A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1003: Heart of mountains

Five years later.

Say goodbye to Sylvanis, who is still studying the mystery of balance seals. He has traveled to several large cities in the world of the spiritual world. Green passed through time and space cracks and returned to the annihilation tower.

If there is no support from the spiritual world, Green will frequently cross the world community in time and space, and the energy issue may have already pushed Green to a dead end.

"Thousand-eyed crabs, picking up three million 嘶嚎蟑螂 elite slavery regiments, requisitioned within ten years."

The helper of Soul Eater invades the mountain world. It does not require Green to carry the slave army. However, in addition to the Soul Eater, Greene’s 22nd District Team of the Second Ring Santa also invites Green to conduct an expedition before the war of civilization. The necessary mutual understanding.

Over the years, in addition to the direct crystal ball to contact Green's sacred sorcerers, there are also a few low-level wizards who have given you some friendship and went to the Witch Tower to seek face-to-face. After the failure, they have more or less left behind some tokens.

Green looked at it for a while, and some of them were even sturdy wizards during the Seventh Ring of Santa Green's second wizard.

"It seems that frequent wars have made these low-level wizards realize that the crisis is approaching and begin to seek sanctuary shelter. Unfortunately... the battle of civilization, even the holy mark wizard can not dominate the battle situation, and under the holy mark They are all ants."

In the sigh, Green took out a list of precious materials containing a large number of black fields, and contacted the Zijinxiang family, the Isa family, and several families with the interests of the college.

The number of the head of the flaming 10,000 bird determines its power. After reaching 256, Green can rely on the many heads of the flaming souls to complete the annihilation of the original sin stone structure adjustment, advanced five The sacred sorcerer, plus the soul of the 10,000 souls, has a real strength. I am afraid that it will be easy to play beyond the attack rate of more than 200,000, and power can not be compared with this time.

In this way, the black domain has some precious resources that promote the growth of synthetic beasts. It became the essence of Green's collection.

In addition to this, the characteristics of the soul of the 10,000 birds. Some introverted high-purity flame energy crystal nucleus also has a considerable growth-promoting effect. The soul that mixes a lot of negative emotional energy will be the most basic resource for the growth of the soul-skinned bird. The stronger the negative energy, the more able to assist growth, otherwise the pure soul will not Any effect.

This requires Green to find some specific flame world resources to collect and judge.


A month later, the Second Ring Santa.

The bright horns spread throughout the ruins of the ancient city, and the densely stalked stalkers usually hunted the wizards and returned to the hunter castle. Providing space for the fortress to inflate the fate of the rules and the enormous energy.

In the 20,000-meter-diameter medium-sized space fortress, the upper layer is filled with densely-stricken soul slave monsters and hunting wizards. The interior of the base is hundreds of thousands of Ming sorcerers, space airship cockpits, strategic resources, combat headquarters, and St. Mark Hall.

The Soul Eater is turned into a small palm of the size of a palm, lying on the red heart, lazy and holding a glass of red wine to enjoy.

"Mountain world, a small world on the edge of this world community, the small world that would not have been cared for by the Wizarding Union or the Metal Destroyer, as long as they can complete the unified world community, these small worlds will naturally be attached, oh... ”

Said, the soul of the soul waved. A red lips "beep" out of thin air, a mysterious crystal gem appeared.

"However, as the battle with the metal destroyer civilization is approaching, the discovery of the resources of the world's mountain heart. The strategic position has changed dramatically."

Green took over the jewel, and after the three-color light of the truth, he felt it, and rushed to the past on the shoulder.

The guy's two-eyed pretending to observe for a while, thrown into the gap between the dimensions, everything is taken for granted.

"Good magical performance, as a magic wand head is suitable, but can provide a very good attribute bonus for the lower level magician. If the product has a higher quality mountain, the holy mark wizard can also use it. ""

Green gave this evaluation.

Shake his head and smile. The Soul Eater kiss is low: "The performance of this magic wand in your hand has reached an unimaginable level. If you judge this magic standard, these mountain hearts are certainly not worth mentioning, but you think everyone can have it. Is this kind of temperament coldness as a stick?"

"Hey. My great master, this extremely abyss magic wand, don't say the holy mark, I am afraid that the advanced wizard can also make use of it, and it has been quite a while since it fully exerted its attribute."

The little eight is very proud of it.

Even with a look at the history of the wizard's world, Green's extreme abyss wand is a rare and powerful weapon.

"Oh... forget it, you should know the news of the birth of the great eight-ring true spirit witch two hundred years ago?"

The Soul Eater suddenly asked.

Green nodded, and his eyes flashed under the face of truth.

"After listening to some news, it is said that the great true spirit of Guanglingbao as a true spirit. If the Black Witch King is also counted as a true spirit, the 19th ruler of the Wizarding World was born, and it was a blessing, but unfortunately I am able to come and congratulate myself."

The Soul Eater kiss is a bit sloppy: "At my level, the level of attention to the promotion of the true spirit is almost instinct. After all, the sorcerer world has always been a group of six."

Said, the soul-sucking kiss paused, and took out a mountain heart.

"In fact, according to my previous judgment, the two elements of the wizard's mainland elemental wizard system are most likely to complete the true spirit and offer the true spirit. There is no such eight-ring true spirit. Two people, one is the devil's bones. Spiritual dedication, one is very likely to create a curse of the cursed wizards in this battle of civilization, can not create a faction like a true spirit wizard ~ www.novelmtl.com~ After all, according to the rules, curse Witchcraft is still counted as an elemental system."

"This time, the desert sand world is a transit, and the invasion of the mountain world is related to these two people?"

The altar of the demon-killing bones is the world of debris devices for the demon sorcerer, which involves the application of the fate lever rule, the world's debris energy support, the hunting wizard's identity authentication, etc., which is not as simple as the surface, but with the expedition resources. The heart of the mountain is hard to get involved.

As for the other great wizard who focuses on cursing witchcraft...

Green seems to grasp the key information, the face of the truth, the three colors of light gaze at the heart of this mountain for a while, then licked his lips.

"Sure enough, there is some strange increase in the power of communication mystery."

According to Green, although the metal of the Destroyer civilization has an extraordinary power for the application of energy and the microscopic field of metal materials, it knows nothing about the mysterious field of the ninth-level organism in the eternal world system.

This is also the biggest weakness of the metal destroyer civilization found by the wizarding civilization at this stage! (To be continued.)

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