A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 23 Chapter 1052: Level 5 wizard

"Cough and cough, how long have I been in a coma?"

All the limbs were weak, and all the cells were extremely tired. Green struggled to sit up, but he fell down again, and was lifted by a level witch who was quick-eyed with golden wavy hair.

Green tri-color glimpse of the witch wizard, a little bit of color, but the eyes are sad, not looking directly into Green's eyes.

"Oh, my Green Beast, I know that you will not die. You have been in a coma for 17 days now, and another hourglass is eighteen days. Would you like to sleep again for a while?"

Xiao Ba jumped on Green's shoulder and said.

Ten days?

In the support of the witches, Green leaned against the stone wall and looked around. Only a magic light hung on the top of the cave. Shadows and shadows, about a dozen wizards sat on the stone wall of the cave, bowed their heads, and were extremely silent. The horrible repression, a desperate atmosphere.

"This is where?"

Although Green is desperate, but still full of hope, the witch wizard asks, the face of truth has clearly perceived a new life that is gestating in her body, and Green guessed what happened to the witches before.

For the children in the abdomen, she will not give up, the power of maternal love.

"The Tower of the Oblivion, the Weavers, we are now in the world of debris connected to the world of fire."

The witch stunned, stroking the stomach, and cautiously asked Green: "Master, we... do we still want to leave alive?"

At the end of the day, the witches whispered, and they were like a new hunter. The first mission caught up with the failure of the wizarding side of the Civil War. The companion who once swears in love has left. .

"Crap. Eighty is here, ask what silly, look at you one by one. Cut..."

Xiao Ba is not happy to mutter, any time. Can not dispel the optimistic attitude of this guy, do not know how many years of experience, Xiao Ba has his own views on everything.

Green did not answer the words of the witch, and looked at the low-level wizards who had fallen into despair in the cave. They seemed to be waiting for the coming of death, and there was no life.

"Oh, what's wrong, do you think that the wizarding world is defeated? Stupid!"

Green's words. Let a few wizards in the cave look over.

This is how ruthless, as if the candle will be extinguished.

"Yes, it is true that the metal life has defeated the wizarding corps in the world of the blaze, no matter which continent you have been on, and which sacred sorcerer to follow, I want to tell you that we have not failed! Just now, Through the Wizarding Alliance's top secret information. The metal destroyer trapped inside the world has been caught by the Wizarding League. We have not failed in the world of the fire, we have won an unprecedented victory for the wizarding world. All people's sacrifices have realized his meaning. Including my holy mark wizard friends!"

In the words of Green, the wizards in the dead caves have raised their heads and looked at Green in disbelief. Is there such a thing?

In the eyes of low-level wizards, the failure of a world to lose is a big deal, but it is not worth mentioning from the perspective of the holy mark wizard, the true spirit wizard, and even the endless dominance.

Perhaps behind the metal destroyer civilization. The Wizarding Alliance has already captured and destroyed two equally important worlds. It is meaningless to look at it from a personal perspective.

Resurrection. A pair of double alum eyes gathered to Green, this kind of thing. The low-level wizard never thought about it!

"Wow, what time, I don't know, the world of the fire is actually a bait!?"

Xiao Ba secretly asked, apparently stunned by Green's words, and was shocked.

"I lied to them."

Of course, after the secret speech of the Little Eight, the Greenwich Institute continued, regardless of the expression of the little eight, and continued: "Now, as long as everyone is alive, it is the creator of this victory. Later generations will sing the eternal songs to commemorate the achievements, just like once saved the wizard. The ancient wizards of the world's peril. I swear, don't take too long, and when I restore my peak strength, I will do my best to leave you alive!"


A few months later.

A baby boy was born in the cave.

In order not to let this incomparably weak new life just be born, because of the chaos of the alien world chaos, Green reluctantly restored some power and supported an element of absolute control space, always protecting the baby.

To this end, after inheriting the child’s father’s surname, at the request of the witch, Green gave the baby the name of Andre Seymour and officially accepted himself as the third disciple after Cappuccino and Hasso. !


Fifteen years later.

"Guide, what's wrong with you?"

Anse Seymour, who used to roll his hair in black, stopped the contact work under Grimb. He asked Green, and other wizards in the cave also looked at Green. Even the little eight who was sleeping were woken up by Green’s deep excitement. Come over.

Green stopped the excitement and laughed at the three disciples.

Unlike Cappuccino and Hessian, as he grew up watching Andersem, he developed his growth with a needle and a line, almost infused with his father's emotional Green, and has an indescribable emotional sustenance for Anderse.

Touching the head of Andre Seymour, the fifteen-year-old child is not too small, but in the eyes of his father, it seems that it is only the baby who was delivered and sheltered.

"You have to work hard, the mentor's path to the wizard has just taken a big step forward. I believe that if you don't take too long, you can take you and your mother, and these uncles, uncles, aunts, together. Go back to the wizarding world, see the tower of the wizard, and see your sister and brother."

Antoothi ​​licked his lips and looked forward to a look of excitement. He nodded excitedly and continued to complete the practice of double-strength exercises under Grib.

Little Bayi flash appeared on Green's shoulder ~www.novelmtl.com~ Breakthrough? ”


Green nodded and said in a low way: "Just at the end of the sacred bird's head, the 256th head structure has been formed. The original sin stone structure of the power of annihilation has been completed. I have officially advanced. Five levels of wizards."

"Wow, the annihilation force based on 550 points of spirit is 2.5 times attacking state, plus the wild instinct of the previous breakthrough in the fifth layer to change the body quality, with the elements of the spurs of the sorcerer superimposed powerful power If you open your own seal, as long as there is no crystallizer terminator, it is not impossible to force the past!"

Xiao Ba can't wait: "It's a pity that there are too few wizards here. You can't play your nightmare's mental strength and quick recovery ability. Hurry and restore all the mental power early. This is like smashing the lord, and your three disciples can't. Always contact this person."


After Green muttered a sentence, he once again suppressed all his magical fluctuations, preventing everyone from hiding the breath of the mountain and closing his eyes and meditating. (To be continued.)

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