A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 645: The ultimatum to the Blue Dragon Army (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Where do you want to go? Little reptile!"

The lich's cold and biting voice instantly made the green dragon that had just taken off feel a huge threat.

Although the body of the former has not completely withered and rotted like those lichs that have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years, leaving only a dry skeleton, the two eyes are constantly overflowing with dark blue energy frost. energy.

It only takes a few seconds for the surrounding temperature to drop below zero degrees Celsius.

What made the green dragon even more shuddered was that the lich wore a very eye-catching emblem on his chest. It was a hand holding a card tightly, surrounded by a dense circle of small skulls.

In the entire continent of Faerûn, anyone who wears this mark has only one identity, and that is the core member of the Arcane Society.

Although this organization of arcane spellcasters is private, there have been many rumors about them in the outside world.

For example, all members of the organization are powerful undead creatures - lich;

For another example, even the weakest and lowest-level members at least have the ability to release nine-ring magic. As long as they join it, it won't take long for them to cross the threshold and become an out-and-out legendary spell caster.

No one knows how many core members there are within the Arcane Order, not even the so-called all-pervasive Harper Alliance.

The only thing people know is that this organization has very terrifying energy. Anyone who dares to provoke them will immediately face endless revenge.

Since the Lich has a phylactery that can be resurrected indefinitely, the core members of the Arcane Society are not afraid of death at all when launching revenge actions.

A lunatic from the Dragon Worship Cult once attacked an adventure team affiliated with a certain member and stole a treasure called the Crown of the Dragon King.

As a result, they were besieged by more than ten legendary lichs that night. Not only the secret base but also the two dragon lichs inside were all knocked down on the spot, and the entire mountain was almost flattened by an astonishingly powerful spell.

Even Sammaster's personal arrival later could not save the situation. Instead, four of the legendary lichs self-destructed and were severely damaged and fled.

From then on, no one dared to provoke the Arcane Order.

Even the red-robed wizard, who has always had a high self-esteem, would choose to stay away when seeing this mark to avoid getting angry.

The only good thing is that this terrifying spellcaster organization has never shown any terrible ambitions and rarely appears in the public eye.

The green dragon simply couldn't believe that he would encounter a terrifying lich of arcane magic in such a remote place. He didn't even dare to hesitate and quickly changed direction, intending to use his superb flying skills to escape from the opponent's spellcasting range.

But just when he made an emergency stop and turn in the air, the Lich suddenly raised his hand and made a very weird movement.

The next second...


Accompanied by a sound of air contracting sharply when encountering ultra-low temperatures, a huge ice cube directly wrapped the green dragon from head to toe, forming a huge prismatic ice cube that fell straight from an altitude of more than a hundred meters. .

boom! ! ! ! !

In an instant, the soil on the ground flew everywhere, creating a large crater with a diameter of more than thirty meters.

With just one spell, this green dragon in its prime, enough to frighten and unsettle many cities, turned into an ice sculpture towering above the ground.

Especially the stunned expression frozen on his face was perfectly preserved in the ice.

Both Dumbledore and the slightly obese middle-aged businessman were frightened by this scene and almost suffocated.

Especially the former, even if he hasn't lost his spell-casting ability, he can't guarantee that he can cast similar frost magic to freeze and seal an intelligent dragon with amazing resistance.

In contrast, the Lich seemed to have done an insignificant thing and landed directly from mid-air to the ground. With a smile on his face, he bowed slightly to the old man and said proactively: "You must be the principal of Hogwarts. Your Excellency Albus Dumbledore, known as the greatest wizard of the twentieth century, right?

I'm very sorry that I came a little late and left you wandering alone in this completely unfamiliar world for several hours.

And I also encountered a lot of troubles and bad things.

Know that our world is not as safe as yours.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The core members of the Arcane Order are currently in another place called Azeroth, gathering in the sunwell with infinite arcane energy to perform complex rituals in order to obtain more powerful magical power.

At present, there are not many manpower available in Faerûn.

I also rushed back as soon as I completed the comprehensive strengthening from body to soul.

Finally, please allow me to welcome you on behalf of the organization and His Excellency Soth. "

"Soth? You know him!"

Dumbledore immediately realized that the creature in front of him, which had a human appearance but actually exuded the energy of death and cold, should be here to greet him.

The Lich smiled and nodded: "Yes, Lord Soth is the founder and leader of the Arcane Society.

It was he who gave us mages who had reached the end of their lives a chance to continue exploring more profound magical knowledge.

If you want to understand and learn the magic of this world, then come with me.

We will provide you with the necessary resources in the learning process for free, as well as a lot of knowledge that cannot be measured in money.

You must know that in this world, learning magic is not cheap.

What's more, depending on your age, you may need some life-extending potions and magic, or rituals to transform into a longer-lived form. "

As the Lich spoke, he cast a teleportation spell on the green dragon frozen in the huge ice block.

Just a second later, the unlucky green dragon was teleported to a secret stronghold of the Arcane Order.

There is a high probability that waiting for him will be to use it to make various high-level magic items, equipment and potions.

Of course, if you are lucky, it may become an infinite seeding machine, providing enough male heritage genes for dragon hybrid research.

After all, the lichs from the Arcane Society went to Azeroth not only to upgrade and strengthen their shapes and powers in the Sunwell, but they also brought back some local specialty baby dragons and eggs.

Among them, the red dragon was obtained from the orcs of the Dragon Roar clan, while the blue dragon, green dragon, bronze dragon and black dragon were obtained from the brother and sister Nefarian and Onyxia.

In addition, there are the void dragons from Outland and the colorful dragons that Nefarian is studying.

Hearing that the Lich claimed to be Zuo Si's subordinate, Dumbledore's tense nerves finally relaxed a little, and he asked in an uncertain tone: "Where is Soth right now?"

"He fought a war with a powerful enemy called the Burning Legion in another universe. He has just signed an armistice agreement and is dividing each other's spheres of influence. It is estimated that it will be difficult to find time to see you for a while."

The Lich gave the answer without thinking.

Because there is no need to keep it secret at all, and there is no way to keep it secret.

It is impossible to hide the large-scale mobilization and expedition of the devils of Baator Hell from the gods. Those mortals who returned from the expedition will also spread what they saw and heard everywhere.

Why even in conjunction with the recruitment propaganda, various advertisements are overwhelming in the endless and huge cyberpunk city of the ninth level.

Some high-level devils with more lively minds even play the trick of "coaxing young men" in private.

No matter who you are, as long as you can draw twenty people, you can be a squad leader; if you can draw fifty to a hundred people, you can be a centurion; a thousand people can be a thousand captain, and so on.

The devils don't care whether it's abduction, kidnapping, or deception.

In short, you can obtain the corresponding establishment and position based on the number of people under your command.

Moreover, everything captured by the soldiers under his command during the battle can be collected for a commission.

Inspired by such naked interests, the proportion of "foreigners" in the Devil Legion has reached nearly 40%.

The number of people who retreated back alone is millions or even tens of millions.


After hearing these words, Dumbledore finally realized how much strength and power the young man who once stood in front of him had grown in strength and power in the years since he had disappeared.

Fortunately, he had already seen strong winds and waves, so he quickly recovered from the shock. After waving goodbye to the frightened fat businessman, he teleported away with the lich.

About a second or two later, the two of them appeared out of thin air between the teleportation points of the Ashcatla Mage Tower.

Looking at the huge portals shining with azure light around him and the people coming in and out of these portals, Dumbledore couldn't help but ask: "Where do these magic portals lead to?"

“Some of them connect various important cities in the West Coast Empire and even the entire continent;

Others connect the outer planes such as Baator Hell and the Abyss with the inner planes such as the Fire Element and the Wind Element;

One of them is the material plane ruled by Lord Soth.

Using these portals, we can go wherever we want to get what we want.

The bureaucracy and law enforcement agencies can also extend their rule to every corner of the empire.

However, I don't recommend that you go to too dangerous places before you have a strong enough spellcasting ability. "

As the Lich introduced, he led Dumbledore out of the teleportation room and headed towards the upper level of the mage tower.

Along the way, the latter not only saw creatures such as mephits, imps, and pixies as handymen, but also all kinds of strange elemental creatures, winter wolves and wargs that could speak human words, as well as some newly hatched creatures that were fighting. The noisy young dragon.

What impressed him most were undoubtedly those advanced constructs with extremely high intelligence and self-awareness.

Moreover, through the window in the corridor, the old man also saw the prosperous night view of Ascart outside the window, which was no less than that of a modern metropolis, as well as the huge airships, magic ships, and small flying devices invented by mages floating in the sky from time to time.

To him, it was all so strange and new.

After about ten minutes, the two of them arrived at an empty room.

The Lich pointed to the bed and desk not far away and said, "This is our temporary residence.

Here you can rest, read books, copy scrolls, and study magic.

Upstairs is the library, with countless books and scrolls related to magic available for borrowing.

There is a classroom downstairs. Tower Consciousness will teach basic theories to the apprentices who come to learn from 9 to 11 am every day, and slightly more complex advanced courses from 2 to 4 pm in the afternoon.

In addition to eating, there is a hall on the first floor near the back hall.

With your special status, you can directly give orders to the mephits or constructs outside and ask them to deliver food to the room.

As for making magic items, you need to go to the workshop;

To prepare potions, you need to go to the alchemy workshop;

To test the power and effects of various spells, you must go to a specially enhanced blasting room;

The place where corpses are dissected and the undead are awakened is in the basement;

To explore other worlds, you have to go to the Exploration Room;

If you need any materials, go to the storage room between the first and second floors.

As perhaps the largest, most complex, and most functional mage tower in the entire Faerûn continent, it can meet everything necessary to learn and research magic.

Moreover, Mr. Soss specifically told you that you can mobilize the energy reserves in the Mage Tower at will without being restricted by quotas like others.

As a final reminder, you are free to cast any spells and magic you have learned in the tower and throughout Askatra. "


Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then shock and disbelief appeared on his old face.

Because he had already tried all the spells as soon as he used the invitation letter to send it, but he didn't get even the slightest reaction.

The Lich had obviously expected this, and nodded with a chuckle: "Yes, you heard that right.

Lord Soth has used the power of his planeswalkers to superimpose the magical environment of other worlds here.

This includes your original world.

However, once outside the range of Askatra, this spellcasting ability will be lost again. "


Dumbledore quickly took out his wand and cast the simplest spell. As a result, the front end of the wand suddenly released a bright and dazzling light.

Feeling the familiar magic power flowing through his body, he couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Superimposing the spell-casting environments of different worlds? Has Soss been able to do such an incredible thing..."

“Believe me, you will not truly understand the power he possesses until you learn the magic system of this world.

If there is nothing else, I will leave first.

If you have any questions or requests, you can directly contact the consciousness of this tower.

In addition, I suggest that you should not go out until you learn to read and write the common language. "

After saying that, the Lich put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully, then turned around and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"So...this is the world Soth wants to show me? A strange magical world filled with more complexity and mystery?"

Dumbledore stood alone in front of the window, looking down at the majestic night view of the imperial capital Ascaltra, and he was unconsciously intoxicated by it.

Especially the suspended Mythra cores above his head that emitted a strong magical halo, making it impossible for him to take his eyes away.

Just staring at the city outside shrouded in moonlight and magic lights, the old man stood there for more than an hour, until his legs and feet began to feel numb, and then he reluctantly lay on the bed and forced himself to sleep through a magic spell.

Because he doesn't want to miss the basic class at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and he is eager to understand and integrate into the magic system of this world.

In Dumbledore's eyes, this was a new beginning in his life, a phoenix-like rebirth from the ashes.

His pet and companion Fox found a clothes hanger as a temporary nest and lay down on it with his eyes closed to relax.

At the same time, far away on the island of Quel'Danas at the northernmost tip of the eastern continent of Azeroth.

The lichs who had just completed the magic ceremony were gathering together, discussing with great interest the changes that had taken place in themselves.

"Interesting! Although the lich in this world also uses a power of death similar to negative energy, it is essentially different from negative energy."

"That's right. Real negative energy does not give us extra psychic power. Now even without using any necromancy magic, I can easily control those low-level undead with little intelligence. It seems that the power of death in this world is the same as Minds and even souls are inextricably linked.”

"Not only that! There is also cold and frost. We can create ultra-low temperatures through the other side of death to kill the target or freeze it. This is much easier to use than the previous simple negative energy touch."

"Speaking of which, this is all thanks to the endless energy of the Sunwell."

"How about we directly turn this arcane energy source into an energy source filled with negative energy and the power of death? In this way, we can turn this place into a paradise for the necromancy school of magic."

"Don't be stupid. It's impossible for Mr. Soth to agree. I think it's good to maintain the status quo."

"That's true. After all, arcane energy mixed with a little power of death is an inexhaustible treasure for everyone."

While some lichs were busy discussing, some guys had already taken out the containers they carried with them and started filling them with water from the Sunwell.

After the successive scourges caused by the lichs of the Arcane Society, the Sunwell at this moment has been more seriously polluted than in the original timeline, and the golden well water has even shown a tendency to turn black.

Because it is no longer the power of death that inadvertently seeped into Kel'Thuzad when he was resurrected, but there is even more terrifying negative energy.

If the high elves continue to use the energy of the Sunwell, it will not be as simple as becoming a "lost heart", but will quickly become undead, and even create a unique subspecies of elves between life and death. .

However, the excited lichs did not notice that while they were discussing how to make full use of this huge energy source, two blue dragons had quietly arrived on the island of Quel'Danas.

As the guardian of Azeroth's magic, the Blue Dragon Legion has been monitoring the magical energy on this planet, so naturally it will not be indifferent to the external negative energy that invades the Sunwell.

Feeling the coldness and death breath emanating from the Sunwell, the blue dragon who landed couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "Damn! The situation seems to be more serious than imagined. This energy has passed through the Sunwell It starts to go deep underground, and if measures are not taken immediately, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Calm down, Kalecgos. Don't forget the warning of the Bronze Dragon Legion. These outsiders are not easy to deal with. Each and every one of them is extremely dangerous, and even caused the Burning Legion to fight in the war across the entire universe. Caught at a disadvantage.”

With that said, another blue dragon also landed and transformed into a human woman.

"I don't need to remind you of this, Saragosa. After all, the war on Mount Hyjal is still going on. The demons of the Burning Legion are like pigs rushing into a slaughterhouse, being mercilessly attacked by waves of Kill them. Anyone who is not blind knows how terrifying those outsiders are. The question is what to do now? Should we just let them transform the Sunwell and take it as their own?"

The blue dragon known as Kalecgos also transformed into a human youth.

Zaragosa immediately responded: "No, of course not. According to the Blue Dragon King, we need to talk to these outsiders first. As long as they are willing to accept the conditions we propose, then it doesn't matter even if we give them the Sunwell .”

"Accept the conditions? Are you crazy or Malygos is crazy? Do you think with the power these guys have shown, they will listen to us?" Kalecgos raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

You must know that it is a terrifying force that can compete with the Burning Legion head-on and firmly gain the upper hand.

And just one Kil'jaeden or Archimonde can easily slaughter all the five Aspect Dragon Legions.

The strength of both sides was not on the same level from the beginning.

"You should know that Malygos has been going crazy with grief since the disaster that nearly destroyed the Blue Dragonflight. So don't say such things again, you will break his heart."

Zaragosa warned solemnly.

Hearing these words, Kalecgo fell into silence. It took several seconds before he lowered his head and said, "Sorry, you know I didn't mean that. I just thought he asked us to handle this matter." Nothing good will come of it at all.”

"We have to try anyway."

Saragosa was obviously a little angry, and walked towards the entrance of the sunwell without looking back.

The moment she stepped on the steps leading to the lower level, a biting chill instantly enveloped her whole body.

Before he could react, more than ten lichs immediately appeared out of thin air through teleportation magic, surrounding the chief consort and bodyguard of the Blue Dragon King.

You don't need to ask to know that the lich must have set a magic alarm at the entrance.

Since Saragosa didn't understand the magic from another world, she stepped on it without noticing the abnormality, and she was instantly surrounded.

"Don't act rashly, madam, or you will suffer the consequences."

One of the legendary lichs of the Arcane Order spoke and issued a warning in the dragon language of this world.

"Are you undead?!"

Saragosa's expression suddenly changed, obviously she did not expect such a situation.

"Yes, we are undead. But unlike the Lich King in Northrend and the undead under his control, our thoughts and ideas have not been corroded or controlled in any way. Now please indicate your identity and purpose of coming."

While saying this, the Lich stared vigilantly at Kalecgos, who was not far away and wanted to rush over to help.

Through several instant detection spells, he has discovered the huge arcane energy contained in the two blue dragons, which is obviously not something ordinary people can possess.

"We are the envoys of the Blue Dragon Legion, here to investigate the abnormal energy appearing in the Sunwell."

Zaragosa quickly answered after a brief thought, and at the same time signaled Kalecgos not to act rashly.

After all, in front of so many legendary lichs, even a blue dragon as powerful as the two of them cannot take any advantage at all.

Just the opposite!

If a fight breaks out, there is a high probability that someone will die on the spot.

"Blue Dragonflight?"

The leader of the lich had obviously obtained information about Azeroth from Zuo Si. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he asked, "Isn't the abnormal energy you are referring to the negative energy?"

"Is that the name of the energy that is opposite to life and light? It's really quite appropriate."

Kalecgos raised his hand and drew a ray of black negative energy from the Sun Well, holding it in his hand with an unusually solemn expression on his face.

There is no doubt that if this energy is allowed to enter the magical environment of Azeroth, it will have a huge impact on the current magical environment.

"Yes, this is negative energy, and it is also the nourishment that maintains the essence of our lives. I don't understand, since this world already has the power of death, why should we make a fuss about a mere bit of negative energy?" Lich questioned very puzzledly. road.

"No, there's a big difference between the two.

The power of death is part of this cosmic cycle.

It doesn't exist for long in the physical universe.

Instead, it will flow to a specific place.

Negative energy does not.

They will continue to erode the planet, causing an imbalance in the six forces.

So you must stop injecting more negative energy into the Sunwell, and you must ensure that it does not flow along the Leyline nodes to other parts of Azeroth. "

Saragosa explained at a very fast speed.

Just when the lichs looked at each other and didn't know how to respond, Zuo Si's figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed steadily on the ground, saying in a nonchalant tone: "Don't bother.

As long as I am here, the negative energy will not cause any erosion to Azeroth, but will return to where it belongs.

Also, send a message to Malygos for me.

Let's just say that from today on, he doesn't need to worry about the Ley Network in Azeroth, and I will take over it myself.

If he is sensible, he will obediently hand over the Focusing Iris. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as handing over the Focusing Iris when I come to visit him. "

"What? Arrogant! What qualifications do you have to deprive the Titan of the power and authority given to the Blue Dragon King?"

Kalecgos was obviously furious, and his eyes burst out with terrifying arcane light.

But just a second later, his neck was strangled by a pair of invisible force field hands. Even if he changed back to the dragon form, he could not break free. He could only watch his whole body being pulled up by a terrifying force. , unable to breathe through nose and mouth.

As one of the few blue dragons who managed to escape the Deathwing massacre, Kalecgos' power can be said to be second only to the Blue Dragon King in the entire race of ancient dragons.

But now, he is like a poor little chicken, tightly bound by unparalleled power, unable to even cast his best magic.

“Watch your tone and attitude.

Of the Titans you mentioned, I just defeated and subdued one, and at the same time severely damaged another one.

The latter is none other than Sargeras, the Dark Titan who founded the Burning Legion.

So since the Titan can give the Aspect Dragon its power, why can't I take it away?

What's more, I am already the patron saint of Azeroth.

This planet no longer needs any guardian dragons!

There is no need for those ridiculous Titan guardians who can't protect anything at all!

Now go away, go back and tell Malygos and the other Aspects that I am waiting for their presence and submission. "

Zuo Si controlled the invisible force field and pulled Kalecgos in front of him, looked into his eyes and issued an ultimatum.

With the war against the Burning Legion coming to an end, he could finally take action to deal with the various forces in Azeroth.

Especially Aspects, Titan Guardians, and Old Gods.

"Impossible! You are lying! No one in this universe can defeat the Dark Titan Sargeras!"

Saragosa transformed from a human woman into a huge dragon in an instant like crazy. She opened her mouth and wanted to spit out frost breath.

But just as the arcane and frost energy began to gather in her body, she suddenly found that she could not move at all, and her whole body was tightly bound by a huge and invisible force.

"Stupid blue dragon, haven't you noticed that the ground here has long been secretly carved with large and small binding circles? You actually tried to attack Lord Soth. You are really impatient." The Lich sneered and mocked. .

Under his feet, more than a thousand runes were blooming with silvery white light, directly covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters around the entrance to the sunwell.

After all, every one of the high-level mages in Faerûn has a yinbi personality, and they are used to being fully prepared in advance.

Despite the fact that not even a single guard can be seen near the Sunwell, the place is actually densely packed with magic traps and alarms that cannot be detected by the naked eye.

In addition, there are so many legendary lichs who can join forces to cast spells, even if the Blue Dragon King comes in person, it may be overturned.

Looking at the two blue dragons that had lost their ability to resist and were captured, Zuo Si pursed his lips and walked straight in front of Saragosa. He raised his hand and instantly released a powerful divine spell, forcibly transforming it from the blue dragon form into a She looked like a human woman, stretched out her fingers and gently brushed the large area of ​​snow-white skin from her cheeks to her chest, and said profoundly: "I remember that Malygos seemed to have lost a spouse and a large number of heirs when Deathwing fell. , For this reason, he was so sad that he fell into a ten-thousand-year-long madness. If he loses you as his current spouse again, will he go completely crazy? "

Hearing these words, Zaragosa's body instantly became extremely stiff, and she asked with a trembling voice: "Do you want to use my death to destroy the Blue Dragon King's sanity?"

Zuo Si chuckled and shook his head: "No, I just want you to understand that whether it is those Titans who claim to be creators or the guardian dragons who have gained part of the Titan's power, they are nothing in my eyes.

So you'd better get in the habit of being polite and humble when talking to me.

The most important thing is, since you can be Titan's dogs, why can't you lower your heads and surrender to me?

You know, not long ago, I just reached an armistice agreement with Sargeras.

Now the protector of Azeroth and the ruler of half of the physical universe.

So go back and tell Malygos that if I don't see him in a month, he's going to be mentally prepared to lose his second mate. "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si raised his hand and lightly snapped his fingers.



Kalecgos, who was strangled by the force field's neck and hung in mid-air, fell to the ground with a bang, coughing violently, and at the same time opened his mouth to breathe in fresh air.

Before he could recover, he felt a huge force kicking him hard.

The next second...

The entire dragon flew out directly in front of this huge force. The terrifying impact and the suffocation caused by the high-speed flight once made him jump repeatedly while fainting and waking up. In the end, the scales on the surface of the body were stunned because the height exceeded It traveled tens of thousands of meters and condensed into white frost.

"Congratulations, you have once again accomplished an unprecedented feat. I believe it won't be long before this universe will completely surrender to your rule."

After the leader of the lich saw Kalecgos disappear into the sky, he immediately put his hand on his chest and bowed deeply.

"Of course this universe will become my possession. But it will take some time and a lot of complicated operations and planning."

After that, Zuo Si once again forcibly transformed Saragosa's form from a human into a blue dragon.

"what do you mean……"

The Lich raised his head and probed cautiously.

“Experiments, we need to do a lot of experiments on this planet, whether it’s magical or biological.

Take the female blue dragon in front of you, isn't it a very good experimental material?

You must know that dragon hybridization has always been one of the key research topics.

What's more, the blue dragons in this world have extremely powerful magical talents, which are very suitable for injecting magic into the bloodline of new dragon species.

I believe Malygos won't mind too much. We borrowed his mate for a little experiment and gave birth to some mixed-blood offspring. "

The words have not yet been spoken!

A pink magical halo suddenly surrounded Zuo Si's fingertips, and then injected into the body of the female blue dragon in front of him at lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, Saragosa began to feel hot all over her body. An indescribable strong desire surged from the bottom of her heart, and even her breathing began to become rapid.

This change undoubtedly made her very uncomfortable, and she asked in horror: "You...what did you do to me?"

Zuo Si replied with a half-smile: "Nothing, just some special magic in the Pink Book.

Through this magic, I stimulate a little bit of your subconscious primal reproductive instinct and lust.

How about it? This feels good, right?

Now are you extremely eager to mate with a male dragon and enjoy that kind of physical indulgence? "

"No! I will never betray the great Blue Dragon King! You don't want me to surrender!"

Realizing how vicious this magic was, Zaragosa immediately began a frantic struggle to escape this terrible place.

But unfortunately, the power of the binding circle presided over by dozens of legendary lichs is too powerful, and it is impossible for a mere blue dragon to break free.

As a result, the more she struggled, the more intense the fire of desire that kept rising in Zaragosa's heart burned.

About ten minutes later, she began to lie on the ground and let out heavy moans, and kept twisting and rubbing her body on the ground. The irises of her eyes also turned a rose-like light red due to congestion.

Everything indicates that this female blue dragon has entered an estrus period that she cannot control, both physically and mentally.

"Great! Now we need a strong male dragon."

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, a huge male Infernal Dragon was summoned.

A second ago, he was fighting the Burning Legion above Mount Hyjal. He was obviously confused now.

But after seeing Zuo Si's figure, he immediately knelt on the ground and asked in the most humble manner: "Great Lord, what are your orders for calling me here?"

"It's simple, mate. I need you to impregnate this female blue dragon and lay her eggs within an hour."

Zuo Si gave the order unceremoniously.

As the creator of the Infernal Dragon, he has supreme ownership and dominion over these creatures. Even Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, cannot easily cross the line.


Only then did the male Infernal Dragon notice the female blue dragon next to him who was much smaller than himself.

Although this dragon that looked both "thin" and "small" did not fit his aesthetic taste, Zuo Si's order was obviously absolute.

Therefore, the Infernal Dragon could only press forward unwillingly and began to ravage mercilessly and brutally.

In just a few seconds, Saragosa roared with both pain and enjoyment.

With the power of magic, the first batch of hybrid dragon eggs were born in about ten hours.

However, Zuo Si was obviously not satisfied with this dragon egg.

So in the following time, he unceremoniously turned Saragosa into a dragon egg production machine that was in estrus 24 hours a day.

The most powerful male dragons of the Infernal Dragon Legion took turns one after another until the dragon eggs almost piled up into a hill.

During this period, Zaragosa almost died several times due to the loss of too much physical strength and energy.

But in the end they were all saved by Zuo Si's powerful magic.

Coupled with the infinite energy of the Sunwell as a supplement, even wanting to die has become a luxury for Zaragosa.

The most important thing is that the repeated use of pink magic caused irreversible damage to her mind. In less than two weeks, she was completely destroyed, and even her thinking and behavior patterns had undergone drastic changes.

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