A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 469 Everything is arranged (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

As the divine power and divinity belonging to the Storm God Talos began to spurt out, dazzling bright lightning poured down from the patio above the cave, instantly killing the last thirty survivors together with their bodies and souls. .

The latter did not even have a chance to react, so they permanently disappeared from this world and even the entire universe.

And no magic, magic, not even the gods themselves can reshape their souls.

Because those thunder and lightning contain terrifying destructive power, which is completely different from ordinary lightning energy attribute attacks.

There is no doubt that this is a very obvious act of silence.

The purpose is to prevent the biggest secret in the process of becoming a god from being leaked, so that too many mortals or lower-level creatures such as devils and devils know the secret.

At the same time, the torn souls of those followers were also transformed into the purest energy, which poured into the life essence released by Velshalon from the shattered phylactery, causing it to further begin to sublimate.

It’s just that he doesn’t know whether these divine lightnings were deliberately arranged by him, or whether they came from the hands of Talos, the god of storms behind them.

"I see!

The real purpose of these runes is not to control and guide divine power, it is just a side effect.

Rather, it is to firmly bind the Lich soul that is released after the phylactery is broken, ensuring that it will not be destroyed by the ubiquitous death rules, and at the same time, it will not be annihilated no matter how huge the impact of divine power is.

Sure enough, every god is an out-and-out master of playing with the soul.

Only demons, devils and yugoloths from the lower planes can barely compete with it.

But the difference lies in their slightly different emphasis on utilizing soul power.

Gods utilize the faith and identity generated by the soul’s essence;

The devil uses the memories and emotions generated during the soul's corruption and corruption, and then squeezes them to extract the energy as the basis for the operation of Baator's hell;

Demons exploit the purest chaos, evil and primitive instinctive desires in human nature, as well as the irreversible influence of the will of the abyss on mortal souls;

As for the yugoloths, they should be between devils and demons. Although they are equally evil, they mainly derive their power from the selfishness of mortal souls..."

Zuo Si narrowed his eyes and stared at Vesalun with interest in the huge magic circle in the middle of the cave, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

In fact, this god-conferring ceremony was pretty much what he expected. Its inner core was quite simple and crude, so crude that it could be said that it had no technical content at all.

It is quite consistent with the character of Talos, the Storm God, who is irritable, irritable, and keen on destruction and destruction.

To sum it up simply in one sentence, with the help of these runes and magic circles created by powerful divine power, a person's soul is forcibly imprisoned in the middle, so that it cannot be captured by the rules of death, nor can it be captured by any form of power, including divine power. Completely destroyed within.

It's basically like locking up blood. No matter how much pain, despair, and tearing it endures, the soul will always remain intact.

As for the rest, divine power and divinity are poured into the dead, forcing its life essence to evolve and sublimate to a higher level until the divinity is ignited into a divine spark.

As for whether the owner of the soul can withstand this terrifying transformation without collapsing or going crazy, that is another matter.

Anyway, if it fails, its soul will either turn into an extremely evil and chaotic god, or it will turn into a god-like life like an ancient evil, which can be controlled and driven by Talos, the God of Storms.

And if you are lucky enough to succeed, the moment your divine spark is ignited, you will inevitably find the part that best suits you from the endless knowledge in the universe, and then quickly obtain the priesthood to form your own philosophical concepts and doctrines.

In other words, after becoming a god, the memory, identity and behavior habits of a mortal are no longer important, and you can completely let go of them.

What does it mean to fly with big bricks?

What does it mean to work miracles with great force?

That’s it!

Obviously, the temptation to become a god can really make countless mortals crazy about it.

Even with such huge risks, legendary mages with extremely high levels of intelligence such as Veshalon, Sazastan, and Irenicas are still willing to risk their lives to try.

After figuring out all the information he wanted to know, Zuo Susuo no longer hid himself, but generously dispelled the invisibility magic effect and walked out of the hiding place. He bowed slightly to Vesalun, who could not move at all, and smiled. He greeted me with a greeting: "Good evening, Lord Velshalon. I think you are holding on to the desire to successfully transform from a mortal to a god. I'm afraid you never dreamed that someone would find you at this time, right?"


Velsalun was obviously unable to speak, let alone control his body and soul. He could only reluctantly turn his neck twenty degrees, and aimed at the sudden intruder with his empty eye sockets that continuously gushed out divine power.

You don't need to ask to know that he, who has no ability to resist, must be extremely nervous and panicked now, and he also has no way to control the energy to launch an attack.

Because Zuo Si stopped when he reached the edge of the huge magic circle, he obviously knew that his control of divine power was limited to this cylindrical area within the magic circle.

Moreover, this immovable process of becoming a god will last a full forty-eight hours, which is more than two days.

During this period, if he is attacked by the outside world or the magic circle under his feet is destroyed, the result waiting for Velsalun is that his soul will be completely torn into pieces under the impact of the Eye of the Storm, or he will become something that even he himself The monster who doesn't know.

In fact, the more powerful the magic rituals and legendary spells that can produce huge effects, the longer the time required to continuously concentrate on casting spells.

Like the famous legendary magic [Eternal Blazing Sun of Amon Aitor], the casting time alone takes up to eleven minutes.

In addition, one hundred and seventy-six spellcasters must contribute a first-level spell slot, twelve spellcasters must contribute a second-level spell slot, four casters must contribute a third-level spell slot, and one spellcaster must contribute a third-level spell slot. A seventh-level spell slot, plus a legendary spell slot from the legendary mage himself.

In other words, releasing this legendary spell that can create a magical sun out of thin air requires the cooperation of a total of nearly two hundred arcane spell casters and a collective casting time of up to eleven minutes.

In addition, legendary spells such as [Demi-Lich Flesh Technique], [Legendary Anti-Biological Force Field], [Legendary Spell Deflection], [Origin], [Crazy Bonfire], [Oath of Alliance] and other legendary spells also take a long time. Some even require dozens or even hundreds of days to cast spells.

As for those legendary magics that can be used in actual combat, most of them have relatively small power and impact, and only require a standard action or an instant to be successfully released.

In contrast, many legendary magics that require one minute to cast may not be able to be used in actual combat.

Basically, he was either countered instantly, or his opponent was torn apart, the magic effect was removed, and his body protection was stripped away, and then he was sent away with a set of combos.

Xia En VII once said that legendary magic can only be used when it has an overwhelming advantage in strength, or when its subordinates or summoned creatures successfully restrain the opponent. Otherwise, it will be difficult to have much room for use in actual combat.

Of course, except for some spells that can exist for a long time or even permanently after being cast.

For example, Zuo Si himself now has [Legendary Mage Armor] on him, which lasts for twenty-four hours;

[Legendary Spell Deflection] can resist any directional spell from level 0 to level 9 (excluding area magic) and reflect it back to the enemy spellcaster. It will always exist as long as it is not dispersed or lifted;

[Eternal Freedom] can make the subject immune to entanglement, control, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, hypnosis, slowdown, shock, time stop and other effects, and the duration is also permanent;

[Impermanent Step] keeps oneself in an accelerated state permanently, both the movement speed and the nerve reflex speed are doubled. The spell that originally took six seconds to release now only takes three seconds with the blessing of this legendary magic, and even the frequency of swinging the sword will be doubled;

[Advanced Spell Resistance], additionally increases the target's spell resistance by 35 points, which cannot be superimposed by repeated spell casting, and lasts for twenty hours;

[Steep Turn Technique], protects against five long-range attacks such as crossbows and firearms. It is mainly used to resist the damage caused by arrows and projectiles imbued with magic with huge lethality, such as the legendary magic archer. You can choose whether to rebound the moment the attack touches you, and the duration is twelve hours;

[Time Insurance] is similar to the accidental spell of the legendary magic version. When the set conditions are triggered, the caster will enter a state similar to the time stop of the nine-ring magic, which lasts for six seconds. When this spell is not triggered, it occupies one legendary spell slot per day.

In other words, Zuo Si always kept seven legendary spells in effect on his body.

This is also how most legendary mages with a high enough level use legendary magic.

However, if he suddenly decides to transfer his consciousness and soul to other clones, then all these legendary magical blessings will be scrapped and he will have to start over.

Since the legendary spells are so complex and troublesome, there is no need to elaborate on the ritual of enthroning the gods.

In particular, pouring divinity into the soul and then repeatedly impacting it with divine power to sublimate it in extreme pain is basically the same as cutting wood with a rope or piercing a rock with a drop of water. It takes a long time.

Therefore, Zuo Si was not in a hurry at all. He neither destroyed the magic circle immediately nor tried to launch an attack. Instead, he established a connection with Veshalon, who could not speak, through spiritual magic.

The next second...

The insidious and cunning red-robed mage asked sternly: "How on earth did you find this place? I have obviously blessed a lot of spells to block detection and tracking!"

"Of course it's because of it."

With that said, Zuo Sichong hooked his fingers in the dark tunnel behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the Chaos Dog Demon Kozif ran out from behind the stone, staring at Vesalun in the center of the circle with two eyes emitting red light. Saliva full of acidic energy continued to flow from the corners of his mouth and teeth. It dripped onto the ground, making a harsh hissing sound.

There is no doubt that a defenseless soul filled with divine power and divinity has completely stimulated its instincts and appetite.

If it were the original consciousness controlling the body, then this evil dog would have already pounced on it and feasted on it, tearing Vesalun alive into pieces and swallowing it, enjoying the ultimate pleasure brought by digesting the soul, divine power and divinity.

But now Kozev is waiting for his master to give orders.

Before that, it will not attack any life or even soul.

Zuo Si bent down and touched the furry dog's head, then asked with a smile: "I believe I don't need to introduce it anymore, right? In your current state, it should be easy to feel what it is."

"Ancient evil! Chaos Demon Dog Kozif!"

Velshalon gasped instantly, and a strong sense of fear instantly spread along the spiritual connection.

You must know that when he snatched the Eye of the Storm before, he was just a lich and still belonged to the category of mortals. He did not recognize this deceptive puppy at all.

But now, with the influence of divinity and divine power, he could already feel the distortion, hatred and madness in Koziv's body that was completely opposite to the power of God.

He also realized why the gods were so afraid of this vicious dog.

Zuo Si nodded slightly: "That's right! It locks your soul, so no matter where you hide and how many shielding prophecy magic detection spells you have blessed, I can easily find you."

"What do you want?"

Velsalun was obviously panicked.

Because the agreement reached with the God of Storms only covers what happens after you successfully become a god, but before that, you have to rely entirely on yourself.

But now the appearance of the Chaos Demon Dog directly threatens his life.

"Haha, it all depends on your sincerity and performance.

Let’s answer a few questions first.

Tell me, how do you feel now?

Is it possible to sense certain powers, knowledge, and special images from the Divine? "

Zuo Si obviously regarded the other party as a guinea pig to study the power of gods, and began to ask about some content that interested him.

After all, there are really few cases of mortals becoming gods, and situations like those in the Turbulent Years where the god Ao was directly promoted are not of reference.

Velsalun undoubtedly knew that the current situation was one of man-made and one-person, and he had no room for bargaining. He could only hold back his anger and fear and replied: "I can vaguely see some intermittent abstract pictures, as well as extremely complex fundamentals. Unintelligible symbols and words. Like hallucinations, they appear and disappear quickly, then repeat themselves."

“Abstract images, symbols and words?

Is this the power of divinity?

Just like when a planeswalker ignites a spark, after the divine spark is ignited, he can also directly obtain some knowledge and truth from the vast universe?

Or is there some unknown difference and connection between the two? "

Zuo Si touched his chin and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Because there are so many types of gods in the world of Toril, the reasons for their birth, the ways to gain power, and the methods to continue their existence are even different between two gods and even god systems.

They are not only restricted and influenced by the priesthood, but also have independent personalities, emotions, preferences and tendencies.

For example, Corellon, the main god of all the elves in the entire universe, may not be an elf at all, but some kind of magical energy widely spread in the universe. Then he personally created the elf race.

It is precisely because of this that the elves have a unique magic system that can be used freely in any plane and in any spell-casting environment.

The winter goddess Oluel may be some kind of symbolic nature spirit or great fairy. She slowly awakened her self-awareness under the fear of intelligent creatures from the cold winter, and was eventually promoted to one of the gods.

Shar, Selun, and the Earth Mother Goddess Chantia, who is the will of the planet Toril, should all be created by the god Io when he created the crystal wall system.

As for other gods, they were basically either born from the battle between the twin goddesses of creation or came from other planes.

Although it is not clear what these newly born gods relied on to maintain their existence when there were no mortals at the beginning of the Crystal Wall system, it may be Io's license, or it may be that the rules at that time were different.

But with the emergence of a large number of mortal races, all gods must have enough believers to ensure their own existence, otherwise they will be dragged into the star realm and lie dead.

In addition, there are guys like Uta'o, the dinosaur god who dominates the mainstream belief in Chult in the south, who rebelled from the original camp.

He turned part of his power into spirit and integrated it into the Chult jungle. As long as this tropical jungle still exists and is full of vitality, Utao will never die.

Utao even split the dark side and turned into another god-Aijudo.

If you look at the entire universe, you will find that in addition to the gods who rely on faith to gain power and maintain their own existence, there is also a very special kind of god called Titan.

This type of god requires no faith and can draw power directly from the material plane.

The powerful creatures—Titans—that are found throughout the material and outer planes are actually descendants of these gods.

If you include the Aragami, the Prime, the Great Devil, the Demon Lord, the Yugolos Lord, the Elemental Prince, the Animal Lord, the Supreme Goblin, the Slaadi Lord and other divine powers, the situation becomes even more complicated.

After all, the most powerful individual among the divine powers is not much worse than the powerful divine power, or even worse.

For example, the Sultan of the Fire Djinn, the Lady of Pain in Sigil, the embodiment of the will of the mechanical plane, Asmodeus, the Lord of Baator Hell, and Orcus who has mastered the complete power of the Doomsday Mantra.

What's even more terrible is that gods and mortals actually have a mutually influencing and interdependent relationship.

When a priest enters a new area and pronounces the name of the god a little unclearly due to his personal accent when preaching, it is very likely that his god will be born with a new aspect during the dispersal process.

So having multiple different names is no big deal to God.

The more names and faces it has, the more it shows that this god has existed long enough and has withstood the test of time and years.

The most typical one is Talos, the god of storms.

Since he is the embodiment of natural disasters in the entire world of Toril, all mortal fears, awe, and prayers for natural disasters will be directly connected to him.

This means that at the beginning of civilization, as long as the geographical span was large enough and isolated from each other, people in each area would have different or even completely different names for the God of Storms.

When some archaeologists find statues of Talos thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago in tombs, they often mistakenly think that they are a fallen god, and eventually offend the Storm God and die tragically on the spot.

And this frequent name change will undoubtedly cause great trouble to mortals, and they can't even be sure whether they believe in the same god.

As for different sects being hostile to each other and playing tricks on each other, that is an extremely common thing.

Zuo Si has always been curious. Putting aside those who are born as gods and whose nature is dominant, if one is promoted from a mortal to a god, then at the moment when the spark of divinity is ignited, is it the priesthood and divinity that dominate the personality that transforms the personality, or the personality? It will have an impact on priesthood and divinity.

For example, this Velsalun in front of you.

After successfully becoming a god, he obtained the four priesthoods of necromancy, necromancy specialist mage, evil lich and undead creature.

And this is obviously closely related to his experience as a mortal.

After all, Vesalun's growth experience was almost exactly the same as that of Sazastan. They were both specialized mages of the necromancy system at first and were obsessed with the research of necromancy magic. Later, they also transformed themselves into the form of a lich.

If personality has an impact on the priesthood, then changing the person who canonize the god from Vesalun to Sazastan will not make any difference.

But if the priesthood and divinity dominate, it means that all this was arranged in advance by the god Io.

Even if you change to a conjuration lich with a completely different upbringing experience, there will be no change.

Could Larocque be right?

Is it true that the current magic goddess Midnight is too inclined towards good, so she needs a magic god who is inclined towards evil as a balance?

An extremely terrifying idea suddenly appeared in Zuo Si's mind.

If this speculation is true, then even if he kills Vesalun now and destroys his process of becoming a god, it won't be long before a new lich will successfully become a god.

After all, Io, the God of Gods, is serious about balancing.

Regardless of justice or evil, order or chaos, whoever crosses the line will be immediately and mercilessly attacked.

"what's on your mind?"

Seeing Zuo Si standing there in silence for a long time, Velshalon looked quite flustered and unsure, and finally couldn't help but ask through the spiritual link.

"Nothing. If you don't mind, could you please cooperate with me in doing a little experiment?"

Zuo Si suddenly raised his head, a strange smile appeared on his face.


Velsalun immediately became extremely vigilant.

You must know that he is also a legendary mage, and he understands what it means to say the word "experiment" from a legendary mage's mouth, and what terrible dangers it contains.

"Hmm! I'd really like to know what the outcome would be if someone completed the deity ceremony instead of you."

As he spoke, Zuo Si suddenly raised his hand and released a signal to summon members of the organization.

The next second...

A dwarf mage who looked to be only half a human tall appeared out of thin air with the help of teleportation magic. He put one hand on his chest and bowed. He said in a slightly harsh voice: "Good evening, the supreme and great Lord Thos, the secret of arcane magic." The founder and leader of the Society, the master of the Masked Mage Guild, the true master behind the Emerald Order, the chosen one appointed by the Mother of Magic, Jebidor Turan has answered the call. I am ready to obey all your orders. .”

"Uh...who taught you these words? I don't remember such flattery and formalism in the organization?"

The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly uncontrollably.

"Ah? Do you still need to teach me this?"

The dwarf mage named Gebidor Turan widened his eyes and explained innocently: "I thought all the other members would say something flattering when they saw you, in order to leave a good impression.

There are similar unspoken rules within the Masked Mage Guild.

If anyone fails to do so, he will be suppressed and excluded.

To this end, I spent several hours thinking hard, and finally came up with these titles that sound very impressive. "

Zuo Si couldn't help but waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no, I think you seem to have misunderstood something.

Our organization is pragmatic and everything has quantitative assessment standards.

And we must be fair, just and open, and never engage in boring things like flattery.

Also, I don’t need these impressive-sounding titles. Remember to forget them all when I go back. "

"What? Damn it! Then my preparation was in vain! In fact, I am still very talented in this area..."

Gebido Turan touched the goatee on his chin with a rather regretful expression.

Although Zuo Si knew that the dwarf race was born with a bit of comedy talent, they had the best sense of humor among all races, and they loved joking and playing pranks.

But he never expected that after transforming into an undead lich, the other party could still maintain his original character. It was really surprising.

Obviously, he summoned this funny man just because he wanted him to replace Velsalun and complete the canonization of the gods.

Velsalun was obviously aware of this, and immediately roared crazily through the spiritual connection: "No! You can't do this! I have an agreement with the Storm God Talos! If you kill me, he will not let you go. !”

"you are wrong.

Talos, the Storm God, just wants a slave god for him to exploit.

As for who this god is, he doesn't care at all and doesn't bother to care.

Otherwise, from the moment I got the Eye of the Storm, he would have descended into an avatar to talk to me. "

Zuo Si retorted in a cold and emotionless tone.

"Wait! Don't! We can talk! If I succeed in becoming a god, I can give you endless knowledge, powerful magical power, and all kinds of amazingly powerful artifacts."

Velsharon was obviously terrified and frantically made the promise at any cost.

But Zuo Si just responded lightly: "Sorry, the things you provided are worthless compared to the answers I want to get. Now, while you are still conscious, recall the past time, because there is not much time left for you. too much."

As the last word blurted out, he took the initiative to cut off the spiritual link, turned around and asked directly: "Gebidor Turan, do you want to become a god?"

"Become... become a god?"

The dwarf mage blinked and was obviously a little confused.

"That's right! Have you seen the lich in the center of the circle and his soul that is transforming? I have a way to replace you and become a demigod with weak divine power."

Zuo Si did not hide anything and made his intentions clear very simply.


Gebido Turan swallowed subconsciously, with an expression of shock and disbelief on his face. After a full minute, he stammered and asked: "Why... why me? I just joined the organization." New to the core.”

"Hahahaha, because I like the flattery you just flattered me and appreciate your sense of humor."

Zuo Si couldn't help but make a joke.

The dwarf mage was undoubtedly a little stunned by the huge pie falling from the sky. After a long time, he said incoherently: "But...but I am not prepared at all. I don't even know what it means to be a god."

"You don't need to prepare anything, let alone understand what it means to become a god. Because the moment you ignite the spark of divinity, you will understand everything immediately."

After saying this, Zuo Si took out a life box made of gemstones from the satchel he carried with him and stuffed it into the opponent's hand.

Since Gebidor Turan is a new lich that was recently absorbed from the Masked Mage Guild, his phylactery has not yet been made into a card, so it comes in handy today.

Zuo Si wanted to try to see what would be different in the end result if an evil neutral dwarf illusionist replaced Velsalun as the god.

Looking at the lost and recovered phylactery in his hand, and then at Vesalun standing in the center of the magic circle, floating and constantly bearing the impact of divine power, Jebidor Turan finally realized that he was standing at a fork in the road of destiny.

Although he is a specialized archmage of the illusion system who truly masters nine-ring spells (total spellcasting level LV18), he is not as ambitious as the short-lived human mage, and is always eager to obtain more wealth. , power, knowledge and strength.

Especially after climbing to the position of Archmage, this little man has not struggled much for more than twenty years and is very satisfied with the status quo.

The only thing he desires is to become a legendary mage before his lifespan runs out, and to find a way to extend his lifespan or even gain immortality.

Later, after being absorbed into the Arcane Society and successfully transforming the lich, Gebidor Turan has been assisting several other senior members in sorting out the Masked Mage Guild and reintegrating and transforming the entire organization.

I plan to do more meritorious deeds in exchange for the advanced magic knowledge and legendary spells that are not available in the headquarters of the Masked Mage Guild.

For him, he was lucky enough to be a core member of such a powerful spellcasting organization, and he did not dare to have any more extravagant expectations.

But now, a huge surprise falls from the sky that far exceeds the threshold of expectations.

Become a superior god?

Gebido Turan wasn't even sure whether he was feeling more surprised or frightened at the moment, or half of both.

But before he had time to taste the complex taste, a dazzling bright light suddenly bloomed from Zuo Si's chest near his heart.

That's what the Planeswalker Spark will look like when it's running at full strength.


The divine power and divinity that spewed out from the Eye of the Storm and Velshalon were forcefully sucked in, forming a huge luminous sphere in the sky above the edge of the magic circle.

The divine power was sucked into one of the hands from the edge of the sphere, and then sprayed out from the other hand.

What was sucked in was the divine power of Talos, the god of storms, which was full of destruction and destruction, while what was released was the relatively calm divine power transformed by sparks.

Although there are no changes in attributes, the latter is no longer affected by Talos.

As the planeswalker's spark level continues to increase, Zuo Si's transformation of divine power is no longer as it was at the beginning, which requires a long time to hone bit by bit.

Quite the opposite!

He now also has the power to draw energy and mana directly from a source in time and space, just like the elder dragon Nicol Bolas.

However, the speed of conversion and absorption is still much slower than the latter.

But it is easy to deal with the divine power contained in a mere eye of the storm.

"Oh - my God!"

Gebido Turan was obviously stunned by the spectacular scene taking place in front of him.

Especially when most of the divine power in the entire Eye of the Storm had been drained, Velsalun's lich body shattered into countless powders and scattered in the wind.

And his remaining soul, which was riddled with holes, even let out a cry of despair.


Look what you've done?

You ruined the opportunity I worked so hard to get!

You killed a great god of magic!

Give me back the power that belongs to me! "

Accompanied by hysterical madness, Vesalun turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Zuo Si.

But when he reached the edge of the magic circle, he immediately felt that his whole body began to become extremely unstable, as if it might be torn apart from the middle at any time, and he hurriedly retreated again.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move around now, let alone try to get out of the soul-fixing magic circle.

Don't forget, you are a lich.

Once you lose your divine power and divinity, it means you will be affected by the ubiquitous rules of death.

The rules of death will tear apart and devour your soul, annihilating you completely. "

Zuo Si played with the divine power in his hand and reminded him pretending to be kind.

He didn't pay any attention to Vesalun's reaction, and directly raised his finger at the dwarf mage: "Come here!"

Gebido Turan hurried forward on his short legs and swallowed nervously: "Are you sure it's really okay to do this?"

"Of course it's no problem! It's just that the process is a little painful. Don't worry, it will pass as long as you endure it. Come on, I'm keeping an eye on you."

Zuo Si patted the dwarf mage on the shoulder to encourage him.

Before Gebido Turan even had time to ask what "the process is more painful" meant, he saw the ball of divine power wrapped in divinity crashing down on his face.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

In less than a second, his body and phylactery were shattered at the same time, and the released soul was directly wrapped in divine power and divinity.

Like Velsharon before him, the dwarf mage was instantly incapacitated.

However, he is luckier than the former, that is, these divine powers are relatively stable under the control of the planeswalker.

To be precise, Zuo Si collected enough data from Velsalun and knew how to quickly stimulate divinity through divine power shock.

During this process, Velsharon tried to rush forward several times to destroy it, but was forced back by the Chaos Demon Dog Kozif on the side.

Even if he prayed and begged to Talos, the God of Storms, he could not get any response. He could only watch in pain as everything that should belong to him was taken away.

One hour……

Two hours...

five hours...

Ten hours...

After a full day and night passed as the sun and moon rotated, a golden light was finally born deep in the soul of Gebido Turan.

Almost at the same time, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky, completely enveloping him.

In about three to five seconds, all the mortals in Faerûn heard a voice ringing in their ears.

"My name is Gebidor Turan! I am the god of necromancy, necromancers, liches and undead creatures! Anyone who fears me and prays to me will be answered!"

Immediately afterwards, a new seat appeared in the Pantheon.

After the light beam disappeared, the mortal dwarf mage had disappeared, leaving only Vesalun's broken soul in the center of the soul-fixing circle, with unparalleled hatred in his eyes.

Because he knew that with Jebido Turan successfully becoming a god, he was completely finished.

"The priesthood has not changed? In other words, all this has been arranged long ago?"

Zuo Si fiddled with the Eye of the Storm in his hand, which had only a little residual power left. The black pupils were as deep and dark as a pool of water.

There is no doubt that through this test he has got the answer he wants.

As expected, the God of Gods, Io, has been secretly working on balancing things.

In particular, the goddess of magic who controls the magic network is the focus of attention.

If nothing else, it should be that after Cyric was greatly weakened, the forces in the country that tend to favor the good camp have obviously become a little too strong, so several evil gods are needed to balance it.

Now that the goddess of magic who is inclined towards good has an evil god of necromancy as a balance, then in the next step, the god of death Klanvor, who is also inclined towards good, will also have an evil god of death to balance it?

For example, resurrect Melkor, the second-generation god of death who has been dead for many years?

Or take advantage of the turmoil caused by the Sons of Baal to bring the God of Murder back again?

Gradually, Zuo Si began to understand the ideas and behavior patterns of the God of Gods Io, and couldn't help but smile and sigh: "Well, it seems that I have to restrain myself a little.

Maintain at least a semblance of balance.

Otherwise, even if a powerful enemy is eliminated, another one will pop up.

In addition, my west coast empire should only reach as far as the Dragon Coast, and it must not expand further east.

Otherwise, God knows what kind of changes and emergencies will happen. "

Obviously, although on the surface, the god Io is often in an offline state, as if he is indifferent to everything that happens on the planet Toril, even if the demon lord and the devil Duke rush in to wreak havoc, destroying cities and civilization. Never show up once.

Even the matter of becoming a god is often done with a laissez-faire attitude.

But in fact, as long as the balance of the camp tilts significantly, he will take immediate action.

When evil forces were rampant in the continent of Faerûn, Io brought Tyr, the god of justice, and gave him a loyal helper, Tom.

Now that the good camp has the upper hand, Io hedges by promoting and resurrecting the evil god.

As long as the balance of power between the two sides is maintained, it will form a deterrent, and a single move will affect the whole body. No one will dare to make trouble first, let alone cause huge damage to the entire world.

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