A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1142: Battle of civilization

At the edge of the battlefield, the space-based comet guns were able to melt the metal wreckage here and blend in with the strong bones.

From the thick ground of the **** body and mechanical wreckage, the crystallizer terminator slowly stood up from the center of the crater caused by the impact of his own fall.

Some of the sand crystals that have been broken by strong impact are attracted by the body of the crystallizer and slowly polymerize.


It turned out to be a mystery, Amonro, who was smashed by an unknown attack in the back of the body. After slowly climbing to the edge of the crater, he snarled at the end of the crater, and the scorpion spurred by the wizard's horn was red. "In the sound of the sound, the power of a large shadow mystery spurts out, is it necessary to seal this crystallization terminal?"

District secondary creatures...

In the eyes of the Twilight Terminator, all the information about the mystery of Amonro was quickly marked.

Skynet system: The wizards blame Amonro, low risk, reward 1200 experience coins after killing, no special rewards.

call out!

The crystallizer terminator is indifferent and stiff, and the index finger is a little. An energy ray smashes the mysterious mystery of Amonro, and flesh and blood flies, and then looks up to the top of the giant kilometer of the dark source. The wizard figure.

Warning: The sorcerer leads the blame and annihilates the sorcerer, please kill it immediately!

Tip: This blame is using a short-term full-featured multiplier madness skill, initially estimating a madness time of six million quantum hours.

Notice: Your controller id Optimus Prime light brain player will issue a call of will, the third-class mission below the Terminator soldiers, please immediately return to the space-based starship battle post, because you find the commander blame, perform the first-class mission, can not return, Please destroy it immediately and return to the space-based starship.

For a moment. This crystallizer terminator actually received three Skynet messages in succession.

"The odious Vantage Quantum Technology Locust."

After the Twilight Terminator muttered to himself, suddenly, the original vision was like a raging sun, but a wizard with infinite darkness. With the appearance of the robe after the appearance of the eruption, the violent power can completely hide all the fluctuations in an instant. It seems as if it has disappeared from the air.


Alarm: Unknown interference, this commanding monster has the ability to interfere with quantum exploration, lose the target clue information, eliminate the danger of the wizard, increase the level of the Skynet hunting list, and reward the promotion. You will do your best to destroy it as the first task.

The Terminator acts as a Skynet node, especially the Black Terminator and the Crystal Terminator. They all have the independent independent thinking and judgment consciousness, and have already born the emotions that belong to life. Even when necessary, they can realize the loss of their own source energy for self-replication and reproduction, which is no different from real life.

At this moment, a series of alarms from the Tianwang terminal, the twins of the crystal singer constantly look into the sky in all directions, the red dangerous signals in the field of vision flash frequently, but they can only see the chaos on the innocent battlefield, unable to find the trace of the annihilation wizard.

Dangerous signals flash more and more frequently, in the view of the crystallizer terminator. Suddenly there were some more informational reminders, that is, the mechanical wreckage around the crystallizer terminator floating in midair, and the airflow caused a slight insignificant change in these wreckage. In the high air, a weak compression and distortion, showing the instigation.

After a series of data and energy flow points are judged, suddenly, the crystallizer terminator raises his head, slams up and down, blasts, and the most powerful energy attack that is triggered by a crystallizer terminator in a short time, and the glory of the eye is rising.


Short-term snoring, a series of locks. The crystallizer terminator finally found the target trail again.

That small figure, it is just above the top of his head. Attack the target!

A touch of joy.

The source of the energy shock wave in the mouth of the crystallizer is different, and it is different from the relatively stable energy attack of the wizard's magical agitation rule. Most of the metal destroyers' civilization energy attacks have a long duration of attack. During the period, there will be a process from the bursting of the accumulative force to the gradual surge, and then gradually decline after the apex.

I saw Green was hit by the Twilight Terminator, but he was not panicked in the surprise. The left hand of the Book of Truth retracted, and the air of his hand, the right hand of the Abyss magic wand, a disturbing high-frequency vibration, intertwined in all directions, smashed, The power of annihilation is fleeting, and it is in direct opposition to this crystallizer.

The annihilation of the arc attack tends to a single point of destruction damage in an instant.

The arc eliminates a part of the energy shock wave, and in the face of the endless energy impact, Green slams and slams, and the power ripples from all over the body slammed into a slam dunk, so that the energy beam is so savage to the crystallization terminal. Rush!

Green actually did it!

The energy beam is held by the extreme abyss wand, like a pointed cone. The energy beam is split by a sharp cone. Although it is slow, it is getting closer and closer to the target.

Some burns on the skin, but under the support of the infinite endless magic of the body, the source of annihilation by the alienation is super-renewed and repaired. The heavier places in the burn will automatically reveal a layer of black scales and bone spurs to slow down the damage.


Against the energy ray beam, nearly a hundred meters away from the crystallizer terminator, a series of alarms in the eyes of the crystallizer terminator of the mouth jet energy beam, but there is no way, only continue to erupt, and with the energy beam attack from the thirty Wandu gradually increased to the peak of more than 500,000 degrees. Finally, the little figure made a sigh.

call out!

Strong resistance shock, Green's surface is burned in a large area, and some of the skin dissolves and even sees the source of the flesh and blood body being annihilated and the alienation of the alienation. It is repaired with a jaw-dropping speed, but it can no longer stand up. The body was swept by the energy beam and flew to the sky.

Closed, the crystal end of the energy attack is completed.


Tip: Destroy the wizard blame in a state of madness, regenerative speed of one thousand, hp recovery of one thousand, mp recovery of one thousand, your attack failed to cause essential damage.

At the end of the crystallization, due to Skynet’s suggestion, when planning for the next battle, suddenly some strange crises came, and in the future, it will be desertified. The two mysterious black energy is like a shadow, and the twins are entangled. This is Lafite dark source silk hair!

At the other end of the silk, it is Green, which has already been rushed out of the sky by the energy light column.

Like a rubber band that is tight to the limit, in an instant, a huge force is uploaded from the silk, and the crystallizer terminator is instantly pulled over by the sky, and the speed is so fast that it directly triggers a series of sonic booms.

The force of radiating the elements of the world rubs against the crystallizer terminator to form a tens of meters of fireball.


Green, which is burned by energy shock waves, is like a devil in the regenerative form of alienation. It loses the **** skin and thin bones of the skin, clenches the extreme abyss magic wand, magic wand tip, one after another forgets the world sweat rune tour Walking.

They are the medium of communication for forgetting the illusory world and the endless world of reality.

From the inside out, the source of the power is constantly flowing ~www.novelmtl.com~ incomparably enriched, the green is condescending, the face of truth reveals violent sneer, the three-color ray and the feet pull down the source of the darkness, looking at this together The enemy who came involuntarily, the extreme abyss magic wand in his hand was filled with the power of the Green Fury, and blew again.


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