A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1103: The 11th phase of the truth

With the high transmission of the tree world, Green once again returned to the base of the radiant world.

On the seal array, a round of true witches will be dissolved on the metal floor, looking at Green. Over the years, the Green Body has grown rapidly under the strong support of the passive evolution of the Sage Stone. It is also the Wizarding World that selects Green's potential for the sacred sorcerer, and frequently carries out the roots of the small world mission.

Spiritual power: 550, magic: 5280~5777.

Constitution: 67790, physical strength: 52100~79008, strength: 37500~125000, cell activity: 76500~93300.

The strength of the refining wizard, all derived from the passive evolution of the body, whether it is any means, it is Green to open the sixth layer of wild instinct to transform, but also let the pure physical physique have been enhanced, compared to those on the move Wannian, several era old monsters, not worth mentioning.

In this way, Green as an element of the spur of the refining sorcerer, the strength and physique of the elements superimposed on each other, and it seems that the five-level creatures did not reach the point where they were invincible. The reason is that Green's physique evolution has not been able to keep up with the elements. Simple constitution still stays at the level of four levels of biology.

However, nowadays, in the case that the Stone of the Sage has greatly shortened the passive evolution time, Green has achieved a substantial leap in physical evolution, so as to enter the fifth-level biological level.

The degree of power attack reached 37,500 to 125,000 degrees, and was increased by one-tenth of the extreme abyss magic wand, 41250 to 137,500 degrees.

Green's annihilation power attack is between 171875 and 178,750 degrees. After the element surges, the double levers are the fulcrums, and the two are superimposed, reaching 213125~303750 degrees!

Even after the self-sealing cut, Green's combat power can still be maintained at 149187~212625 degrees, and this kind of attack intensity has reached the strength that the weak six-level creatures generally have.

What is even more terrifying is that Green's passive evolutionary refinement still has a long way to go, as the existence of the sixth layer of wild instinct. Even if Green can't advance to the Sixth-level Great Witch Wizard in the study of the power of annihilation, he can rely on the refining body to reach the peak of the sixth level.

The sixth grade of refining is as long as there is enough stone support from the Sage. Green is confident that it can be completed within a thousand years.

However, if it is solely based on the task of a round of true spiritual wizards, it is almost impossible to achieve the goal of a few hundred grams and several kilograms of the sage. Even the sage stone task issuers are limited to five. Stigma Wizard.

Then, we must think of ways to get the way to the sage stone!

The Stone of the Sage. The body of the crystallizer terminator from the Tiange Metal Destroyer civilization.

The crystal body of the 终结 终结 终结 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫At present, the stone of the sages known to Green is sealed by the true spirit wizard, and the pure net energy will be the stone of the sage.

Sealing the crystallizer terminator?

If it is based on the current Green strength, open the self-seal full force outbreak, the theoretical attack degree is enough to reach 298,374 ~ 425,250 degrees, although not the strongest outbreak of the crystallizer. The lower limit is super high, and it is enough to confront each other.

On this basis, if it is able to display the forgotten truth and seal of the time and seal, it is not impossible to complete the seal of a complete crystallizer, and the opportunity is quite great!

And the number of sages that a crystallizer terminator can refine, is estimated to be more than a thousand kilograms by the face of Green's truth, which is equivalent to Green's completion of hundreds of missions. Green's future passive evolutionary path will inevitably be smooth, and complete the efforts of the ancient wizards in a very short time.

This is the battle of civilization!

At the same time as the crisis, it is accompanied by unimaginable opportunities.

Collisions between different civilizations. Encroaching on each other, the winner is king, continue to evolve, and completely absorb the other civilization or completely erase it in the long history.

"Yes, this is a task after twenty years. This goal is a bit tricky. Try to prepare as many backup methods as possible."

After Green took over the task reel, the three-color gaze gaze.

Mission Objectives: The world of ruins, rewards, three thousand grams of sage stone.

The face was dignified, and after a serious nod to the real spirit wizard, Green did not leave immediately. He said: "The great round of true spirit wizard, I need the technique of refining the sage stone for the crystallizer." Knowledge, what is the price?"


It seems to be a bit strange. This mechanical reverie, as a carrier of the true spirit wizard, slowly thinks: "The cost? No need! If you have the ability to capture the crystal of the sage, you will try hard to refine the sage." Two methods, one is to wash with a lot of time, and the other is to purify in the purest wizard's will in the heart of the wizarding world."

Get this important knowledge clue, Green is happy, and after respecting the ceremony, he slowly left the hall.


Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

"How do these robotic corps come to die every day, the scale is so small, the source is endless, is it in the world of consumption and competition with the wizarding world?"

Xiao Ba flew into the laboratory of Green from the window. Now Green is responsible for guarding this fortress as a second-line position. In the vicinity of hundreds of miles, there are more than two million sorcerers and more than 300,000 sorcerers. Millions, all kinds of slavery regiments are close to 10 million, space fortresses, 350 airships, and 1,500 mechanical bees...

However, most of them are newcomers.

After crossing the horn of the war from the front line, Green has become accustomed to it and is still concentrating on his own experiments.

"Maybe the metal destroyer is in control of a richer resource base, full of confidence? Just know enough when the hunting demon record intelligence is raised."

Green's head did not lift, answered.

At this time on the experimental platform, the surface of truth is smooth and paper-like, and the eleventh project of Green’s ongoing truth, the eyes of petrification, has come to an end. This is the beauty of the world tree. Place the eye of the peak bioactive specimen.

After installing this eye function, in addition to being able to cast petrochemicals that are enough to threaten the sixth-class creatures, it is also able to perform weak clicks on the stone-like creatures, which is a very powerful function.

However, at this time, Green did not carry out the final stage of the eleventh project of the truth, but the sixth piece of witchcraft, the amber ring, which was produced by the ancient giant scorpion body refining!

The world's resin glued material is enough to seal the six-level peak bio-American society, its solidity is beyond imagination. If it is made into a witch, it will be long-lasting. Refining and chemical, whether it is the defense power of curing, or the viscous imprisonment function of liquidification, will be extremely terrible.

The extreme abyss magic wand, ninety-nine return to the sword, the soul-hunting net, the nine-chongshan, the shadow of the alienated light, plus this defensive binding function as one of the amber ring, the ancient witch scorpion body six pieces of weapons are completed.

It only needs to continue to use its own blood and refining and nurturing in the future. These weapons will eventually grow into a comparable existence to the extreme abyss magic wand, and the extreme abyss magic wand will take it to the next level and enter a higher level. .

As for the specimen of the body of the United States, which was taken from the petrochemical...

Due to the long-term consumption of high-level sorcerer's food, and the frequent high-level experiments, there is no hunter-and-magic expedition to plunder the new world. The resources of the world of the world have become very embarrassing.

In this way, unable to make ends meet, Green, who is in distress, sells the six-level peak body to the bone-devil world, in exchange for a huge amount of precious resources, enough for Green to passively evolve resources for the body. (To be continued.) () "The Wizard of the Wizards" only represents the author's point of view of the Egret on the Qingtian. If the content is found to be inconsistent with the national laws, please delete it. The position is only devoted to providing healthy and green. Read the platform. 【】,thank you all!

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