A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1073: The criminal giant turned into a body

Snoring, snoring, snoring...

The tragic and fierce, the war is full of enthusiasm, when the left slave army of the slave army was burned by the fire of the king of Eba Dang, "bang", even this horrible purgatory giant Wang, at this moment can not help physical fitness Exhausted, it is difficult to do even the shoulders of the furnace, standing next to the ground and looking up at the sky. Look at the book? 1?k?a?n?s?h?u·

Under the colorful light curtain of Destiny's lever, Ebba has an empty sky, no one else!

And many of the purgatory giants who followed the king of Ebdon, there is no one at the moment. First, they fought against the evil spirits, and then they were the slaves of the world of the world. After going to the succession, the famous Purgatory Giants Corps led by King Abba was destroyed.

Standing alone on the ground, enjoying the never-ending victory, stubborn and unyielding, alone bearing the willpower of endless domination.

All the sorrow, the king of the Purgatory giant Eba Dang is still so incomparable, even in the face of desperation, facing the majesty of the dominance, still unyielding looking up at the sky, out of the deepest battle roar!

"Hey! My name is Aba Dang!"

The sky is full of war and the unwilling will, even if the black clouds gather together, the real spirit wizard can not be moved.

This guy……

A ring of real spirit wizard can not help but look at the seven-ring true spirit wizard. ?壹?看??wwww看1?k?a?n?s?h?u?·

As the inheritance of the Xiahe civilization of this world community, it is a strong civilization that has been far away from the Wizarding Alliance. It has the infinitely good support of the Titan's Ring of Loss. It has received such a powerful servant as the King of Ebad, and then Coupled with the tyranny of the ontology, if one day the king of Ebba breaks through the bottleneck between the master of the world and the endless ruler, the superimposed strength of the two may not be able to confront each other.

Thinking of this, a true spiritual wizard can not help but feel a trace of embarrassment, no, he is the wizard who can lead the wizard world to rebuild the glory of the peak! ?

After the second civilized war, the promotion of the little guy and the achievement of the true spirit seemed to be just yesterday.

the other side. The seven-ring true spirit wizard saw the king of Ebdan, and the excitement, greed, and satisfaction were all evident, and in the cracks that his hands opened, five holy sorcerers were all moving.

"Go to subdue it."

With the will of the seven-ring true spirit wizard. After seeing each other, the five sacred sorcerers looked at each other with a dignified color, and opened the real body to follow the fate of leveraging the colorful light.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

In the sound of breaking the air, the sword of the shadow of the armor of the side of Green can not help but sigh a low sigh: "Go."

The figure disappeared and disappeared silently. ??~~www.novelmtl.com~ in close range. The face of Green Truth can find a trace through the subtle clues of the change of elemental energy, and it quickly disappears into the distant fire in the distant place.

"The great true will, behind the strong civilization support, even if the Lord of the world is stronger, after all, can not escape the palm."

With this kind of enlightenment, Green even received the will of the seven-ring true spirit wizard at this time.

"Call... The tower of annihilation, come over to help me."

I saw that the seven-ring true spirit wizard was struggling, and even tried to reach out from the world and drop from the sky.

However, Cthulhu is a medium-sized world. The inside has a strong world of origin and the rules of the world, enough to confront the real spirit wizards. The thousands of arms that are superficialized in the world are wearing the world's clothes. Every inch of advancement is so hard from high altitude. .

Boom, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb...

On the ground, six sacred sorcerers have fought with the king of Abba, as the presence of the seven-ring sorcerer. These six sacred sorcerers are strangers to the other five, except for the Shadow Sword. Since the sword of the shadow is called the old guys, the strength is not universal in the sixth level. The foundation is deep.

The king of Abba was besieged in all directions, roaring in amazement, as if he was tired and tired, as long as he was full of war. It is the tire that never tires, and throws out its last fiery power.

"Follow your will, the great seven-ring true spirit wizard."

Green was fleeting and appeared beneath the world's clothing under the palm of the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

"The fifth layer of instinct of the wild, the giant of the heavens, open!"

Prehistoric barbarian giants killed a variety of primitive gods after the unification of the wizards. Before the birth of the ancestors, the decline of the barbaric giants had not yet begun, there was a cruel time for each tribal chief to fight each other.

It was also during that period of time that in the constant battle, the ancestors gradually stood at the peak of the world.

The criminal giant, but a strong barbaric giant in the ethnic group, against the chieftain violence + politics of the barbaric giant, although defeated, cut off the head, but the will still exist.

And open the fifth layer of wild instinct, the giant of the transformation of the Green, the head will no longer be the center of the spiritual body, the heart is no longer its own weakness, the body has completely changed into the skin of the skin carrying the soul, only the death of the criminal giant, There is no sneak attack on the death of the giant!

The body swelled rapidly, and a 500-meter-long real body ignited a layer of black flame, which grew to more than 700 meters. A pair of flaming soul birds screamed and screamed in all directions. After a deep breath, Green merged into the seven-ring. In the world of clothes under the sorcerer's sorcerer, a huge loophole was gradually broken.

"The fifth layer of wild instinct! Oh? It’s just a short time, when the little guy grew up to this point."

A ring of true spirits gathered in the dark clouds reveals the color of surprise, and opens the fifth layer of wild instinct, even if there are not many underground abyss, this is quite terrible for the strength of the refining wizard.


In the low laughter of the seven-ring true spirit wizard, this thumb with the help of the Titan's Lost Rings giant, with the help of Green, broke through the rules of the world's clothing rules in one breath, in the thundering rule bombardment of the world's original source. On the ground, even if you are exhausted, you will not be able to retreat to the king of the Inferno, the infernal giant of the six holy sorcerers.

The Cthulhu Paradise has experienced several major disasters. It is almost impossible to have any life without a few days of recuperation!

And the special rules of the world make it almost impossible to support several epochs without plundering resources~www.novelmtl.com~.

The earth magma was roaring and roaring, and under the pressure of the seven rings of the real spirits, the six sorcerers of the siege were temporarily evaded.


Exhausted, even the golden magma in the Purgatory Furnace was completely exhausted, and the ground collapsed in all directions, but the king of Eba Dang rose up.

A roar, even if it can't open the strongest state of infernal purgatory, it still lifts up the furnace and should go up, and should reveal the will of the king of Ebdon!

Booming rumbling...

The stalwart giants gathered in endless powers and photographed on the lava sacred paradise 6 and the red golden flame sprang from the fingers. (To be continued.)



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