A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1120: Battle of Civilization (17)

More than a hundred demon wizards who led the escape, and two three-level cursed wizards temporarily transferred from the heart of the fortress, Green, as one of the core cleanup teams, started the mission. One ~www.novelmtl.com~ want n book shu·

In the air, a spaceship airship flew in groups.

These spaceships, even a lot of them are transferred from the wizarding world by the rules of fate leveraged by the world’s transmission matrix hidden in the core of the base.

Nowadays, the sky is hovering overhead, a small part is to provide support for the base cleaning work, and the mechanical maintenance wizards who have relatively low combat capability are mostly going to the front line of the war to make up for the loss of war.

The core scale of the base of the Santa base is hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and the war recycling factory, various function transmission arrays, and altar facilities are countless.

The entire core base is divided into two layers, inner and outer, which are distinguished by two layers of vast wizards.

Among them, important facilities are placed in the inner core base, and the outer base is frequently destroyed by the space-based comet guns. The energy aftermath will easily destroy a large number of facilities, so the outer layer will only store the war reclaimed materials and maintain The wizard covers the most basic facilities for energy operation.



A large number of remotely controlled creatures flowing in and out of the outer base are shuttled, most of them are low-intelligence beasts. They are wandering in the vast sky and the earth. It seems that they are afraid of this unfamiliar time and space instinct. To read the book www·1kanshu·

If there is no sorcerer to smother it, in order to radiate the strong and deep source rules of the big world, and special radiation rules, it will be gradually eliminated or assimilated.

In addition, a small number of exotic organisms that flow over are not simple.

These creatures are extremely embarrassing, and have evolved in an extraordinary world of special rules of time and space in a distant world. Even a large number of intelligent creatures, even the figure of the world’s lord, plus the black terminator that is mixed in and may exist. The situation of Skynet is not optimistic.

All the time. Green, who is responsible for guarding the second front, thought that the rear base was too easy. It was not until now that it was not so simple. This is the battle of civilization!

relatively. I am afraid that this attacking Metal Destroyer Corps should also face the same problem. Those dark wizards who are deceitful, have different abilities, and have extremely terrible survivability are doing everything they can to destroy the space-based starship. Or support the supply front.

Standing at the height of the real wizard, looking at the pattern of war. The two sides should have mutual success and defeat, and it is by no means a passive defensive situation in the eyes of the sorcerer of Green.

Even if it is standing at the height of the war of the whole civilization, the front line with the four big worlds as the core, the two sides are both loyal to each other, implicating thousands of small and medium-sized worlds coming in, and the wizarding civilization is in the inner war of the world because The fate of leverage exists and occupies a comparative advantage, while the metal destroyer civilization is strong in the void. A reading book, 1kanshu·

However, as far as the actual situation is concerned. The wizarding civilization should be gradually expanding its advantages.

As a civilization far away from the alien world community, the wizard civilization has a more complete system of civilization. The long history has given it a stronger civilization, which is not the beginning of this world community. Civilization systems can be compared.

Furthermore, it is the reality.

The war has entered from the initial contact to the stage of your enthusiasm for the white-hot. In general, the wizarding world has a partial advantage in the occupation of small and medium-sized worlds. As far as civilization is concerned, it has two civilization war history, the wizard civilization is the metal destroyer civilization. The degree of research and the search for weaknesses are much more thorough than the study of wizard civilization by metal destroyers.

Until now. In addition to the inherent energy application system and micro-domain system, the Metal Destroyer civilization did not open any means for the wizarding civilization.

Metal Destroyer Civilization is still almost ignorant of the exhibition of wizarding civilization!

The reason for all this is that the metal destroyers cannot understand the wizard's ability. This is a magical element that incites intellectual leverage to change the power of the world with rules.


A strange bird that does not know how to live and die, with a colorful cocky tail of a cock, a golden crown on the head is like a flame, screaming at high altitude, chased by a small team of wizards. Panic did not choose to rush toward Green.

Under the face of truth, the three colors of light gaze at the past, distinguishing not the black terminator camouflage.

I don't know which three-level creatures that the world community has escaped may be the top of the food chain that is arrogant in the world, but in the ongoing battle of civilization in the wizarding world, it is just the cannon fodder that was smashed in droves.

It’s awkward!

The black arc is distorted in all directions, and the greening is the center of light and dark. It is mysterious and powerful. With the noble power possessed by the sacred sorcerer, it is extremely majestic, and the high-frequency shock wave bursts with anger and sorrow. It’s flashing, right in the middle of this strange bird.

Only after a half-sound desperation exclaimed, followed, except for the sporadic feathers falling in the sky, telling the traces of the strange birds that existed in the sky, there was no more thing in the air, and the body of more than 30 meters was annihilated by the regular arc of the world clothes. Flame, instantly wiped away.

唰, 唰, 唰...

A group of translucent jellyfish creatures, more than a thousand or so, are extremely fast, chased by another group of wizards, but can not keep up with them.

These creatures seem to have a strong erosion effect on the energy hood, and are attracted by the huge incredible energy of the inner base witches, and they are swept toward the inner core of the base.

This is all right! ?

Although at this level of weak creatures, it is impossible to threaten the sorcerer's hood at the level of the Holy Spirit, but the sorcerer's hood is a symbol of the majesty of the wizard's will, even if it only erodes hundreds or thousands of degrees of defense, guardian sorcerer They are also never allowed to live.


Green waved ~www.novelmtl.com~ more than a hundred of the sorcerers who rescued from the 258 area were chasing away. Unfortunately, the night shadow Saatchi has returned to the wizarding world, otherwise if there is him, these little creatures will It’s much easier.

When everyone left, there was still one person who stayed by Green, a three-level curse of the great wizard, the forehead in the center, a **** sarcoma that kept screaming and screaming, and one eye was turbid and white.

"Hey! Why don't you go?"

Xiaoba stood on the shoulders of Green, and his wings were ticked with a toothpick and asked the wizard.

"Oh... I think I will stay with the sacred sorcerer of the Tower of the Destruction, and I will be able to play a bigger role."

Xiao Ba "噗", spit out the toothpick, screaming: "There is no such thing, look down on my family, no, you can't play any role here, walk around, go there and kill those annoying Exotic creatures go."

In the small eight reminder, the cursed wizard kept looking at Green, seeing Green had no objection, and the cursed wizard left with a sullen face. (To be continued.)


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