A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1070: Between the palms

The sacred squad that fled in turmoil was intertwined by Green, who had been quietly watching in the distance.

"Twenty-four, even came to such a large number of Purgatory Giants, which have two six-level existence. It is no wonder that even the seven-ring true spirit wizards dare not let the wizarding corps rush in. Oh... this way, There is no way to use this world evil spirits to deplete the purgatory giants' regiments, and they will be completely annihilated by the huge army led by King Abba."

Green looked up at the sky and muttered.

The face of truth contains the ability of thousands of giant crabs to visit and perceive. From the perspective of the evil spirits paradise, the eyes of the pair of peeks, I am afraid that the seven-ring true spirit wizard for the king of the purgatory giant Aba Dang, regardless of the cost of the network It will be one of the biggest strategic hands since the war of civilization!

"what can we do about it……"

While Green hesitated and wondered, he wanted to follow these evil spirits and flee with the waves. Suddenly, the night-time fork that had already left far away was turned back, and the face was desperately scared.

"what happened?"

Other evil spirits have already escaped because of the king of Eba Dang, and no one cares about the evil spirits of the purgatory camp. Only the three colors of Green are flashing and take the initiative to welcome them.

"It’s useless, don’t run, the world is already...”

Killing Yaksha is saying, 噼 啪 , , , , , , , , , 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪 邪Lived in the battlefield of the Purgatory Giant and the evil spirits.

Over the colorful light, the clouds are rolling, gathering a face of an old wizard, overlooking everything in the world!

"You can't go there. Who can get a nucleus of the Purgatory Giant of the same level, who has the qualification to leave here!"

Green looked up at this old real spirit wizard face, a ring of true spirit wizard!

In the colorful light that is like a giant pot cover that hangs over the entire battlefield, it is the great glory of familiarity. It is the light of fate lever!

At this time, the Destiny lever magic wand is probably in the hands of the real wizard who represents the top combat power of the wizarding world at this time. Cross-border use of one of the power.

Destiny leverages against the Furnace Furnace! ?

A ring of true spirits and sorcerers gathered in the clouds and slowly turned to the ground. The red gold of the Purgatory Furnace was in the shape of a giant eye, and the face gradually showed a smile.

"Yes. It is indeed the life of a different kind of fire that has the power of dominance. Even if there is no achievement in dominance, the power that is now possessed is enough. I don’t want to go to this trip, oh..."


Hey, hey, hey, hey...

Spread to the black crack at the end of the sky. The strenuous gasp, a pair of giants tried their best to open the crack, revealing the seven-ring true spirit wizard face, and excitedly looked at the box in the box, everything in this world.

The big hands, a quaint ring ring, are worn on the thumb, and there is a grand and vast rule that Green has never seen before. It seems that the natural rules of the world of the evil world and the transformation of energy elements are gathered in the ring. On the top, the gloss on the ring flashes. Through the face of truth, Green faintly saw dozens of inscriptions, and all of them were the masters of the tyrannical alien world!

The seven-ring true spirit wizard also gathered his eyes on the king of the Inferno Furnace, Ebdan, with a smile and evil, as if looking at one of the most precious works of art, hopefully greedy and unconcealed, possessive desires.

"Hey, this time I see where you are going..."

Two masters!

Even the two masters gathered in the paradise!

During the time, many evil spirits have been completely desperate, regardless of the presence of the evil spirits or the Pygmy Legion. And even some purgatory giants, trying to cross the barriers of the colorful light barriers of this layer of destiny, all flashed, and returned from the side of the barrier. The exquisite use of time and space has already pointed to the essence of the endless world truth.

"It's you!"

For the seven-ring true spirit wizard, the only opportunity for the king of the purgatory giant Eba Dang to cross the border and dominate the game, is very impressive. After thousands of years, the world of purgatory giants is increasingly. Even Ebdon is no longer ignorant of the endless world outside the world of Purgatory Giants.

Now, once again, I saw the master, feeling the new form of life that jumped out of the box and the paper scroll. Eba was eager and excited, and every flame of the body was cheering.

As long as there is another chance to confront the real master, he is sure to enter the level of countless life aspirations in the endless world. The peak of life's reproduction and evolution crosses the world community, through the endless void and the material world. Between the illusory and the real, the appearance of time and super-guided time!

The sacred paradise of the sacred paradise is trembled under the dominance of the majesty, and the ants are surrendered, even the king of the Xixi, holding the flag of the purgatory army, is now shocked by this unprecedented desperation, and the king of Ebdan is too swayed, even... The two are supreme.

And the two dominating in that level of life are by no means free.

Only Aba Dang, the king of the King of the Purgatory Giants, in every inch of the flames of the skin, in the joyful and glorious moment of life, as if every breath is like a rebirth, a new beginning, unlimited hope.

At the foot of the sea is the lava sea that came out of the melting pot of the evil spirits paradise. Located in the center of the mainland, the purgatory furnace of the king of Aba Dang was lifted up. The golden magma has completely boiled, flowing out of the furnace and pouring in Red gold is above the body.

The power of the majestic flame makes the distant square Green have completely held their breath, the colorful runes are not flowing, and the shadow is turned into an armor knight, silent and green, and the sword of the shadow.

"Oh... no wonder this time, I have gathered so many old guys. This monster, I am afraid that after the scepter has been promoted, the sorcerer who can be alone with the wizarding world can no longer be found. The black sorrow falls on this. It’s a pity that the monster’s hand is down. Otherwise, maybe the wizard world will have another real spirit.”

The shadow of the sword around Green muttered to himself, the infernal giant Wang Aiba was moved.

"Burn it, the furnace of purgatory, I am with you, infernal purgatory!"


The thousands of flames on the shoulders of the king of Eba Dang rose from the sky, and then the swells were swelled several times. The strong flames rushed into the sky clouds, dispelling the natural phenomenon of the seven-ring true spirit wizards, and went straight into the chaotic layer. Hot flames.

This is the true form of the Purgatory Furnace, the strongest power of the Purgatory Furnace!

Incarnate as the burning sun, Aba Dang rushed to the sky, the fate of the seven-ring true spirit wizard who broke the crack behind the black crack of the colorful light curtain ~www.novelmtl.com~ with its own peak of unrivaled strength.

However, this time, the seven-ring Santa Tower, which opened the crack, was sneering and not moving.

A ring of true spirits gathered in the dark clouds gave a chuckle, and the source of the refraction of the declining power of the colorful light was even stronger.

Vulnerable and meager, destiny levers the colorful light in the tens of thousands of burning sun, it seems that paper is generally vulnerable, but with the contact between the sun and the light of the fate of the lever, the strange time and space are distorted, the next moment, the king of Aba Dang The Infernal Furnace Furnace rushed from the sky to the ground in the opposite direction, pointing to the King of Sihi!

"Do not……"

The king of Sith roared, facing the king of Ebdan, who opened the power of supreme, desperate.

Although the Furama Furnace is strong, but when the fate lever is simple, the air conditioner turns to the ability, but the real spirit wizard plays with the plaything between the palms, and plays with it! (To be continued.)



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