A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1071: Hope scepter

Under the light curtain of the colorful destiny leverage rule, the Purgatory Giants Legion and the evil spirits of the Pegs of the Legion!

Whether it is the evil spirits or the Pegs, anyone who can obtain a nucleus of the same level of purgatory giants in their own right, in order to obtain the qualification to pass through this layer of light curtain, away from this piece of Chiyang infernal Purgatory battlefield.

Since the Black Soul’s infernal giant Wang Jing’s nucleus, which was killed by the knife butcher, has really passed through the fate lever and the colorful light curtains, the entire battlefield’s evil spirits parade has boiled, and everyone wants to be the lucky one. By.

Losing the back road, there is only a fight between the two sides. The positions of these two masters are very clear, and all the purgatory giants appearing here must be completely eliminated.


The flag of the purgatory army broke again, and lost the right arm of his own for years. The king of Ebba was sad and screaming, and the fire of the furnace in the shoulder was still so dazzling, burning, not because of its founder, Aba. When it hurts, it declines.

In all directions, the Purgatory Giants Corps fought fiercely with the evil spirits of the Pygmy Legion. Even without the King of the Inferno Giants, the Purgatory Giants were completely inferior to the number of evil spirits.

Killing the sound, roaring, and screaming, the sky is tangled up, and the king of Ebdon is the center. There are fierce kills everywhere, and one body after another, the body of the purgatory giant falls, and these purgatory giant nucleus becomes this time. The most precious treasure in the battlefield.

"These guys, one by one, still hides the fighting power, one, two, three, four, in such a short time, there are four Purgatory giants fallen, hey, the seven-ring true spirit wizard is really a good plan."

The armor knight of Green’s side sneered in a sneer, and then continued: “But for this plan, even the fate of the lever is up to the treasure, and the power of the fate is under the power of the power. This purgatory giant Aba Dang’s king has a body. It’s a pity that brute force, but it can’t be played. When I heard that the black sorrow was falling, the purgatory giant Wang was hardly separated from the seven-ring true spirit wizard.

Green nodded.

"The purpose has indeed been achieved. With these plagues and evil spirits as consumption, it has reduced a lot of losses."

Said, after Green looked at the infernal purgatory, there has been a period of no-moving Aba Dang's king style_txt; although the evil **** mainland is a medium-sized world, and there are fate levers colorful light rules. However, after being attacked by the purgatory giant Wang Quanli, the entire continent could not help but see some geological collapse in the shock, forming the second major disaster after the Cataclysm.

In this way, the world has almost no value except for the special rules of the evil spirits...

"Oh, it's a bit too embarrassing. The Purgatory Giant King, a world leader, has faced two great spiritual wizards and is the most powerful of the elemental wizards."

Followed by. Green looked at the other side of the sky, Amkes Sun God.

"Master, you know what the Amkes sun **** is, and the golden scepter doesn't seem simple."

The golden scepter is actually inside the robe of Green's appearance. The light of hope dominates the shroud, and it is inevitable that it is not a general thing. Green is listening to the side of the sword of the undercover shadow of the evil spirit park, hoping to get some clues.

Under the metal helmet. A pair of perseverance and calmness glanced at Green.

"In the evil spirits of the Purgatory camp, this Amkes Sun God's strength is already a top-notch existence, but it has nothing to do with the hopeful scepter. It was only the symbol of the kingship when it was the head of the world, or it may be the inheritance of the ethnic group. That's all."

Hope scepter!

Greene time made a series of thoughts.

It is highly probable that there is some connection between the golden scepter and the light of hope that Green is about to find, and in any case must get it this time.

Thinking of this, Green's elements moved in a blink of an eye toward the Amkes Sun God.

At this time, the light element elf is confronting a five-level purgatory giant king. However, both of them have the power of fire. It is difficult to really threaten each other regardless of attack or defense. Amkes Sun God wants to rely on one's own strength. Killing this equally powerful purgatory giant is a delusion.

"This purgatory giant has returned to me."

Green is roaring low.

Under the pressure of the two masters of the sky, Amkes is almost trying his best to kill this purgatory giant, in exchange for the opportunity to escape from this battlefield, and the energy loss of all the attacks is great. See this at this time. The Thunder Bone Emperor actually came to grab, how can he not be angry.

When the two met for the first time, they all perceive the breath of the other party. They had already had hostility, but there was no outbreak. At this time, the Thundermaster was at this time...

"Hey! Since I want to die, I will die here!"

The angry will, the bonfire ball swayed by Amkes Sun God, a thick light-burning light column cut through the sky, like the sharpest cutting blade, flashing to Green.

The flame light column inadvertently passed between a few low-level purgatory giants and the Pegs of the Legion, even if some of the Pegs near a few meters are not aware of it, but those who are crossed by the light column, on the spot are two!

A few of the purgatory giants that Amkes inadvertently killed, the crystal nucleus was robbed by the mountains and the sea, and even killed inside the dark creatures.

It’s awkward!

The light and dark interlaced, disturbing high-frequency vibration, under the unmistakable trajectory of the truth, a black lightning tears all the light from all directions, and the flame cuts and attacks in the middle.

"Strong light irradiation!"

Beyond Green's fastest limit, this light elf appears on the top of Green's head across the space. A grand beam of light descends. Although Green's speed has not kept up, with the help of the truth, the other's action track is clear. Mastered in the palm of your hand.

Exalted with the extreme abyss magic wand, the arm of the ancestors grasped the extreme cold crystal. Under the support of the green five-level sacred sorcerer's sufficiency, the magical magical enthusiasm swelled rapidly and turned into a hundred meters iceberg. At the top of the head, the light of the sin is refracted between the magical wind and the iceberg.


At this time, the purgatory giant who had previously played against Amkes had once again rushed to Amkes. There was no such thing as a dispute between Amkes and Green.

"Oh, it’s a group of barbaric idiots!"

Amkes, who had flashed this arrogant five-level purgatory giant attack, was immediately locked by a black lightning. After relying on the speed of flashing, the anger was abnormal but helpless. Green actually formed some tacit cooperation with the purgatory giant.


time flies.


In Green's low laughter, Amkes Sun God is about to make other reactions ~www.novelmtl.com~ but suddenly a sharp scream, this light element wizard shines in the center of the spot, a shadow sword tip drill Come out.

"You turned out to be..."

The shadow sword tip burst into a strange force, and a black silk thread spread out. The sound of the "噗" sounded, and the light spirit was broken. Only a golden cane and a pure burning fireball were left in place. .


The Purgatory Giant and the Blade of Shadows aimed at this quiet and burning fireball at almost the same time. After the armored knight took the fireball, he was able to fight with the five-level purgatory giant Wang Ying, or... ... crushed!

"This guy, it really hides the power, it has reached this level, I am afraid it is stronger than the shadow bone dragon."

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color light looked at the sword of the shadow, and after holding the light of the scepter of hope, he muttered to himself. (To be continued.)



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