A Sorcerer’s Journey

Vol 22 Chapter 1002: Balance seal


The parasitic spore world spent more than two hundred years, the soul of the 10,000-headed bird was born, and the vegetative rebel army was cleared.

In the Void Mothership, Green chats with Lucy and Saatchi. The great group of rain and dew spirits will bring the delicious wizards of Rab, and with the virtual space tremble, successfully pass through the door of time and space, and the virtual mothership will come to the soul. world.

"So, the two world guardians attempted to send the vegetative army to another world to seek refuge, in an attempt to counterattack one day?"

For Green, who is like a commonplace through the door of time and space, he did not care about the emptiness of the virtual mothership. The coffee in his hand did not drop a drop, and the voice was low.

"Yes, but the rulers of the glacier world are no longer the group of glacier summoners, so the plan has not been successful."

Lucy was somewhat embarrassed to use the power of elements to dry the wizard's robe, put the coffee cup on the seat, and was carried away by the spirit of the rain and dew.

"Oh, it seems that in addition to the natural rules, the parasitic spore world has some similarities with the wizarding world."

Green sighed.

"The Witch Tower is not able to leave the Wizarding World in order to pass the source of magic through the wizard's will, so it can't leave the Wizarding World, and ordinary humans who can only thrive in the Witcher's Tower shelter greenhouse can't carry out exotic colonization. The parasitic spore world The ferns have even had similar restraints. Although they have conquered a large number of worlds and plundered them, they have not completed immigration."

In the heart of Green, he added a sentence: "In comparison, the abyss civilization is terrible..."

Night Shadow Saatch looks at the world of the world through the window of the virtual mothership.

“Masters, there are already a number of cities with good scales in the world of spiritual people. In the big cities, there are often sorcerers who are in the same place.

Green also through the window. Looking at the world of the world, which is much more barren than the parasitic spore world, shook his head.

"The power of chaos has vanished. This world has nothing but psionic technology. There is also a very important resource that I need to mine myself. You are responsible for returning the virtual carrier to the secret. I have to stay in this world for a while."



The two responded, and in the Green's gesture, the three took the knife and fork and began to enjoy the sorcerer's food on the table, and the strange foods were not smashed.

After a while.

Green, who enjoyed the perfect food, got up and waved at the two devotees who had sent the farewell, not forgetting the last one.

"Saki, I’m trying my best to fight hard all these years. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to honor the Medal of Honor.”

Surprised watching Green. The moving color revealed, Saatchi just nodded silently, low: "The master has given me a lot of help."

Under the face of Green Truth, the three-color light looks at Lucy again.

"I hope that you can gain the benefits through the deep blue heavy water rules, complete the energy quality change as soon as possible, and step into the top of the third-level wizard."

Before leaving the parasitic spore world, Green had sheltered Lucy from entering the deepest space of the Shuiyan Mountain, and Lulu had a good harvest.


Lucy licked his lips, and he nodded his head and could see the energy quality change for the third-level wizard. She did not fully grasp, even though Green took her to explore the rules of the deep blue water and water.

"So... goodbye!"

Green walks in the real time, and an element teleport disappears. Fly in the direction of the Eastern Rift Valley.


Ten days later.

"Hey, I thought you weren't coming! Well? It's a lot of atmosphere, is it going to advance?"

Sylvester looked up at Green, who had broken the invisible ban, and said hello. He could see that he had a good harvest for this balanced seal in these years. He was in a good mood.

"Five grade holy marks!"

Although it has long been known that because of the talent relationship, the super magic hand sanctuary wizard will soon complete the qualitative change of energy structure adjustment, advanced five, but when Green is full of confidence. At first glance, when the other party succeeded in advanced level 5, it still could not help but fall. Unspeakable.

“Congratulations on your advanced five-level mark. How about this balance seal harvest?”

Green fell to the side of Hilvers. Pretend to be dull, if nothing happens.

"Very good, the world of a wilderness can be exchanged for such a mystery, this time I really earned it, huh, huh."

Sylvester said, pointing to the edge of the seal.

"Have you seen it? With the death of the dinosaurs who have been punished by fate, this seal has gradually begun to collapse. I am afraid that after the millennium, this seal will be completely erased by the balance rules, so you have to hurry. ""

Under the face of Green Truth, I stared at the silence in the silence of the three colors. It seemed that I got the same conclusion and nodded, but there was no worry.

With the help of the face of truth, and the rules of the world's clothing to gain experience, Green's speed of cracking this balance of seals is not the only one that can rely on the real time to observe.

With a low smile, Green began the study of the mystery of balance seals.


Unconsciously, one hundred and fifty years have passed.

The two holy sorcerers supported each other and became opponents. Unconsciously, they established some friendships, and they also cultivated some tacit understandings and changed a lot.

Sylvester, before the energy change of the third-level wizard, has been obscured, and it is always the existence of the same generation of wizards, until the completion of the energy quality change under the saint mark of the wizard world, no one dares to touch the edge, together with As the secluded fountain of Green and Peranos, it was completely suppressed, it is a generation of legends!

Green, extraordinary wisdom, luck, and experience, let Green continue to surpass the speed of the era wizards, and even many times the same level of wizards still have the future to know the talented wizard, he has already surpassed this level, like the sky In the middle of a flashing meteor, the wonderful flame is very short, but full of memories.

"The tower of annihilation, my sister gave you enough money before, if you dare to evade, hehe."

In the crystal ball, the soul-eating kiss is threatening.

"Five years, five years later, I passed, and now it is really at the last moment of the experiment."

Green reached out his hand and said earnestly.

The Soul Eater Kiss is not the first to invite Green's Holy Mark Wizard, but this time, Green is not easy to push off anyway, and can only delay the scalp.

"Well, that sister will wait for you for five years!"

Said ~www.novelmtl.com~ Soul Eater Kiss Stigma Wizard closed the crystal ball contact, Green secretly shook his head and sighed.

Sylvester looked at Green.

"In the past few years, the Wizards World War has been too frequent. It seems that it has reached the last critical moment. The final preparation before the war of civilization, we can't hide for too long."

Sylvester licked his forehead and compared it with Green for years of high-intensity tests. Both of them were very tired, but they couldn't rest.

"Is this mask called the face of truth?"


Green nodded and grabbed all the time to complete the final balance seal exploration.

Sylvester sighed: "It is unusual."

Only one hundred and fifty years of experimental research has been carried out. Compared to Green, which has entered the late stage of research, there are still quite a few parts of Sylvester that have not had time to study. This is the power of truth! (To be continued.)

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