A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 297 The resurrection that almost caused a riot (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

In early October, the cold and humid mountain wind blew throughout the castle.

The cold rain beat on the windows day and night like bullets, making bursts of crackling sounds that were disturbing.

Many students caught colds because they accidentally got caught in the rain, and they rushed to the infirmary to ask Madam Pomfrey to prescribe some medicine to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms.

In just a few days, a magical potion called "Chili Potion" quickly spread throughout all grades.

Anyone who drinks this potion will immediately become hot all over, and smoke will be continuously sprayed out from the ears, dispelling the cold as quickly as possible and warming the user from top to bottom.

Even if you don't have a cold, having a drink in this crazy weather can still bring you a pretty good experience.

The only drawback is the spicy taste and strong irritation to the mouth and throat.

Of course, for some people who like spicy food, this is an advantage.

As usual, Ron got up early while others were still asleep, quickly went to the auditorium hall to eat something, then drank a "pepper potion", and at the same time added a waterproof spell to himself, planning to Wait for Snape to come to you and do the dirty and tiring work.

Since that night's conversation, he'd readjusted his mindset and begun to view the targeting as additional exercise.

With lots of practice on the job, proficiency in many common spells increases rapidly.

If it continues at this rate, by the end of this semester, let alone fourth grade, even fifth grade will be able to barely reach it.

After all, in addition to magic power and talent, the most important thing about magic is a lot of repetitive and boring training.

Due to the nature of young people who are restless and always curious about new things, ordinary students find it difficult to calm down and practice one or even a few spells. Instead, they prefer to learn more spells and pile them up first.

As everyone knows, with this kind of attitude that only seeks knowledge but not perfection, the more you learn now, the more you will forget after graduation.

But Ron, with the help of Snape's targeted punishment, was lucky enough to practice several of his common spells at work to a level far beyond those of his peers.

If he were thrown onto the duel stage with Master Malfoy now, the latter would probably be knocked down within a few seconds.

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Ron always felt that the new wand given to him by Zuo Si seemed to be easier to use, and the release speed and power of many spells were significantly improved than before.

But what surprised him was that Snape seemed to appear much later today than yesterday.

Seeing that the time was approaching seven o'clock, many students were struggling to get up from their warm beds and join in the procession of having breakfast. There was still no sign of the Potions Professor.

Are you going to let yourself go?

Or did you catch a cold due to the cold rain?

Unlike Harry Potter, who had mixed feelings of love and hate for Snape, Ron only had a naked and undisguised dislike of Snape, so he never minded speculating from the most malicious angle.

But soon, he noticed that Snape was not sick, but was talking quietly to Zuo Si outside.

About a few minutes later, his parents appeared at the school led by Professor McGonagall.

Especially the mother, Molly, looked very nervous and excited, with tears even shining in her eyes.

His father, Arthur, kept comforting him from the sidelines.

It looks like something happened at home...

Could it be that an elderly relative has passed away?

No! wrong!

If a relative passes away, there is no need to come to school.

Just when Ron was making random guesses, he saw Principal Dumbledore walking over from a distance with a tired look and making a gesture, and then everyone walked towards the outside of the castle together until they completely disappeared from sight.

Just when Ron was about to chase her out to find out, he suddenly saw a sleepy Hermione coming down the stairs, holding the cat with weird eyes in her arms.


The girl said hello out of habit, and then picked up a glass of milk out of habit.

Due to entering the second growth period, Zuo Si's height is growing at an extremely fast rate, and is currently half a head taller than her.

Therefore, whether it is to be taller or bigger, girls force themselves to develop a good habit of drinking milk.

Not only do I drink one or two glasses every morning, but I also drink one or two glasses at night before going to bed.

"Good morning. By the way, do you know what Soos has been busy with recently? I just saw him with Snape, Principal Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and my parents, and he seemed to be heading outside the castle. ." Ron quickly took the opportunity to ask.


Hermione shuddered immediately when she heard these words, and her original sleepiness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

There is no doubt that she is one of the very few students who knows the true function of the second magic stone. She has also heard Zuo Si mention the matter of the Ministry of Magic resurrecting the dead.

The girl was undoubtedly very curious and interested in this miraculous resurrection from the dead.

Although she doesn't have relatives or friends who want to be resurrected like others, and she has never seen death in the real sense since she was a child (she can't see the Thestral), she knows what this kind of magic can bring to the entire magical world. Violent shocks and changes.

Unless it’s a natural death at the end of life, who doesn’t want to have family and friends by their side forever?

Thinking of this, Hermione took a deep breath and responded: "I do know a little bit, but it's not convenient to tell you. But if you are interested in this, you can pay a little attention to tomorrow's Daily Prophet."

"Daily Prophet? Could it be that South has come up with another powerful invention?" Ron's eyes widened in surprise.

"Sorry, it's a secret."

Hermione raised the corners of her mouth and winked playfully, then raised her head and drank all the milk in the cup, and began to concentrate on eating breakfast.

After all, when Zuo Si was not at school, she not only had to go to class, but she also had to take care of the increasingly larger magical creatures in the laboratory.

If you don't eat enough, just feeding these dangerous little guys can make you exhausted.

Especially the poisonous leopard, after one month of development, it now looks like a strong calf.

Although his temper has become less irritable and aggressive under Zuo Si's training, he is quite naughty and active, and likes to tease people who come to feed him.

Several times when the girl was feeding this guy, she was knocked down or knocked down by his sneak attack.

In comparison, the ptarmigan seems relatively docile.

Although he often creates small-scale lightning storms in cages blessed with traceless stretching spells in the laboratory, he rarely plays tricks on those who feed him.

In short, as she spent more and more time with these magical animals, Hermione gradually began to understand why Hagrid liked big and fierce monsters.

The reason is simple!

When these beasts, which are extremely dangerous in the eyes of outsiders, act as well-behaved as pets in front of you, the feeling of satisfaction cannot be described in words.

In fact, ever since the gamekeeper Hagrid learned that Zuo Si had raised many magical creatures with very high dangerous levels, he would visit these so-called "little cuties" with a pile of food almost every three to five days.

Even though his fingers were bitten several times and even nearly seriously injured by the terrible poison, he showed no sign of anger.

It is estimated that when these cubs grow up, the laboratory will completely become "Hagrid's Happy House".

Just as a new day at Hogwarts was about to begin, Lockhart, who had been hiding in his office for several days without leaving the house. His face was as pale and decadent as a vampire. At this moment, he was facing the faucet of the women's bathroom, Zhang He opened his mouth and let out a bloodcurdling hissing sound from his throat.


The snake-like symbol on the faucet quickly seemed to come alive, releasing transformation magic to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed, and finally opened a pipe entrance deep underground.

No hesitation!

This usually very timid man blessed himself with a magic, then jumped deep and quickly shuttled through the intricate pipelines.

After about a few minutes, they arrived at the secret room located deep underground in the castle.


Harold muttered a spell in a low voice, his eyes flashing with a cold light that was completely different from before.

Obviously, the person who was controlling this body at this moment was not himself, but Voldemort's Horcrux that had awakened and resurrected from the diary.

Through the conversation with Harlot, he almost effortlessly broke down the other party's psychological defenses and made the liar confess everything he knew.

Especially the envy, jealousy and hatred towards Zuo Si made the young Dark Lord very curious.

Because he was an out-and-out genius when he was a student. He was not only good at figuring things out and winning over people's hearts, but he also deceived the professors.

But after hearing what Zuo Si did after entering the magic world, he immediately felt that he was completely outmatched.

In order to confirm the authenticity, Tom Riddle also checked a large number of newspapers and magazines from last year, and found that there was no exaggeration at all.

Among them, the magic scrolls and spell storage technology were shocking and unbelievable even to him, an extremely proud and conceited person.

According to the theory described in the book, as long as you fully master this technology, you can create a large number of scrolls and magic storage items.

At that time, the way wizards fight will gradually evolve from competing on the quantity, power and proficiency of spells to competing on who has the stronger financial resources.

In fact, there is already a trend in this regard in the magic world.

The Ministry of Magic in several countries has begun to equip their Aurors with double wands and wand rings, as well as a belt that can hold twenty-four scrolls.

When fighting against criminals and dark wizards, it often only takes a round of fierce spell bombing to make the other party surrender.

Of course, as an Auror in the law enforcement department can do this, dark wizards will naturally not be left behind.

Several well-known dark wizard gangs in Europe also used almost the same method and robbed several Gringotts teams transporting funds.

I heard that the cash that was taken away alone amounted to three to four million gold galleons, not to mention a large number of priceless treasures that had just been unearthed from ancient ruins.

But what the Dark Lord valued most was Zuo Si's success in creating the second magic stone in the history of wizards. ,

You must know that before this, only Nico Flamel had achieved this.

As for himself, although his level of alchemy is quite high and he has tried to make the magic stone, he failed without exception.

Because of this, Tom Riddle was particularly interested in Zuo Si's talents.

Especially since the other party has the blood of the Dumbledore family and was thrown into Slytherin House by the Sorting Hat, it is simply the best gift from God for him to regain his strength.

As long as this person can be brought under his command, it won't take long for him to make a comeback.

And this time, his goal will not be limited to the small British Isles, but to dominate the entire Europe and even the world.

Thinking of this, the young Dark Lord came to the huge statue and said in snake language like a hiss: "Wake up! My servant! The successor of the Chamber of Secrets is back! Now, I ask you to obey the order in accordance with the contract... …”

As the last word blurted out, a huge basilisk slowly crawled out of the statue's mouth.

Its body is so strong that it can easily swallow a horse with its huge mouth.

"Hiss...servant...at your call...obey the orders of the successor to the Chamber of Secrets..."

The basilisk also made a terrifying cry from its mouth.

Since it has been dormant in this dark place for decades, it is now very hungry and eager to devour something to satisfy its appetite.

Soon, Tom Riddle controlled the basilisk along the sewer pipes extending in all directions of the castle, and began to look for the first lone victim.

Because he knew that whether it was himself or the basilisk that had been dormant for a long time, the most urgent need right now was to regain strength.

Only in this way can he force Zuo Si to surrender to him through powerful force.

But the young Dark Lord didn't know that his other self had actually had a brief exchange and discussion with Zuo Si as early as last semester.

As for the result...

Anyway, after the fight, he never dared to come to find him unhappy again.

But it is a pity that the young Tom Riddle did not know this and was full of confidence in his own strength and wisdom.

After all, he opened the Chamber of Secrets with his own hands and eventually framed it on Hagrid, but he did it so flawlessly that even Dumbledore, who had strong suspicions about it, couldn't find any clues.

So I am confident that I can replicate the previous success this time.

At that time, as long as the whole thing is blamed on Zuo Si and sent to Azkaban for a few days, he will naturally hate Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

If you help him escape from prison as a savior, you will naturally gain the other party's allegiance.

It has to be said that Voldemort in his youth was indeed very clever in calculating people's hearts and human nature.

If it were an ordinary student, I'm afraid he might really be fooled by this.

But the problem is that Zuo Si has long been shaped in a dangerous and complex environment into a person who is extremely good at conspiracy and conspiracy, and he also knows all about secret rooms and basilisks.

In addition, he probably gave the diary to Harold, so how could he be deceived.

Tom Riddle had no idea that even he himself was just a test subject in Zuo Si's eyes.

At the same time, far beneath the center of London, lies the British Ministry of Magic.

Dozens of representatives from major families and senior officials from the Ministry of Magic were gathering around the tattered coffin, which had just been dug out of the cemetery and was filled with damp earth.

Next to the coffin, there is a human skeleton that has just been pieced together.

Minister of Magic Fudge's expression was particularly solemn and solemn today, and he took the initiative to say: "Everyone, I think you should all know very well what we are going to do today.

Yes, the Ministry of Magic now has the ability to resurrect the dead, and its source is the second magic stone created by Soth not long ago.

So before the ceremony starts, I want everyone to give it a round of applause.

Because without him, there would be no miraculous resurrection from the dead. "

The words just fell!

Whether it was the pure-blood families with arrogant expressions on their faces, or the mixed-blood and Muggle-born wizards, they all clapped their hands in agreement almost at the same time, and turned their attention to the young figure with black hair and black eyes not far away.

"Mr. Minister, you are so flattering. This is all due to the Ministry of Magic and your leadership. Without the support of those policies, I would not have achieved what I have achieved today."

Zuo Si, as always, gave old Fudge and the bureaucrats behind him plenty of face.

Because he knows very well what these guys want to hear from their own mouths, and then publish these words through newspapers and other media as a "political achievement."


Fudge's wrinkled old face bloomed like a chrysanthemum, and he just barely had the title "I am the greatest minister of magic in Britain" written on his forehead.

As for the subordinates like Umbridge, they all puffed up their chests and showed that they also had a share of credit.

To put it simply, this semi-public resurrection ceremony not only proves to those wealthy and powerful families that "resurrection from the dead" is true, it also has another function of showing the great achievements made by the Ministry of Magic under Fudge's leadership. .

As a gold medal reporter of the Daily Prophet, Rita Skeeter was not only invited to attend, but also got a very front seat. She was staring at the skeleton with wide eyes, intending to witness the birth of the miracle with her own eyes.

She knew very well that if today's resurrection ceremony really succeeded, then fame, wealth, power, or a high social status would follow.

The master to whom he is secretly loyal will inevitably become the most transcendent being in the entire magical world.

Suddenly, Rita Skeeter, who originally chose to surrender just because of fear, actually had a slight change in her mentality.

After all, Zuo Si is not like Voldemort, who relies entirely on death and fear to control his subordinates, but will give them enough benefits as long as they work diligently.

In this way, even if it is forced at the beginning, it will gradually become part of a huge community of interests over time.

In the relationship between people, having common interests is often much stronger than family affection, friendship and love.

"Hahahaha! Look how humble our rising stars and geniuses in the British wizarding world are. Who wouldn't like a young man like this?"

Fudge deliberately glanced at the expressionless Dumbledore not far away, laughed and patted Zuo Si on the shoulder to show his closeness.

Obviously, he was declaring to the old man who posed the greatest threat to his status and power that he was the current Minister of Magic, and at the same time letting the guests understand that Zuo Si was on his side.

It's a pity that Dumbledore ignored Fudge, but stared at the Sorcerer's Stone in Professor Herman's hand and the magic mercury flowing inside.

Seeing that Dumbledore ignored him at all, Fudge's eyes flashed with strong dissatisfaction, but he did not show it. Instead, he raised his hand to indicate that he could start resurrecting the skeleton.

After receiving permission, Professor Herman immediately excitedly extracted a portion of the shimmering magic mercury from the magic stone, and poured it into the healing potion and stirred it thoroughly.

After a while, everyone present saw wisps of white smoke coming from the potion bottle.

These are the visual effects produced by the magic mercury evaporating into the air.

As a highly unstable energy polymer, this solution can fuse with almost any substance or energy, so it must be used quickly once taken out.

Professor Herman, who has conducted countless experiments, naturally cannot fail to know this.

After stirring thoroughly, he immediately began to wave the wand to control the mixed solution to be sprinkled on the bones.

In less than ten seconds, a large number of muscles, blood vessels and complex nerve networks began to grow on the surface of the skeleton.

Such an incredible change made everyone present take a breath when they saw this scene for the first time.

When the facial repair was completed, revealing a face that was familiar to many people, Molly could no longer hold back the excitement in her heart and cried.

Because this person is the brother she misses day and night—Gideon Prewett.

Also excited were many members of the Prewett family, as well as comrades who joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought side by side with the Death Eaters.

When the skeleton completely transformed into a human being and the heart began to beat obviously, the atmosphere finally reached its climax.

Gideon Prewett's body first twitched violently, then he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the table. He subconsciously grabbed a sheet to cover his lower body, and then asked with a look of horror: "I... …Who am I? Why am I here? Who are you?"

"Gideon! It's me! I'm Molly! Your sister!"

Mrs. Weasley was the first to rush forward and hug her brother tightly.

With her taking the lead, the rest of the people who were close to Gideon also swarmed around him, either kissing his forehead or kissing his cheeks, and talking all kinds of things.

In the end, Professor Herman couldn't stand it anymore. He used all his strength to pull these overly excited guys away one by one, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Give way! Give way first! He has just been resurrected and his memory is still there." No recovery, no memory of who you are, don’t frighten him.”

But unfortunately, how could Professor Herman alone handle so many emotionally out-of-control relatives and friends.

You must know that the biggest feature of magic in this world is that its power can be affected by emotions. Therefore, wizards are often more emotional and impulsive than ordinary people.

When that energy comes up, Dumbledore may not even be able to persuade him to stop.

As a result, this carefully prepared resurrection ceremony eventually turned into a family recognition meeting between the Weasley family and the Prewett family.

After a group of people tirelessly narrated it, Gideon, who had just returned from the world of death, finally roughly understood what all of this was about.

But what really gave Fudge a headache was that after Gideon was successfully resurrected, the Prewett family was not satisfied and wanted to take this opportunity to resurrect the other Fabian.

Because of this incident, the scene quickly became chaotic.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the amount of mercury in the Magic Stone is limited. Why should your Prewett family seize so many resources?

In particular, the pure-blood family, which had accumulated astonishing wealth over hundreds or even thousands of years, immediately formed an offensive and defensive alliance in a very short period of time, and also wanted to force Fudge to reserve the remaining spots for himself.

Seeing that the scene was starting to get a little out of control, Dumbledore, who had always remained silent, finally coughed hard, walked slowly to the center of the room, grabbed the Sorcerer's Stone from Professor Herman's hand, and threw it to the person who was sitting next to him. Zuo Si, who is watching the theater.

"This is the trouble you caused. It's up to you to find a way to calm it down."


Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, but soon shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"No problem, it's a piece of cake.

First of all, I want to tell you that magic mercury is not limited, but can be transformed through some methods.

The simplest way is to kill those magical creatures within its scope of influence, which can be magical animals or dark wizards.

So I suggest that if anyone wants to resurrect someone, it is best to capture a sufficient number of dark wizards or dangerous creatures that cause death, and use the lives of these guys to convert magic mercury.

In addition, every resurrected person must be approved by the Ministry of Magic, and must not be a Death Eater, criminal, or dark wizard.

Because I didn't create it just to give those bastards another chance to resurrect and mess up the magic world. "

"Transformation through killing? Isn't this some kind of black magic?"

An older member of the Ministry of Magic Council couldn't help but question.

Zuo Si replied nonchalantly: "Black magic? No, it's not.

As we all know, the biggest characteristic of black magic is that it can corrode people's hearts and completely change a person's character unknowingly.

The process of converting magic mercury is simply to drain the target's magic power and vitality, and then compress it into a liquid state that is easy to store.

As long as the user maintains his original intention, he will not be affected by external factors.

If someone starts killing people crazily and unscrupulously to produce enough magic mercury because there are too many people who want to be resurrected, then it must be his own problem, not the problem of the magic stone.

The magic stone is just a tool, and how to use it depends on the person holding it. "

"Well said! Everyone, look at your ugly faces now. You are simply disgracing the face of the pure-blood family. When did we become so desperate that we wanted to fight for bones like wild dogs?"

Lucius Malfoy suddenly stood up, looking like the leader of the pure-blood faction.

However, Zuo Si noticed that when several pure-blood family representatives looked at him, their eyes revealed hatred and disgust.

One thing these families all have in common is that they joined the Death Eaters and were betrayed after Voldemort's fall.

However, they were liquidated after the Ministry of Magic regained power. Their current power was very weak and they were unable to confront the rising Malfoy family, so they could only choose to endure it silently.

"Lucius, what do you want to express?" The representative of the Avery family among the twenty-eight holy families couldn't help but ask.

"I mean, since the owner of the Philosopher's Stone is Lord Soth, why don't we let him draw up a priority list for resurrection?" Lucius suggested with a smile.

As a conspirator and a master of sideways jumping, he has come up with a plan to maximize profits in a very short period of time.

After all, Zuo Si is just one person, and the Ministry of Magic is a group of people.

Influencing the latter is easier and costs less money and resources than influencing the former.

The most important thing is that the outside world has no idea that the two are collaborating in private.

Lucius could get what he wanted from Zuo Si through trading, and then sell it to other pure-blood nobles at a higher price, while making the other party owe him a favor.

In this way, the Malfoy family can become the true leader of the pure-blood faction.

But before the representative of the Avery family could react, Zuo Si smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, Mr. Malfoy, I have no interest in wasting my precious time in a place like this.

And I have said a long time ago that this stone will be left entirely to the Ministry of Magic.

I believe that with Minister Fudge's impartiality, he will definitely draw up a resurrection list that satisfies everyone.

I can understand your desire to reunite with your deceased loved ones as soon as possible.

But please remember not to be greedy, let alone push for an inch, otherwise I won't mind taking this stone back or destroying it. "

With that said, Zuo Si pulled out his wand and pointed it at the magic stone and shot a dazzling light.

The next second...

The surface of this magic stone that drove countless people crazy was densely covered with spider web-like cracks, as if it would shatter in the next second.

Before anyone could say anything to stop it, those cracks immediately and inexplicably disappeared.

After doing all this, Zuo Si handed the magic stone to Fudge again: "Minister, resurrection from the dead is a powerful and mysterious magical power. We currently know very little about its principles. I hope you can be cautious. Under the premise, make good use of it to benefit the entire magical world."

"Of course! I will!"

Fudge quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said confidently.

It is easy to see from the panic in his eyes that he was frightened by the battle just now and was unable to control the situation at all.

You must know that the operation of the Ministry of Magic has relied on these wizards and the families behind them for a long time.

Although the number of half-blood and Muggle-born wizards has increased in recent years, the power and influence of the former remains immense.

If they get into trouble, there will probably be a civil war in any minute.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si's threat to destroy the Magic Stone has taken effect.

Because as the creator of the Philosopher's Stone, this is his birthright, and no one can stop it.

This is just like last year when Nicolas Flamel gave the Philosopher's Stone he made to Dumbledore for destruction, which caused an uproar in the entire French wizarding community and almost triggered a diplomatic crisis. However, in the end, the French wizards could only swallow the bitter pill with tears.

Seeing that Fudge was so frightened that he had no idea, Umbridge quickly stepped forward to receive Zuo Si's support and made a series of promises on behalf of the Ministry of Magic at the speed of cutting through the mess with a knife.

It also announced that it would convene a council of all wizards to decide through a collective vote how to use the magic stone and who will be the next person to be resurrected.

Anyone who knows something about a referendum-like system knows that backroom dealing, corruption and bribery are almost inevitable when something is decided in a similar way.

So the representatives of pure-blood families with huge financial resources and influence were satisfied.

They believe that with the strength of their family, they will be able to eat the biggest piece of cake.

Likewise, half-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards were also satisfied.

Because in the past, good things like this would never be my turn.

But now, not only can they take a sip of the soup, but they might also be able to nibble on a piece of meat.

In this way, the crowd that was red-faced a few minutes ago became peaceful a few minutes later.

Umbridge gave full play to her expertise and quickly established good relationships with more than a dozen wealthy pure-blood families.

By the time the show was over, she had actually attracted a total of 1.6 million galleons in sponsorship and donations for the Ministry of Magic.

Seeing what was originally a tit-for-tat competition turn into various dirty deals in private, Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh slightly and said: "This is not the result I want to see."

Zuo Si sneered and asked, "Then what result do you want to see?

Should I destroy the Philosopher's Stone once and for all in public?

No, Professor, even destroying the Philosopher's Stone will not calm the restlessness in these people's hearts.

Because they have seen the miracle of resurrection from the dead, they will try their best to let me make another one, or get the method of making it from me.

Moreover, politics is originally an art of compromise. I think competing within rules and frameworks is much better than overturning the table directly.

Once you have established rules, the potential threats you perceive will be much reduced.

Plus, look at the emotional tears on Mrs. Weasley's face, don't you think it was all worth it? "

"Oh - maybe you are right. Maybe I am too old and can no longer keep up with this era, so I always subconsciously choose the most conservative attitude when facing new things. If I am not wrong, you You should have helped Severus resurrect Harry's mother, right?" Dumbledore asked in a low voice.

"Haha, do you still need to ask this? Just look at the happy smile on Professor Snape's face." Zuo Si chose to admit it simply.

Dumbledore then asked: "Besides Lily, who else did you resurrect? Minerva's lover and brother?"

Zuo Si glanced at Professor McGonagall, who was chatting quietly with Gideon, and replied very playfully: "No, not yet. Professor McGonagall is a cautious person and wants to understand the situation first before deciding who to resurrect. But I I think after today is over, she should come to me soon and ask for a piece of magic mercury."

"How much magic mercury do you have on hand?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes very sensitively.

"Well - it's probably enough to resurrect five people. Why, do you have any relatives or friends you want to resurrect?" Zuo Si raised his head and stared at the old man's bright blue eyes full of wisdom.


The greatest wizard of our time visibly hesitated, but soon shook his head slightly and responded in an almost cold tone: "No! And... I don't want to disturb the sleep of any deceased."

After saying these words, he turned and left the Ministry of Magic, disappearing from everyone's sight through Apparition.

"My brother is really a heartless person, isn't he? Even if you have revealed that you are willing to give out a piece of magic mercury, he is still so cruel that he would rather refuse than resurrect his dead sister."

Aberforth appeared behind him at some point, with a hint of resentment in his tone.

"Why do you have time to come to the Ministry of Magic?" Zuo Si asked without looking back.

Aberforth shrugged his shoulders and replied: "Of course it is to give Ariana a legal identity.

I just donated fifty thousand gold galleons to the Ministry of Magic, and Umbridge promised that my sister's death record would be legally expunged within the next month at the latest.

In addition to me, Snape also donated a hundred thousand gold galleons.

It seemed that he was already planning to have a showdown with Albus and then hold an open wedding with Lily. "

"So, are you ready to face the principal's wrath?" Zuo Si was obviously surprised.

Because he knew that Ariana was the most shady side of Albus Dumbledore, and the source of his guilt and regret.

If there is anything in this world that can make this old man angry, excited and crazy, it must be this sister who was accidentally killed by his own hands.


The person who killed Ariana was none other than Albus Dumbledore himself, not which of the three people was unknown according to outside rumors.

After all, there are powerful magic props like the Pensieve in this world!

Even if everything happened so suddenly that you didn't notice it at the time, you can still trace it back through memories until the scenes you least want to look back on are fully revealed.

Of course, it was no one else but Aberforth who told Zuo Si the truth.

Because of this, more than a hundred years have passed since the tragedy, but he still can't let go and forgive his brother.

"Anger? Huh! I want to see what other face he has in front of Ariana." Aberforth tightened his grip on the wand in his hand.

Zuo Si comforted softly: "Okay, don't be so excited. Maybe Professor Dumbledore will accept all this happily. By the way, how is Ariana's situation now?"

"Not bad. She is exactly the same as when she was a child. Not only has she started to learn to speak, but she is also very interested in various toys. After a while, she should be able to communicate normally. To be honest, I still can't believe it. Everything is actually true.”

When he mentioned his sister, Aberforth's attitude immediately softened, and his eyes showed infinite tenderness.

"In that case, you must live a few more years, at least protect her until you get married and have children, and have a happy family." Zuo Si joked with a smile.

When Aberforth heard this, he couldn't help laughing immediately: "Hahahaha! Don't worry, I'm in good health and I can live for at least another thirty years. If any heartless person dares to make Ariana sad, I promise to cut off his head and stuff it into his butt. What’s more, I still owe you a favor. I will never die before repaying it.”

"How scary! I doubt that Ariana's future suitors will be scared away by your vicious brother." Zuo Si's mouth twitched slightly.

In his opinion, Aberforth was running in the direction of "girl control".

It is estimated that if anyone dares to speak loudly to Ariana, he will immediately retaliate against him.

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, as long as Ariana likes it, I will find a way to make that guy come to propose."

Aberforth grinned with a chilling smile.

You must know that as the younger brother of Albus, he can fight against Grindelwald for hundreds of rounds. He has very profound knowledge in both spells and potions, and he can do it without anyone noticing. To control someone, or to make him drink a love potion.

Anyway, as long as my sister likes it, it doesn't matter whether the other party is willing or not. Magic can solve everything...

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