A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1143: Battle of Civilization (40)

Because of the source of darkness, the speed of the residual sound of the continuous sound explosion, the body of the crystallizer terminates fierce friction with the surrounding elements, like a raging fireball rushed up.

In the center of the tens of meters of fireballs, the continuous alarm is issued in the field of the crystallizer's terminator, which causes two different coping styles in the battle calculation judgment, and pauses to select several quantum time.

In the end, I saw that the body that was subjected to strong pulling force gradually reversed the resistance. I did not choose to break away from the mysterious power of the dark source of the waist. Instead, after the right fist was slowly held, the whole body energy gathered and turned from pink to Dark red, then turned from dark red to completely dark!

Although self-intelligence judges, in the small-scale battle at this moment, choosing to avoid this annihilation wizard is the most perfect attack method. However, from the analysis of external conditions, the space-based starship metal robot army is in the process of defeat. The distant wizarding corps is surging, and this dying terminator is not allowed to return due to the highest level of missions.

In this way, time is equally precious to the crystallizer terminator, and cannot be delayed!

Otherwise, if it is overwhelmed by those infinite wizards, this will dominate the battlefield, and a crystallization terminal will not be used for a long time.


"Mom, the Eight Lords will avoid it first!"

Green was thrilled and excited, and the little eight on his shoulder screamed and screamed into the gap.

One side, the whole body rubbed the power of the elements, turned into a group of flaming fireballs, the harsh sound of the explosion, the expression of mechanical indifference, the dark fists condensed the most powerful force of the whole body, never going forward.

On the other hand, the source of darkness, Lafite, is proud of the face, and the power of self-sealing for hundreds of years is like a volcanic eruption from the body. Before the self-sealing technique is exhausted, it seems to have endless power.

In the light of the tit-for-tat energy, each has its own momentum. I forgot everything, and the Extreme Abyss magic wand was in close contact with the black fist.

Time is at this moment. It seems to be stationary for a short time.


In the next moment, centered on Green and the crystallizer terminator, the lower biological heart in the range of hundreds of thousands of meters seems to have been hit by the scorpion. Some serious injuries and stagnation creatures, metal robots, waves of this super-burst ripple, on the spot Fragmented, scattered parts are flying all over the sky.

The creatures with a slightly better state are also involuntarily blown by the violent air. Exclaimed in a mess.

This is the sorrow of the lower creatures, spread on this vast and innocent battlefield. The sacred sorcerer and the world's lord only need to be careful to prevent the real spirit from tying the battlefield, and these lower creatures need to be careful to guard against the world. The small scope of the Lord and the Holy Mark Wizard spreads.

Because of these episodes, it will probably be fatal!

Booming rumbling...

In the dazzling ball of light produced by the energy hedge, the two figures flashed and involuntarily flew out in their respective directions. One was the sky and the other was the ground.

"Damn. Even in the self-seal state, it is just a tie, and it can't produce a crushing effect."

Green, who was hit by a powerful hedging impact, could not help but fly back and forth at high altitude. The body organization collapsed in a large area, but because the body of the criminal giant did not have any weakness characteristics, the source of annihilation and the alienation technique in the super-regeneration speed supported by the self-explosive energy source, the monsters generally healed, it is incredible.

The extreme abyss magic wand tip, the crystallization of the finalist punch marks on the top, the crack spread, almost a fist bang.

However, as the Green Magic surges, it is an extremely cold crystal of ice properties. It was only a moment, and it was healed with the support of magic. Restore as ever.

"But... the basic purpose has been reached, and the second forgotten brand has successfully contacted it. This war witch regiment took the initiative. It will not take long for it to be overwhelmed by the vast wizarding corps, and it has no chance of winning."

The hoarse and wheezing muttered, the blood stains in the corners of the mouth were blown away by the wind, and almost slammed out of the chaotic layer of the world. In the constant efforts of the darkness of all directions, the energy shock was finally resisted. Standing in the air.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

A group of wizards are struggling with a group of metal robots in the chaotic layer, and they are still on the battlefield. Even if these edges are fine, they are still filled with battles. The number of each side is thousands of people.

However, at this time, with the arrival of a group of fighters, the wizards are already at a disadvantage. It is obvious that these metal robots have received support from a nearby virtual aircraft carrier after communicating with Skynet.


The green side of the gasping glance looked over there.

At this moment, Green stands in the middle of the majestic power ripples, and the tentacles regenerated by the source of annihilation quickly repair the body. The giant face of thousands of darkness is twisted in all directions, and tens of thousands of black silks are flexibly played. Such a terrible image is that the low-level wizards who are fighting have seen it, and they have opened their mouths, and they have stunned bones and shudders.

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

In the next moment, thousands of dark sources of silk seem to ignore the space barrier, and accurately destroy all metal robots and fighters that support the dark.

Under the face of truth, Green's vision of insight reveals a virtual mothership that is not far away and avoids the chaotic layer.

Gently, Green held the left hand of "The Book of Truth". A source of darkness slowly stretched out from the giant face and placed it in the palm of Green's hand. It was hard to say in the heart, but it was not allowed. I don’t even cherish the short reunion that happened once in a few hundred years.

"If you have your help, just let it go."

As a result, the figure of Green suddenly disappeared out of thin air, leaving thousands of wizards in the chaotic layer pointing and boiling for the terrorist wizard.

What kind of witchcraft is that?

This great holy mark wizard, in the end, how to control the power! ?

"The tower of annihilation, it must be the great sorcerer of the annihilation tower. I know his mask. I have had the privilege of seeing it with close eyes. The wizard who has just arrived here must be the great annihilation tower. wizard!"

Suddenly, an eagle-eyed witch who couldn’t help but shudder, shouted with excitement, and attracted everyone.


The ground is in the pit.

Half-faced body was smashed by the extreme abyss magic wand, and the face was stiff and indifferent from the pit.

Hey, hey, hey!

The condensed ice is broken, and then the pink sand particles in all directions gather together to replenish the half body of the broken crystallizer and return to the intact form.

"The winning rate is not big, this is..."

The crystallizer terminator was keenly aware that the original half of the body was restored, and each of the strange runes was swimming, but this was not its own state. In the Tianwang quantum information, there was no warning of the source of these abnormal states.

Then the crystallizer terminator noticed that ~www.novelmtl.com~ was first hit by Green from the sky, and the chest that hit hit also had a lot of strange runes.


Tip: Collect data information, accurate to the quark splitter denominator level, no abnormal state found.

In the condensate of the crystallizer terminator, the whole body energy is converge to the two abnormal state areas, and the pink crystal body instantly turns black, and these runes disappear.

However, when the strongest energization energy in these two areas disappeared, these strange runes slowly appeared on the pink crystals again, like the bones of the bones, lingering, and branded from the inside out.


In the sky, the top of the head is above the chaotic layer, and a flame exploded.

As one of the vast and vast battlefields, although it is not peculiar, when the Tingjing Terminator looked up and locked up, he quickly determined that it was easy to destroy a virtual mothership.

It is the annihilation of the wizards. (To be continued.)

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