A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1008: Astrological tower

Ten years later. ┞┢═┝┟.{.

After a long road of emptiness, the expeditionary army finally found the world of Star Summoner in the vast monotonous void.

Seven different shapes of the sorcerer, four levels of creatures, black dragons, ghosts, and elves, the emptiness of the emptiness, four empty fortresses full of expeditionary corps stay behind.

"The tower of annihilation, there is work."

The Arc Thundercloud Stigma Wizard was presided over as the leader of several people, and said to Green.

In the eyes of the other five sacred marks, Green nodded and opened the true form of the soul of the 10,000 soul birds, step by step to the world of the Star Summoner in the mountain world.

"Several noble sacred sorcerers, why not directly invade?"

In the void world, the black whirlwind came out of the Black Dragon Ghost question, and did not understand why the long-distance trek had reached the destination but did not immediately launch a massive invasion.

Different from other people who have become accustomed to the arc thundercloud as the team leader, the black dragon ghost instinctively asked the strongest free dandelion stigma of several people.

“The Tower of the Oblivion is a teammate who we spend a lot of money on, and it has extraordinary ability.”

Free dandelion is saying that in a few people's astonished look, the distant black flame giant has opened up a loophole in the world's clothing defense and various rules guards with its unique ability, which will only be able to accommodate the world's sovereigns. The loopholes of low-level biological smuggling are infinitely magnified!

Green held his breath, and the three colors of the truth looked at the regular runes on the scroll, and the hands were sharply fiddled. The world's clothing thunder gradually compiled a tens of meters of far hole, and it was expanding and faintly visible. A dark, star-filled world inside. ┡┢╞.

Under the black cracks, in the towering buildings similar to the Witch Tower, the stars of the alternative culture are summoning the singers, looking at the stars in horror, there is a black flame horror monster trying to open a world crack!

"Unbelievable, unbelievable."

The ability of the Black Dragon Ghost to hear it. In the void, I was shocked to see this black flame giant.

In addition to the arc thundercloud sorcerer who had already witnessed Green's ability, other sacred marks and wizards showed their joy and witnessed Green's unique ability. It seems to have seen a very different change in the future of the task. ,

However, unlike the wizards behind them, Green has a different feeling from the past.

This starry sky summons the world of the division. Relatively speaking, the internal rules have to be improved a lot. At this point, I was able to expand the world's loopholes so smoothly at first, in fact, a large part of the reason is that the gap in the world itself is already large enough.

After the first stage of relaxation, the difficulty is several times more difficult than the mountain world.


The vulnerabilities in the expanding world are suddenly touched by a strange rule, causing the loopholes to be slightly distorted and unstable. ═┝┟╞.[.

Yep! ?

What Green found was shocked: "There is a strange creature in the inside that uses strange powers to detect it."

Now that Green has just finished, the three-color ray will see the protection part of the scroll rule. After the rune swayed, it formed a high-tower form. A Star Summoner looks straight at himself.

It turned out to be a distant and powerful creature from the world, and the starlight is surrounded by a mystery.

"Let's go! The predators from the exotic world are dare to touch the starry world. You are looking for a dead end!"

On the high tower virtual shadow, the powerful starry summoner screamed at Green and watched the majesty.

Judging from the regular wave marks of the stimuli, this powerful Star Summoner has stepped into the five-level biological level, even the power system is completely different, and may cost a great price to summon higher-level creatures from distant alien time and space.

"Hey. Star Summoner, it seems that your flesh and blood can not only stabilize the passage of time and space, but also provoke changes in the rules of the world. It is indeed a rare and precious resource. After occupying this world, I will be in the laboratory. More breeding and breeding of some specimens."

Green finished, looking behind him.

At this time, the angry Star Summoner projection only noticed that the distant void world was violently fluctuating, and there were huge mechanical devices that were difficult to count the slave army. When the anger was stunned, it turned into a fearful horror. Realize that the scale of the predator power of this starry world is far from imagination.

"You are despicable and greedy predators! Well, since you dare to take the initiative to challenge the starry world, then you are ready to accept the wrath of the starry world. You want to know what a horrible world is about to face!"

Said, this tower projection disappeared.

"Oh, it seems that we are treating those wandering evil spirits."

Green turned his head and spoke to the will of the holy sorcerer, sarcasm.

"It is also a matter of course. Those foreign worlds record the invasion of the wizarding world. It is often the beginning of a **** moon, a stupid indigenous, and ignore him."

The Holy Grail of the Flame Holy Grail said coldly.

Nodded, Green continued to go all out to expand the crack.

However, after only a half hour of hourglass time, the world inside the crack suddenly gathered a group of strange and varied creatures. It seems to be the friends of the foreign time and space called by the Divination Tower. These are dozens and hundreds of worlds. The creatures of the community certainly don't understand what the wizarding world is, and often have some incredible powers.

at this time!

Underneath the crack in the space of the Star World Green, two low-level creatures seriously interfered with Green.

One of the three-color crows screamed, and tens of thousands of colorful and colorful feathers flew into the sky, and they gathered quite a remarkable energy fluctuation. They displayed a seal that was completely different from the wizarding world knowledge system. The world's loopholes are affected by this seal, and irreversible begins to slowly heal.

A low-level third-class creature from the unknown world community interrupted Green World's expansion of the world's loopholes, and it made the little eight on Green's shoulders stunned!

It’s an endless world, no wonder, is this a biota that is good at repairing the rules of the world?


Xiao Ba Yi shouted ~www.novelmtl.com~ another creature is a milky white flame.

It is also only a three-level creature, but seeing this milky white flame summoning the power of unknown mystery, even shielding the attention of the wizarding world of Green, and suddenly, the source of the magic power of the wizard tower is purified. Slow down.


A distant space-time creature that was not summoned by the astrological tower was not able to affect itself. This was something that Green had not expected before.

This world is not easy!

However, Green also noticed that, like the wizarding tower of the wizarding world, the astrological tower of the starry sky is also the source of the power of these astrologers. (To be continued.)



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