A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 690 Warning (please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

Deception is a behavior that takes advantage of unequal information to achieve some ulterior purpose.

Although many people label it as an exclusive label for high IQ, or shroud it in a mysterious aura of psychology, the most important part of it still lies in the words "information asymmetry."

Deception becomes possible only when you have some key information and the other party knows nothing about it.

Otherwise, anyone with normal intelligence is unlikely to be deceived.

Obviously, the dark side of the empire, which is completely cut off from the holy territory of the empire and cannot even communicate with each other in the same star sector, is such a place where deception can be used unscrupulously.

Because as the only person who can travel faster than light in subspace, no matter what Moscat says, the planetary governor on the dark side cannot verify whether it is true or false, and can only choose to accept it all for the time being.

After all, the word "loyalty" is engraved in the heart and soul of every human being.

Once you are labeled as a traitor or heretic, it is not a problem that can be solved by killing one or two people.

Especially the huge fleet suspended in the orbit of the planet may transform from guardians and reinforcements into a terrifying counter-rebellion army at any time.

What's more, Moscat has a trade license signed and authorized by the empire.

Don't think this thing is easy to do.

Only administrative agencies above the level of district governor are qualified to issue it, and it is definitely not something that just anyone can get.

Only those who have obtained the license are qualified to be called "Rogue Traders" and can legally engage in trading activities within the empire, and even contact alien races and civilizations, exchange technology and materials, and hire each other as thugs.

Although Moscat's business license was not the highest-level license signed by the God-Emperor himself, nor was it the second-level license signed by the Primarch of the Loyal Faction, it still had the seal of the Council of Terra and belonged to the next highest category. Third gear.

You must know that whoever issues the business license has the right to withdraw it.

For example, if a Rogue Trader's trade license comes from the Moff, then the Moff and his superior government agency have the power to withdraw the trade license when deemed necessary.

Without a trade license, Rogue Traders can no longer legally engage in inter-planetary trade activities.

But if it was issued by the God-Emperor or the Primarch around the 30th millennium, then according to the law, only they are eligible to take it back. Even the Terran Council cannot forcibly deprive these trade licenses.

It's the kind of thing that when my ancestors launched the Great Crusade with the Emperor and the Primarch, they did all the work in my life.

Rogue traders who hold this kind of trade license can basically do whatever they want as long as they don't betray the empire and the God-Emperor. They are the masters of the Yellow Banner of Old Terra.

Some can even hire a small number of Astartes warriors, and their strength is not much worse than the size of the army when the Damocles expedition was launched to fight the Tau, or even stronger.

In the eyes of the governor of Irons 6, Moscat is undoubtedly such a super rogue trader with a profound background and a special mission.

Because without the support of the Imperial Regent and the Terran Council, ordinary Rogue Traders would not be able to afford such a large fleet, and even the god's machine, the Titan Mecha, has more than twenty units.

After all, even a thousand-man Astartes Chapter is equipped with very few giant war machines like this. Even if one is lost, one will feel distressed for a long time.

The number of soldiers equipped with small and medium-sized power mechas is so large that they can't even be counted. They can be regarded as an elite mobile force that can determine the outcome of a battle.

Therefore, the Planetary Governor did his best to please this "big man" who should be a high-ranking figure in his eyes at the banquet. He even took the initiative to introduce the situation before losing contact with his own sector, as well as the relationship and importance between various families and forces. The character clearly wants to hug this thick and strong thigh.

Moscat captured the opponent's psychology and fully demonstrated the devil's ability to lie, deceive and play with human nature.

Not only did they agree to provide all support to the planetary governor, including weapons, equipment, food supplies, and industrial machines, they also provided medicines that could satisfy people's desires and calm the strong anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts.

After just one gulp, the upper elite ruling class at the scene immediately felt its beauty.

Both men and women can't help but enter a state of drunkenness, but at the same time their consciousness is extremely clear and excited. The sensory stimulation has quickly reached its peak, and the nerves have become sharper than ever, as if they are even Time suddenly slowed down a lot.

After more than an hour, the dignitaries at the banquet slowly returned to normal. They were sweating profusely, as if they had performed strenuous exercise.

The planetary governor even sat on the sofa with a tired look on his face and sighed: "Oh my god, this feels so wonderful. It's as if all the troubles and worries have left me, and my whole person has become relaxed from head to toe. If it If it can be supplied in large quantities at a very low price as you said, not only will the cost of maintaining rule be greatly reduced, but the originally high crime rate in the hive city will also be alleviated."

"Haha, look, I said you will like it. Believe me, dear Governor Hulk, this is the greatest invention of mankind since entering the fortieth millennium. With it, there will no longer be any problems on your planet. Any rebellion occurs.”

Moscat raised the wine glass to signal, and then took a sip with a very elegant movement. The red liquid slowly slid down the corner of his mouth, as bright and dazzling as blood.

The planetary governor known as Hulk nodded with deep understanding: "Yes. With this kind of drug that can obtain satisfaction in the cheapest way, who would risk death to commit crimes or even launch rebellions. All people will become a cog in the empire's huge machine, and everything will be clearly arranged from birth to death. This is absolute order! The most perfect and ideal social state."

Upon hearing this, Moscat burst out laughing: "Hahahaha!

That’s right!

That's it!

It can eliminate painful and troublesome emotions in an instant, and nip all resistance in the bud.

In addition, I also have many stimulants and berserk drugs that can improve soldiers' combat effectiveness and fighting will.

With these, combined with the weapons and equipment I gave you, you no longer have to worry about the orcs.

And I accept HR paying the bill.

Well, this is a very good deal, isn't it? "

"I don't know how to express my gratitude for your generosity and kindness. In return, I am willing to send people to go with you to other planets in the sector, so that all governors in the sector will be bathed in the water from the Imperial Regent and By the grace of the Council of Terra."

Governor Hulk is obviously a sensible person, and he knows the purpose of Moscat giving him so many benefits, and he is also very happy to do this smooth favor.

"Awesome! With your help, my fleet should soon be able to integrate the resources and production capacity of the Volk sector, and then use it as a springboard to connect the dark side of the entire empire and make all enemies who dare to take advantage of it pay the price. "

Seeing that the target had taken the bait and was tied to him, Moscat's eyes flashed with a trace of amusement that was not easy to detect.

Governor Hulk did not realize what a terrible trap he had fallen into, but responded with a flattering look: "It is an honor for me to follow a big man like you from Holy Terra. I swear on the name of my family, I I will surely follow your footsteps and offer my loyalty to the God-Emperor and the Empire."

Moscat pretended to be satisfied and nodded: "Very good. You are a smart person, and I happen to like smart people very, very much. I wish us a happy cooperation."

“Happy to work with!”

Governor Hulk raised his glass and touched it lightly, then smiled knowingly.

In this way, taking advantage of the complete loss of contact with the dark side of the empire, Moscat finally began to implement the huge plan he had formulated, and at the same time, the flame called ambition in his heart began to burn stronger and stronger.

And his filial sons and grandsons also began to sharpen their knives to compete for the future inheritance rights of the family.

It is foreseeable that this evil family that has been twisted by darkness has become a tool and plaything of Zuo Si from the moment it fell into Zuo Si's hands.

Whether it is the devil's eggs or the acquisition of greater power through sacrifice, they are all deliberately designed to guide the subsequent development of the story full of irony and black humor.

For Zuo Si, this is like directing a dark stage play, exploring and appreciating the evil of human nature.

This is not simply due to some bad taste, but another path to transcendence that leads to the source, a powerful power that can gain additional bonuses in any world or even the universe.

If he can become the embodiment of "evil" in the entire multiverse, then he can become the most powerful planeswalker in history.

Zuo Sike has never slacked off in the pursuit of knowledge and power.

It would be better to say that at this moment, he was telling Shaskell, who had just led the commercial fleet to visit again, about the current situation of the Tau Empire's sphere of influence.

Every time a potential enemy is mentioned, the expression on the face of this "little titanium girl" will immediately give a series of quick and timely reactions such as shock, fear, panic, etc.

Although Shaskell had anticipated that the situation of his civilization might be worse, he never expected it to be so bad.

Similarly, she suddenly understood why the powerful human empire chose to cease the war after only conducting the Damocles expedition, and never had the slightest intention to start a war.

It turned out that the entire area ruled by the Tau was intended to be used as a buffer zone to ward off those truly terrifying enemies.

Especially after hearing the origins of the Necrons and the terrifying level of technology the other party had mastered, Saskier felt numb.

In addition, there are the chaotic forces and endless demons hidden in the great subspace rift, the unknown number of Tyranids from outside the galaxy, and the orcs who cannot be killed no matter how hard they try...

"So... our civilization has always been on the verge of extinction at any time? The reason why it continues to this day is entirely the result of some coincidences?"

There was a very obvious vibrato in Shaskel's voice, and he raised his head and looked up at the Milky Way star map projected in front of him.

To the Tau, this stereoscopic projection of the Milky Way alone was worth any price.

After all, so far, they still don't know how big the Milky Way is, let alone the civilizations that are powerful and capable of communication besides themselves and the human empire.

Zuo Si smiled and asked: "Otherwise, what do you think?

You must know that when you had just learned to use fire, humans, who had become the overlord of the galaxy at that time, planned to send a fleet to wipe out the Tau and then colonize your home planet.

And the reason why you were able to quickly conquer and absorb the intelligent races around your sector in a short period of time was thanks to the ruthless slaughter of alien species by the Emperor, the Primarchs and the Astartes Legion during the Thirty-Millennium Great Crusade. .

Among them, the most ferocious and terrifying ones had already been completely destroyed and wiped out during this expedition.

Otherwise, with your backward technology at the beginning, you will probably encounter some terrible enemies and suffer heavy losses not long after you leave your home planet.

Remember, if you want to protect your right to exist in this crazy universe, you need to have three minimum foundations.

The first is the corrosive ability to resist the evil god of subspace, the second is a sufficiently advanced technological level, and the third is a large enough size.

All three are indispensable.

But unfortunately, your Tau civilization currently does not have any of them.

Although due to your soul, the projection you form in the subspace is very weak and cannot even be called a psychic race, so you have not yet become the target of the Chaos Evil God.

But the Necron threat is real.

Imotek, Zotek's "Storm King", is one of the few terrifying beings who can set the entire galaxy on fire.

Even the human empire may not be able to withstand his attack. "

"Then when do you expect these sleeping Necrons to wake up?" Saskier asked with a solemn expression.

Zuo Si shook his head slightly and replied: "Sorry, I don't know much about this either.

Maybe in the last few years, maybe decades or even centuries from now.

But what is certain is that with the arrival of the Tyranids, all sleeping Necrons have a tendency to wake up.

With the technology you currently have, it is estimated that you will be completely destroyed in just one encounter.

No civilization in the galaxy can defeat the Necron in a long-range weapon fire.

They have reached the ultimate in the physics of the real universe. Even the firearms held by the most ordinary low-level soldiers can easily break down the target into the most basic atoms.

And in addition to technology, the Necrons also hold fragments of the Star God in their hands.

Trust me, you don't want to see the power of those real-life cosmic gods being unleashed. "

"Star God..."

Upon hearing this word, Saskier's hands subconsciously clenched into fists.

She had just heard about the war in heaven between the Necrontyrs (Necrons) and the Old Ones, so she understood what the C'tan were.

In other words, these guys are equivalent to evil gods in the real universe, feeding on the planet and the souls of mortals.

Thanks to the Necron's backstab, all these guys were torn into pieces and sealed.

Otherwise, if we mess around with the Chaos God of Subspace, the entire galaxy will be completely uninhabitable.

In fact, in the Warhammer universe, so-called science and technology actually have two completely different development routes.

One of them is the psychic technology created by the Ancient Sanctuary, which mainly relies on the subspace as the sea of ​​souls, which can also be understood as magic.

The other is the knowledge imparted to the Necron by the Star Gods, which mainly relies on the rules of the real universe they represent, that is, physical science.

There is no difference between the two.

The reason why the Necrons were able to win the Battle in Heaven was that the Star God personally participated in the battle.

The subspace was still very peaceful at that time, and no powerful gods were born.

The Eldar who later rose up with psychic technology and became the overlord of the galaxy are the best proof of this.

There is no doubt that these reveal the secrets from the ancient times of the Milky Way to the present, which is a violent impact that shatters the three perspectives of the new Tau civilization unconsciously.

It took several minutes for Saskier to finish digesting the information, then he raised his head and carefully probed: "Are you a member of the Star Gods?"

"Oh? What makes you make such a guess?"

Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

"Because of the shimmering oil! It is almost like a reproduction of the physical laws in the real universe. It can not only decompose and reorganize all matter, but can even store amazing energy. Isn't this the best proof of the power of the Star God?"

Saskier gave his reasons bluntly.

Hearing this, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "No, you are wrong. Shuoyou is not the embodiment of physical laws as you think. On the contrary, its essence is actually closer to subspace. Psychic power. It’s just that you don’t have psychic talent, so you can’t truly observe and understand the mysteries.”

"Then according to what you mean, wouldn't the shining oil be used to resist demons and subspace evil gods?"

Saskier's eyes instantly lit up.

"Shining oil can indeed be used to fight against the power of subspace, but only in the real universe. Once it enters subspace, its effect will be greatly weakened or even completely ineffective."

Zuo Si didn't hide anything and gave a definite answer openly.

Because he knew very well that the Tau people had no right to choose at all.

The latter is not like humans who have an emperor who can directly compete with the evil god of chaos, and they don't even have any psychic talent at all.

Although this ensures that they will be ignored by the evil gods and demons of the subspace for a long time, it also means that once they are eroded, they have no power to resist at all, and they are basically like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In contrast, the Human Empire focuses on both spiritual energy and technology, and the Mechanicum even uses a very strange method like "machine souls" to combine the two.

It is said that many machine spirits in the imperial army have their own "character".

Some are only loyal to one family, some are only allowed to be used by women, and some will secretly hide ammunition in the subspace during normal times, and when faced with a crisis, they will suddenly unleash powerful firepower that far exceeds the upper limit of the magazine capacity...

Anyway, machine souls are quite mysterious, so much so that the empire has to dismantle a large number of weapons and equipment that cannot be used normally because of them into parts and reassemble them every year.

"Then what if you use shimmering oil to transform yourself?"

After being silent for a moment, Shaskel finally raised the question that the Supreme Ethers were most concerned about.

Obviously, the Tau leadership has realized their dangerous situation, so they have begun to plan for direct mechanical ascension as a last resort.

In fact, they have done a lot of in vivo experiments in private, and it can basically be confirmed that people who are completed by Shuo Oil will not lose their memory and personality, but will only express infinite admiration, awe and obedience to the owner of Shuo Oil. .

Although this price is very high for any living creature, it is not unacceptable if it is facing a huge crisis of imminent destruction.

After all, the essence of civilization is to maintain its own existence and continuation.

Zuo Si smiled meaningfully and responded: "Don't you already know the answer? Shuoyou is an extension of my will. Anyone who uses it to complete and transform themselves will inevitably be affected. In other words, Become my servant. Of course, the choice is yours from beginning to end."

"Do we really have a choice?"

Saskier showed a bitter smile, as if he had seen the future of the Tau civilization in the near future.

“Who knows what’s going to happen in the future.

Maybe your scientific researchers can use the shimmering oil to develop some amazingly powerful weapons and successfully defeat all the enemies around them.

What's more, if one day the Titanium civilization really comes to the point where it has to use shimmering oil to transform itself, I promise to protect you and keep you as you are now. "

With that said, Zuo Si raised his cold metal hand and gently brushed the other person's hair and cheeks.

"Grant me asylum? Why?"

Saskel blinked inexplicably, and did not make any dodge action, but allowed the cold touch of metal to scratch his skin.

Since internal marriages and reproduction are arranged under an arranged system, there are specialized agencies responsible for selecting the most appropriate genetic match for each Tau using the most scientific methods. Therefore, there is no concept of free love, and everything is waiting for the best. It is most common in childbearing years.

And she didn't think that a god-like being would have any sexual interest in a mortal like herself.

"Because you have an interesting way of thinking, much more interesting than most Tau."

After that, Zuo Si ignored the other party's stunned expression and directly activated the teleportation magic and disappeared.

Saskier obviously wanted to continue questioning, but was a step too late. He could only quickly sort out the large amount of explosive information obtained this time, and then encrypted and stored it repeatedly, and finally dispatched three warships to return immediately.

She herself plans to stay here for a long time in accordance with the requirements of the Supreme Ether, even if there is a certain probability that she will be attacked by the human empire fleet.

After all, the Tau do not have astropaths, and there is no way to directly contact their home planet across the vast galaxy.

Even super-light navigation in subspace relies on the positioning device provided by Zuo Si.

Otherwise, with their almost non-existent psychic talent, they would probably be stuck in the subspace.

If you want to sail freely in the subspace like the human empire, you first need a star torch made of unknown black technology, then you need a powerful psyker like the emperor, and finally you need to cultivate a group of psychic pilots member.

The Titanium civilization does not meet any of these three conditions.

In fact, there is only one way to achieve faster-than-light navigation in this universe, and that is to use subspace.

If the subspace is regarded as a pool of water, then the Tau are equivalent to floating in water, humans are creating a bubble and diving underwater, and the Eldar are inserting a pipe in the water, drilling into the pipe themselves, and dying in space. The spirit flew directly close to the water.

Among them, the Necron are the fastest in super-light travel, followed by the Eldar who use the Webway, followed by humans, and the Tau are the slowest.

Just as Shaskell watched the three warships start their engines and jump into subspace to embark on their return journey, a gray knight wearing a silver power mecha suddenly appeared behind her and warned in a hostile tone: "Alien, no matter what plans or intentions you have, it's best to stay away from this planet immediately, otherwise we don't mind burying you and your entire fleet in the subspace."

"Is this a threat?"

Saskel suddenly turned around and stared at the Astartes warriors who were close at hand, with no trace of fear on his calm face.

In terms of combat power, even ten of them combined wouldn't be enough to kill the opponent.

But the reason why she was able to appear in public places so arrogantly was because Zuo Si himself had given her permission.

Based on this alone, Shaskel could conclude that the other party would not dare to do anything to him.

"No, I'm just stating a fact. Don't think that we are blind and can't see the changes in the hyperdrive engines of those battleships. You have crossed the line!"

As these words blurted out, the Gray Knight suddenly stretched out his big hand and grabbed the slender neck of the "little titanium girl" in front of him, and lifted her whole body from the ground.

"Remember, our patience has its limits. If you dare to use any means to steal technology again, I swear I will crush every bone in your body, dig out your brain, put it in the life support system and torture it One hundred years, one thousand years.”

"woo woo woo woo--"

The huge sense of oppression and strong suffocation suddenly made Saskier feel the breath of death, and he struggled desperately to break open the big hand stuck around his neck.

Unfortunately, even though she was wearing a combat uniform that was also a powered mecha, she was still unable to shake the overwhelming power of the Gray Knight. In the end, she even began to become confused and roll her eyes involuntarily.


A hint of contempt flashed in the Gray Knight's eyes, and then he let go of his hand, letting Saskel instantly collapse to the ground, coughing and retching violently, while he turned and left without looking back.

There is no doubt that this was a classic death threat.

Saskier had no doubt that the other party would dare to put the threat into actual action.

Because she knows very well that these Astartes warriors are a group of out-and-out killing machines. Their thinking is completely different from that of normal people, and they are not afraid of death at all.

During the Damocles Expedition, it was these Space Marines who left an extremely deep impression on the Tau's senior leaders, and even created a psychological shadow on the ground troops for a time.

Just when the Gray Knight completed his mission and was about to return to his station, he suddenly discovered a figure with a metallic luster on the way forward.

"Who gave you the courage to threaten the guests I invited?"

Zuo Si stared expressionlessly into the Gray Knight's eyes and asked.

The latter was surprised at first, and then explained: "Your Excellency, please don't forget that you are now an ally of the Empire, and the Tau are the enemies of the Empire. What's more, they have also stolen the secret of the hyperdrive, and can even Sailing into the warp without a navigator.”

"You seem to have made a mistake, Gray Knight.

These technologies were not stolen by Shaskell, but given to them by me.

The most important thing is that this is not an empire, and it is not your turn to interfere with what I do.

Even if Robert Guilliman comes, he will have to ask my permission first if he wants to do anything.

Who do you think you are that dares to openly threaten my guests? "

The words have not yet been spoken!

Zuo Si suddenly raised his hand and made a grabbing motion.


The Gray Knight only felt that an invisible force field hand was grasping him completely, and the force was getting stronger and stronger. Even the hard Tao Gang armor on the outer layer of the power mecha began to crack in large areas. Soon the muscles and bones made a creepy cracking sound under the squeeze of the terrifying external force.

Click click click click——


Even Astartes could endure such pain, his face turned red and he screamed.

You must know that his bones and muscles are completely different from those of ordinary humans.

Not only is there a hard carapace under the skin, but the hardness and toughness of the bones are even far greater than steel bars.

After the initial transformation surgery, these supermen need to eat a large amount of metal to strengthen their bones. Only in this way can they support their extremely strong bodies.

"Stop! Stop it!"

Several other Gray Knights in the station rushed out immediately upon seeing this, trying to save their brothers.

Unfortunately, Zuo Si didn't give them any chance at all. He directly controlled the invisible force field hand and crushed the Astartes who had violated his bottom line in front of everyone.


I saw dazzling blood mixed with internal organs and minced meat, spurting out directly from the broken shell under the skin, forming a spectacular and huge blood flower in mid-air.

But the blood flowers did not scatter in all directions as expected, but were directly frozen by the biting cold air into a ghastly frozen sculpture that looked like a corpse tree made of flesh, blood and internal organs.

After finishing all this, Zuo Si turned around and said to the angry and sad Gray Knights: "Tell this to the Inquisition for me. Since this is just one time, I won't pursue too much. But if there are still Next time, I won't mind killing everyone involved and planning. I assure you, neither the Primarch Robert Guilliman nor the Living Saint Celestine can save these people."

After that, Zuo Si directly threw the work full of dark art in his hand at the gate of the Gray Knight's station.

Looking at his retreating back, another knight couldn't help but cursed in a voice full of anger and hatred: "Damn bastard! He actually killed our comrade. Is this all?"

Another Gray Knight asked with a gloomy face: "Otherwise, what do you want? Go to war with this unknown existence whose body density is higher than that of a white dwarf star or even a neutron star? Don't forget that the weapons and equipment we are using now are still provided by him. Moreover, We must report this matter to the Grand Master and the Inquisition as soon as possible."

"It is indeed necessary to remind the Inquisition. If it were not for their sudden order this time, we would not be in this situation."

"Shut up! The decision of the Tribunal is not something you can arbitrarily discuss. We are just executing it. No matter what orders are issued from above, we must obey them without hesitation."

"But our best brother is dead! He was crushed like a jar of sauce! Look at what he looks like now, all because of the stupid judgment of the Inquisition."

"That's enough! Unless you want to become a heretic, it's best not to talk about this anymore. Everyone get back to the barracks and I will handle the rest myself."

After a heated argument, a commander finally stepped forward and dispersed the Astartes warriors.

Although he was very, very angry, he understood that Zuo Si's identity was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Especially the several hours-long secret talks with the Imperial Regent, which must have contained some shocking secrets.

Compared with the restlessness of the Gray Knight, Zuo Si acted like a normal person, completely concerned about the violent reaction that the other party might make.

He knew that all Astartes were merely tools created by the Emperor of Mankind to fulfill his plans, just like the Primarchs.

According to the role he has shown now, let alone killing a few Gray Knights who have offended him, even if he destroys the entire Titan headquarters, the emperor will not care.

Because the emperor of mankind is a typical extreme utilitarian, he will hardly bring any personal emotions when thinking about problems, but simply make a judgment on the current situation from the perspective of gains and losses.

As long as the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, the Master of Mankind will do it without hesitation.

It is as if during the Great Crusade, in order to quickly capture the entire galaxy to achieve the established strategic goal, the planetary governor was allowed to continue to implement backward slavery, serfdom and feudal systems, even though he knew that this would be a huge hidden danger.

It was this extreme utilitarianism that ultimately led to the failure of his Webway plan and triggered the Horus Heresy.

After all, the reason why many Primarchs joined Horus's camp was because they did not receive even a little care from the emperor, and they even worried that they would be killed like the original Thunder Warriors after the war. Dispose of it.

"Are you OK?"

Zuo Si walked straight to Saskier and asked pretending to be concerned.

The latter stood up with the support of his combat suit and shook his head vigorously: "I'm fine, I just suffered a slight injury to my throat. I'll be fine after repairing it with the help of medical equipment. Thank you for your concern and love. I hope This will cause no rift in your alliance with the Imperium of Man."

"Don't worry, the death of just one Gray Knight won't have any impact.

After all, they were at fault in the first place. I just expressed my dissatisfaction in a more bloody way.

You must know that the Tribunal of the Human Empire is a huge organization that likes to push its limits.

If I don't say something this time, it won't be long before all kinds of spies, spies and assassins will flood the city below me, and then mess up the originally good social environment.

I don’t want them to disrupt the utopian social experiment I finally created. "

After that, Zuo Si turned his attention to the residents in the distance who knew that they would not get any reward, but still chose to find something to do for themselves.

As the initial wave of eating, drinking, playing, and enjoying themselves passed, an indescribable sense of emptiness began to sweep over everyone's body, making them begin to think involuntarily about the meaning of life and their own value.

To put it bluntly, when you are full and stuffed, you will start to feel so idle.

Some people even become mentally restless.

In order to alleviate this mental and psychological emptiness, some people began to develop all kinds of weird hobbies, and some people indulged in crazy learning in the ocean of knowledge. The last one was to completely lie down and just keep doing nothing. Take drugs and alcohol to numb yourself.

In just a few months, billions of people have died suddenly from alcohol poisoning due to excessive drinking, and an almost equal number of people have died of overeating.

In addition, there are endless deaths caused by excessive indulgence such as horse wind, and deaths caused by pursuing various extreme sports for excitement.

Facts have proven that for human beings, simply satisfying material needs to a large extent cannot bring them happiness and satisfaction.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't mean to interfere, but he would provide whatever these people wanted.

As long as it does not affect or interfere with other people, you can enjoy full freedom whether it is self-harm or suicide.


Saskier keenly grasped a key word, and at the same time, an expression of enlightenment appeared on his face.

She had also wondered before why the human residents on this planet were so different from the humans under other empires. Not only did they not need to work, but they did not even have the concept of money. They could get whatever they needed from the corresponding place. It was simply It is the ideal paradise described in The Greater Good.

But now that he knew that all this was done deliberately by Zuo Si, everything immediately became reasonable.

Only a god-like being can single-handedly establish this kind of country of absolute equality and freedom that would never appear under normal circumstances.

Zuo Si smiled and nodded: "Yes, a very important and interesting social experiment.

It will ultimately prove how far the human race can theoretically reach.

Okay, since you're fine, I'll leave first.

When you get a reply from the Supreme Ethereals, we can continue to talk about the future of the Tau civilization.

Be careful these days, I'm not too sure whether those mad dogs in the Inquisition will get angry and send assassins to assassinate you. "

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