A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1053: Evil **** paradise

Twenty years later.


The dusty grotto door opened for the first time in more than 30 years.

Within the world's debris, the sky is gray and violent, and every few breaths, a thunder beam is lowered, and the colorful runes linger around the figure with a magic wand stepping out of the cave, followed by a curious look. Seymour, a first-level, second-level wizard slowly followed.

“Guide, are these Thunders representing the unique natural rules of change here?”

Andre Seymour carefully asked, this is the first time he walked out of the cave and saw the natural phenomenon of reality from outside the crystal ball.

"Yes, don't go around."

Green Murray's witchcraft spells, the space cage will continue to shrink these wizards, because only a few low-level creatures, even the three-level big wizards are not one, Green is also very easy to bring.

In the nervous expectations of these wizards, Green put them into their sleeves.

"Hey, walk!"

After the small Bayi excitement yelled, Green’s “咻” sounded up and progressed at an incredible speed of real time, and decided to break through this often-world debris corridor passage with the power of a single person.

The three-color gaze gaze forward, and the world's cracks are getting closer and closer. At this time, Green has changed dramatically compared with the World of Fire.

Spiritual power: 550, magic: 4988~5378.

Constitution: 27790, physical strength: 12170~49008, strength: 17302~64235, cell activity: 16548~33394.

After more than 30 years of meditation recovery, Green will not only recover from the spiritual power of falling into the bottom of the nightmare, but also the 100-point spiritual meditation after the advancement of the five-level holy sorcerer. Become the foundation of 550 mental strength.

550 points of mental strength!

The power of Green's annihilation increased by about 125 times to 130 times. According to the highest and lowest attack ranges, it was 68750~71500 degrees.

Now Green's advanced five-level wizard, the power of annihilation has been successfully compiled into the original sin stone structure, which has increased by 2.5 times, which is 171875~178750 degrees attack.

Cleverly. The increase in the amount of magical power that was reduced by the advanced approach to cell activation during the second-level wizard of Green was offset by an increase in the extreme abyss magic wand.

In addition, it is Green that is an element of the radical sorcerer, and the strength of the elements and the double fulcrum of the powerful body increase each other.

At this time, Green's power attack is between 17302 and 64235 degrees. Even after the opening of the fifth layer of wild instinct, the evolution of Green's refining is relatively short compared to some ancient wizards and exotic creatures. The evolution of self-cells is only a small part, most of them are sources. The evolutionary increase from the wild instinct. In particular, the fifth layer of wild instinct that has just been completed has turned.

In this way, if the refining wizard in the abyss of the earth can open the fifth layer of wild instinct as a three-level wizard, it can be like Green, to promote the holy mark by breaking through the cytoplasm.

From this projection, the wizards of the world's prehistoric barbarian giants, born with a level of biological level, the general adult healthy barbarian warrior almost easily grow to the level of three levels of biology, is also the transformation of Green's barbaric giant, and some tribal chiefs and special barbarian. It is the lord of the world, and the day-to-day is no doubt a member of the special barbarian giant.

Upward, it is a mythical legendary barbarian giant, until the seventh layer of barbarian giants transform, ancestors!

It seems that this is also the end of the abyss refining wizard. The direction and goal of this wizarding road is determined. It can never be the opponent of the path of the wizard who pursues the infinite possibilities. It is the improvement of the abyss status in these years. However, it is impossible to incite the main position of the elemental wizard in the wizarding continent.

Green's 17302~64235 power attack. After a tenth increase in the extreme abyss wand, it became 19032~70658.

In this way, after the strength of the elements and the strong cross-body increase each other, Green's theoretical attack is 190907~249408 degrees!

This is considered to be extremely strong in the five-level organism. Although it is far less than the tyrannical characters in the six-level creatures, and the crystallization terminal that the metal destroyers personally will be dispatched, if they are relatively low-grade six-level creatures, they can already face each other.

It can be seen that the base increase of the power of annihilation, after the increase in the structure of the original sin stone, and the elemental increase in the number of refining sorcerers increase each other. How much has Green been reached!

But if that's the only thing...

The wonderful time self-sealing technique created by Greene is the emotional seal of love in the heart. It seals its own strength to only 70% of its own, which is also 133630~174580. It is also the peak of strength in the five-level creature. The existence of the previous flame holy grail and the fifth-order arc thundercloud, even slightly weaker.

When the self-sealing technique accumulates through time, the power of the short-term explosion will become higher and higher, gradually reaching the apex of 140 times, which is the appearance of giving people the power to multiply. The power is enough to make Green become a powerful explosive force in a short time. The crystallization of the Terminator!

call out……

A month has passed.

Through a series of cracks in the world of large and small world fragments, Green has not encountered any metal robot base, and there is no imaginary block.

These corridors that are scattered around the world of debris communication vary greatly from each other according to the relationship between them. But as long as Green maintains the correct direction, it will surely get closer and closer to the world of Gu Long.


Through the gaps in the bottom of the lake, Green once again entered a new world of debris.

What is different is that the sky inside the world debris has appeared a little bit of starlight, and there are some green and red grass plants, with a touch of toxicity.

"This...it doesn't seem right."

Green's brow wrinkles, the faint time and space reaction judges, this time and space transmission distance seems to be a little too long, has deviated from the direction of the ancient world.

The starlight above the head does not come from the rules of the world itself, but is influenced by another world. This world fragment has become a mysterious world of the wizard world, not gradually disappeared between the voids, but attached to Another world in which the rules of the world are large enough.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻!

Suddenly, the shadows of the four brutal screams rushed over, and a pair of horrible fangs exposed outside the lips~www.novelmtl.com~ green skin skinny bones, only one meter high, as a humanoid creature walking though The back is very powerful, holding a long metal fork, sagged in the eye sockets revealing the greedy blood of the wild dog.

For these few lower creatures, Green was aware of the first time he came here.

"Oh? It seems that the ability to hide in these years has gradually achieved something. These lower creatures are already unable to detect their essence, hehe..."

Slightly mobilized magic, a field of alienation swept, three of the lower creatures were alienated, and the only one was confined in the space cage, frightened and struggling, scared to urinate, scent filled.

"Hey, you want to stink the lord, kill him!"

Green's colorful runes evoked a grimace soul in the body, rushing to the door of this creature.

After a little while, Greene said: "Crazy Paradise?" (To be continued.)



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