A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 689 The Dark Side of the Empire (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

How to drive a normal person crazy, even make him fall into hysterical madness?

The answer is to constantly create a sense of crisis and pressure, forcing them to make difficult choices one after another to break through the moral bottom line in their hearts, until the string called rationality is completely broken.

Similarly, similar methods can be used to drive a normal civilization crazy.

For example, humans who once adhered to the truth of the Empire and rejected all religions and idolatry were driven into a state of near-hysteria by the Chaos God of Warp.

In the end, after losing the emperor and the original body for 10,000 years, he slowly degenerated into this ghostly state.

To be precise, in order to deal with all kinds of powerful enemies and to ensure the survival of the entire race, the upper ruling class even completely abandoned humanity, just like a group of devils in human skin, using brutal and high-pressure policies to suppress all opposition voices. All strangled in the cradle.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to launch a brutal purge, massacring millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of civilians who were regarded as heretics or hopeless.

Many extreme ideas, including the state religion, were born in this era when they were constantly being squeezed by huge external threats, and gradually developed into a state of complete madness.

In order to maintain their so-called "loyalty", some ill-intentioned affiliates of the Inquisition will even take evil action against Astartes warriors they deem to be problematic.

The most important thing is that compared to the prosperous 30th millennium, the overall living standards of ordinary people in the current 40th millennium have simply regressed several times.

With the lessons learned from mankind, Zuo Si obviously planned to repeat the same thing with the Tau people.

He will use the warp chaos forces, Necron, Green Orcs, Tyranids and Scourge to drive the entire Tau civilization into the same madness as the current Human Empire.

Only in this way can the most perfect and powerful subspace projection be created during sacrifice.

After all, compared to the depravity of human beings who tend to be lawful evil, the power produced by the distortion and depravity of a race like Tau that obviously has a tendency toward lawful good is particularly powerful.

And Lich King Jaina's attack is just the prelude and appetizer.

Zuo Si was looking forward to whether the Tau's senior leaders would eventually choose to become undead under the continuous pressure, or embrace Shimmer Oil and become a member of New Phyrexia.

And how the so-called "Greater Good" will be twisted into after breaking through the bottom line again and again.

You must know that for a big devil, nothing can make him feel more physically and mentally happy than personally planning a false kindness to fall into darkness.

And this behavior itself will bring it closer to the source and essence of evil.

The most important thing is that he will personally create a god of subspace, so that Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and Slaanesh understand that he has the ability to turn the table and start a war in the subspace that the other party cannot bear.

Of course, this is a plan that will take a long time to complete.

After all, the timeline of the Warhammer universe often jumps by decades or hundreds of years, and each battle can range from a few months to dozens or hundreds of years.

The Indomitable Crusade launched by Robert Guilliman seemed to last for one hundred and twelve years. During this period, he liberated hundreds of star systems and recovered large areas of the Empire's lost territory. He almost never slept. I even felt exhausted several times.

Zuo Si was obviously not interested in these wars that were so boring that they could make people doze off.

Because they don't matter at all.

Even if it may involve the life and death of hundreds of billions of people.

After all, with the great rift created by the Dark Warmaster Abaddon's Thirteenth Crusade, the area ruled by the Human Empire was divided in half from the middle.

The half that can be illuminated by the Star Torch is called the "Holy Territory of the Empire", while the other half is called the "Dark Side of the Empire."

In other words, you can only rely on your own strength to resist various enemies in the various star sectors on the dark side, and there is no way to get reinforcements from Terra.

The reason is very simple!

Humanity's faster-than-light voyage actually relies on the guidance of star torches to travel through a chaotic subspace.

Without the guidance of the Star Torch, no matter how powerful the navigator is, he will not be able to confirm the location of the spacecraft, and will be completely lost in the subspace.

So what is the current situation of the dark side of the empire? How many planets are still in the hands of humans, and how many people have betrayed the empire and the emperor? It is completely a blind eye.

Of course, this also gave Zuo Si huge room for maneuver.

After all, just because the star torch cannot illuminate a place does not mean that he cannot guide the direction.

At this moment, Moscat, the former planetary governor, safely passed through the dangerous subspace rift under the protection of a powerful magic item, and successfully arrived at a star sector on the dark side of the empire.

Apparently, he had successfully passed the Empire's "loyalty" test and was now a legal Rogue Trader.

It's just that what this guy is doing is not carrying out armed trade and colonization in the border areas of the empire, but coming to the dark side alone with the help of Zuo Si, intending to implement his evil plan that he has been brewing for a long time.

After all, the longer a place is separated from Terra's rule, the greater the possibility of independent tendencies.

Especially when they are invaded by foreign enemies and are isolated and helpless, it is not worth making a fuss about even surrendering to some alien races or even Chaos forces.

There is no way, who made the empire's territory far beyond its ability to rule.

"Father, the fleet has arrived in the Volker sector. The closest planet to us now is the Irons 6 planet. However, according to the information sent back by the probe, the situation there seems to be a bit not good. Not only are the planets parked in orbit A typical Ork ship, and there was a fierce battle on the ground.”

A man who looked to be about thirty years old and wearing the latest model of power mecha reported in a very fast speech.

He is none other than Moscat's eldest son, Crow. He is also the person with the highest inheritance rights in the family. He has received the most rigorous military and political education since he was a child. He belongs to the top elite class, even in Thailand. During the Lun Zerg invasion, he personally commanded the troops and achieved quite good results.

If nothing else happens, if Moscat dies one day, all of this will be inherited by this proud man.

But unfortunately, Crowe obviously didn't know that his father had planned to transform into an immortal devil and would sacrifice all his relatives, including his children, during the transformation ceremony.

Because the more sacrifices are made, the higher the level and power of the devil that will eventually be transformed into will be.

As a dark, evil and extremely selfish person, how could Moscat refuse such a huge temptation!

Secretly, he also wanted to take advantage of this period to have a few more children, and then the whole family would die together.

Thinking of this, Moscat subconsciously touched the devil's egg hanging around his neck that had grown in size, and asked with a smile: "So we came just in time?"

"That's right.

If we can help the planetary governor of Irons Six fight off these nasty green-skinned orcs, then he will owe us a big favor.

You will then be able to gain huge influence throughout the Volker Sector.

After all, we are now the only fleet that can reach the dark side through the warp rift.

Even under the banner of Terra, it will definitely not arouse suspicion.

What's more, the weapons, equipment and medicines we carry are what they need most urgently. "

When he said these words, Crowe had an extremely proud expression on his face.

Although he didn't know exactly what kind of deal his father had reached with Zuo Si, he could smell money and power in it.

If you can make good use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you might be able to become the ruler of one or even several star regions.

After all, in his opinion, sooner or later the family's future will be his.

"Are you sure you can get rid of all the orcs? You must know that once the number of these guys increases, it will not be easy to deal with." Moscat reminded meaningfully.

But Crowe confidently assured: "Don't worry, Father. With the number of power mechas and soldiers we currently equip, there are also several Titan mechas called God's Machines. With the firepower Even superior to most Astartes Chapters. Coupled with this fleet that can quickly repair itself no matter how serious the damage is, I really can't think of a reason for defeat."

"In that case, let's go ahead and do it. Remember to fight beautifully, because we have to play the role of the savior of the dark side of the empire."

Having said that, Moscat gave his eldest son war authorization.

"I will never let you down. For the glory of the family!"

Crowe forcefully slapped the ceramite armor on the chest of the power armor, then turned around and entered the role of commander and began to issue orders.

After a while, this fleet, which looked slightly different from the style of the human empire, quickly formed a combat formation and quickly approached the distant planet at a speed close to light.

In about half an hour, they began to approach the planet's orbit and began to attack the Orc spacecraft that was bombing the ground from above.

Of course, this thing is not so much a spaceship as it is some kind of giant suture monster made from a mess of junk, metal, and other materials.

A giant meteorite with a diameter of several kilometers and mainly composed of iron and nickel was even tied to the front end for impact.

Don't underestimate this thing!

Although it is completely incomparable to the Imperial Navy's collision horn in terms of structure and materials, once it is blessed with the Orks' "power of thinking", it will immediately become the most dangerous impact weapon in the entire galaxy.

No warship can escape from this thing, and it would be easy to hit a big hole directly.

Anyone who is slightly worse may be directly broken into two pieces.

And the appearance is really a bit eye-catching.

Not to mention a spaceship, a product that should be sophisticated, complex, and extremely high-tech, even a garbage mountain is too messy.

But it was such a shabby thing that managed to withstand the dense ground air defense firepower network, constantly launching massive bombs and energy attacks, overwhelming the human army on the ground.

What's even worse is that there are a large number of green-skinned orcs who have landed and are charging like a tide, shouting the slogan "waaaaagh" and not caring that their companions around them are being beaten to pulp or burned into charred corpses one by one.

There is no doubt that this is the most terrifying thing about the green-skinned orcs in this universe.

Once they get excited, even a solid position will be destroyed in a very short time unless they have overwhelming strength.

This is what is happening on Planet Irons 6 right now.

Judging from the dense trenches and lost positions, the human side has been beaten back and defeated by the fierce charge of the orcs at least three times.

With no reinforcements and no Astartes Chapter stationed in this area, those soldiers could only fight with outdated laser guns and "primitive" weapons that fired physical ammunition.

Often several shots would hit the target, but the opponent would still continue to run forward vigorously and fight back with a mess of firearms in their hands.

You must know that the technological level of orcs who have the ability to enter space is usually not too bad.

The orcs who are launching an attack are not only equipped with hand-held explosive devices similar to stinging mines, but also a large number of shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, vehicles, large-scale powered mechas and other war weapons, as well as wearing "Mao Ge's Eyes" to release psychic spells. The beast tyrant wizard boy.

In the face of such power, even an Astartes warband would have to spend a lot of time to suppress and destroy it, let alone a group of mortal armies with backward equipment.

If it weren't for the many heavy fortress cannons equipped high up in the hive city, which would throw nuclear warheads wildly in case of an emergency, it would probably have been unable to hold on long ago.

It has to be said that the threshold for mastering nuclear fusion in the human empire is too low. Almost every colonized planet uses controllable nuclear fusion to generate electricity.

Since controllable nuclear fusion is so popular, it is naturally not difficult to build uncontrollable nuclear fusion bombs.

Even the famous extermination order was largely achieved by dropping massive nuclear warheads on the target planet.

After all, compared to the erosion from subspace, a little nuclear radiation is nothing.

What's more, thermonuclear weapons are typically both efficient and clean, and basically don't leave much radiation, unless they are deliberately designed to be dirty bombs when they are manufactured.

Since entering the 40th millennium, humans have used weapons more unscrupulously than ever before, like a madman who has completely fallen into madness.

Even when quelling rebellions and slave uprisings, they would plant mushrooms without hesitation. If necessary, they would blow up the entire nest and evaporate billions or tens of billions of people in an instant.

It is precisely by relying on a large number of well-controlled nuclear weapons that mankind can always ensure its dominance in the galaxy where all kinds of monsters and monsters are rampant.

But the only regret is that although nuclear weapons are good, their lethality will be greatly weakened when facing enemies with strong field shields.

The nuclear weapon fired from a "Death Direct Missile Launching Platform" drew a beautiful parabola directly in the sky, then hit directly on the heads of a group of orcs, and exploded into a sky-high fireball and mushroom cloud.

But as a result, except for the orcs within five kilometers of the center point of the explosion, which were wiped out, the rest were only burned by heat waves and radiation, with some burnt black marks appearing.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the "waaaaagh" force field formed when the orcs are excited.

Like the power of my thinking, it is something that cannot be explained by science. It can not only greatly weaken various weapons and cause damage, but also distort the physical rules of the universe.

"Damn it! How many more nuclear bombs do we have in stock?"

The planetary governor, who looked a little fat, showed an expression full of fear and panic.

Because he has been fighting these orcs who came out of nowhere for almost two years.

Due to the lack of any support, the weapons, ammunition and human resources on their side are getting smaller and smaller. On the contrary, the number of orcs that have taken root and continue to multiply and expand is increasing.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire planet falls.

Maybe it will be a few years, maybe it will be more than ten years, but it will be inevitable in the end.

"Your Majesty the Governor, we still have less than 8,000 nuclear warheads. Moreover, the energy source is depleting due to the loss of the mining site. If no one can help us, we will be dead."

A close friend gave the answer in an almost desperate tone.

You must know that due to the severe lack of food in the city, the bodies of dead humans and orcs have begun to be thrown into machines and crushed into nutrients such as protein powder as rations for the big soldiers.

Of course, this is nothing new in the human empire.

Especially the wartime supplies for mortal soldiers, you have no idea which planet they are collected from or what the raw materials are.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't kill anyone and provides enough energy, it'll be fine.

Space warriors like the Astartes usually eat special foods such as nutritious porridge and paste.

"What do the Astropaths say? Are you still unable to contact Terra or the sector capital?"

The planetary governor gritted his teeth and asked, staring at the battlefield filled with artillery fire outside.

The confidant smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The subspace rift that suddenly appeared in the galaxy blocked everything. Whether it was communication or faster-than-light navigation. The only thing we know now is that the entire sector is now in chaos, and all planetary governors They all have too much time to take care of themselves and have no ability to send reinforcements."

"Alas - in this case, I can only offer my final loyalty to the supreme God Emperor. Go and order the guards to prepare to launch the Glorious Plan. Even if I die, I will drag these orcs with me to hell."

An extremely ferocious expression appeared on the planetary governor's face.

On a planet like this where there was no Chapter Astartes stationed, he and his family had already prepared for the worst case scenario.

Compared to being corrupted by the Chaos God of Warp, becoming the food of the Tyranids, being caught by the orcs and playing to death, it would be a relief to directly detonate the energy source of the entire hive to create a nuclear fusion explosion and die neatly.

"You don't need to tell me that I have already made preparations. In fact, the people of the National Church are more active than you. The only thing we can do now is to pray for a miracle..."

Before he could finish his words, the confidant's pupils began to suddenly dilate rapidly, staring at the sky above him in stunned silence.

Because he has seen more than thirty warships suddenly appear in the orbit of the planet, followed by more than fifty armed transport ships. The laser and plasma weapons among them have begun to charge, and the macro cannons on the side are even more powerful. The orc warship is raging right away.

The next second...

An overwhelming barrage of lasers, torpedoes and artillery shells fell from the sky, attacking the orcs on the ground like divine punishment.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Dazzling firelight and explosions almost covered the entire battlefield, and the laser directly penetrated three orc warships. Two of them instantly turned into huge fireballs and fell from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Another one escaped by relying on the "waaaaagh" force field, and immediately turned its direction and launched a charge towards Moscat's fleet.

Although two battleships were sunk, the orcs were fearless and still shouted excitedly, waving their weapons in preparation for collision and gang-hopping.

You must know that orcs are one of the few real-world creatures that can happily fight with demons in subspace.

So a small scene like this is nothing to them.

Not to mention the numerical difference is only a dozen times or even dozens of times, even if there is another zero, they will still rush over without hesitation.

Because the pleasure brought by fighting and killing is to the orcs just like the same sex and chemical narcotics are to humans. They are both seriously addictive and cannot be refused or withdrawn. At the same time, it is also the only meaning of their lives.

But Crowe, who was standing in the flagship command room, did not panic at all. He directly ordered without looking back: "Activate the main gun! Charge one percent! Crush these dirty and barbaric green-skinned bastards for me! Be careful. Come on, don’t destroy the planet as well.”

"Hey! Please don't worry! The instructions are in the manual! The main gun is charged one percent!"

"Charging completed!"

"Countdown to launch! Three, two, one!"

As the order was passed, the Star Destroyer cannon on the battleship suddenly began to flash with a dazzling light.

Before the orc warship could rush up, a dazzling beam of light directly engulfed it.

Although the invisible force field initially blocked the terrifying energy release, it completely collapsed in less than a tenth of a second, and the entire battleship was evaporated in an instant, not even a bit of dregs could be stopped.

After all, the "waaaaagh" force field is essentially a subspace energy shield, and the Star Destroyer Cannon produced by Zuo Si also draws energy from subspace.

Since both sides have the same type of energy, whoever is more powerful will naturally win.

Obviously, the number of Orks on this planet alone is not enough to support a shield that can withstand one percent of the charged power of the Star Destroyer Cannon.

No matter what, "my power of thinking" has its limits.

In addition, after destroying the Orc warship, the energy shock released by the main gun also spread to the ground, directly erasing hundreds of thousands of green-skinned Orc troops and the battlefield from the surface of the planet.

It felt like someone had wiped a picture with an eraser, leaving a death mark with a depth of more than a kilometer on the spot, completely separating orcs and humans.

Almost at the same time, the railgun array was also roaring crazily, directly facing the charging orcs with a saturation and coverage strike.

When these green-skinned monsters finally could no longer maintain their high fighting spirit and began to retreat, Crowe calmly began to order the troops to conduct airborne operations.

In the blink of an eye, densely packed landing craft began to set off carrying soldiers wearing power mechas and more than twenty huge magic mechas.

This landing force did not choose to land on the side close to the nest, but directly built an impenetrable fire network on the orcs' retreat path.

Especially the magic mecha with its shield system and automatic repair function of sparkling oil is an invincible god of death on the battlefield.

Whether it was the energy weapons with astonishing lethality or the trampling damage caused when moving, the orcs had the illusion of being invincible, and their morale further began to collapse.

The human side began to cheer excitedly as if they had seen the savior coming.

Because in their view, the appearance of this kind of Titan mecha means that either a certain Astartes battle group has arrived, or Terra has finally found a way to send reinforcements to the dark side of the Empire.

No matter which result it is, it means that he is finally saved.

The Planetary Governor slumped down on the chair in exhaustion and kept kissing the portrait of the emperor hanging around his neck. He praised from the bottom of his heart: "Reinforcements! Reinforcements! We have finally waited for reinforcements! Thank you to the omnipresent great God Emperor! The divine light you bloom will surely illuminate the entire galaxy!"

"Yes! We are finally saved!"

The confidants were obviously relieved, and their faces showed the joy of surviving the disaster.

As for the big soldiers on the front line who were almost sent away, they knelt on the ground to welcome the arrival of the "angels".

You must know that the power mechas equipped in the Moscat fleet are the same as those of the Astartes. There are basically no differences except for the painting and the smaller internal control room, so it is normal for them to be mistaken.

"Immediately arrange manpower to prepare a grand welcome ceremony. We must make these reinforcements feel our loyalty to the empire and the God-Emperor."

The planetary governor handed over a new mission in an unquestionable tone.

The confidant obviously noticed something, and quickly and carefully probed: "What do you mean..."

"Well, yes, I hope these reinforcements can stay with us for a while longer.

It is best to leave some supplies and industrial products such as troops or weapons and equipment.

You have to understand that once orcs appear on a certain planet, it is very difficult to completely eliminate them.

We may all have to be mentally prepared for a long-term war with the orcs for a long time to come. "

The planetary governor expressed his inner thoughts without any concealment.

"I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

Without saying a word, the confidant bent down and bowed deeply, then quickly left the room and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

As we all know, in the Warhammer universe, whoever can firmly control the air (outer space) can unscrupulously launch orbital bombardments to suppress ground troops, or even completely slaughter them.

So from the moment the orcs' battleship was destroyed, the rest of the orcs had been reduced to lambs to be slaughtered, with no power to resist at all.

After all, "the power of my thoughts" is not just a figment of imagination, but must be truly believed by the orcs themselves.

It was obviously impossible for them to believe that the human warships above them would fall from the sky on their own, let alone that the bombardment that killed countless of their kind was ineffective.

Just the opposite!

The defeated orcs felt more and more that those magic mechas were indestructible, and the weapons in their hands could not cause any harm to them at all.

Therefore, an additional layer of subspace protective force field gradually appeared on the magic mecha, which 100% blocked the energy beams and physical bullets fired by the orc weapons.

There are even some mechas that, under the influence of the "power of thinking", can raise their legs to create violent earthquakes in the surroundings, directly shaking all enemies within a hundred meters around them to the point where they are unable to stand still.

In less than an hour, the vast army of green-skinned orcs had been slaughtered, and the rest had fled back to wilderness or mines far away from human gathering areas.

Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Moscat took the landing craft to the highest level of the hive.

The planetary governor, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward and gave him a warm hug, and then shouted with great excitement: "Welcome! Welcome! On behalf of all the humans on Planet Irons 6, I would like to thank you for your coming. Those terrible orcs saved us."

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Governor.

It seems to me that warriors like you, who still stick to their posts even after losing contact with Holy Terra, deserve to be rescued.

Previously, it was only due to the subspace rift that the star torch was temporarily unable to illuminate this area on the dark side of the empire.

What's more, we are all serving the empire and the great God-Emperor. There is only a different division of labor and no distinction between high and low.

It is precisely with thousands of loyal governors like you that the empire can persist to this day despite being surrounded by powerful enemies. "

Moscat deliberately pretended to be affectionate and patted the Planetary Governor on the shoulder to encourage him.

It has to be said that his style instantly moved the civilians and soldiers with little culture and knowledge to tears, as if the previous tragic wars and sacrifices had meaning.

But the Planetary Governor obviously understood that this was all official talk and a fixed process, used to deceive and fool ordinary people into continuing to dedicate their insignificant lives to the empire.

Compared to these empty words, he undoubtedly cared more about the identity of the other party, so he quietly and in a very hidden way stuffed a piece of paper into Moscat's hand, and at the same time pretended to be grateful, wiping away his tears. He complained: "Hearing your words makes it worthwhile for me to be loyal to the empire.

You must know that since the Great Rift appeared, I have been living in fear every day, fearing that I will not be able to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to me by the empire.

Especially after the arrival of the orcs, we have barely resisted for a period of time at great sacrifices and countless casualties.

And you and your fleet are like saviors who have saved this planet.

If you don't mind, could you tell me your name and position? "

Moscat lowered his head and glanced at the note in his hand, and found that it was densely written with lines of tiny characters. It turned out to be a gift list for bribery.

Don't think this is weird.

In fact, both giving and receiving bribes are quite common in the empire.

Generally speaking, the judicial system and tribunals don't care as long as they don't make mistakes in principle.

For the planetary governor, as long as he is not a heretic and can pay taxes on time, it will be enough.

After figuring out who the planetary governor in front of him was, Moscat replied with a smile: "You can call me Lemore. I am a pioneer specially sent by Terra to come to the dark side of the empire to inquire about the situation. I have people from Supreme Authority of Parliament and Regent.”

"Imperial Regent?"

The planetary governor was slightly stunned.

Because Robert Guilliman had not yet awakened from his slumber when the Great Rift was born, the entire dark side knew nothing about this matter.

Moscat nodded pretending to be serious: "Yes, Imperial Regent.

His Highness Robert Guilliman, the son of the great God-Emperor and the Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion, has recently awakened from his ten-thousand-year slumber.

He has replaced those wastes and regained control of the power, and is leading mankind to launch an expedition to continuously regain those lost star sectors.

It was through his impetus that my fleet was able to cross the warp to the dark side. "

"Wha...what? The Primarch is back! The descendant of the great God-Emperor will once again lead mankind out of darkness?"

The planetary governor was extremely shocked when he heard the news.

After all, to the people of the empire today, the original body and the emperor from ten thousand years ago were only gods and demigods that existed in myths and stories.

Before he could recover from the bombshell news, a priest from the State Church hurried forward to grab Moscat and asked with a face full of fanaticism: "Is His Highness Robert Guilliman really awake? Is he really awake?" Has it brought about the will of the great God-Emperor?”

“Of course he brought the will of the great God Emperor, or he himself is the representative of the God Emperor in this universe.

No mortal can disobey the will of the Primarch, as those who have been purged from Terra are the best proof.

Now cheer!

The dark ages are finally coming to an end!

Let's work together to make the Empire great again!

Let mankind once again become the undisputed overlord of the entire galaxy! "

Moscat raised his hands and gave an inflammatory shout to everyone present.

Under his instigation, the people who had just experienced a transition from despair to rebirth fell into excitement and madness.

Coupled with the long-term relationship of religious brainwashing, an indescribable fanaticism quickly swept the entire hive and even the planet.

Because the more people experience darkness, the more they long for light and hope.

The awakening of the original body, Robert Guilliman, is precisely the most exciting news.

No one noticed at all that the eyes of Moscat, the instigator, were so sarcastic at the moment, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised to reveal an extremely evil smile. The devil's egg hanging around his neck was also constantly expanding. The one hidden in The big blood-red eyes under the clothes were twisting back and forth like a shark smelling blood.

"Your Excellency, thank you very much for bringing such important news. If you don't mind, please allow me to invite you and your men to a banquet specially held to celebrate the victory to express my gratitude."

After saying that, the planetary governor turned sideways and made an invitation gesture, pointing to the gorgeously decorated hall behind him, filled with all kinds of wine, food and beautiful women.

The band that had been on standby for a long time also began to play beautiful music, and the celebrities with power and wealth on the planet also lined up on both sides of the entrance in gorgeous clothes and bowed in greeting.

I have to say that this is quite luxurious in terms of ostentation.

Although the people at the bottom are still naked and underfed, and even nutritional powders and nutritional creams made from corpses are limited, the luxurious life of the upper class has not been affected in the slightest.

That kind of evil coming from the depths of his soul made Moscat, who was already a devil in his heart, extremely excited.

He was very sure that he could easily pull all these guys down, and nodded with a smile: "Since you kindly invited me, I will not be respectful."

"Don't be polite. After all, you are my savior and the savior of all humans on this planet. And I noticed that there are many transport ships in your fleet. Does this mean there are a lot of industrial equipment and supplies inside? "

The Planetary Governor glanced at the huge transport ships floating overhead.

"I did bring a lot of good things, but how much you can keep depends on your sincerity." Moscat hinted meaningfully.

The planetary governor immediately responded with a smile: "Don't worry, the price I offer will definitely satisfy you. You must know that there are very rich mineral reserves on this planet, even those important strategic resources are no exception. "

"Then I'll look forward to it."

With that said, the two walked side by side into the banquet hall on the gorgeous carpet as if they were old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Looking at his father's retreating back through the detector on the flagship, Crowe couldn't help but smile with relief: "Great! It seems everything is going as planned. Soon, we will be among the dark side The most powerful families control huge resources, connections and relationships.”

"Don't be too happy, my brother. You must know that there is at least one bishop and branch of the Inquisition in this star region. If father wants to achieve that ambitious goal, he must first solve these troubles."

A young girl who looked to be in her mid-twenties slowly walked out of the passage.

"You worry too much, dear sister.

Don't forget that this is not the holy territory of the empire, but the dark side.

Guess how much strength is left in each planet and even the star region after losing contact and traveling at faster than light speed?

What's more, our plan is not to attack by force, but to force the governors to surrender by secretly corroding control.

Once his father takes over the planet at his feet, he can quickly use the other party's network to expand his power to the entire star region. "

Crowe stared at this "good sister" who had been secretly competing with him, trying to win his father's favor and seize the highest inheritance rights.

Because the two have been trying to kill each other for a long time by poisoning and causing "accidents", they have long begun to regard each other as a thorn in the flesh.

"Hmph! Don't be careless. You must know that father has reached some kind of deal with that unknown existence that we are not aware of. If I were you, I would not let down even the slightest vigilance at this time. Because if it fails, The consequences are simply unbearable for the family."

After saying these words, the woman turned around and left without even the slightest hesitation.

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