A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 426 “Bringing a Dutiful Son” (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Tell me, Kurremus. Did you kill your mother and sister accidentally, on purpose, or intentionally carelessly?"

Zuo Si stared at the "filial son" brass dragon in front of him and tortured his soul.

Although parricide, matricide, and parricide are not uncommon in a contradictory world like Faerûn, where extreme good and extreme evil, extreme order and extreme chaos are in opposition.

Whether in human society, or in the society of dwarves, gnomes, halflings and elves, one or two incidents will occur every now and then.

Some are tragedies caused by the struggle for power and wealth, while others are the result of being bewitched by demons, demons, evil organizations and churches.

Vera Salem is one of the most typical examples.

Although Zuo Si does not reject this kind of guy in his heart, who is regarded as the most evil person in most people's moral values, he will even entrust him with important tasks if he is capable.

Because he believes that under his control, this kind of cruelty, cruelty and evil will only become a powerful weapon used against the enemy, and will never be counterattacked.

But he was still curious, what was Kurremos' motive for doing this?

Realizing that his disguise had been exposed, the Brass Dragon finally revealed his evil and ferocious true face, grinning with an angry expression and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! You can actually read my thoughts and memories silently?

All right!

I admit, this was all premeditated.

In fact, I was interested in my mother's territory and treasure, so I deliberately found an excuse to kill my sister, and then pretended to have an accident to try to anger her, so that my mother would lose her reason and vigilance under the control of anger.

In this way, I can lure her into the trap I designed and crush her to death with the huge rock.

It turns out that I am a genius at plotting and everything is going according to plan.

My mother was so furious that she didn't notice anything at all. When she was flying over the cliff, she was hit by a falling rock caused by my spell and died on the spot.

And I also sold her and my sister's bodies to a necromancer and made a lot of money from them.

Look, with just a little bit of trivial strategy, I easily completed the primitive accumulation that other similar people took decades or even hundreds of years to complete.

What the hell, kindness and family affection are more important than territory and treasure!

Afterwards, I was very smart and framed the death of my mother and sister on the necromancer. I took my father and several of his other metal dragon friends to directly attack the necromancer's tower.

Before the latter could tell the truth, I pretended to be furious and killed him and silenced him.

Witnessing the corpses of his mother and sister being turned into undead creatures, his father was completely immersed in grief and anger, and quickly used his fire breath to destroy all possible evidence.

I waited patiently for them to go away before looting all the properties the Necromancer had hidden in the cellar.

In other words, there was not a single mistake in this carefully designed script. "

"You...you are simply a sinister, despicable and shameless villain!"

After listening to Culremos's outrageous speech, Wilmes felt for the first time a strong sense of frustration that as a red dragon, he had lost to a metal dragon in terms of evil.

You must know that the best she could do back then was to snatch some food that originally belonged to her brothers and sisters, and then use her stronger body and claws to teach each other a lesson, so that all her brothers and sisters could learn to respect themselves and understand who was the boss.

As for matricide, Wilmes could swear that he had never had even the slightest thought.

After all, she was far from adulthood when she was kicked out of the lair. She was just a small teenage red dragon and was not qualified to challenge the powerful adult red dragon.

Otherwise, the result is 100% that it will be torn into pieces by the mother's sharp claws and teeth.

You must know that the internal fighting between red dragons who are immune to fire damage is not so fancy. It is a competition to see who is bigger, stronger, has higher scale defense, and can withstand more damage.

As for relying on resourcefulness...

Sorry, all the nutrients Wilmes absorbed were used to grow muscles, and there was no development in this area at all.

And in her eyes, such boring little tricks as scheming are completely despicable methods that only "weak people" can use.

A red dragon as powerful as himself could easily win by simply charging forward.

But now, knowing what the "filial son" brass dragon in front of him had done, Wilmes suddenly felt a sense of "awe".

At the same time, he was also seriously considering in his heart whether he should go back and find time to kill his mother in order to inherit his territory and property.

Kurremos raised his chin with pride: "A sinister and despicable shameless villain?


This is a great victory of wisdom and strategy.

In order to realize the entire plan, I spent a full ten years observing and analyzing the personalities of my mother and father to find out their daily behavioral habits, thinking patterns and weaknesses.

As for my stupid sister, it also took me five years to win her trust.

I can say that every step I took was perfect!

Not a single flaw! "

"So...genius? If this plan is as seamless as I just said, why did you end up taking all the treasures and escaping to hide in the inaccessible mountains of the Spine of the World?"

Zuo Si sneered and interrupted the Brass Dragon's "filial son" bragging.

As a psychological master who is very good at playing tricks, he knows that there is no so-called "perfection" in such a shady thing as a conspiracy, but that it depends on the person's taste.

In other words, it needs to be targeted.

Make sure to attack the weaknesses and weaknesses in the target's character to the greatest extent possible.

For example, when dealing with Cyric, what is caught is the madness and capriciousness produced by the mixture of extreme arrogance and extreme inferiority in his heart.

“It’s all that silver dragon called Castellanferion!

After killing my mother, I was still in the period of youth when I was most susceptible to the influence of instinctive desires. I accidentally became fascinated by her beautiful scales, horns and slender body.

But who knew that this nosy guy actually became suspicious after learning about the whole incident, and deliberately approached me to find out the truth.

She deliberately kept giving me all kinds of hints and temptations, but when it came time to do so, she always refused to engage in the final mating.

Finally one day, driven by desire, I lost my mind and accidentally spilled the beans to prove my excellent wisdom.

As a result, Castellanferian immediately turned against me after getting the evidence he wanted, and wanted to forcefully take me back to face the trial of the Platinum Dragon God Bahamut.

In desperation, I could only fight it off and take all the treasures with me to escape overnight.

Otherwise, when she comes with other metal dragons or adventurers from the good camp, it will be too late for me to escape. "

Mentioning this matter, Kurremos suddenly became extremely angry and annoyed.

I don't know if these intense negative emotions come from Yinlong's fishing enforcement, or from his own failure to control his lower body.


I seem to have heard of this female silver dragon.

It seems that after she exposed the unknown evil deeds of a certain brass dragon, she was successfully absorbed into the Talon of Justice and became a dragon paladin.


It turns out that unlucky brass dragon is you!

Ha ha ha ha!

No wonder he ran away overnight.

Even if you are not besieged by other kind-hearted metal dragons, you will not be able to survive in your original territory. "

Wilmes touched his chin and let out a mocking laugh.

There is no doubt that for any true dragon with extremely high self-esteem to be stepped on by someone else's head and rise to the top, it is a shame that will be remembered for the rest of his life.

It is equivalent to "social death" directly in the dragon circle.

As for the organization "Paws of Justice", it is a typical highly elite group of dragon paladins that advocates absolute "asceticism".

To put it bluntly, it means abandoning the dragon's inherent greed for treasure.

And only sworn lawful good dragons or half-dragons will be admitted.

It is said that most of the internal members are silver dragons who like to meddle in other people's business and travel and have adventures.

The main enemies are the "Claws of Tiamat" within the Church of the Dragon God, as well as the Dragon Cult and Dragon Lich founded by Sammaster.

Due to the relatively small number of members and the fact that they rarely interfere with human society, their presence has always been very low.

Kurremos was undoubtedly greatly stimulated. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and roared: "I swear! Castellan Ferrian will have to pay the price for his actions one day!

I will break off her limbs and wings with my own hands, pull out every tooth in her mouth, and pry off every scale on her body!

Then he imprisoned her in the lair and violated and gang-raped her day and night!

Until it lays enough dragon eggs!

And I will teach all these young dragons to be as evil as me in front of her, and then send them out to specifically hunt down members of the Claws of Justice organization.

Whether these young dragons are killed or members of the Talons of Justice are killed, Castellan Ferrian will be immersed in pain, sorrow, and despair for the rest of his life.

This is the consequence she must bear for provoking me! "

Bang bang bang bang...

Along with the clear sound of clapping, Zuo Si commented with a playful look: "It's a wonderful story. I admire your talent in planning conspiracies and your strong desire for revenge. It seems that you will be a very good helper." .”

Through a short conversation, he was basically certain that the camp of the "filial son" brass dragon in front of him was standard neutral evil, which is what people often call "refined egoists."

Judging from the means that took up to ten years to plan matricide, it has reached an extremely high level in terms of patience, wisdom and grasp of the target psychology.

Of course, the disadvantage is that the loyalty of this kind of guy is usually not very high, and as long as there is a chance and enough benefits, rebellion is almost a certainty.

"Thank you for the compliment, I promise to contribute my strength and resourcefulness to your plan."

Kurremos put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply, without any of the arrogance that other dragons would show intentionally or unintentionally on any occasion.

It is precisely because of this flexible bottom line of unscrupulous means that he is far more dangerous than other dragons of the same age and has potential to be tapped.

"I hope so.

But remember, the price for betraying me is high.

Now, let me give you the power from hell and leave a mark deep in your soul.

I believe you won’t have any objections, right? "

As he spoke, Zuo Si instantly transformed into the form of a big devil, and a formidable energy gathered on his fingertips like dragon claws.


The originally respectful and obedient expression on Kurremos' face changed, becoming one of fear and a hint of struggle.

Because he now faces a difficult choice.

One is not to resist.

Accept the power from hell and become the Purgatory Brass Dragon, gaining additional powerful power blessings.

But the price is that from the moment of acceptance, it is equivalent to signing a contract, and the soul, whether alive or dead, will become the property of the other party.

The other is resistance.

Since the foundation of a devil's contract requires the volition of the signer, it cannot be successfully concluded if there is a strong sense of resistance.

But the problem is that after witnessing the tragic process of so many prisoners being infected and completed by Shimmering Oil, Culremos simply couldn't muster the courage to choose the second option.

After all, accepting the power of hell and signing the contract can still keep the soul and self-awareness unchanged.

But if you are infected by Shimmering Oil, your personality will obviously change in unpredictable ways.

Zuo Si undoubtedly read the mind of the brass dragon in front of him, and warned in a threatening tone: "Don't move! If you make any evasive action, I will regard it as betrayal and hostility. I believe you should already know that I That’s how you deal with your enemies, isn’t it?”

"Of course...of course."

Kurremos swallowed, suppressed the urge to turn around and run away, let the finger pierce his chest, and began to accept the ability from hell.

In the blink of an eye, he uncontrollably transformed from human form into dragon form.

At the same time, the eyes, claws, horns and scales all began to turn black.

The scales changed from the original dark and mottled yellow-brown to a bit brighter and reddish, a bit closer to another metal dragon with similar habits - the copper dragon.

But if you look closely, you will find that the difference from the copper dragon is that the red color of the Infernal Brass Dragon mainly comes from the reflection of the edges of the scales, rather than the entire scales showing a red copper color.

Along with the change in external form, the body size is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Kurremos' profession is a LV11 mage, so even in purgatory form, it is far from as big and strong as Wilmes. Instead, it gives people a slender, delicate, elegant, and streamlined beauty.

After he had completely obtained the purgatory bloodline, he lowered his head as if resigned to his fate, and said in a slightly bitter and unwilling tone: "Thank you for your generous gift, the supreme great master. I am afraid that the mortals in the entire Faerun continent are still in the dark. , I don’t even know that your true identity is already a big devil with a unique form.”

"No, you are wrong.

The fact that I am the new lord of the ninth level of hell is no longer a secret to the gods.

It's just that they understand my position, so they don't care about it.

Now you and Wilmes will take human form and get into this box.

Next, I will take you to another time and space where magical energy is extremely abundant. for further strengthening. "

After saying that, Zuo Si pointed to the opened box thrown at his feet.

"Master, can I come with you?"

Atona asked, putting on a pitiful look.

Zuo Si patted the little guy's head lovingly and refused softly: "Not this time. You have to stay and look after the house with Nimedona to deal with possible enemies and troubles at any time."

"Oh - got it."

The succubus loli nodded obediently and did not bother too much.

Because after getting along for a period of time, she understood that the quieter and more submissive she was, the more loved she would be by her master.

Hearing that he wanted to strengthen his power, Wilmes transformed into the woman in red without saying a word and got straight into the suitcase with a huge space inside.

Although Culremos didn't know what was going on, he obviously didn't dare to disobey the order and jumped in shortly after.

Zuo Si closed the suitcase casually, turned it into a card form and put it into the planeswalker's sparks. Then he took off all the magic equipment on his body and performed the same process.

After doing all this, he transferred his consciousness and soul to his clone in the time and space of Zendikar.

Just one second later...

When Zuo Si woke up in another body, he was surprised to find Nahiri, the conglomerate warlock, sitting on a stone bench not far away with a joking smile on her face.

Not far away lay an elf who had been knocked unconscious. It was the planeswalker Nissa.

Seeing this weird scene, he quickly transformed the equipment back into physical form one by one, put it on neatly, and then asked in an uncertain tone: "Did something happen during my absence?"

Nahiri shrugged and replied, "Nothing.

Except for this silly elf girl who came to your door, mistook me for doing something to you, and started attacking without explanation, everything was so peaceful and boring.

Especially after the three Eldrazi Titans left the world, even the turmoil caused by the will of the world gradually subsided.

By the way, are you and this young elf planeswalker in a relationship?

She really cares about you.

Even though he knew he was outmatched, he didn't use the power of sparks to escape. "

"No, of course not. Nesa and I are just ordinary friends who have a good relationship."

Zuo Si immediately denied it.

"In that case, how about taking the opportunity to strip the spark out of her body? Anyway, with me as the bad guy, she will never know who took away her spark."

Nahiri suddenly stepped forward and licked her lips, revealing unreasonable madness in her pupils.

“It’s not necessary.

There are not many people who have the potential to ignite a spark and become a planeswalker.

But most of them lack a suitable opportunity.

If you want to collect sparks, you only need to explore time and space, time and space, to find all these potential planeswalkers.

By making them feel danger and pain, forcing them to ignite sparks, and then use violent means to seize it.

It won't take long to gather enough quantities.

Don't forget, we've got the spell from Nicol Bolas that can determine if an intelligent being is hiding a spark that hasn't been ignited yet.

The most important thing right now is to win the trust of this elder dragon. "

Zuo Si bluntly rejected the proposal of the gravel warlock in front of him.

He is very aware of the amazing potential that Nissa possesses, and how terrifying power she can unleash once she is connected to the will of the planet beneath her feet.

You must know that Zendikar at this moment is not the broken world that has exhausted almost all its energy after the battle with the Eldrazi and can be described as riddled with holes.

The terrifying power it contains is even enough to pull the bodies or parts of two of the Eldrazi Titans out of the dark void, and then destroy them mercilessly.

No matter what perspective you consider, Nissa's own value is far greater than a planeswalker spark.

Zuo Si wouldn't do something like this, killing the goose to retrieve the eggs.

After receiving a negative reply, Nahiri's eyes instantly faded from the crazy look, and she sighed with great disappointment: "Oh - that's such a pity.

I thought I could play a revenge game with this elf chick.

Look at her innocent, stubborn face.

How fun it would be to be full of twists, anger, and hate. "

"I think the reason why you have such dangerous thoughts must be the result of the lack of sense of crisis and pressure after Eldraq left. To put it bluntly, it's just a pain in the ass." Zuo Si complained with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha!

That's right.

Without the threat of the Eldrazi, Zendikar is so safe that it makes people want to take a nap.

It seems that I prefer a life full of danger and excitement to a peaceful life.

Not as good as...

How about we do something intense, exciting and enjoyable? "

The words have not yet been spoken!

Nahiri suddenly stepped forward and breathed hot air against Zuo Si's ear. Her whole body was close to her, exuding a strong hormonal scent from head to toe.

However, Zuo Si had long been accustomed to this situation and understood that Nahiri's memory, thinking and consciousness were affected by the demonic madness remaining in the spiritual world.

He had suffered similar harassment before when he was learning boulder technique from the other party. He even had his clothes stripped off a few times and was almost forced to use a bow by the "overlord", so he calmly cast a mental spell instantly. Calmly reminding: "Calm down, madam, your behavior has crossed the line again."


Nahiri shivered violently, quickly recovered from that abnormal state, held her forehead and complained in a low voice: "It's all the fault of that bastard Solin!

The negative impact of him locking me up with countless demons will probably last for a long time.

You'd better be careful.

I'm not sure if the next time you get sick, I will suddenly use boulder to trap you.

In addition, I can feel that my subconscious sexual interest in you is becoming stronger and stronger. "

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, even if something happens, I won't suffer a loss."

Zuo Si pretended not to care.

Because what happened to him was an age-related deterioration in his physical structure, and it was not reincarnation in a new body.

So it's not a "young" in the strict sense, but I just don't want to waste precious time on this right now.

If necessary, you can always carry your gun and go to the battlefield.

Nahiri rolled her eyes angrily: "Since it doesn't matter, what were you resisting before?

Wouldn't it be better if I succeeded earlier?

I believe that after I deal with you, the crazy voices and thoughts in my mind will have a channel to vent, and I will definitely not fall ill as frequently as now.

Don't worry, I, the big sister, will treat your little brother as gently as possible. "

"Ha! I don't know who will be the first to beg for mercy when the time comes."

Zuo Si let out a disdainful laugh.

This is a disdain for the conglomerate warlock's experience in a certain area, and at the same time, it is also a confidence in his own physical attributes and the amount of "pink magic" he can master.

Even though Nahiri has lived for thousands of years, she is actually either dormant in a deep sleep or imprisoned in the prison cellar of Innistrad, without even a named lover or lover.

The only mentor with whom he had an ambiguous relationship, Sorin Markov, later turned against him.

In terms of experience, Zuo Si felt that he could definitely defeat this conglomerate warlock who was countless times older than him.

"Hmph! You will know who is talking so harshly when the time comes. By the way, you came here today to continue learning gravel magic with me, right?"

Nahiri obviously didn't want to continue arguing on this issue that was destined to be fruitless, so she took the initiative to change the topic.

"I'm going to capture a few giant beasts like the Earth-Shaking Elephant, the Multi-Headed Dragon, and the Crystal-Horned Beast King, and by the way, use the abundant magical energy in this time and space to slightly strengthen the two dragons."

Zuo Si did not hide anything and openly stated the purpose of his trip.

"Do you need my help?"

Nahiri asked casually.

Zuo Si shook his head without hesitation: "Thank you, but no need. I don't want to have to guard against the sudden attack you may launch at any time when trying to capture these giant beasts. What's more, I have to take Ni Send Sarah back to a safe place."

After saying that, he stopped talking to him, bent down to pick up the unconscious elf planeswalker, and turned around to walk out of the base located inside the mountain.

After arriving in a large open area, he used magic to wake it up.

"Uh-ah! So... Soth! Why are you here? Where is that Kou woman with an extremely annoying voice?"

Nissa suddenly opened her eyes, raised the wooden staff in her hand, and kept looking around with vigilant eyes.

"Relax, that Kor woman you are talking about is actually called Nahiri. She was one of the ancient planeswalkers who sealed the three Eldrazi Titans back then, and she is also the guardian of this world."

Zuo Si softly comforted this inexperienced elf girl.

In the original plot, the reason why Nissa grew up so quickly in a short period of time was that she was full of self-blame and regret for her clever behavior of releasing the Eldrazi, which brought destruction and disaster to the entire world.

In order to make up for the mistakes she made, she tried her best to make up for it, and was willing to pay even the price of her life for it.

It is precisely because of this awareness that he can be recognized by the will of the planet Zendikar.

But now that the three Eldrazi Titans have gone to the Abyss, the Will of the Planet doesn't need to ask anyone for help.

Nissa herself has never made a big mistake, so she still maintains many naive ideas and is very easy to be used and manipulated.

"Ah? She is one of the three ancient planeswalkers who sealed the Eldrazi, the boulder warlock Nahiri!"

The elf planeswalker was stunned.

She simply couldn't connect a great hero who had protected Zendikar's space and time since ancient times with the annoying Kor woman who had made things difficult for her, made bad words, and played tricks on her repeatedly.

no way!

Who makes Nahiri have such a bad character now, and she will fall into short-term madness from time to time.

Zuo Si smiled bitterly and responded: "Yes, it's her. In addition, the motionless body you see in the container is actually the clone I left there intentionally. So this matter is a mystery from beginning to end. Misunderstand."

"But...but why didn't she explain it to me properly, instead of deliberately irritating me?"

Nessa looked confused and blinked innocently,

"Maybe it's because she's too bored and wants to amuse you. In addition, before she was released by me, she was locked up with a group of demons for hundreds of years. She had a slight mental problem, so she occasionally A little crazy."

While explaining patiently, Zuo Si stretched out his hand to release the healing spell, eliminating the big bulge on the back of the elf planeswalker's head.

You don't need to ask to know that the coma she fell into just now was not the result of a spell, but an ordinary forced "physical" hypnosis.

It is estimated that Nahiri used the boulder spell to shape the stone with a hammer or a stick.

Realizing that she had made a big mistake, an embarrassed blush suddenly appeared on Nissa's fair face, and she stammered: "Then... what should I do? Do I have to go back and apologize to Senior Nahiri now? After all, She has protected this world for so many years, and I should have the most basic respect for her."

"No, she won't care about this. Now that Zendikar's time and space is safe, you can also use the power of sparks to explore the endless universe and appreciate the scenery of different time and space. Do what you want to do." Zuo Si encouraged with a smile .

"What about you? Do you have any plans?"

Unlike most planeswalkers who are impatient to see other worlds when their spark is sparked, Nissa is always so cautious about exploring beyond her homeland of Zendikar.

Because she is always afraid that she will encounter terrible things in certain time and space, and then accidentally bring them back, triggering a series of terrible disasters.

Looking at the elf girl's shining green eyes, Zuo Si said in a slightly apologetic tone: "I'm very busy. I need to monitor the situation of the three Eldrazi Titans and their descendants, and at the same time deal with a man who has fallen into the trap. Crazy god, I’m afraid I don’t have time to travel with you.”

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Nissa's eyes widened and she seemed a little eager to try.

“Not yet.

These things are too dangerous for a novice like you.

I suggest that you consider going to Ravnica, Theros, Tarkir, Dominaria, Kaladesh, and New Capena, which are relatively safer places, as the starting point for your journey.

Here are the coordinates, and you can teleport directly using the power of the spark. "

With that said, Zuo Si handed over the above coordinate transmission points of time and space to the elf girl.

"Okay, I will follow your advice and choose one of these time and space to start traveling and studying later. But before that, I think I should leave this to you first."

As the last word blurted out, Nisha's palm suddenly began to flash with a dark green light, and then she grabbed Zuo Si's right hand.

In just half a minute, the two successfully concluded a partnership contract between planeswalkers.

At the same time, Zuo Si also had a summoning card with the side face of the Elf Planeswalker printed on it.

"Thank you for all you have done for Zendikar.

You are a hero to all the inhabitants of this world, even though they are unaware of your existence and what you have done.

If you encounter difficulties or trouble one day, please remember to activate this card.

I vowed to respond immediately wherever I was.

Goodbye my hero, I hope we will be reunited again in the near future. "

After saying these words, Nisha stood up on tiptoes and kissed Zuo Si on the cheek with a very shy movement, then reluctantly turned around and disappeared into the dense forest.

"What is this? Some kind of cryptic confession? Or just a thank you between friends?"

After watching the elf girl walk away completely, Zuo Si touched the kissed area on his face with strong uncertainty in his tone.

Unfortunately, the diary is not here, so I can't get any response at all.

However, he himself did not dwell on it for too long, and quickly put these things behind him. First, he used time magic to add two hundred years to the lifespan of Wilmes and Culremus, expanding their size and natural spellcasting ability. To a level that could never be reached in Faerûn, and then he took these two guys to search for and capture the giant beasts living in Zendikar's time and space.

Once the target is found, Zuo Si will release shimmering oil and a large amount of metal to complete it, and then craft it into powerful summoned creature cards.

Especially the Earthshaking Elephant, which is as big as a football field when it reaches adulthood. When its body is covered with a thick layer of metal armor, it is simply a mobile fortress that looks down on everyone.

Even if a modern large-caliber artillery hits it, it will only cause minor skin trauma at best, and it will soon be restored to its original state under the action of shining oil.

With the support of green land cards, the completed Olanli hydra has become larger than the Earth-Shaking Elephant, and it has grown five heads that can breathe out a wide range of energy like a dragon's breath.

After achieving the predetermined goal, Zuo Si once again completed the transfer of consciousness and soul between clones and appeared in the laboratory of Mirrodin time and space.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard a fierce quarrel outside.

"This guy has been completely infected by the shimmering oil! It's definitely hopeless! It's better to let her die as a hero before she becomes an enemy."

"Go away! If you want to kill Grisha, then get past me first."

"That's right! If it weren't for Grisha and her friend Shiroba, we would have all died in the last disaster."

"Shut up! Idiot! Look at what she looks like now! She is no longer the hero who saved Mirrodin before! She is our enemy!"

There were so many people involved in the quarrel and everyone was shouting at the top of their lungs that it was impossible to hear clearly in the laboratory.

But Zuo Si still caught two important names with his keen sense of hearing.

Grisha and Shiloba.

He remembered very clearly that the former was the first creature to ignite a spark and become a planeswalker in Mirrodin's thousands of years of native evolution. His race was the Dark Jade Elves.

The latter was the best friend she met during her adventurous journey, and she also inherited his spark and became the second local planeswalker. Then she resolutely gave up this powerful power in exchange for all the creatures who died fighting against the manager Monaco. Resurrection, race is goblin.

In other words, Grisha and Shiloba are actually the saviors who overthrew the brutal rule of Monaqa and saved all creatures in Mirrodin.

Unfortunately, things didn't end well for these two heroes.

When everything was over and they left the center of the earth, they were suddenly attacked by a large number of enemies.

As a result, Shiroba died on the spot, and Grisha was seriously injured and forced to flee deep into the earth.

With the flooding of the Shimmering Oil and the creation of New Phyrexia, the latter has most likely been completely completed, and its soul is probably gone.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si quickly put on the equipment stored in the card, quickly opened the door and came to the laboratory door.

As expected, the place was already densely packed with refugees who had gathered from all directions to the City of Steel.

Almost half of them supported killing the comatose Grisha, while the other half clearly remembered what the heroine had done and therefore wanted to protect her.

At the moment, Melila was standing beside a female warrior wearing silver armor in a daze, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

The female warrior has long, shiny black hair, and her facial features are very three-dimensional, giving people a very decent feeling.

The most important thing is that there is a planeswalker spark burning brightly in her body.

Zuo Si can guarantee that he has never seen the other party before.

Moreover, he also noticed that the sword on the opponent's waist exuded an extremely dazzling magical aura. It was even more powerful than most of the artifacts he had seen. It was definitely a terrifying weapon capable of killing gods.



This time period?

Own a sword powerful enough to kill gods?

Combining these elements, Zuo Si quickly confirmed the identity of the female warrior—Elspeth Tire.

A melee planeswalker who advocates order and kindness, thinks and acts very close to a paladin, and only uses white mana.

And the sword in her hand is the famous [Chengyang Sword], and it is also a veritable god-killing sword.

But Zuo Si didn't quite understand why Elspei appeared in his territory, and she seemed to have a good relationship with Melilai.

"Look! The master is here! Let him make the decision! After all, this is his territory, and all of us survive by relying on his shelter and the food he provides."

A leader of the Washik tribe shouted at the top of his lungs.


The originally chaotic scene immediately became silent.

The crowd who were still arguing just now all shut up obediently and knelt on one knee to express their respect and gratitude to the master of the Steel City.

Regarding this sudden change, Elspeth, who had only arrived in Mirrodin for a few days, suddenly showed a surprised expression.

As a planeswalker, she has traveled to several time and space, the last of which was the Alara time and space that was targeted by the old dragon Nico Bolas, but she has never seen any country or region where the people would disapprove of the supreme ruler. Such support.

Before Elspeth could figure out the situation, Melilai immediately ran over and patted her chest and took a long breath: "Phew - thank God! You are finally back."

"Did something happen that you couldn't handle?"

Zuo Si asked, pretending to know nothing.

“It’s this Dark Jade elf named Grisha.

She has been completely infected by the oil.

Not even in my power can I reverse this situation.

According to normal rules, such a hopeless person should be disposed of as soon as possible, or sent to a laboratory and locked up first.

But the Dark Jade elves among the refugees, as well as some other races, said that she was the hero who had saved the world and everyone in the past.

This is not how we should treat a hero.

So I'm in a dilemma now and don't know what to do. "

Melilai told what happened in as short a language as possible.

It can be seen that she is really under great psychological pressure, and she is afraid that she will cause some trouble accidentally.

"Okay, relax and leave the rest to me." Zuo Si comforted the girl by touching her long red hair.

Then he walked straight towards Grisha, whose body had become extensively metalized and looked like a cyberpunk version of the Gorgon Medusa.

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