A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1009: Going forward

"These towers..."

Several sacred sorcerers also noticed Green's predicament, and gathered in the healing world to look around and peep into it, attracting many astrologers under the cracks in the starry world to look up and point. ╞┢.?{.

Green muttered to himself, a will to convey, the light of the elements in the space fortress appeared, dozens of three-level hunting wizards, hundreds of three-level slave monsters flying in the sky with the night shadow Saatchi .

Only these three-level creatures can roam in short distances without the help of similar spy shadows.

"The tower of annihilation, do you want these low-level wizards to forcibly destroy the astrological tower?"

The arc thundercloud asked, there is no cover of the huge slave army, no invasion of the wizard will, the loss of these witches and wizards forcibly invaded.

"This kind of resources close to the frontline of the war, the long-term occupation is not worth the loss, the sorcerer's family businessmen will never come to mine before the situation of the civilized war is unclear, so all we need is those directly plundering resources. As for the aftermath, pay Handle the Santa, so you don't have to think too much about the Medal of Honor."

Said, Green waved almost without hesitation, indicating that these hunters and third-level slaves or the gaps in the world's clothing, or directly from the hole in front of themselves have not healed, rushed to that can communicate Astronomical towers of powerful alien creatures in distant worlds.

"In an enhanced version of the college war, it is inevitable that there is damage. ╪┟.[."

These slave monsters and hunting wizards from the outer world of the stars and sky, as if they were rolling down the long tail marks from the sky, brought excitement to the astrologers on the astronomical towers and the exotic creatures called by distant time and space. Absolute visual impact.

The Demon Sorcerer Legion, and the monster corps that did not know how many war baptisms have been eliminated, the unique killing will is enough to make some peaceful world creatures into a nightmare.

After all, friends are only friends. After a brief contact with the killing, the two sides have mutual damage, and some exotic creatures called by the horoscope begin to flinch.

After all, these are just the strange creatures that the astrologers have summoned to each other, although they often have some strange abilities. It is only an individual existence, not a legion, nor any cohesion.

"Hey? Such a high purification!"

Xiao Ba looked at the astrological tower, a star attack by a famous astrologer. Falling on some slave monsters actually caused the body to collapse, and was shocked.

There is also a small amount of research in the Purification Wizard World.

However, the wizard only focused on the study of elemental purification, and attacked the elemental creatures. I did not expect that the world's astrological purification could even purify flesh and blood.

"Well? That astrological tower has condensed so much energy for a long time, as if to summon a big guy. Oh. It seems that this storm is a loss..."

Green muttered, the free dandelion with less words on one side said: "After the war of civilization is opened, under the will of the real wizards, we are not these little wizards who know that they are extremely dangerous but have to go to the front."

Saying, this great sorcerer summoned all the secondary and tertiary creatures in the four space fortresses that could temporarily resist the emptiness of the void. Under his will command, he would not rush into the starry world!

This amount is ten times more than Green’s dispatch.

The corps is like a flood, and despite the loss, it must destroy the horoscope tower.

Such a scene. It is true that the astrologers who are good at peaceful communication and the trade of distant time and space are completely shocked. The powerful monsters who are ignoring the gaps in life and death, like the end of the world.


The bright snoring spread throughout the battlefield, and the sorcerers who spy on the cracks behind the cracks were slightly sorry.

"There is really a summoning of a world leader, but summoning this fourth-level creature should also be the limit of this astrological tower."

Below the crack, the head of the world where the starlight gathers is like a huge thorn ball, and each spike has a purple smoke rule creature, dragging nearby enemies into the thorn ball.

As a powerful creature at the level of the world. As soon as the thorn ball came, it began to kill and kill. The damage of some hunting wizards and slave monsters was quickly healed by its strong healing ability.

"Life is 22762~37321, we only need to squeeze in any one. It can be crushed by the lower world."

Behind the crack, the three-colored light under the head of the huge black flame gaze at the lord of the world who is trying to stop the demon corps and protect the astronomical tower.

"There is no way. After all, it is a world leader. Only let these hunting wizards fill in their lives. Let these astrologers rejoice for a while, this astrological tower can't support it. But it depends on the loss of summoning. There are still a few friends in the so-called foreign world who are willing to help them, hehe."

The Holy Grail of the Flame sneered.

With his own will to drive the huge slave monster army hunter witch wizard sergeant army as a power extension, these high marks have long been accustomed to, any number of casualties is only a numerical ratio, can be better to the Santa Claus account.

They have long forgotten the experience of being a member of these weak wizards.

After a few hourglass hours.

Booming rumbling...

The fierce and brutal slave army and the elite demon sorcerers attacked the world of the thorn ball and many distant alien world powers. They attacked the astrological tower and finally destroyed the building that represents the source of the astrologer's power. .

A famous astrologer can no longer maintain a stable call to defend against the power of time and space. Some summoned creatures almost ended the starry call after paying a huge price in the first place.

"Humble and stupid ants, the starry shackles have been destroyed, and they don't roll back to your world, just waiting to be the minced meat in my teeth and throat with these astrologers. I seem to have heard the wonderful sucking of your bones. Sound, hehe..."

Green began to expand the world's loopholes for the second time. www.novelmtl.com~ Intimidating from the distant time and space creatures who fought against the Witch Corps under the cracks, especially the one from the distant world of time and space.

"eat you!"

Behind the black flame head, dozens of flaming soul birds struggled to squeeze into the world, the spiral world cracked wildly, the nearby space was broken, and an eager greedy brutal barbarian.

"It's bluffing! Let's hold on, don't be afraid, the support of the Abis Astrology Tower is coming soon, when it's time..."

The high-ranking astrologer screamed in half, a distorted shadow appeared in his panic, and he was able to display a powerful starry sky. He lost his horoscope and towered, and his body was weak and pitiful. Strangulation is fragmented.

"Who else?"

The night shadow Saatchi is hidden from the new, and the eerie echoes. (To be continued.)



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