A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 470 Suggestions and Advice (Please subscribe to this 10,000-word chapter)

With the birth of the new god Gebid Turan, the divine power that originally filled the cave, especially the Soul-Containing Array, was basically drained away, leaving only one eye that was still shining with the sparks of the storm.

As the eye of the incarnation of Talos, the God of Storms, although this thing has little remaining power and divinity, it is still a very destructive thing.

It can be used to make an artifact, or it can be used as the core to perform some special magic ritual or legendary spell. It can create a terrifying storm out of thin air that can destroy a city or even a country, or it can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and Volcano eruption.

However, after Zuo Si looked at this thing and thought for a moment, he decided to use it to strengthen one of his followers-Lantis.

This Storm Demon Archer, which is based on the Elf Demon Archer and is continuously strengthened by the Planeswalker's Spark ability, has actually been completely transformed into the element of wind.

In addition, he hunts the Tarrasque beast every day and extracts the necessary materials for his master. He has already absorbed a large amount of magical power and vitality from the opponent. Now he has a follower level as high as LV33, and he is close to being promoted to the Prince of Elements. Only one step away.

If he can combine the remaining power of the Eye of the Storm with himself, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Just like Davian, the flame dragon knight, absorbed the core of the Prince of Fire Elements, or even worse.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si immediately used the power of the planeswalker to summon Lantis.

Just a second later, the man whose appearance was no different from the handsome elf before, except that his skin color changed to navy blue and his hair showed a dazzling electric light, teleported directly over. He was also carrying a +6 wind bow and a The arrows made of lightning beams are obviously in a fighting posture.

He first patrolled the surroundings vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no danger, he asked in an uncertain tone: "Master, do you have any instructions for summoning me?"

"Are you hunting the Tarrasque?"

Zuo Si asked with interest.

Lantis replied without thinking: "Well, yes.

Just in time for the Tarrasque to complete its regeneration, I planned to cut off the tail and hind limbs this time, and then combine them with the previously cut upper limbs and torso to form a complete corpse.

In addition, there is a mage from Quesen Tower who wants the heart of the giant beast to take back as a power source for a giant magical creation, and is willing to pay twenty enchanted arrows specifically aimed at the giant dragon as a reward.

I promised him and was planning to end the battle in two or three minutes.

In fact, I have done transactions with many people who want to obtain materials from the Tarrasque Behemoth during this period, and I have obtained a lot of good things. Do you want to take a look? "

Zuo Si chuckled and shook his head: "No, no need.

If you need it, keep it for yourself or equip it directly;

If not used, store it in a box with other materials.

The main reason I summoned you this time is to get an item that can give you more power, and I want to help you upgrade it. "

"Oh? What is it?"

Lantis's eyes shone slightly, and his pupils flashed with silver light like lightning.

As a follower of the planeswalker, it has always been his desire and instinct to pursue more powerful power.

"It's this eye of the storm. It belongs to the incarnation of Talos, the god of storms. I have already processed it. Now I just need to stuff it into the eye socket and fuse it with one of your eyes."

After that, Zuo Si turned the card-formed Eye of the Storm into a physical object and handed it to his followers.

Lantis undoubtedly felt the destructive energy contained in it, as well as the large amount of storm power tending to the wind element. Without saying a word, he grabbed it and forced it into his left eye.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling and thick lightning fell from the sky and hit him accurately.

Immediately afterwards, the storm shooter began to release his power and transformed from his elf form into a terrifying black thundercloud, with constant roars coming from inside.

This process lasted for about three to five minutes. After everything calmed down, Lantis returned to his original appearance, except that the eye had neither whites nor pupils, and turned into a creepy shining spark.

There is no doubt that this is the spark of the storm, and it also symbolizes the original force of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and volcanic eruptions.

The arrow made of energy in his hand is no longer a simple lightning beam. The front end is unknown when it is wrapped with an unknown orange-red liquid substance that looks like a mixture of flame and magma.

"How does it feel?"

Zuo Si asked as he watched the changes taking place in Storm Shooter.

Lantis raised his head and responded with a smile: "I feel very good, my whole body is full of powerful destructive power.

It can even become the storm itself and trigger other natural disasters.

And the arrows I shoot can also deal additional fire and sonic boom damage.

The only problem is that the power contained in this eye is too violent, and it is difficult for me to control it perfectly.

If you fight with all your strength, you will most likely accidentally injure your own people or allies. "

“Don’t worry about this, I have anticipated it in advance.

Here, this is a single-eye sight with a powerful magic seal effect.

It can help you suppress it while accumulating and storing energy, and release it all at once when needed.

The longer it is stored, the more violent and shocking the destructive power will be when the scope is taken off.

You can hide it as a trump card. "

While talking, Zuo Si took out another silver lens barrel made of magic metal that could be fixed on one eye and had a telescopic function.

It is only the size of an eye socket and has the effects of aiming, magnifying, farsightedness and true seeing. It can be used to cover that scary eye so that outsiders cannot see what is going on inside.

The moment Lantis placed this little thing on the eye socket, tiny tentacles suddenly extended from the end of the lens tube, directly connected to the skin and underlying muscles, and the fixation was completed in less than half a minute.

After a short period of adaptation, he immediately praised with a slightly excited tone: "That's great! I can now see farther and aim more accurately, and I will no longer be disturbed by illusions and transformation magic. Master, you You should have given it to me sooner.”

Zuo Si smiled and shrugged: "It's not too late now. Okay, go and do your work. I will call you again if necessary."

"As you wish!"

Lantis put one hand on his chest and bowed gracefully, then used teleportation magic and disappeared.

Like Davian, he also has the ability to cast advanced teleportation spells unlimitedly every day, so he does not need to be by his master's side all the time, and can be on call at any time.

After sending away his entourage, Zuo Si turned around and cast his gaze at Veshalon, who was exuding a huge aura of resentment in the center of the soul-fixing array, and asked with a half-smile: "What should I do with you now?"

"Ha ha ha ha!

Do you think I still care about this now?

You took away my chance to become a god!

Taken away my lifelong dream!

It even took away my life, leaving me to only exist in this dilapidated soul state now!

Anyway, I have nothing left, so I have nothing to fear. "

Velsalun let out a burst of manic laughter, not hiding his emotions at all.

In other words, he foresaw his own doomed future.

Since everything is so bad that it cannot get any worse, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"No, dear Velsharon, don't give up on yourself so much.

In fact, you are not at the point where you are completely hopeless.

At least I have the ability to reborn your broken soul in another form.

But the thing is, all this comes at a price.

Are you prepared to pay the price? "

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si instantly transformed into a unique form of big devil, exuding terrifying evil and majesty.

Especially the two eyes whose pupils emitted light of different colors instantly immobilized Vesalun in place.

Through these eyes, the legendary mage who was born as a red-robed mage and almost became a new god reviewed his sinful life in less than a minute.

Including the unscrupulous poisoning, assassination, frame-up, and rumors during the apprenticeship, as well as the indirect death of tens of thousands of civilians when competing with Sazastan for the chief of the necromancy department, and the pain of those who suffered during the cruel necromancy magic experiments. Wailing living consumables.

no doubt!

Velsalun's evil has already penetrated into the bone marrow and even the depths of the soul. He is the kind of ruthless character who is no less ruthless than a high-level devil even if thrown into hell.

The most important thing is that he is very aware of the "evil" he has committed, but he does not feel any intolerance, regret or guilt.

It is precisely because of this that its soul has extraordinary value.

Coupled with the knowledge and cosmic truths gleaned during the ceremony of conferring gods, as well as his own spell-casting ability and magic level at the same level as Sazastan, he can completely try to create a new type of devil based on this.

"Devil...Devil? You are a big devil from Baator Hell!"

Velshalon's expression suddenly changed.

Since he has been living in the city of Jindrank in the easternmost part of the Faerun continent all year round, he knows very little about the situation on the far west coast. He is more concerned about what happened to Ser, so he has no idea about Zuo Si's situation.

All I know is that she is the chosen one of the goddess of magic and the goddess of poison and disease, and she possesses some terrifying power.

As for accepting the invitation to become the Prince of Hell, not to mention Vesalun, even Sazhastan may not be aware of it.

Otherwise, the latter would definitely ask for a contract to be signed when the transaction was made.

After all, the entire universe knows that the devil is one of the most contract-abiding creatures.

They may use deception, lying, seduction, etc. to get mortals to voluntarily hand over their souls, but as long as the terms written in black and white will be fulfilled 100%.

Zuo Si, who was half-dragon and half-devil and over four meters tall, grinned and revealed a pair of sharp fangs, and said meaningfully: "You seem surprised?

In fact, this is no longer a secret.

The gods know it, Elminster and other chosen people of the goddess of magic know it, and some people who have signed a contract with me also know it.

Now make the choice that determines your destiny!

Either die here and become a snack for the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif, or sign a contract with me to serve Hell.

I believe you should be able to feel that the power of the soul-fixing array is getting weaker and weaker as the divine power disappears, and it will completely lose its effect in one or two hours at most.

Even if Kozev doesn't eat you by then, your broken soul will be torn apart in an instant and disappear from this world forever.

That was not death in the ordinary sense, but the complete annihilation of the soul.

As a legendary mage specializing in necromancy, you should know exactly what that means. "

"You ruined everything for me! Now you actually want me to surrender and be your dog?"

Velshalon jumped up suddenly, with strong unwillingness, anger and resentment in his tone.

Signing a pact to serve Hell sounds like a good option.

At least it was much better than being eaten by Kozev and having his soul torn apart and completely disappearing.

But he knew very well that once he signed the contract, according to the rules of Baator Hell, his soul would 100% belong to the enemy in front of him.

This means that even if you are reincarnated as a devil, you are just a slave controlled by the other party.

That’s right!

Just a slave!

Due to lawful evil tendencies and the laws and rules formulated based on this, superior devils have overwhelming and absolute control over lower-level devils.

When he thinks that he will have to endure humiliation and serve the enemy for hundreds, even thousands, or tens of thousands of years in the future, Veshalon can't help but have the thought that it would be better to end like this.

Zuo Si was undoubtedly aware of the other party's thoughts, and deliberately pretended to be "I am doing it for your own good" and advised: "Don't say it so unpleasantly.

I am actually a pretty good boss and master, at least I can make rewards and punishments clear.

Working under me is far better than working under other devils.

Only by living can we have hope and future.

No matter how much you hate me, hate me, or want to kill me, you must at least ensure that you are alive before you can make a comeback, right?

What's more, the devil is immortal, so you have enough time to accumulate strength and plan revenge.

I promise to use your soul to transform high-level demons, not the lowest level lemures. "

"I want to see the contents of the contract first!"

Velsalun struggled for a long time, but finally his strong desire to survive took over.

How could a person like him, who was accustomed to selfishness, willingly accept the complete destruction of his soul.

Whenever there is an opportunity, one must try every means to struggle.

"no problem!"

Zuo Si raised his hand and snapped his fingers, creating a devil's contract scroll more than two meters long out of thin air, which was filled with dense text and complex terms.

Velsalun knew that he didn't have much time left, so he immediately started to read it word for word, using what he had learned throughout his life to understand the meaning of each word and sentence in context.

After half an hour, he signed his name at the end of the contract with slightly trembling fingers.

The next second...

A brand from Baator Hell instantly appeared deep in the soul of his chest.

Similarly, Zuo Si also obtained the authority clearly mentioned in the contract to control and transform at will.

"What do I need to do now? As long as I leave the range of the magic circle, I will immediately be torn apart. There is no way to cross the plane and go to Baator Hell to report."

Vesalun was obviously a little nervous, and there were very obvious cracks in his soul.

Because he could feel that the power of the soul-fixing array was declining at an unimaginable speed.

"Don't worry. I'm the lord of the ninth level. To transform a soul into a devil, you don't need to go to hell. You can complete the first step here."

As he spoke, Zuo Si raised his sharp fingers like dragon claws and slowly inserted them into the opponent's heart, injecting the sacred energy obtained by squeezing the fallen soul into it.

In the blink of an eye, Velshalon's soul was slowly bonded together under the influence of energy. At the same time, the evil nature in his soul was stimulated to the maximum extent, and it began to slowly become dark, twisted, and cause great pain. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!!"

The piercing screams continued to echo in this unknown cave.

Under the influence of extreme pain, the astonishing energy contained in memory and personality is gradually squeezed out, leaving only the most evil, selfish, cold, and cruel parts of the soul's essence.

When Vesalun's consciousness began to become dazed, dull, and sluggish, and he no longer even had the ability to think, Zuo Si grabbed it in the palm of his hand and squeezed and tore it, and finally opened the teleportation to Baator Hell. He opened the door and went straight into one of the deep pits specially designed for hatching lemures.

The next second...


With a muffled sound, Vesharon's soul instantly hit the ground, killing hundreds of newly hatched lemures.

Almost at the same time, the corpses of the death lemures were quickly devoured by it, and then gathered together to form huge eggs.

After a while, a demon that was over two and a half meters tall and looked like a skinny humanoid tore open its outer shell and walked out.

He has the same red and hard skin as most devils, a tail that is almost as thick as his body, a pair of disproportionately huge wings, and two backward and slightly curved horns on his forehead.

But the difference lies in the endless greed and hunger in the eyes, and the behavior of constantly drawing magical energy from the surrounding environment.

Obviously, this guy is the new type of devil that Zuo Si transformed from Vesalun's soul - the spell-breaking devil.

As you can tell from the name, his most powerful ability is to forcibly extract magic energy to destroy the magic, divine spells prepared by the enemy, and even large-scale magic rituals composed of many spellcasters.

When the spell's energy is completely absorbed, the spellbreaker can choose to copy the spell and release it, or store the energy to help restore spell slots for himself and other companions.

If there are several spell-breaking demons on the battlefield, it will definitely be a terrible nightmare for the enemy's legion of spellcasters.

The positioning of this kind of devil is the same as that of pit fiends and insect devils. They are the highest-level devils at the apex of hell's ecological evolution. They have the ability to cast nine rings and even legendary spells, and are not restricted by spell slots.

As long as someone among the enemies or allies uses magic, the Spellbreaker can draw energy from it to cast any known spell.

In addition, any magic successfully copied by it will be automatically added to the spell casting list.

The only drawback is that the conditions for successfully transforming a spell-breaker are quite demanding.

First, the soul needs to reach the level of at least LV25 legendary caster during its lifetime and master enough magic knowledge and spells;

Secondly, you must have an endless thirst for magical power and a strong desire for possession;

Finally, it must be extremely evil, cold, and cruel, and must not produce emotions such as regret, intolerance, and pity.

Obviously, the spell-breaking demon is definitely not something that can be mass-produced.

Instead, they need to be carefully selected and even carefully cultivated until the time is right for harvesting.


Velshalon, who was transformed into a devil, teleported directly from the pit, bent down and bowed deeply to his lord.

Although he lost a lot of memory during the transformation process, he still remembered that the big devil in front of him was his enemy, and he still showed strong emotional resistance and hatred.

It's just that the lawful characteristics given to devils by the hell plane mean that they must obey the instructions of superior devils.

But Zuo Si obviously didn't care about this, and suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the other person's forehead without any warning.

Before Velshalon could react, he directly activated the power of the spark to make it into a card.



Planning revenge?


Zuo Si would not keep such an old man by his side.

Although various guarantees were given in the contract, there was no mention of planeswalkers at all.

Velshalon obviously suffered from insufficient information and didn't even know what a planeswalker was.

When reading the contract, he focused all his attention on whether he could retain his memory and personality, and on how he would be treated after becoming a devil.

Little did he know that the most powerful and important power of the young man in front of him had never come from Baator Hell, but the spark that grew stronger as a planeswalker.

Glancing at the row of dense explanations and abilities on the card in his hand, Zuo Si couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Enemy? I'm the best at turning enemies into friends! From then on! From now on, you should honestly contribute your intelligence and abilities to serve my ambitions and desires."

With the last word blurted out, he waved his hand to close the interdimensional portal to hell, and at the same time released several hugely destructive spells, completely erasing the entire cave and the soul-fixing magic circle, leaving no trace behind. Every trace.

When he was ready to leave after doing all this, a divine light suddenly fell from the sky.

"Thos! Explain to me what on earth are you doing? What's going on with this lich and the god of necromancy that suddenly appeared?"

You don't need to ask to know that this is someone who came to the door at midnight to ask questions.

After all, in her opinion, Gebido Turan, the new god of magic, was completely created by Zuo Si out of thin air to share his authority. His nature was extremely bad and he was simply making trouble.

You must know that when this third-generation magic goddess was a mortal, she hated evil and cruel necromancy magic and related research.

Seeing the angry look of the other party, Zuo Si spread his hands with an innocent face: "I can't be blamed for this matter. To find you, I have to find His Majesty the God of God Ai Ou, he is the real behind-the-scenes Manipulators.”

"What's the meaning?"

Midnight was instantly blurred.

She couldn't figure out what the sudden appearance of the new god had to do with the God above gods.


Zuo Si sighed slightly and explained: "Don't you realize that your tendency to be too good has caused strong dissatisfaction among the gods and mortal spellcasters in the evil camp?

You must know that the goddess of magic is the most important god in the world of Toril, no one.

When you cannot perform your divine duties perfectly, the Supreme Majesty Io must take action to strike a balance.

The easiest way to do this is to promote an evil-aligned god of magic to force you to change.

The position of this new god was originally supposed to be that of Velsharun.

But in order to confirm my suspicion, I changed it to Gebido Turan, and found that there was no difference.

In other words, even if there is no Velshalun and Jebidor Turan, there will still be lichs from Sazastan or other evil camps to occupy this position.

Since this is something that is bound to happen, why not find someone of your own?

At least Gebido Turan doesn't have that big ambition or too strong desire, and he even has a sense of humor. "

"You mean...His Majesty Io, the God of Gods, is dissatisfied with me?"

At midnight, the pupils suddenly dilated, contracted, dilated again, and contracted again.

Her violent mood swings even caused the restlessness of the surrounding magic network energy.

Because in this crystal wall system, Io is the supreme creator and also the unrivaled ruler.

No other god can defy his will.

The gods had already experienced it once during the Year of Turmoil.

The power of imprisonment that cannot be explained or understood can even imprison the core abstract essence of a god.

So when Io is dissatisfied with a god, then the god must be careful.

“There are two things that the God of Gods cares about most.

One is relative balance, and the other requires the gods to fulfill their duties.

You might as well touch your chest and ask yourself, have you really fulfilled your duties as the goddess of magic?

Magic must be neutral!

But when you first took office, you made a joke about banning the gods of the evil camp and their followers from using the magic net.

It even promotes Elminster's absurd argument in the doctrine that the stronger the power, the less magic should be used, and hates evil-aligned mages and necromancy magic that tends to evil.

I can understand the impact that your experience as a mortal and the second-generation Magic Goddess had on you.

But the problem is that incompetence is incompetence. It exists objectively and is not based on people's subjective consciousness.

In fact, the second-generation magic goddess is also a typical representative of incompetence.

See how many evil-aligned mages hate it?

How many people choose to take refuge in Shar, the goddess of the night, and embrace the Shadow Web?

Did a similar situation occur when the first generation of Magic Goddess came to power?

The answer is obviously no.

In addition, the periods when the magical civilization and power of Faerûn were most powerful were precisely the years when the first generation of magic goddesses were in power.

The jaw-dropping magical rituals and mystical locks of the Elven High Mage, the splendor of the floating city of Netheril, the spectacular interdimensional portals and other creations created by the Imaskar Artificers...

When the second generation of magic goddess came to power after her fall, the power of magic plummeted.

There was never even a true magical civilization born.

What's even more stupid is that when she was knocked down to the mortal world and walked as a saint, she actually tried to challenge the guardian god Heim, who was still in the form of a complete god. As a result, she was killed on the spot, causing the magic network to inevitably fall out of control.

I sincerely suggest that you completely forget the wrong ideas you learned from Elminster, and instead emulate the openness and tolerance of the first-generation Magic Goddess, and examine magic from a non-emotional perspective.

Only in this way can you become a qualified magic goddess.

Remember, Elminster is only a mortal, and the favorite chosen one of the extremely incompetent second-generation magic goddess.

According to the view that birds of a feather flock together, many of his ideas are simply contrary to promoting the development of magic.

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I think I need to inform you about.

The wizard king Larok is planning to restore the original goddess of magic Mythril, so you'd better be careful. "

When saying these words, Zuo Si did not save any face for the second-generation magic goddess and her first choice Elminster. He directly tore off the halo that shrouded the two, revealing the most disgusting and ugliest side inside. .

Promote the development of magic?

Stop it!

The second-generation magic goddess did nothing to promote and encourage the development of magic, except for saving the last few floating cities in Netheril that had not yet landed when she first came to power.

Quite the opposite!

During her reign, it was basically the slowest, darkest, and most chaotic period in the development of magic in Faerûn. She spent most of her time fooling around with her own chosen people, and her romantic affairs were almost comparable to those of the God of Love and Beauty.

It was also the period when the Shadow Magic Network of Shar, the Goddess of Night, developed the fastest and had the largest number of users.

Many of the now famous spells frequently used by countless mages were even passed down from the world of Greyhawk next door, and the ability of magic innovation has dropped to an appalling level.

Midnight fell silent, and his face became extremely ugly.

Because before she became the third generation of magic goddess, she was a believer of the second generation of magic goddess, and she was deeply influenced by Elminster during the Year of Turbulence. After becoming a god, she also worked hard to follow the example of the second generation.

But now, suddenly another person told her that what Erdai and Elminster did was all wrong, and even the god Io was dissatisfied with him for not performing his priestly duties properly.

This undoubtedly had a huge impact on Midnight's cognition and concepts, and even created a feeling of depression in her heart.

After several minutes, she managed to digest all the content, raised her head and asked in an uncertain tone: "Then what do you think I should do next?"

Zuo Si answered straightforwardly: "What you have to do is to treat every kind of magic fairly, whether it is good or evil, order or chaos.

Encourage people to use magic more, rather than try not to use it.

If possible, I hope to reopen the Deep Leyline so that spellcasters can have unlimited access like they had in the days of Netheril and Imaskar.

Only in this way can a more powerful magical civilization rise again on this land.

As for the rest, I'll help you out in my own way. "

“Okay, I think I see what you mean.

No wonder you and Elminster are fighting.

It turns out that your two thoughts and concepts are simply two completely opposite extremes.

As for reopening the Deep Demonic Network, I need to go back and take some time to seriously consider it. "

Midnight subconsciously rubbed his eyebrows, showing a very headache-like expression.

As the goddess of magic, it is of course impossible for her not to know about the conflicts between Zuo Si and Elminster, as well as the results of several contests.

The main reason why we did not intervene was that the situation was still under control.

But after today's conversation, Midnight finally came to a clear understanding of the idea of ​​having his own chosen electorate.

Zuo Silian didn't even look down on the second-generation magic goddess, let alone Elminster, who inherited his ideas.

The conflict between the two sides is not due to personal grudges, but an all-round opposition from camps to ideas to concepts.

And this kind of opposition is completely irreconcilable on the continent of Faerûn, and is more terrifying than a naked conflict of interest.

The latter can at least make peace with the trend of greater interests, but the former has absolutely no possibility of reconciliation.

"There is no way, he and I are both arrogant people, we both think that we are the only right ones, so confrontation is inevitable.

But please rest assured that we are both rational and will not expand the conflict, but limit it to a certain range.

Most importantly, we are all your constituents.

When someone threatens you, you will not hesitate to stand up and work together. That is enough. "

Zuo Si expressed his position and attitude very clearly.

“It sounds really reassuring.

In that case, I won't bother you anymore.

After all, a new God of Magic has appeared, and as the Mother of Magic, I must deal with it quickly.

You must know that Talos, the God of Storms, is not an easy god to get along with. I have to find a way to win Gebidor Turan from him.

Goodbye, my dear constituents.

Thank you for the reminder and for everything you do for me.

I look forward to more and greater surprises from you in the future.

Let this be a small reward for you..."

After saying that, a relieved smile appeared on Midnight's face, she held Zuo Si's cheek and kissed him on the forehead.


Zuo Si felt that the barrier between himself and the deep magic network above the ninth ring had disappeared!

He can freely cast those tenth and eleventh-level super spells like the great arcanists of the Netheril era.

Obviously, this is the "little reward" that the goddess of magic calls, a power that is enough to make all arcane casters in Faerûn go crazy for it.

In Midnight's view, as a planeswalker, Zuo Si has already had the ability to cast super spells at will without being restricted by the magic network, so it is not a big deal to give him the permission of the deep magic network.

After all, if Zuo Si really succeeds in establishing a magical civilization on the west coast that is as powerful as Netheril and Imaskar, then the status and power of the goddess of magic will increase exponentially.

When his divine power reaches its peak, Midnight can challenge Shar, the goddess of the night, to annex the opponent's Shadow Network.

Compared with the bright future described by Zuo Si, Elminster's approach of maintaining the status quo is obviously unattractive.

What's more, the latter is a second-generation elect. As a third-generation magic goddess, Midnight only inherited the legacy of the previous generation and respects Elminster's actions in the turbulent years.

There is only one true chosen one for her, and that is Zuo Si, a planeswalker.

Unknowingly, Zuo Si has successfully exerted influence on the goddess of magic, so that she no longer obeys Elminster's words, but has her own ideas, thoughts and ambitions.

This is important!

Because if you want to completely defeat a god's chosen people, the best way is to start from the source and change the view and attitude towards the god you serve.

By the time Zuo Si exited the deep magic network and opened his eyes again, Midnight had been away for who knows how long. Only the residual warmth on his forehead proved that everything just now was not an illusion.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky that was starting to turn white and shiny. Without making any pause, he waved directly to the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif who was lying on the side, and then together they released teleportation magic and disappeared.

At the same time, far away on the Troll's Claw Peak, due to the time difference, the sky was completely bright and the sun was rising from the horizon.

Sancho, who had stayed at the top of the mountain for two days and one night, was sitting on a tree, looking down at the spectacular scene of the armies gathering on both sides of the mountain below.

Due to the existence of magic and divine arts, Faerûn's military philosophy has never advocated numbers, but believes that a small number of elites are the key to victory.

The final results of many wars in history were often not decided by a large number of legions, but instead depended on the beheading operations of assault teams with higher professional levels.

Especially after the professional level reaches a certain level, coupled with a large number of magic weapons and equipment, pure quantity stacking no longer makes any sense.

Therefore, wars are often fought between elites of one to two thousand or even three to five hundred people.

Battles like Baldur's Gate and Zhentil Keep that draw tens of thousands of people are definitely very rare.

Although both sides are still gathering troops and making various preparations, they have not started fighting immediately.

But the huge density of people in the camp has already made this rebellious son of Baal feel excited and excited.

After all, it is human nature to like to watch the excitement.

And large-scale wars can stimulate the violent factors in the subconscious, causing emotions to become extremely excited.

But the fact that big battles cannot be fought does not mean that small battles cannot be fought.

In order to test the other side's true and false situation, and also to demoralize the other side and improve their own morale, both sides dispatched a small group of cavalry to conduct reconnaissance.

Standing at the highest point of the branch, Sancho could clearly see the hobgoblin warg cavalry and humans on war horses chasing each other along the edge of the predetermined battlefield, either shooting sharp arrows or waving their weapons. Slash the opponent while moving at high speed.

Almost every few minutes, some unlucky guy would fall off the back of his mount, rolling and falling motionless on the ground.

When the tentative contest ended, he immediately let out a long breath and whispered softly while holding on to the thick branch: "If this continues, the decisive battle will begin in a day or two at most. If the mentor returns by then, If you don’t come, what should I do?”

The words have not yet been spoken!

The boy suddenly discovered that several figures appeared out of thin air on the mountainside, heading towards the top of the mountain.

The leader was a strong man with long hair and over two meters tall.

Since he had studied with Zuo Si for a while and got to know several sons of Baal who needed special attention, he recognized the other person at a glance as his half-brother Aberdare.

"Damn it! How did he come to this mountain?"

Sancho immediately felt threatened.

Although he knew that the other party's main target now was Sarevok, he did not dare to bet on whether Aberdare would suddenly pull out his sword and slash at him after the two met.

After all, most of the Sons of Baal are actually more or less influenced by the dead god of murder.

Once Barr, who is planning to resurrect, discovers that a child has escaped his influence and control, he will inevitably choose to get rid of him as soon as possible.

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