A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1074: Purgatory furnace

Three days later.

The mysterious power within the Titan's Ring of Loss is integrated into every inch of the body of the Infernal Giant, the Infernal Giant.

So close, with the help of the face of truth, Green can clearly sense the ring of Titan's loss to control the world's Lord, in addition to some of the power of the illusory creatures, but also the soul of the Lord.

Ascending to the dominating level, the soul seems to be the stone of the sage depicted by the alchemy wizard!

The so-called sage stone refers to the material in the alchemy that can add certain special substances with lower materials, break through the restrictions of balance rules, and unconditionally refine into higher materials. The soul of dominance is such a function.

Before the soul is exhausted, the ruler is almost immortal, although the soul of the Lord is almost infinite for the lower creatures, but as the long years go by, especially some aggressive masters, there will eventually be decline and demise.

The seven-level lord, unless completely self-sealing or still, still consumes his own soul to maintain the true body at almost any time, and consumes more when fighting and hurting.

The difference between the eight-level master is that the soul is only lost when injured.

In addition to this Titan loss ring can control some of the secrets of the world's Lord, Green is most concerned about, naturally it is a melting pot of purgatory.

The most basic condition for controlling this furnace of purgatory is the identity of the Lord of the Purgatory World.

First, the flame is upgraded, and the base attack degree of the Purgatory Fire is increased by 100,000 degrees.

Second, the strength is increased, and the base of strength attack is increased by 100,000 degrees.

Third, infusion of gold body, sheet metal magma infused with the fire of purgatory, repairing the body damage.

Fourth, the will to pour, the holder's will dissolve in the furnace, space blockade, the intensity of the space blockade and the intensity of the will to fight.

Fifth, the infernal purgatory, the consumption of its own source and the furnace power can hold the upper limit, a short time to the holder of the purgatory fire three times the power!

Sixth, the stronger the Vietnam War, the holders of the Purgatory Furnace will continue to melt the enemy. It can promote the continuous growth of the furnace, enhance the upper limit of the power supply, and the power of the casting furnace. The current casting capacity is 655000 degrees.

Under the face of Green Truth, the corners of his eyes were slightly twitching.

No wonder. The king of Ebdon, who is holding the Purgatory Furnace, is so powerful that no one can compete. Apart from its own tyrannical power of six levels, this Purgatory Furnace is too terrible.

In contrast, Green's Extreme Abyss magic wand is still a lot worse, although it is already considered to be the culmination of the world. However, it is far from the level of the true spirit.

Just a pity...

This purgatory of purgatory is the king of Ebdon, casting with his own will, and all the power increase is related to the fire of purgatory. Other ethnic creatures will not only have any power, but will be hurt by the fire of purgatory above. .

Even the other King of Purgatory Kings, I am afraid it is difficult to play the true power of this furnace.

In addition to the basic increase, repair and the explosion of the infernal purgatory, the purgatory furnace is the most powerful point of its own will to lock the enemy that can not escape to throw and kill, so that the purgatory furnace is getting stronger and stronger, and if there is no fighting will The king of Badang is so powerful that it is difficult to inspire the Furnace Furnace to kill the terrible power of the Lord of the World.

"Oh, success!"

With the seven rings of the real spirit wizard, the excitement of laughter. The body of the stunned King Abba was suddenly turned into a myriad of stars that dissipated.

At the same time, the seven-ring true spirit wizard reached into the world of the evil spirits paradise, the giant hand thumb of the thousands of meters, the ring of the loss of the Titan, appeared the king of the road, the indomitable, held up the purgatory furnace, roaring in the sky.

The king of the famous Purgatory Giant, Aba Dang, has become a humble slave under the control of the Titan Loss Ring!

I am afraid that the next step, the seven-ring true spirit wizard will try every means to make the king of the purgatory giant Aba Dang promote to endless dominance, even. Maybe you don't have to think about it at all, it will not stop, and naturally promote to endless dominance.

"Congratulations, with this help from the Purgatory Giant King, the war on your side should be a lot better."

A ring of real spirits said. It will take back the colorful light of the destiny of the world in the world of broken evil spirits. At this time, the paradise of the evil spirits, the main continent is divided, probably there are still some Pegs on the broken and drifting mainland plate.

Six sacred sorcerers followed the seven-ring true spirit wizard to leave the sacred paradise, only Green stayed in place.

A ring of real spirit wizards gathered in the clouds to see Green.

"If you return to the wizarding world, you can join together."

Green looked up and shook his head. "I still have a few friends who spend the world on the other side. This channel has not completely closed the connection between the two worlds. I have to go to the other side to pick up these friends, or go back through the world."

After Green finished, the sky's huge face nodded and disappeared silently.

On the mainland, the magma rolling, the heat wave skyrocketing, the hands of the seven-ring true spirit wizard element completely extracted the world, the black crack that spread to the horizon began to heal quickly, a majestic will lock a crystal nucleus and a bottle of unknown agent fell in Green In the hands.

This crystal nucleus turned out to be the six-level crystal nucleus of the king of Sisi!

"This is your reward. It can promote your flesh-and-blood energy elements to grow up. After I go back, I will say hello to the second ring and transfer you to the real potential to develop the list of holy marks."

As a result, several of the willpowers of the will soon disappeared outside the world of the evil spirits.


"Wow, Green Beast!"

After the small eight see Green returned, he was very excited, and his head was squatting on Green’s shoulder.

The colorful runes circulated, and after sweeping a circle with more than twenty familiar first- and second-class warriors, Green looked at a sacred sorcerer and a stranger.


Ansimo is respectful.

After nodding his head toward the three disciples, Green put away the six-level crystal nucleus given by the seven-ring real spirit wizard and a bottle of fusion medicine. The seven-ring true spirit wizard is the highest creator of the synthetic animal in the elemental wizard. Bottle pharmacy is by no means an ordinary thing, and it is likely that its value is higher than that of a six-stage crystal nucleus.

In the strange strange mark wizard, you don’t have to say more, it’s the sorcerer’s sorcerer, and the other

"Respected wizard, I am Huang Quan, are you looking for me?"

The other side of the flower elf king asked.

Green Twilight Flow ~www.novelmtl.com~ Even if I had already prepared for a long time after thinking about it, but now I really saw the Queen of the Spring Elves, I still couldn’t help but feel a slight tremor, and I couldn’t conceal my inner feelings. Fear?

"Hearing... The master can communicate the will of life and death, and return to life?"

"how is this possible!?"

Even if Huang Chun Elf Wang denied Green’s doubts, he murmured: “Life and death are life and death. If you can return to life, you will not be born or dead, but you will die. Maybe the endless world is vast and infinite, if it is true, if true There are strange unknown lives that can come back to life, and they are not the masters of the world in one district. As for the communication of life and death, it is just the rumor of the elves. I can do it, but it is based on some wreck clues. Restore, nothing more."

I hope that I will finally turn to the disappointment and grief of course, and Green is silent.

Andre Seymour looked at the mentor inexplicably. After a long time, Green suddenly opened the gap between the dimensions, a chilly hail appeared, and a woman who looked very ordinary seemed to stand quietly, but the green tri-color At the moment, it is full of memories, and the colorful runes of the whole body are integrated into this hail.


Green has not finished, Huang Quan, the other side of the flower, the elf king suddenly said: "Green, where are you!? This is the last will of this life."

The ice stood tall, and Green did not say a word, and closed his eyes for a long time.




[To be continued]. 】

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