A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1156: Battle of civilization

Such a huge horror is enough to become a myth in the legendary history of lower biological creatures, the vast and uncontrollable dominance...

To achieve this level, there is no need to fight too much between the two.

Any tricks and tricks will be crushed ruthlessly before absolute power!

Even though the seven-ring true spirit wizard Wanmi is the real body, the power of the vast elements is shrouded, and there are many ancient dragon knights gathered around, and it seems that the Optimus Prime Metal Destroyer can't turn over.


When this incredibly large robot, like a solid creature in the void, is really standing up, all the low-level wizards and the holy-spot wizards are not sipping a breath, even some living creatures are too big. There is only incomparable despair.


Too large a living body, which has reached the life form even if it is a holy mark wizard.

The huge head, which is indescribable in size, overlooks the interior of the radiant world in the void. Perhaps in its eyes, everything in the world is the same as what Green sees.

Even appearing in a more bizarre form?

Vaguely, from the emptiness of the sky, the thick and turbulent sound waves of the deep-sea metal behemoths are piled up on the clothes of the world. Everyone is looking up. This foot is stepping on the solid earth of the radiation world, and a footstep is easy. Pingshan, above the waist, has broken through the world's clothing barrier, reaching into the vast expanse of giants.

The huge head was lying in the mouth of the bottle, overlooking the cockroaches in all the boxes.

Suddenly, this behemoth seems to have found the right target, or found the strongest one. With great interest, he reached out a palm and grabbed it inside the box.

Time flies, the sky is changing. The dense and abundant elements are turbulent because of the huge palm of more than 100,000 meters, causing the chaos of radiation waves. The force of the elements and the metal giants are violently rubbing all the time, and the surface of the metal palm is baked red.

It is like a piece of fire falling from the sky, slow to the seven-ring true spirit wizard, but unstoppable, the terrible pressure of imprisonment, almost let the elements and the air condense into a solid.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out……

The mighty pressure from the sky above the head, like an invisible mountain, pressed against everyone's shoulders. A famous sorcerer and metal terminator, like a meteor, involuntarily fell from the sky and barely kept standing on the ground.

As for the lower creatures, they have already lost consciousness. Those who are not lucky in the palm of the sky are unconscious. If they are not lucky, they will explode and die, and they will be pressed into the metal ruins by layers of pressure. .

In the middle of the majestic metal giants, the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

As if the pressure of the whole world is gathering here!

"Seven Rings! Never take out your cards. I can escape first, even if the world supports it, even if there is more soul to dominate. It is not enough to fight this big guy!"

The mother-in-law is also suffering from incredible oppression. The real body is even bigger than the seven-ring true spirit wizard. At this time, it is reduced to a sphere under this pressure, emitting a beautiful and colorful light. Like a colorful sun.

"Hey, the wizarding team can be a tough guy with this big guy. There are really few. I am afraid that even the Sea King Festival and the Mountain Giant King are worse. The Old Black Witch is similar to the one round, but one is not. Will participate in the war. One is in a sealed state. If there is a star, there are some possibilities. Unfortunately, the world tree cannot come. Otherwise it should be able to suppress..."

The ancient dragon knights around have long been inconsistent with many other sacred sorcerers. When the ground is about to fall, it will be put away by the ring of Titan's loss.

In such a dangerous situation, the seven-ring true spirit wizard actually talked and laughed, no panic.

However, with the words, the smile of the seven-ring true spirit wizard gradually began to converge, with a bit of solemnity and pride, facing the vast, unmatchable horror palm of the layer in the sky, slowly extending out to take it. The right hand of the magic wand is wrapped in the light and dark.

On the quaint rigid ring, the most central, a touch of grain still erupts with the most violent blazing blaze, even if it is oppressed by the mighty high ground, it has not appeared half-scarred!

"However, even if it is just just advanced, the purgatory furnace, which was cast with the invincible will of the war, will be blessed with this Titan's loss ring after the infinite blessing of the world's lords." The Purgatory Giant Ebdon is enough to fight one!"

The smudged road symbolizes barbaric violence, invincible, and arrogant roar of the world. It is the raging will of the king of the purgatory giant Eba Dang!

With the seven-ring true spirit screaming, the singer summoned, the most dazzling light and heat broke out on the ring of Titan's loss, as if the midday sun, just right, unwavering, magnificent, invincible, endless Power blooms in all directions.

Booming rumbling...

The feet are stepping on the ground. At this moment, the golden stream overflows, the pure flame of the burning flames rises, and the metal and the strong bones melt for it. In time, it becomes a flame ocean.

The shoulder-melting furnace broke out like a sun in the flame world!

The moment the kilometer of the flame giant appeared, he felt the horrible pressure from the top of his head. Slowly, the body of the flame giant greeted this pressure. The four narrow slits seemed to reveal endless excitement and eagerness. Standing up.

As Ebdon stares into the past, one excites into the depths of the soul, and every flame is screaming and cheering.

Standing straight, the dark red blazing burning furnace on the shoulder, the red gold lava flowing, burning all things in the world!

Beside it, the seven-ring spirit wizard represents the sorcerer's will to make a "squeaky" laugh, which is the wizard's power to change the endless world with wisdom rules, and look at the strongest force to launch metal fires. The ruthless Optimus Prime Metal Destroyer.

"Oh... my name is Purgatory Giant Aba Dang!"

Along with the screaming of Ebdan, the endless warfare gathered together, it was the savage excitement, it was the flame that never yielded, and the invincible courage.

The earth is also turned into a melt at this moment, and the sky is burning at this moment. The purgatory of the purgatory of the shoulder is the gathering of his will, the right hand is holding the furnace of purgatory, and after a moment of knees, suddenly, the hands become raging. The purgatory furnace that burns the sun is thrown out against the sky and the palm of the hand.

"Hey! Burn it! The furnace of purgatory, I am with you, infernal purgatory!"

The Purgatory Furnace, able to continue to smelt the strong, never stop growing, and infinite purgatory, you need to consume the upper limit of its own growth, temporarily erupted the holder of three times the fire of the Purgatory!

The time and space in all directions was distorted by the burning of the shore and the flame, and it was dyed dark red, as if the endlessly poured the blood of the enemy under the furnace.

The disorder is violent, but the small kilometer is like throwing a tens of thousands of meters of flame sun, the true positive sun;

It is the seven-ring true spirit wizard who summoned the king of Aba, and can't help but turn around.

Nowadays, the power of the Purgatory Giant King, who is promoted to the seventh level, has surpassed his own imagination. This is the third strongest force in purgatory, and has definitely exceeded his upper limit!

"Seven rings, you can actually..."

The unbelievable will of the mother-in-law exclaimed, this fiery sun, the violent and uncontested warfare condensed in it, it is also a sense of chills and chills.

The power of such barbarism to destroy everything is precisely the nemesis that relies on super-regeneration and the source of radiation to penetrate the "sticky" creatures!

At this time, the flame giant who was enslaved by the Titan's shackles, the attacking power that broke out in an instant, has reached a sensational level.

What I don’t know is that the infernal purgatory at this time is no longer the same as that during the period when Aba Dang was a six-level creature, but it only used the power of the purgatory furnace to attack the upper limit.

Infernal purgatory, not hurting the enemy, first hurt yourself, to consume the soul of their own dominance, casting the purgatory furnace superb!

Booming rumbling...

In the endless flames, the energy of ruining the earth and the roaring of the earth, turning into the eternal picture of the battle of civilization, a touch of the sun, became a tribute to the history of the wizards, and eternal.


Ps: Yesterday's "Witch Tour" subscription ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ created the highest ever, more excessive things, even a total of 106 reminders voted, thank you for your support!

In any case, even if it is difficult, although it has already exceeded the original plan, today the Egret has to achieve six more! !

However, the latter two will be a little later, from 5 pm to 6 pm, some details in the manuscript need to be fixed.

Writing the war of civilization, invested in the Egret a lot of energy, especially this chapter, almost reached an intoxicating state, caught in a moody madness.

However, after reading it today, I felt that many places were very bloated and not skillful. I wanted to add more and more discretionary repairs. However, I recalled the various fanaticisms in my previous writings and finally chose to retain that state as a commemoration.

Finally, after the outbreak, ask everyone for support. At the starting point of the Chinese website, complete the "Witch Tour" to receive a line of egrets on the sky! Vote for your monthly pass, recommended ticket, and rewards for the Wizarding Journey!

From 5 pm to 6 pm, there are two more, and later, some new story progress will be unveiled... (to be continued.)

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