A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 425 A Whip (10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

A wasteland of destruction and despair...

True to its name, this is the most hopeless of all the Outer Planes and a land of strong evil tendencies.

According to the research results published by some plane scholars, it seems to be located in the lower level of Baator Hell and the Bottomless Abyss, so it has been one of the main battlefields between the two sides after the bloody battle broke out.

Before the arrival of the Eldrazi, it was common to see legion-level demons and demons fighting each other day and night in the endless wasteland.

But now, the intensity of the war has been significantly reduced.

The devils, who had no worries, began to gradually gain the upper hand.

But whether it is the rage from the abyss or the cunning from hell, you must succumb to the coldness and despair of this plane.

Because from the moment they entered the wasteland of destruction and despair, they were destined to never return to their hometown, and both their bodies and souls would eventually be ruthlessly devoured.

Note that this is not an exaggerated description, but a very appropriate description.

Since this plane is completely shaped by the purest and most powerful evil spiritual power from the entire universe, all creatures that enter this place will, without exception, slowly lose their dreams and hopes, and abandon the hottest part of their souls. Only a corpse-like body was left, looking like a gray ghost.

The mortal souls that are vicious enough among them will be quickly twisted into a medium-sized worm after descending to this plane.

The head of this special petitioner has a face that is very similar to the one in life. It is the most popular "currency" in the entire lower plane.

Not only can they be used as food to provide energy and spell supplements to the eater, they can also be cultivated into any kind of evil spirit.

This is why bloody battles broke out here and became one of the main battlefields.

In fact, both sides are competing for these larvae in the wasteland of destruction and despair that can be converted into their own soldiers.

Of course, excluding demons and devils, there are also many old hags, lichs, and yugoloths here.

In particular, the building known as the Desolate Bone Demonic Tower looks like a huge spiral column rising from the ground, more than forty kilometers above the ground, and the same is true for the bottom part.

This is the realm ruled by the supreme yuga (a type of yugoloth) king, Medion Clarus.

According to Yuga Mo himself, the Bone Demon Tower was actually made from the spine of a god they killed.

No matter who it is, as long as they can defeat the current Demon King of Yuga and sit on the "Throne of Malice", they will gain the ability to dominate Oinos, the first level of the wasteland of destruction and despair.

Of course, this does not include the kingdom of the goddess of poison and disease that also stands on this level.

In fact, the most distinctive feature of Oinos is the ubiquitous deadly poison and plague.

Whether it is Talona or the supreme Yuga Demon King - Medien Clarus, they can breed, create and change a disease (including plague and mental illness) or toxin at will here, and then use it as a destructive weapons spread to other Prime Material Planes.

As for the other two levels, they are Pluton and Niva's underworld.

In this three-dimensional wasteland of destruction and despair, there live a total of five gods born in Toril.

In addition to the goddess of poison and disease, there is also the god of vengeance Hall, the goddess of misfortune Benshaba, the god of tyranny Bane, and the goddess of abuse Lavita.

However, as Talona's alignment and priesthood have shifted on a large scale, her country has now become somewhat different from the tendencies of the plane itself.

This also means that it is impossible to obtain corresponding blessings from the will of the plane.

All the gods are speculating on when Talona will tear her kingdom apart from the wasteland plane of destruction and despair, and where she will move it.

Is it the endless wilderness that represents absolute neutrality and is full of wildness and nature?

Or is it slightly more inclined towards the chaotic good camp and the unrestrained wildness?

Or directly join the Natural Temple of "Father of the Oak Tree" Silvanus?

You must know that for a god, this is not just as simple as "moving", but also means a series of changes in his future priesthood, doctrine, etc.

Some gods have grown from weak to powerful through such transformations, while others have been abandoned by existing believers because they failed to endure, and eventually died in the star world.

But as the person involved, Talona didn't seem nervous about the upcoming transformation. She still sat on the throne in a very leisurely manner, ruling the country that became bigger and bigger as its influence increased.

You must know that the biggest difference between the outer plane and the material plane is that its essence is the projection of some kind of spiritual power.

If the intelligent creatures in the entire universe are generally more inclined to that camp, and souls after death are continuously reincarnated into this plane, then the size and area of ​​the plane will increase accordingly, and there is no upper limit in theory.

In the same way, as the influence of a god increases and the number of believers increases, the scope of the kingdom he controls will also increase.

Some powerful gods whose influence covers several or even dozens or hundreds of material planes and whose number of believers number in the billions or tens of billions may be equivalent to several or even dozens of planets put together. Sum.

This is also the rule of operation of the universe where the planet Toril is located, and it is also the source of all opposition and struggle.

At present, Talona's country is no longer the place full of hot and humid swamps, mosquitoes, poisonous creatures and terrifying plagues.

Just the opposite!

It is like a huge tropical rain forest. Every day, the process from the birth of life to aging and death is performed, and finally it is decomposed by microorganisms and returns to the earth.

And those poisons and plagues are hidden in this process, instead of being displayed in a terrifying way.

In addition, in the dense rainforest, you can still vaguely see several cities rising from the ground.

Every city is built with a triangular pyramid altar as its core.

Around the altar, you can see countless female petitioners wearing cool and sexy outfits, praying to the goddess they serve day and night.

Although their expressions are holy and pious, their movements are full of temptation and strong hints. The dance makes people inevitably have some physical impulses after watching them.

Around the city, there are large areas of farmland and pastures that are densely distributed, as if they are trying to establish a civilized country.

Such a normal scene, in a wasteland filled with spiritual gloom and destruction and despair, can undoubtedly be regarded as a paradise-like existence.

Therefore, countless demons and a small number of devils who wanted to escape the bloody battle, as well as souls reincarnated from other material planes, all rushed into it crazily.

They hope to find the peaceful life they dream of here.

Admiring the prosperous scene in the entire country, the goddess of torture and abuse, Lavita, asked in an uncertain tone: "My dear Lord God, when did your taste start to become so strange? Especially those of female petitioners. From the clothes and movements, those who didn’t know it would have thought that they had entered the kingdom of the God of Love and Beauty.”


The goddess of poison and disease smiled and shook her head: "No, you are wrong. I made this arrangement specially to welcome the arrival of Soth. It is his first time to come to my country, so I have to leave him A good impression."

"Are you sure he can really get the few priesthoods I want from Yeager?"

Lovita's high-heeled leather boots made a crisp sound when she stepped on the black and white marble floor. The tight leather jacket on her body perfectly showed off her uneven curves, and her eyes shone with naked and undisguised greed and desire.

"I don't know. But I believe he will definitely bring me a huge surprise, just like the previous times. In addition, I hope you'd better prepare a large enough return gift, otherwise I will be angry."

Talona glared at this good sister who had only been under her for a short time with a look full of warning.

"You don't need to worry about this at all. Even if I just bring back any one of the priesthoods, I will give him enough reward. Because the value of the priesthood is far more important than anything else."

With that said, Lovita picked up the nine-tailed whip that was full of thorns and barbs in her hand, and whipped it hard towards her smooth and white back.

Snapped! ! !

Along with the crisp sound, she suddenly let out a painful growl from her mouth.

The low growl quickly turned into a moan that aroused endless reverie, and at the same time, an expression of enjoyment and satisfaction appeared on his face.

It is not difficult to see from the priesthood, name and teachings that this goddess is an out-and-out sadist and masochist.

In some areas where private lives are chaotic and people have fun, the special skills mastered by her priests and believers are deeply loved by nobles, wealthy businessmen and other upper-class people.

Some people are even willing to spend hundreds of gold coins just to have Lovita's followers whip themselves hard during intense exercise in order to get more extra stimulation and pleasure.

But soon, the bruises on the abused goddess's back where she was beaten to the point of being bruised were completely healed, without even a drop of divine blood remaining, as if everything that had just happened was an illusion.

Talona was obviously used to Lavita's self-abuse behavior, and asked in a casual tone: "What do you think of the return of Bane, the god of tyranny, and the rise of the new god of death?"

“The new Death God Klanvor’s rise to power, no need to ask, it’s definitely Yeager’s fault.

He is the ancient god of death, and his understanding of death far exceeds that of any other god.

However, the relationship between Kelanvor and the goddess of magic Midnight when they were still mortals may lead to the formation of a new alliance in a short period of time.

But this doesn't have much impact on us. What we should worry about most is the madman Cyric.

In contrast, Bane's return is something closely related to us.

Because in the field of clergy, I and the God of Tyranny are complementary.

I think we might consider forming an alliance with him. "

Lovita spoke her mind directly.

Since the priesthoods of Baal, Bane, and Melkor all originated from the ancient god of death, Jaeger, they recognized each other's philosophies and teachings very much, and formed a secret alliance.

For a long time, all the gods who joined this alliance were called the "Dark Gods".

As the God of Baal, Lovita naturally has a good impression of Bane, who has similar values ​​and philosophies.

If it were the past, the goddess of poison and disease would obviously come to the same conclusion as the goddess of cruelty.

But now...

Talona just smiled meaningfully, but did not express any opinions of her own and fell into silence again.

Just when Lauvita was about to say something, an alien portal suddenly opened out of thin air.

Followed by Zuo Si, he came out from the other side.

There is no doubt that as a elect, he has long ago obtained permission to enter the kingdom of the goddess anytime and anywhere, so it can be said to be very simple and convenient to teleport there.

"How is the result?"

Lauvita rushed forward immediately and almost staged a "hit with the ball".

Fortunately, Zuo Si reacted quickly and reached out in time to stop the goddess from approaching her exaggerated bust. At the same time, he took out the container filled with priests and replied straightforwardly: "The transaction was successfully completed.

Here are several priests such as attrition, decline, exhaustion, dusk, autumn, parasites, and old age.

My job is just to bring them here.

As for how to divide it specifically, you two should discuss it slowly among yourselves. "

"What?! You got seven back at once? And there are also the priesthoods of Age, Decay, Dusk, and Autumn that have huge potential?"

Lovita's eyes widened in disbelief, and she broke the container without saying a word, displaying these things that were regarded as the most precious by the gods.

After confirming the rules and power represented by the light groups, her gaze at Zuo Si instantly became extremely hot, as if she wanted to swallow it up immediately.

"What price did you pay?"

Talona slowly stood up from the throne and asked in a very concerned tone.

"Sorry, I promised Jaeger to keep it a secret. But don't worry, the price is very small for me."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and glanced at the surrounding environment and the situation of the entire country with the corner of his eye.

Unlike what was expected to be unsuitable for human survival, the climate is similar to the South American tropical rainforests on Earth. Although it is a bit hot and humid overall, it is full of vitality.

Whether it is animals, plants, or petitioners concentrated near the city, they all present a prosperous scene.

In particular, the abundance of food is so abundant that it is impossible to finish it, making this place the only place in the wasteland of destruction and despair that can be called suitable for mortals to live.

Some travelers and mages from other planes have taken this as a base and cautiously explored more dangerous places outside.

Many old hags and yugoloth demons have also established caravans to trade with merchants from other planes here.

Every day, hundreds of thousands or millions of larvae are traded from one merchant to another as currency.

The devil in the ninth level of hell, who is good at encamping, even took advantage of the special status of his lord electorate to send an ambassador to stay here.

While he organized his men to sell specialties from the ninth level, he also purchased the squirming larvae without restrictions, and then took them back to squeeze their energy and transform them into low-level cannon fodder.

Although the lord Zuo Si was often offline, the series of rules he formulated inspired the initiative of the devils under his command.

For performance!

For promotion!

In order to gain stronger power and higher social status!

Every devil is doing his best to develop business, and coaxes those souls and even living mortals into the huge cyberpunk city, allowing them to enjoy the ultimate happiness brought by indulgence, and then completely sink into hell. The corrupted and fallen soul required by the plane.

Talona obviously noticed Zuo Si's gaze, and immediately walked closer and asked with a smile: "What do you think of my country now?"

"It's very good. It's much better than the depressing atmosphere and extreme spiritual gloom outside." Zuo Si touched his chin and commented with interest.

"What about my priestesses?"

Talona turned her attention to the group of beautiful figures in sparse clothing on the altar not far away.

Especially when doing the rather large action of kneeling and worshiping, the scenery inside is basically unobstructed.

The corner of Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his eyebrows and responded: "If you let all your young female priests in Faerun continent wear this way, I can guarantee that the number of mortals who voluntarily come to participate in religious activities and donate will skyrocket by at least ten percent. Several times or even dozens of times. However, men are estimated to account for 99% of them."

"Haha, you are very humorous. But what I want to ask is not this, but what do you think of them." Talona whispered in her ear.

"I can only say that it is very tempting and at the same time in line with my aesthetic."

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders and had no idea what this goddess was trying to do.

Talona was obviously very satisfied with this answer, and she continued to whisper in her ear: "Dear Soth, do you know?

They are all delicious snacks I specially prepared for you.

As long as you are interested, you can come to my country at any time and enjoy an unprecedented wonderful experience.

Here, no matter what you want to do or what you want to get, you will be satisfied immediately. "

"Delicious snacks? What are you referring to?" Zuo Si asked meaningfully.

"Any way."

Talona winked playfully, and then kissed her chosen one affectionately on the cheek. Then she turned around and said to the goddess of abuse: "I want the three priesthoods of Decay, Parasite and Old Age, and the rest belong to you."

"Are you sure? You must know that the two priesthoods of Dusk and Autumn have equally great potential."

Lovita's face showed undisguised ecstasy.

"Of course! The more things like clergy, the better, but it should suit you and produce a self-consistent set of logic and philosophy. Otherwise, the crazy behavior of that guy Cyric is the best negative teaching material. "

While speaking, Talona raised her hand and absorbed the three priesthoods she needed into her body with a wave of her hand.

Now, she is only one death priest away from her ultimate goal of perfection.

"You can't stand and talk without pain in your back."

Lovita complained in a slightly jealous tone, and immediately took all the remaining priesthoods into her pocket.


Her pupils lost focus, and the insides were constantly spinning and flashing like the stars in the universe.

You don't need to ask to know that this is an attempt to integrate the existing clergy and form a new philosophy and doctrine.

But this is obviously not an easy task.

Perhaps the two priesthoods of loss and exhaustion can easily be integrated into pain, injury, suffering, torture, suffering and torture.

But dusk and autumn are hard to relate to.

After struggling for a long time, the sadistic goddess finally spit out the two priesthoods of Dusk and Autumn from the divine spark, and cursed with a look of unwillingness: "Damn! I can't master these two priesthoods in my current state."

Zuo Si kindly reminded: "Dusk and autumn both represent the coming darkness, death and the end of life to a certain extent.

Maybe you can start from this aspect and slowly integrate them into your own philosophy and teachings.

If I remember correctly, your cleric's access to divine spells was to pray in the morning and evening.

Now remove the morning prayer part and add a special meaning to the evening, then the twilight priesthood should be able to be integrated to a certain extent.

As for autumn, it can be associated with the coming winter and by extension pain, suffering and suffering.

In terms of priesthood and tendencies, the Winter Goddess Aurel should be your most suitable natural ally.

After all, for mortals, the longer and colder the winter lasts, the greater the pain, suffering, and suffering they endure. "

"What you said is great! Why didn't I think of it?"

Lovita's eyes shone slightly, as if she could clearly see the direction of her future development.

However, she did not rush to absorb the two priesthoods of Autumn and Dusk again. Instead, she put them down and walked straight forward, licking her seductive red lips and said: "No wonder so many gods are eager to get you. Talona is more She descended into the avatar the moment she discovered you, and made you her chosen one at all costs.”

"You're flattered. I just provided some insignificant insights and ideas, that's all."

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly, showing the virtue of humility as always.

"Haha, this is not a superficial opinion or idea, at least it is very important to me. In return, I decided to give you a divine weapon. Here, take it, I hope you like it."

As she spoke, Lovita used her divine power to shape a long whip with three branches and full of thorns out of thin air, and stuffed it into Zuo Si's hand.

The moment the latter held the whip, his face suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

Because this artifact was so weird that he didn't know how to evaluate it at all.

【Lavita's Reward】


+5 long whip

There are three branches at the end of the whip, two of which are for additional fire and cold damage, and the last one can slowly heal all damage caused by the whip.

Anyone struck by this whip can temporarily increase any basic attribute by three to six points according to their own choice.

You can choose it once for each whipping, but the same attribute cannot be superimposed repeatedly, and only the highest value will be taken.

The enhanced attributes will remain in effect until the wound is completely healed.

In addition, after being hit by the whip, there is a certain probability of gaining random additional benefits such as rage, high acceleration, healing, removal of curses and diseases, size increase, immunity to mind control, magic dispelling, protection from negative energy damage, elemental resistance, etc. and protective effect.

In short, this thing is not used to hit the enemy at all, but to hit yourself and your companions.

The name Lovita's Reward is indeed quite appropriate, fully embodying the characteristics of the sadistic goddess.

Moreover, the greater the damage caused and the more painful the person being hit feels, the better the effect will often be.

But the only problem is that if you use this thing on yourself or your companions on the battlefield, it will give people an unseemly feeling, and the sense of shame will simply explode on the spot.

Those who knew were adding buffs, but those who didn’t knew thought they had some special hobby.

More importantly, what should you do if you don’t have a special hobby but end up smoking?

Zuo Si didn't want to become a pervert with no lower limits like the diary.

So although he accepted this "special" artifact, he had no intention of using it, at least he certainly wouldn't use it.

Leaving Talona's country, Zuo Si quickly returned to the mage tower in Askatra.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the teleportation room, he saw Wilmes lying on a huge pile of treasures and rolling crazily. His posture was no different from that of an overly excited "Er Ha".

Beside this female purgatory red dragon, there were several white dragons, black dragons, green dragons, blue dragons and red dragons that had been completely defeated and disabled. There was also a dragon that exuded the red light of the evil camp. Brass Dragon.

In addition, there are some captured monsters such as frost giants, hill giants, trolls, orcs, gnolls, and hobgoblins, as well as some tall and strong barbarian warriors.

There is no doubt that these guys are the guys who followed Cyric's followers out of the mountains and forests in an attempt to attack Luskan and destroy it.

The Wolf Goblin used heavy chains and shackles to lock them up one by one, and then continued to destroy their bodies, spirits and wills through whipping, torture and verbal humiliation.

Some collapsed guys even lay on the ground and cried out in pain, begging the other party to give them a good time.

But unfortunately, the Wolf Goblin received a formal Spartan-style cruel militaristic education, so how could he have even a little bit of sympathy for the enemy.

Therefore, this kind of initiative to seek death not only did not result in a happy death, but was intensified and tortured until it completely turned into a walking zombie that only knew how to obey orders.

Only the human barbarian warriors were treated slightly better.

Because the Dire Wolf Goblin is not sure whether his master has special arrangements for these similar people.

But after witnessing the horrific physical and mental torture suffered by other monsters, these self-proclaimed fearless barbarians were really frightened.

Coupled with hunger and exhaustion, everyone looks extra sensitive and nervous.

"Master, you are finally back."

The succubus loli suddenly ran out from the corner and jumped up high into the air.

Zuo Si caught him very skillfully and kissed him on the forehead, and then asked with a smile: "How is it? Did the action last night achieve the intended effect?"

Atona nodded vigorously: "Yes! According to your request, we uprooted all the Dark Sun temples, shrines and organized churches in almost all the towns on the entire west coast.

I even personally destroyed several of their secret strongholds in Ascaltra City and killed all the relevant people inside.

However, three of them involve local nobles, which may be a little troublesome to deal with later. "

"It doesn't matter, just let Vera handle it. The task at this stage is to use all means to deal a devastating blow to Cyric's church and believers in the mortal world, so that he will completely lose the foundation of his faith in this land. "

After that, Zuo Si put the succubus loli in his arms back on the ground.

"Oh, I almost forgot, these two important books haven't been handed over to you yet."

Atona hurriedly took out "Cyric Sutra" and "Cyric True Story" from the backpack she carried with her.

Without saying anything, Zuo Si first opened the latter and read it from cover to cover, and then he dared to take the former and examine it carefully.

After understanding the working principle of its divine power and priesthood, he couldn't help but sigh slightly: "It is indeed a high-level artifact.

It's a pity that except for Cyric himself, it is of no use to any other mortals or even gods.

Fortunately, when the meeting of the gods is held in a few days, this book can become a crucial piece of evidence. "

"Ha ha ha ha!


Guess how many treasures I grabbed last night?

They are worth more than you think!

Here is the wealth that Zhentil Keep has accumulated over hundreds of years!

There are also gold, gems and magic items in the lair of these stupid dragons!

Get rich!

This time I really made a fortune! "

While laughing wildly, Wilmes threw a large number of precious metal coins and gems into the air with his claws, showing a "brainless happiness" from top to bottom.

"Don't be too anxious to be happy yet. Tell me, have you completed all the tasks I gave you?" Zuo Si put away the two sacred books and raised his head and asked.

Wilmes nodded vigorously without thinking: "Of course!

I teleported more than ten times in a row and carried out indiscriminate slaughter of all the crazy acts of Dark Sun believers in the entire Faerûn continent.

I believe that those who have witnessed my destructive power with their own eyes should already remember the resounding name of Wilmes.

It won't be long before I earn a huge reputation and a formidable nickname.

And in the next hundreds or thousands of years, it will become the object of fear for all mortals. "

As soon as this kind of thing was mentioned, the nerves of this purgatory red dragon immediately became excited, and it kept flapping its huge wings to create a gust of wind.

Whenever she makes this move, the subdued evil dragons around her will also lower their heads, fearing that they will be beaten for not being respectful enough.

"Well done."

Hearing that Wilmes was doing a good job, Zuo Si had a satisfied expression on his face.

He doesn't mind this guy's minor flaws such as greed for money, cruelty, and tyranny, as long as he is obedient and able to do things at critical moments.

"How do you plan to divide these stolen treasures?"

Wilmes brought his huge head closer and carefully tested it.

"According to the old rules, each person has half. My half can be directly converted into magic items and gems."

After saying this, Zuo Si waved his hand to signal the Purgatory Red Dragon to get out of the way, and walked straight towards the prisoners.

You must know that in the war with Graz'zt's demon army in the third realm of the bottomless abyss, most of the summoned creatures he had on hand had been consumed, and they were basically lying in the cemetery waiting for resurrection.

Especially creatures with higher card levels will take at least half a month, a month or even longer to recover.

Therefore, he urgently needs to add some cards to deal with the battle that may break out next.

No hesitation!

Zuo Si directly added a loudspeaker magic to himself, and then said bluntly to these monsters, barbarians and dragons: "I give you a chance! A chance to swear allegiance to me! Remember, this opportunity is only once, once you miss it, you will be No more. Now, if you are willing, please come forward."


There was silence in the entire huge dragon's nest.

Whether it was the giant dragon, the monsters, or the barbarian warriors, no one reacted immediately. Instead, you looked at me and I looked at you, obviously hesitant.

Finally, an evil male adult brass dragon stood up, crawled on the ground in an extremely humble posture, and said respectfully: "Great Master, I, Kurremos, swear allegiance to you and am willing to obey you. Every order given.”

"Very good! Now I allow you to change into humanoid form, and then stand behind me."

Zuo Si gave the first order to this giant metal dragon that fell into the evil camp for unknown reasons.

The latter had obviously recognized who the young human standing in front of him was, and chose to follow the instructions without even a word of nonsense, eventually transforming into a half-elf male.

"Is there anyone else?"

Zuo Si glanced at the eyes of all the prisoners and asked loudly again.

But the result was still silence.

Except for the brass dragon named Kurremus, the other monsters and dragons lowered their heads in silence, not knowing what they were thinking.

After realizing that there would be no results if he asked any more questions, he raised the corners of his mouth with a chilling smile: "Okay, that's it for the surrender. The next step is how to deal with the enemy. Please remember, I gave you a chance. Dire Wolf! Infect all humanoid creatures with the curse of lycanthropy."

As the last word blurted out, the wolf-goblins immediately rushed forward, using their claws or teeth to tear open non-fatal wounds on all the human captives.

After the last unlucky guy was infected, Zuo Si took out the card hidden in his hand and directly transformed it into a physical object.

The next second...


Black shimmering oil spurted out from the huge container, instantly drowning most of the captives including monsters, dragons, and barbarians.


"Damn it! What the hell is this thing?"

"It... they are eating away at my body!"

"Ahhhhhh! Get out! Get out of here!"

"Devil! This guy is an out-and-out demon!"

Countless captives with sufficient intelligence fell completely into madness and began to struggle crazily in the black, sticky oil.

Others sprayed out various breaths from their mouths, or used their innate spell-like abilities to prevent Shuoyou from approaching.

But unfortunately, all these efforts were in vain.

After a while, all living things began to inevitably "complete".

In order to ensure that Shuoyou had enough metal to transform it, Zuo Si also poured out a large amount of metal collected in Mirrodin time and space from a suitcase.

Soon, the skin of some monsters began to peel off, revealing the bright red muscles and blood vessels inside.

Immediately afterwards, the metal part replaced the skin and covered the outer layer, and at the same time, the heart was gradually replaced by the completed oil engine.

The horrifying transformation scene, not to mention the brass dragon that had just surrendered - Kurremos was so scared that even Wilmes, who had always been bold, was swallowing saliva because of nervousness.

Especially the transformation process without anesthesia, the pain has long exceeded the limit that normal creatures can bear.

The heart-rending screams and wails even reached the surface through the mage tower, frightening the civilians passing by.

After about half an hour, the wailing finally stopped completely.

I saw several giant steel dragons that were nearly twice as big as before, standing in the open space, lowering their heads to express their submission to Shuoyou's master.

Behind and beside them, a large group of humanoid creatures also covered with metal were densely kneeling.

At first glance, it looks like an army composed of metal structures or mechas.

Zuo Si unceremoniously sealed it with a card and recovered all the remaining shimmering oil on the ground.

After finishing all this, he turned around with satisfaction and said to the brass dragon next to him: "Congratulations, you made an extremely correct choice, otherwise you would be like them now."

"Just...what was that black grease just now?"

Kurremus asked with a slightly trembling voice.

He simply couldn't believe that there was such a terrifying and dangerous thing in this world that could forcibly transform so many dragons and countless monsters into half-flesh, half-inorganic puppets in such a short period of time. .

"Haha, don't worry about it, it's just some gadgets.

Now let's talk about you.

If you don’t mind, could you tell me how, as a metal dragon born with a good alignment, you fell into the evil alignment? "

Zuo Si looked at the brass dragon with interest.

Although many people believe that chromatic dragons are generally evil, metallic dragons are good.

But this is not absolutely the case.

There are also a few cases where the color dragon is of the good camp and the metal dragon is of the evil camp.

Among them, the Brass Dragon, who is eloquent and likes to take advantage, often slips from chaotic good to chaotic evil or neutral evil accidentally.

"I accidentally killed my sister while fighting for a gem. Then, in order to protect myself when my mother launched an attack in a rage, I accidentally killed my mother. In the end, I had to flee to the inaccessible northern land to hide."

Kurremos said something very informative in very simple language.

"You killed your sister? And then you killed your biological mother? Tiamat! Are you sure you are a brass dragon and not a red dragon?"

Wilmes opened his mouth in shock.

She swore that even a red dragon as cold, cruel and tyrannical as herself would rarely be so mad as to commit parricide.

What's even more frightening is that the other party can also say it in an almost victim tone.

Wilmes' words undoubtedly deeply stimulated Culremus, making his eyes red and his whole body filled with visible anger and madness, as if he might pounce on him at any time.

But in the end, he didn't choose to do that.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I really can’t beat him.

The size difference between the two in dragon form is several times greater.

The Brass Dragon is like a child who has not grown up in front of the Purgatory Red Dragon, and does not have the strength to fight against it.

After finally suppressing the anger that was aroused, Kurremos gritted his teeth and roared: "I said! It was an accident!

I originally just wanted to grab that beautiful opal!

But my mother didn't even ask. When she saw my sister's body, she rushed up and wanted to kill me.

what can I do?

Let her kill him?


I don’t want to die yet, so I can only resist and explain at the same time.

But who knew that while flying over a cliff, a huge boulder suddenly rolled down from the cliff, breaking the mother's neck and head together..."

"Then you tearfully inherited all the property of your mother and sisters and fled to the Spine of the World in the north to hide alone?"

Zuo Si smiled half-heartedly, interrupting the brass dragon's self-justification.

At this moment, his eyes were flashing with blue light, and he was obviously reading the thoughts and memories in the other person's mind.

There is no doubt that Culremus is not as innocent as he just said,

Just the opposite!

This is a standard "filial dragon", and the "filial piety" is jaw-dropping...

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