A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1104: Battle of Civilization (1)

As time passed, it was only five years before Green went to the ruined world to perform the mission. m music network

"The annihilation tower sacred sorcerer, this is the operational intelligence sent by the base command."

Green Commander's combat command, a three-level wizard, handed the crystal ball to Green, and the voice was a little short.

Green, who is studying the key to life, raises his eyes, and the face of truth once again has a layer of perceptual change, deeper and more mysterious, as if he has seen the appearance of everything and pointed to the truth.

After a period of magical fluctuations, a white beard and a wizard appeared in the crystal ball light curtain. After the ceremony toward Green, he said: "The dear annihilation tower, the holy sorcerer, reliable information, there is a huge metal destroyer army. On the way to the base, it is still unclear whether there is a second metal destroyer and metal fire. Please do your utmost to ensure the protection of the 258 district, while retaining as much as possible the cultural resources of the fortress army."

Civilized seed resources, naturally refers to the little wizards born in the background of the war of civilization.

At the same time, there is a scene of the metal robotic corps on the crystal ball light curtain. This is not a small-scale small-scale slap in the air. From the scene in the crystal ball, this is a skyshake. The Terrorist Robot Corps, which is covered by the Japanese, cannot be counted, at least several billion.

The robots are densely packed, and the movements are neat and uniform. They maintain an absolute parallel distance with each other. There is no emotion, and only the unstoppable repression of the sky can quickly pass through the sky.

And over the ordinary robots between the first and third levels, the silver white liquid metal terminator is endless, the number is numerous, the black terminator has been completely hidden between the many robots, and occasionally the pink crystal crystal terminator , even let the magnetic field around the screen of the crystal ball twisted. It disappeared and disappeared.

As the Skynet metal destroyer civilization, the most famous is a fleet of Nether, a huge ship of more than 2,000 meters with an at position cover. Translucent, occasionally refracting a light green or light blue spot. Highlight its existence.

The 100-meter-diameter round ball anti-gravity metal fortress is filled with pure energy blocks, which is the favorite trophy of the low-level wizards after the war.

A fighter plane with a range of tens of meters to 100 meters is extremely flexible and fast-moving, as if a bee colony is fleeting.


Green secretly sucked in a cold air.

This time, I must go through a real battle of real civilization, the main battlefield, a war of this scale. It is just such a sorcerer, and it is only one of them. It is almost impossible to complete the battlefield situation with personal strength.

Xiao Ba, Ye Ye, the narrow mystery elbow bird flew in from outside the lab, just to see the scene in the crystal ball.

"Mom, I want a war!?"

The leaves are looking at Green at the side, very nervous, the mysterious elbow bird is under the Green Will, and the little finger is spliced ​​to the right hand, melted into the flesh and blood.

After a short silence. Take a deep breath, Green adjusts his state, closes his eyes and lifts his head again. The face is replaced by a new one, and the sorrow is worried, and there is a glimmer of hope!

"Since you can't escape, you have to enjoy it! The road to wizarding has been working for so many years. Isn't it just to explore the essence of the endless world truth, and to restore the glory and dignity of the wizard?"

huh huh huh huh……

Low and sneer.

"The moment that I have been working hard for so many years, I have finally come. My name is the Wizarding World Tower of the World."


Twelve days later.


The melodious horn sound contains the mysterious power to stimulate the burning of blood. It was transmitted from the deepest point of the base of the Holy Tower and passed through one space fortress. Gradually transmitted to the front line of the war, in the soul of every wizard, every slave monster.

Some slave monsters are affected by the horn sound, and they can't help but start to sink low, and their eyes are gradually reddening. Under the suppression of the wizard's will, they will lose the edge of all rational madness.

The base has a total of four fronts, and the 258 districts under the responsibility of Green belong to the middle part of a round of Santa bases. Compared to the frontline war atmosphere, it can only be faintly passed through the front lines and hundreds of billions of slaves. The naval group guessed the scene of the positive battlefield between the two civilizations.

At high altitude, hundreds of space fortresses are hanged, turning into a **** moon, the wizard's will is united, and the blood of unknown blood is scattered on the earth, telling the history of the wizarding world, which is the essence of the history of the wizarding civilization. A higher faith exists in the hearts of every wizard.

The space fortress is surrounded by a spacecraft, with a mechanical arm holding the energy blade, and the main gun is ready to go.

One by one, the sorcerer and the sorcerer battle, the tens of thousands of people, the partners who trust each other, experience life and death together, often can magically connect the super-class high-level mixed witchcraft, or the combination of good and bad, play a force of one plus one greater than two .

The dark magic wizards are scattered everywhere, and the low-level wizards are as close as possible to the senior wizards to prevent the dangers from appearing. Some elite hunting wizards are riding in the mechanical bees and are on standby.

Complete combat system, Green stood on the space fortress, digital three-level wizards sanitation, Lucy stood silently, short hair, delicate face is slightly stiff, and his expression is extremely unnatural.


The face of Green Truth looks into the distance, and asks low.

"How could it not be nervous?"

Lucy didn't hide anything, and didn't need to cover up.

"Yeah, it is me, I feel my own small humbleness, even if I have been working hard. You see, these forces around us are enough to conquer a world, and the hunter-destroy process is galloping in those indigenous worlds. The mainland, plundering all of them, forcing them to join the wizarding alliance system, and continue to plunder with the sorcerer’s legal and reasonable endless..."

As he spoke, Green waved his hand and pointed to the space fortress he had left with nearly a million wizarding corps and more slave naval groups, followed by a mockery.

"However, here, standing on the height of civilization, on the battlefield that dominates the gallop, it is just a stronghold that may be erased at hand, as if I used to obey the world, inadvertently erased the fortress city. Not worth mentioning."

Lucy looked at Green~www.novelmtl.com~ The jewel-like eyes were full of shock, and it was impossible to imagine everything in the height of the Green Station.

Xiao Ba and Ye Ye were flying in the east and west of the fortress. They were not present. Green suddenly took a shot of Lucy's shoulder and couldn't tell the charm.

"Do you know, in fact, we are fighting with our own luck, the difference is that I am 30% luck plus 70% strength, and you are 90% luck. With 10% of the power, there are too many existences that you can't resist at all, and you can kill you at will. So... advance to the holy mark wizard, I have a hunch that our luck cannot be so good forever, as long as civilization The battle is still going on, and we may be abandoned by fate at any time."

After that, Green passed through the face of truth, through the army in front, once again looking at the infinite endless cloud of the cloud, and the robotic corps that could not see the end of the sky.

As Green has been working hard to penetrate the witchcraft between the representation and the truth, the face of truth in this vast battlefield can allow Green to more clearly position its overall situation, to exert its own strength to the limit and reduce dependence on luck. . (To be continued.)


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