language sorcerer, and the slightly tired three-color sorcerer looked at the mountain savage. After a little coughing and coughing, he coughed a little and said: “The color simulation can’t come, a few years ago, He was sent to secretly perform the mission of diving into the space-based starship and failed to come out."

"Well, the bonfire sword was promoted to the sixth level of biology in the abyss of the earth, and was dispatched to the boiling world to fight."

After a pause, Shan Man Lux went on to say: "The catastrophe of the dying has received a special mission from the three-ring real spirit wizard, and it has been transferred by temporary secrets. Therefore, we are likely to have one less person to perform this mission. There is also one more reward."


As the last person walked into the hall of time and space, Green looked and said, "Is he?"

This person turned out to be the hand of the super devil, Xavier!

After seeing Green, the hand of Super Devil was obviously amazed for a moment. The two nodded. After a brief introduction to each other, a round of true spirit wizards will come with a mechanical shackle as a carrier.

Mission: Explore the ruined world for information.

Mission reward: Three thousand grams of sage stone, and a thousand grams of sage stone reward, a total of four kilograms.

Just exploring the mission is equivalent to twice the reward of the mission! 〖Unfinished to be continued〗 []

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