A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 646 The choice of the guardian dragon (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Wyrmrest Temple is a giant tower that stands in the Dragonblight of Northrend. It is also the holy place in the hearts of all dragons in Azeroth.

Because this is not only the place where the ancestor dragon king, Galakrond, fell and was buried, but it is also the birthplace of the five guardian dragons. It has indescribable symbolic significance for the entire dragon race.

Although the rise of the Lich King and the raging undead army caused many dragon bones and corpses buried in this land to be dug up and then resurrected with the help of psychic magic into frost dragons filled with the power of cold and death, Ner'zhul But he did not dare to attack this place guarded by the dragon army.

Let alone attack, they didn't even dare to get close.

After all, the ordinary undead army is as fragile as paper in front of a dragon that can fly freely in the sky and release an astonishingly powerful breath.

Neither lich nor death knight can resist the hordes of dragons.

Not to mention the dragon kings who can directly threaten the Frozen Throne.

Therefore, Longmian Temple has always been very safe.

At least until Malygos goes crazy and wants to deprive mortals of the right to use magic and triggers a war, or Deathwing appears again and triggers a catastrophe, two important events happen, there is no force in Northrend that can It made the guards of Wyrmrest Temple feel nervous.

But today, the guardian dragons gathered together in a very unusual way.

The red dragon queen Alexstrasza, the green dragon queen Ysera, and the blue dragon king Malygos are transforming into human forms and standing in the top pavilion of Wyrmrest Temple. Even the bronze dragon king Nozdor, who rarely appears, Mu was also there.

It can be said that except for Deathwing, who has been corrupted by the ancient god, all the important figures of the other four dragon legions have arrived.

Among them, Malygos's mental state is obviously still in madness and chaos. His two eyes have been looking out at the world covered with ice and snow. He has not said a word from beginning to end, and his face is full of loss. and confused.

It has to be said that it is absolutely extremely dangerous for Azeroth to have such a powerful magical power in his hands.

It is hard to imagine that there has been no trouble for thousands of years.

The true representative of the Blue Dragon Legion today is actually Kalecgos, who was kicked out of the Sunwell by Zuo Si.

At this moment, the blue dragon was describing his own experience in an extremely solemn tone, as well as the negative energy seeping into the Sunwell Magic Network node, and Zuo Si's ultimatum asking all guardian dragons to surrender to him.

There is no doubt that this condescending attitude is obviously difficult for the dragons who think highly of themselves to accept.

Because although they possess the power of the Titans, they have never actually seen the Titans, and have only had contact with some of the guardians they left behind.

Moreover, the Titan Guardian communicates with the Guardian Dragon in a relatively equal attitude, rather than giving orders directly like a servant.

Therefore, the Aspect Dragons' impression of the Titans still remains that they transformed the world, brought order and new life, rescued star souls from the spiritual pollution of the ancient gods, and also set up a large number of defenses to resist The terrible Burning Legion descended directly.

In the eyes of many dragons, Titans are equivalent to a mixture of gods and creators, and most of their emotions tend to be respect, admiration and worship.

As the saying goes, distance creates beauty.

Many unrealistic and beautiful fantasies about certain things are actually due to lack of understanding or personal experience.

Since he has never seen the arbitrary and domineering side of Titan, the dragon always feels that Titan should be both benevolent and majestic, and even feels proud that he has obtained part of the Titan's power.

Little do they know that the real Titans are just a group of paranoid people. According to the camp classification of the Toril universe, they should be lawful neutral and have nothing to do with kindness.

For many native life forms on the planet, they are basically equal to butchers and destroyers.

Any planet that is problematic in the eyes of the Titans will have its entire ecological environment undergo a horrific cleansing.

Compared with this kind of transformation, the several mass extinctions in the history of the earth are nothing at all. The meteorite impact that ended the age of dinosaurs was just an appetizer at best.

For this, just look at Draenor, the homeland of the orcs.

Before the arrival of the Titans, this world was dominated by spore life.

Because of their way of reproduction, Aggramar felt that this would lead to the destruction of the entire planet, so the latter created the elemental giant Grond to limit the expansion of spore life, eventually forcing these spores to combine with elemental power in constant battles. Together, new species were formed.

It's a pity that the dragons don't know the true face of the Titans.

Because when they were born, the Titans had already left Azeroth, and even the Pantheon had been exalted by Sargeras, the strongest man in the physical universe.

"So you mean...this outsider named Soth claimed to have defeated a Titan in the war with the Burning Legion, and also severely wounded Sargeras, the Lord of the Legion?"

Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza raised her eyebrows with an expression of disbelief.

Like Kalecgos and Sharagosa, she apparently did not believe that anyone but other titans could harm Sargeras.

After all, the Aspect Dragons participated in the War of the Ancients, and suffered heavy losses due to Deathwing's betrayal. The Blue Dragon Legion was almost extinct, so the dragons understand how terrifying the power of the Burning Legion is.

Just Archimonde and Kil'jaeden can easily kill the Wild Demigod, who is only slightly weaker than the Aspect Dragon.

Not to mention the master of these two powerful eredar demon commanders - Sargeras.

Kalecgos nodded quickly: "Yes, at least that's what the other party said.

And I can feel the huge energy contained in his body, as well as the magic that I have never heard of or seen.

To be honest, Zaragosa and I had no power to fight back in front of him. It was simply more suffocating than facing the Blue Dragon King.

Those guys who occupied the Sunwell seemed to be the other party's subordinates.

This group of undead creatures is somewhat different from the undead controlled by the Lich King. They rely on a negative energy that is completely opposite to life and light to maintain life.

If this energy is allowed to spread in Azeroth, the original balance will be broken, and even the Emerald Dream will be affected. "

"Malygos, don't you want to say something?"

Alexstrasza turned her attention to the Blue Dragon King opposite.

It's a pity that the latter seemed to be completely asleep, with his eyes closed and didn't react at all.

Seeing this situation, the other three Dragon Kings present sighed involuntarily.

Because Malygos has maintained this mental state for ten thousand years.

Only when he rescued the Red Dragon Queen against Deathwing during the Orc War, he barely regained consciousness for a few hours, and then became what he is now.

Green Dragon Queen Ysera held her forehead helplessly and asked the Bronze Dragon King beside her: "Nozdormu, you are in charge of the timeline of Azeroth, can you tell me whether this outsider named Soth actually owns A power comparable to or even more powerful than the Titans?"

"Sorry, I can't give you a definite answer.

But what is certain is that because his existence has exceeded the limits of my control, this timeline is replacing the original main timeline at an extremely fast speed.

What's even more frightening is that it continues to swallow up other timelines, eventually merging into the only timeline.

Do you understand what this means? "

Nozdormu raised his head and asked with a serious expression.


Alexstrasza's pupils suddenly dilated.

Although she is only the protector of life, she still knows something about time.

If each timeline represents the infinite possibilities of the past and future of this planet, then when it begins to return to the only timeline, it means that a decisive factor has appeared in this timeline, causing all other possibilities to disappear. Disappeared.

Nozdormu nodded slightly: "Yes, our world is moving towards a foreseeable future.

The good news is that the horrific scenes of destruction at the end of time are gone.

But the bad news is that in the face of this powerful outsider, all our resistance and struggles are in vain.

Not even all the power on my part can kill or change this timeline.

Because there is a force above Titan that firmly locks it. "

You don't need to ask to know that the Bronze Dragon King's words instantly stunned the other guardian dragons.

"So what you are saying is that we should surrender to Lord Soth and acknowledge the power he possesses and the identity and status of the Guardian God of Azeroth?"

Green Dragon Queen Ysera tried in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, that's my point of view. Because time has already given the answer. Rejection and resistance can only lead to one result, and that is destruction."

After saying this, Nozdormu took Chromie directly and escaped into the time stream, with no intention of continuing to participate in the discussion.

Because he has seen the results in the torrent of time, he will never let his children die.

As the Bronze Dragon King left, Ysera and Alexstrasza looked at each other.

As two-faced guardians of nature and life, they have the best relationship among the Aspect Dragons, and of course they know what Nozdormu wants to express.

It's just that the information is so overwhelming that my brain can't turn around for a while.

Before the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen could express their stance, Malygos suddenly opened his eyes and jumped into the sky. He jumped out from the upper level of Wyrmrest Temple and directly transformed into the form of a giant dragon, heading towards the Sunwell at an extremely fast speed. fly to the island.

Kalecgos did not bother to say hello to the remaining two dragon kings, and quickly led the blue dragon guards to chase after him to protect the crazy blue dragon king.

When all the blue dragons disappeared on the horizon, Alexstrasza showed a wry smile, stared into her good sister's eyes and asked: "What are you going to choose?"

"I don't know. I plan to ask the other party first how to deal with the Emerald Dream. But fortunately, judging from Nozdormu's tone, this Lord Soth is not a destroyer or destroyer." Ysera replied with the same wry smile. road.

"I hope so."

Alexstrasza hugged her good sister, and then they flew into the air together in two completely different directions.

Suddenly, the originally bustling Longmian Temple became deserted again.

Apart from Northrend's biting sea breeze, there are only a few guard dragons and dragonmen left.

Meanwhile, far away on the throne of Northrend Icecrown Glacier.

Gramir quietly evaded the surveillance of the Dread Lords, and walked elegantly to the huge ice block used to imprison the Lich King. He looked at the imprisoned soul in the ice block with great interest, as well as the objects used to imprison the Lich King. The Helm of Domination amplified the spiritual power. It took more than ten seconds before he asked: "Are you Ner'zhul? The culprit who caused the orcs to fall into the trap of the Burning Legion?"

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, the messenger of the great Lord Thos."

Ner'zhul's tone seemed very humble and full of flattery.

After reaching an agreement in private, Zuo Si asked someone to open a hole and let Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and the others go.

In exchange, from now on the Lich King becomes a vassal and servant of the Demon Legion.

Of course, all this is done in secret and is not known to the outside world.

What's more interesting is that after fighting out, the Scourge Legion led by Arthas happened to encounter the orc army led by Thrall, and the two sides had another fight on the outskirts of Mount Hyjal.

It wasn't until Thrall realized that fighting these undead that his blood orcs couldn't absorb the blood containing vitality at all, then he unwillingly made way for the undead to pass.

There is no way, the number of orcs is really small now, and they cannot afford too many casualties.

"Can you harness the power of the soul and heart through death? Your current state is indeed very interesting. According to the Lord, this is of great research value."

While speaking, Gramir raised his hand and cast a summoning spell.

In a blink of an eye!

More than ten teams composed of powerful spellcasters such as pit demons, scorpion demons, and lichs appeared out of thin air.

I saw them casting various detection spells on the entire Frozen Throne at extremely fast speeds, cleaning up all the traps, monitoring runes, and magic eyes around them.

Immediately after, he took out more than twenty kinds of research instruments from the box he carried with him, and surrounded the ice blocks that sealed the Lich King.

After a while, one of the Hell Fiends began to punch holes in the ice.

Ner'zhul had never seen such a battle before, and he immediately asked nervously: "He... what are they doing?"

"Relax, they are just checking you in all aspects according to the master's requirements.

Especially the helmet of domination.

I believe you don’t want to be controlled by others all the time, right?

And we can save your soul. "

Gramir licked her seductive red lips and comforted him with a smile.

Obviously, unlike the Burning Legion monitoring the Lich King through the Dread Lord, she came this time to directly hold Ner'zhul firmly in her hands, so that he would no longer be able to make any small moves behind his back, and could only do it for Zuosi's planning services.

If anyone dares to be careful, his soul will be dragged into the torture chamber of hell in minutes and squeezed into energy, and then the body will be thrown into the incubation pit to see what kind of devil it can be transformed into.

"But what about those Dread Lords? If there are chips or cracks in the ice, they will find it soon."

Ner'zhul's tone was filled with tension and anxiety.

After all, the Burning Legion is still on Mount Hyjal and is constantly consuming each other with Zuo Si's army, so the Dread Lords still stay in Northrend to monitor him and have not gone to the Eastern Continent to clean up the remaining defeated troops.

In addition, Arthas and Kel'Thuzad have not yet returned, and the Lich King has no ability to resist at all.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of those Dreadlords."

Gramir took no time to give Ner'zhul a reassurance, and ordered his men to start building a two-way portal to ensure that troops could be continuously mobilized from other places at any time, and then completely occupy the Frozen Throne and let the Lich King Surrender to the devil's army.

Seeing this posture, Ner'zhul immediately understood that these guys in front of him were different from the Burning Legion and would not give him any chance to make small moves, and his heart suddenly sank into the valley.

But the problem is that he doesn't have any good solution.

The only thing he could do now was to obey and wait, at least until Arthas returned to Northrend.

On the other side, in various kingdoms on the eastern continent, priests who believe in Zuo Si have begun to preach about the world after death under his instruction, which is the scene of the huge cyberpunk city on the ninth level of Baator Hell.

Through the power of divine magic, thousands of believers have seen this world with highly developed technology and magic, as well as the luxurious and desirable life.

As we all know, all successful religions have one thing in common, that is, they give clear promises after death and describe the whereabouts of the soul after death.

For example, some religions emphasize that people with devout beliefs can go to heaven to enjoy eternal life and a beautiful life after death, while those who do not believe in religion must go to hell to endure eternal torture.

For another example, some religions emphasize that human souls can be reincarnated. Slaves who endure and do not resist throughout their lives can be reincarnated as nobles in their next life. Otherwise, they will be reduced to livestock.

Therefore, in order to expand his influence and test the reaction of the Shadow Realm, Zuo Si began to blatantly snatch the souls of mortals in Azeroth.

Anyone who voluntarily believes in him is equivalent to signing a contract with Baator Hell. After death, the soul will go to the huge cyberpunk city and become a citizen.

So in just a few weeks, the Church of the God of Contract completely defeated the Holy Light faith.

After all, the Holy Light Church cannot give clear promises after death, and it is not even clear where the soul will go after death.

On the contrary, the huge cyberpunk city can be displayed through low-level magic, allowing them to experience the colorful neon lights, various exciting performances and competitions, as well as countless wine, food and entertainment venues.

All this is too tempting for the common people living at the bottom of society.

After all, it would be nice to be able to enjoy things after death that you cannot enjoy while alive.

What's more, Zuo Si's teachings are originally quite simple and not difficult to follow. There are not so many rules and precepts at all, and they are simply too in line with the needs of ordinary people.

Even the capital of the Kingdom of Storm in the south has a large number of believers.

While watching people in taverns, squares, streets and shops intensely discussing plans after death, Medivh, who was disguised so as not to reveal his identity, couldn't help but shook his head and sighed in a low voice: "The changes in this world are really great. I can’t imagine that people today don’t have the slightest fear of death, but instead look forward to its coming.”

"You think it's ridiculous?"

Zuo Si picked up the cup and took a sip of refreshing apple juice.

"Is not it?"

Medivh raised his head and asked.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "No, of course not.

This can only mean one problem, and that is that people’s lives are too miserable.

It's so painful that they think their lives will be many times better after death than they are now.

Far from being absurd, this is a satire of the real world.

What's more, all the gifts given by fate have been secretly marked with a price.

Guess what it will cost to have such a life of luxury after death? "


Medivh seemed to understand something, with a thoughtful look on his face. He raised his head and drank the wine in the glass. Then he burped and joked: "So your target is the souls of these mortals? They Enjoying this wonderful life after death also makes you stronger."

"That's right. As I have mentioned repeatedly before, the essence of all faith in this world is transaction. If a mortal wants to get something from God, he must first be prepared to pay the corresponding price."

After saying that, Zuo Sichong waved to the busy maid, indicating that his cup was empty.

Obviously, he didn't tell anyone in this world that the huge cyberpunk city was actually a terrible maw, a corruption that devoured all souls that came here from the outside.

Once they degenerate to a certain level, the soul exuding black aura will be sent to the torture chamber to squeeze out energy.

And Zuo Si was not worried at all that this illusion would be exposed.

Because anyone who enters the ninth level of Baator Hell after death has no chance of coming back, and living people who have never been there can only learn about the prosperity and wealth of this huge city from the priests.

"Well, maybe you are right. At least people are no longer afraid of death, but are looking forward to this day. By the way, I heard that some of your men occupied the Sunwell and also had an affair with the envoy of the Blue Dragon Legion. Conflict?"

Medivh suddenly changed the subject, with a hint of worry in his tone.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "Yes. Anyway, the Sunwell has been polluted by Kel'Thuzad when he transformed the lich, so I took some waste and reused it. I believe you won't mind. As for the blue dragon, as far as I know I know your relationship with them isn’t very good, right?”

"Haha, you guessed it right."

Medivh put down his glass and showed a self-deprecating expression.

When he was controlled by Sargeras, he personally killed a blue dragon named "Arkanagos" in a spell duel, and even threw the opponent's burned bones on the roof of Karazhan.

It's strange that this relationship can be good.

By the way, Akannagos has another name after being resurrected in death form, called Nightmare.

"What, do you want to intercede for these dragon guardians?"

Zuo Si crossed his hands on his chest and nodded to the beautiful waitress who came to give him juice.

With his amazing charm attributes, this inconspicuous action of his immediately made the other party's heart beat faster, his face flushed, and he even showed a shy look with a hint of expectation.

After the waitress reluctantly turned around and left with the clay pot, Medivh said in a slightly helpless tone: "Intercession doesn't count. I just hope you can deal with these guardian dragons in a gentler way." .After all, they have made sacrifices and contributions to Azeroth."

"Don't worry, I don't mean to kill all the guardian dragons. I just hope that they can obey my will like they obey the Titans. But if anyone is ignorant, you can't blame me for being too ruthless. Especially those who control the people. Magical yet insane Malygos."

Zuo Si expressed his attitude very clearly.

If he had to choose one existence among the five guardian dragons that he could not tolerate the most, it would undoubtedly be the Blue Dragon King.

On the one hand, this guy is obviously mentally ill and is not suitable at all for managing Azeroth's magic network.

You must know that the so-called "Magic Network" is actually the star soul energy released from the middle of the maelstrom.

This kind of energy has long been regarded as forbidden by Zuo Si, and it belongs to the type where whoever touches it will die.

On the other hand, he wants to get this authority to imitate the goddess of magic and build a real magic network in this world, so the magic authority must be regained no matter what.

The bronze dragon's power to control time is also what Zuo Sisi wants to obtain.

In comparison, the abilities of the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen are insignificant.

As for the black dragon...

Zuo Si raised his head and looked through the window of the tavern towards the huge Stormwind Fortress in the distance. He passed through all obstacles and locked onto a woman with long black hair, a proud figure and beautiful appearance.

This popular countess in the Kingdom of Stormwind is Katrana Prestor. She also has another name called Onyxia. She is the direct daughter of Deathwing and the noble princess of the Black Dragon Legion.

It was in her lair that Zuo Si obtained a sufficient number of black dragon eggs.

Medivh obviously noticed this, and immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Are you just going to let this black dragon princess make a mess in the Kingdom of Stormwind?"

"if not?

Directly use the power of magic to reveal her prototype, and then capture her with thunderous momentum and win the cheers of the civilians?

Sorry, I'm not a babysitter.

Nor will he help ordinary people deal with all their problems and troubles.

All I have to do is provide them with a relatively safe environment to survive and develop.

As for ordinary threats and enemies, they need to rely on their own courage and wisdom to deal with them.

Only in this way can the spirit and will of mortals create a powerful and outstanding star soul.

The most important thing is that I have done enough for the alliance, and the rest is left to them. "

After saying that, Zuo Si placed a gold coin on the table, then stood up, put on his hood and disappeared into the bustling streets of Stormwind City.

Due to the influence of immigrants from the Kingdom of Lordaeron in Stranglethorn Valley in the south, this place has shown a very prosperous scene.

In particular, the frequent trade between the two human countries has brought unprecedented vitality to the Kingdom of Stormwind, which was ravaged by two orc wars.

The dazzling array of products in the market is enough to dazzle every local.

Coupled with the fact that Varian Wrynn has not disappeared yet, everything looks so prosperous.

But only Zuo Si knew that this beautiful scene could not last long.

Because Onyxia has begun to reach into the noble council, trying to encourage the nobles to abandon the money they originally promised to pay to the Masons' Guild.

The masons headed by Edwin Van Cleef went bankrupt because they could not get paid. They were unable to support their families and children. Anger was spreading rapidly among them.

But what does it matter?

Anyway, the Kingdom of Lordaeron is not completely destroyed as it was in the original timeline. Instead, it was reborn from the ashes in the Third War.

The weakening of Stormwind was just enough to avoid a situation where two powerful human kingdoms would compete with each other for leadership of the Alliance.

After the meeting with Medivh, Zuo Si directly used teleportation magic to descend on the Storm Cliff.

This is the largest of the three bases originally established by the Titans, and it is also the place where the ancient god Yogg-Saron is sealed.

The last guardian of Tirisfal Glades fought an unprecedented battle with the incarnation of the dark titan Sargeras at the Storm Peaks.

It can be said that the biggest secrets about the planet Azeroth are buried here, as well as a large number of unknown plans about the Titans.

In particular, the Creator Engine that runs through the entire huge mountain range contains the highest level of magic and technology in the Titan Pantheon.

Anyone who cracks the secret will gain the power to easily transform a planet.

It is mainly divided into two parts, the Forge of Will and the Forge of Origin.

The former is located inside the ruins of Ulduar and is responsible for providing the soul of will to all living things, while the Origin Furnace will sprinkle the materials needed for the birth of all kinds of life into the sky and the earth, allowing them to enjoy themselves in a world like a blank sheet of paper. evolution.

At this moment, at the entrance of a Creator Engine on the cliff of Storm Cliff, New Phyrexia's Blue Demon Judge Jinji Tasha is leading his scientific research team to dig in an orderly manner, and using the power of Shimmering Oil to dismantle the huge engine. Divided into one relatively independent module and studied repeatedly, the two eyes shone with great excitement and excitement.

For a mad scientist like him, the technology left behind by Titan is simply a huge treasure that can provide him with a steady stream of inspiration.

As for the awakened guards in the ruins, they have all become members of New Phyrexia under the infection of Shimmering Oil.

Conversion is so fast that it doesn't even take a few hours.

There is no way, who makes these iron vrykul, iron dwarfs and mechanical dwarfs mainly made of metal, with no flesh and blood parts at all.

Therefore, it was naturally extremely restrained by Shuoyou.

When the black grease enters their bodies, it only takes a very short time to corrode the transformation core.

So Jinji Tasha captured the entrance to the Creator Engine without any bloodshed.

Right now, he is analyzing various major areas inside, looking for files and records of interest to him from those complex machines.

"How about it? Did you find anything interesting?"

Zuo Si passed directly through the huge entrance of the Creator Engine and appeared behind the Blue Demon Judge.

“There are so many, I don’t even know how to report them.

You see, here is a structural diagram of the entire Storm Peaks and Ulduar.

I have sent nanorobots into the interior to explore many places and even infected some key parts.

If you allow me, I would like to take down Mimiron in the Guardian first.

It is obviously the technical core of this huge system and holds the most knowledge and information.

After taking it, the various mechanisms, traps and alarms inside Ulduar will be useless to us.

And we can also pour a large amount of shimmering oil into Ulduar to complete all other guardians and even Yogg-Saron sealed underground. "

Jinji Tasha quickly projected the entire structure of Ulduar through the laser device installed on himself, and expressed his thoughts enthusiastically.

Unlike other magic judges who are obsessed with war and conquest, he has been hiding behind the scenes to engage in technological research and development from the beginning.

Not only did they devour and absorb a large amount of Burning Legion technology, but they also dug up several Titan ruins in Azeroth.

Among them is Uldaman, located in the wasteland.

Nowadays, this place jointly created by the guardians Azadas and Elonnaya no longer has any earth spirits or large golems, only a group of New Phyrexia creations integrated with the cavemen.

Even the two guardians are now in complete card form.

Just as Zuo Si promised, he will clean up all the guardians left by the Titans one by one.

Looking at the complex internal structure of Ulduar and the countless traps, Zuo Si touched his chin and asked with interest: "What is the current situation inside Ulduar? Is the aura of the ancient god Yogg-Saron leaking out? ?"

"Yes, there are very serious signs of corruption within Ulduar. Not only in Ulduar, there is also a huge shadow energy reaction deep in the intricate underground kingdom of the spider demon."

Jinji Tower quickly marked the place where the aura of the ancient god appeared through the projection of the Northrend map.

The number is so large that it almost covers the entire continent.

No wonder Aman'Thul caused huge damage to the entire planet when he killed Y'Shaarj.

These guys have already penetrated into the ground and extended hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of tentacles, tightly wrapping the core of the planet Azeroth, which is the place where the star soul is nurtured.

Although it has not yet reached the level of drilling through the core of the earth, it is estimated that it is not far away.

In fact, Yogg-Saron tore a hole in the seal a long time ago, constantly seeping out his own power, and thus releasing the curse of flesh and blood.

Those Saronite iron ores were born under the influence of his power.

Later, the Lich King came to attack the Nerubian Empire. The latter kept digging deeper for refuge, and accidentally dug up a tentacle of Yogg-Saron.

Since then, many faceless men have begun to appear on this icy tundra.

Finally, Illidan released the power of the Eye of Sargeras to tear the Frozen Throne apart and made another epic assist. This led to Yogg-Saron completely breaking the seal and appearing inside Ulduar.

Obviously, Yogg-Saron is the first ancient god that Zuo Si plans to destroy.

To be precise, try to see if you can complete it first.

Thinking of this, he gave a straightforward order: "Since you already have a plan, let's start infiltrating and infecting. Remember, it's best to keep your actions secret. I don't want to make too much noise. If the ancient god is not affected by It is very troublesome to directly break the seal due to the influence of shimmering oil."

"Understood, I promise to arrange everything properly."

Jinji Tasha gave the guarantee without hesitation.

He didn't want such a good opportunity to come cheap to others.

Especially the technological creations left behind by the Titans in Ulduar, he would feel distressed even if they were damaged.

In this way, after obtaining permission, the Blue Demon Judge immediately went into full gear and sent a large number of nano-robot bugs that were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye into the interior of Ulduar along the channels inside the Creator Engine.

The largest of them is only the size of a human fingernail, and the smallest is only the size of a flea.

For the already tall Titan creations, if these little things lie still, they will even ignore them directly, or think that they are a stain.

Yogg-Saron probably would never have dreamed that the Titan guardians and creations he had managed to control with so much effort would all fall under the influence of Shimmering Oil in just a few days.

Due to the strong exclusivity of the Shimmering Oil itself, all completed creatures will no longer be affected by those deadly whispers.

He didn't even know that the core of the Forge of Will was completed by Shimmering Oil.

Loken, the King of Wisdom who has the highest authority in Ulduar, is even planning how to eradicate his dissidents, and then find a way to open the seal to help the ancient gods escape. He has no idea that the real death is about to come.

In order to ensure that the operation to capture Ulduar was foolproof, Zuo Si himself sat at the Storm Peaks, vowing to capture all the Titan Guardians here in one fell swoop to prevent some of them from escaping.

And in order to completely erase the traces of Yogg-Saron's existence, he also used the life magic taught by the cheap teacher Sorin Markov to directly communicate with the star soul, confirming the huge area occupied by this ancient god underground.

To be precise, the entire underground of Northrend is covered with the tentacles of Yogg-Saron, as well as a large number of faceless men corrupted by him.

The reason why these servants of the ancient gods have not jumped out yet is not because their numbers and strength are not strong enough.

But Yogg-Saron, who successfully corrupted Loken, is already planning to restore the glory of the Dark Empire.

He didn't even look down on the current overlord of Northrend, the Lich King, and those ridiculous undead, but directly focused on the Creator Engine of Ulduar.

Once he controls this place, this guy can use the two furnaces to continuously create twisted monsters from the Shadow Void, use them to cover the entire Azeroth, and even eliminate several other competing ancient gods.

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