A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1119: Battle of Civilization (16)

For a long time, there was no silence, and the smashing of the sky-based star-studded guns Hongwei's aftershocks gradually subsided. The atmosphere between the more than a hundred wizards was terrible.壹~www.novelmtl.com~ Escape!

“It’s so lucky, thanks to the great annihilation tower sacred witch! Thanks to the great wizard will!”

A female hunter newcomer sat on the floor with tears in her face. God knows that if she didn't fly through Green near the task at that moment, she was surrounded by Green Space, and what would happen to her at the end of the game.

The first-level sorcerer covered his face with both hands, and burst into tears, looking at Green's gaze, full of reverence and gratitude from the deepest heart.

Lucy desperately squeezed out the air in the lungs, and death almost passed by. In the face of this irresistible grand force, a three-level wizard in the district is almost as small as an ant, in the space-based giant There is no meaning in front of the gun.

Obviously, he has already obtained the first-class honorary medal, but he died on the battlefield. He did not dare to imagine that he would end with such a tragic ending.

War... Come on, end!

the other side.

Snoring, snoring, snoring, snoring...

High-frequency heartbeat, the blood of the heart is squeezed into every capillary in the body, a large amount of adrenaline is secreted, standing on the metal floor, at this time, the palm of the hand, a layer of fine cold sweat. One ~www.novelmtl.com~ is so a few breathing time!


No, it is not luck at all.

For these low-level wizards, it is pure luck, but for Green, there is no luck at all. This is Green's insight into the truth, plus seven months to be cautious and persistent, only in exchange for the moment. vitality.

Green, who escaped from the dead, did not pay attention to these low-level wizards, and did not pay attention to the small eight, Ye Ye, the three colors of the face of truth, the first time to look into the distance, that is 285, 259 District They were guarded by their own and the third line of defense of the Three Winds.

The body is stiff, and Green holds the palm of the extreme abyss wand, and the blue veins are exposed. Shows the ripples in its heart.

At this moment, the space fortress in the 258 area was pierced by the magnificent light, and the entire space fortress was fragmented. Turned into a sky full of falling pieces, the thick metal shell melted into a liquid.

Millions of hunting wizards, slave corps, and mechanical squadrons were exposed to the majestic light power, and they were almost steamed, and there were no survivors.

the other side. It is the space fortress in the two hundred and fifty-nine districts.

Compared with the space fortress that Green is responsible for, the space fortress is slightly better. The space-based satellite gun is far away, and the radiation power has already dissipated more than half of the space fortress.壹Reading book·1kanshu·

Even so, the entire space fortress still has a large area of ​​melting signs, the guards of the wizards, slave monsters, mechanical squadrons, space airship regiments fell a lot, steaming, terrible.

Farther away, a virtual fleet that is much larger than the previous dozens of squad guards, is rushing!

After taking a deep breath, Green took out the crystal ball. However, it is a bit of a sigh of relief that the three-level sacred sorcerer who has worked together for several months has been connected, although the situation is terrible.

"Abominable, tower of annihilation, you... are you okay?"

The Three Winds gathered in the first place to care about Green, and also, after all, the space fortress responsible for Green has been completely destroyed, with the metal destroyer civilization space-based star guns canpower, it is hard to imagine the wizard world Underneath, who else can be safe.

"Nothing. Arrange some means in advance and escape."

Green slowly shook his head and then lowered his head: "It seems that this second line is unstoppable. You try to hold it down. If you can't, you will retreat to the third front and wait for support. I guess there must be new here. Arranged."


Closed the crystal ball, Green looked at the squad of the sacred sorcerer flying deep into the base, in addition to the heart of the six-level sacred sorcerer fortress under the real spirit, there are two strange six-level wizards, three More than ten fourth- and five-level holy marks wizards. Powerful.

After a brief observation of the depths of the base, Green looked at the small eight on his shoulder.

Xiao Ba, this guy, actually took the leaves and went straight to the deepest part of the base to escape!

The metal floor was in the crowd, and the crisp sound of "嘎吧" and "嘎吧", some messy, a team of wizards who performed urgent tasks, looked at Green and others with suspicion, but did not stop, use The fastest time went to the damage caused by the space-based star guns to the depths of the fortress base.

The core of the base is deep, the important combat parts, the logistics base, and a total of two Santa-level wizards.

With the power of the space-based starship, the base of the round will only be able to open up the two witches and destroy one of the wizards.

And every time the space-based comet is shot, it is the busiest moment of these maintenance wizards. It must be ensured that the damaged wizard's cover facility will be repaired before the next space-based satellite gun is coming. Otherwise, if it is delayed, the next space base will be repaired. The scorpion cannon destroys the core of the base, and all the fighting significance of the front four fronts will not exist.

In the dark, there is also a fierce war behind the base, which is the figure of the black terminator.

These black chasers, who are stalking the chaotic battlefield and using the defensive loopholes during the war, will do everything in their power to kill the repairing wizards, destroy the construction progress, and delay the arrival of the next space-based satellite.

And if it can be used to win, the Black Terminator will not hesitate to pay any price!

Between the first layer of the sorcerer's hood and the second layer of the sorcerer's hood, Green even has some distant and unknown creatures that have been twisted into the radiant world.

The space-based starship and the wizard cover the energy of the hedge, the chaotic time and space caused by the huge aftermath is distorted, and the messy flash of space cracks actually **** in some distant alien world creatures.

These little guys, who are generally at the secondary and tertiary levels, are stunned and staring at the vast base built by the wizards, and soon they have ushered in a large number of wizarding regiments to fight for the maintenance of wizards. Clear the obstacles.

"The tower of annihilation!?"

The heart of the fortress, the sorcerer, stopped at Green’s side and was puzzled.

"It is a time and space to transmit witchcraft. The space fortress in the 258 area has been completely destroyed. I also escaped from the wolf."

Green said quietly, and then asked: "I don't know, what tasks can I do here?"

As a true sacred sorcerer, the heart of the fortress can't control too many things on the front line. At this time, I heard Green's initiative to ask, and quickly said: "Clear all alien creatures in the base, look for the black Terminator trail to eradicate, protect the maintenance wizard. Be sure to complete the wizard cover repair within seven days!"

Saying, the heart of the fortress, the sorcerer, waved, and the two three-level cursed wizards were given to Green. (To be continued.)


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