A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 296: Spark Resonance (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

"Is not it?

Just because Harry is the savior, he can be forgiven no matter what he does wrong.

Whether it is my parents, Principal Dumbledore or other professors, they will always look at him differently.

Even Snape changed his attitude this term.

But what about me?

Do I deserve to have to bear all this alone?

Growing up, I could only pick up my brothers’ used things. I kept hearing my parents and others around me praise Bill, Charlie, and Percy. Even George and Fred were more popular than me among my classmates.

I'm just a little ordinary, what's wrong with that? "

Ron had obviously accumulated a lot of resentment in the past few days, and now he finally found a channel to vent it.

The previous envy for the savior has now turned into anger and resentment.

After all, Snape's degree of partiality no longer needs any explanation, it is obvious to almost everyone.

With his awkward personality, he is not even suitable to be a teacher who teaches and educates people.

Not to mention teenagers, even adults who are targeted by it for a long time will almost inevitably have a mental explosion.

Looking at Ron who had an expression of "It's not me but the world that's wrong" in front of him, Zuo Si couldn't help but smile, and said while laughing: "In the final analysis, you are just angry that you have been treated unfairly, even... Angry best friend Harry.

But do you know that Harry has been silently enduring the experiences that you think are like living in hell these past few days from the time he was sensible until he entered Hogwarts at the age of eleven?

Do you know how he feels when he can only watch his cousin receive piles of gifts every year on his birthday, but he has nothing, not even a happy birthday to you?

Did you know that if he pissed off anyone in the family, he would be locked in a closet and starved for days?

Did you know that the Dursleys would insult his dead parents at every opportunity?

Do you know that he can only wear his cousin's old clothes that are obviously one size larger and baggy all year round, and at the same time he is constantly bullied at school and can't even make a single friend? Do you know the loneliness?

Did you know that from the age of six or seven, he has to learn to do various household chores including washing dishes, doing laundry, weeding, wiping tables and floors, etc.?

No, you know nothing.

To you, Harry Potter is just a celebrity with a savior aura and a large inheritance, and the eleven years he lived in misery in the Muggle world don't matter at all.

Even those descriptions are just pale words and language.

Do you feel that you are miserable, wronged, and have suffered all the suffering in this world?

Believe me, Ron, what you're going through now is nothing compared to Harry.

And I discovered that no, Harry rarely mentioned his almost miserable childhood to others, and he would never blame others and try to shirk all responsibilities and faults just because he suffered a little setback like you.

His bravery, perseverance and indomitable willpower are the reasons why your parents, Principal Dumbledore and other professors appreciate him.

So don't always talk about unfairness, because compared to Harry, you at least have parents who love you, a big family that is slightly poor but complete and lively, and brothers and sisters who love you equally.

You were not fostered in the home of a malicious relative, and you were not forced to eat scraps all day long.

Remember how thin Harry looked when he first came to school last term?

Let me tell you, that is the result of long-term malnutrition.

Sometimes I really don’t understand. You obviously have more than the other person, but why do you always act like you have low self-esteem and are weak?

Because Harry has a large inheritance and more pocket money at his disposal?

Or is it just because his name is Harry Potter, the legendary savior who defeated the mysterious man and saved the British wizarding world?

But have you ever thought about the price he paid for all this?

If it were you, would you rather receive a large inheritance, or would you rather have your parents and family by your side? "

Following a series of questions, Ron, who was indignant one second, fell into shock and silence the next second.

After all, although Harry had occasionally mentioned his childhood experiences before, most of the time he just brushed it off and did not describe it in detail.

So his knowledge of this was limited to knowing that his friend had not been doing well before he came to Hogwarts. The Dursleys were very, very annoying, but that was all.

But now, after listening to Zuo Si's more specific description, the misery and despair that hit his face instantly extinguished all the fire in Ron's stomach.


Compared to the days when Harry Potter lived in the Muggle world, what was the grievance and suffering he was enduring now?

Especially in the last semester, the other party had been frantically targeted by Snape and Malfoy, and at the end of the semester, he had a head-on encounter with the terrifying Dark Lord.

Those were the murderers and enemies who killed Harry's biological parents...

If we really want to dig deeper into "unfairness", then Harry Potter is the person most qualified to say these three words.

Thinking of his inexplicable anger and resentment in the past few days, as well as his sarcastic and bad attitude towards the classmates and brothers who came to visit, Ron couldn't help but feel ashamed, and hung his head as if he was hopeless.

"Are you awake now?"

Zuo Si waved his wand and cleared away all the empty plates and leftover food on the table, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Ron nodded slightly: "Yes, I'm awake. Thank you, otherwise I might have done something more extreme in a daze. But I don't understand, why do you want to help me?"

"The reason for helping you is very simple. I hope to see a different Ron Weasley, not the follower next to Harry Potter, the savior." Zuo Si replied casually.

"With... a follower?"

Ron was slightly stunned.

Because he always considered his relationship with Harry to be friends.

"Otherwise, what do you think? Or do you think there is any difference between your relationship with Harry and the relationship between Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy?

I can tell you very clearly that there is no essential difference.

What you have in common is that you all attach your life to another person.

Think about it carefully, whenever your views and opinions conflict with Harry's, do you always subconsciously compromise and give in?

Although it is natural for friends to help each other and tolerate each other.

But if one person always takes the initiative and the other person gives in without a bottom line, then this relationship cannot be called a friend, but a master and a servant, a superior and a subordinate.

Are you sure you really have to live in the shadow of Harry Potter?

Think about it, when you grow up more than ten years later, when the outside world mentions you, you will always use words like Harry and his friends, but you don't even deserve a name. Are you really willing to be in this situation?

Don't you hope to achieve something with your own wisdom, strength and skills? "

At this moment, Zuo Si's tone and attitude were exactly the same as those devils in Baator Hell who tricked mortals into selling their souls.

Under the influence of his inflammatory words, Ron soon inevitably developed a spark of ambition.

As a magic school, Hogwarts makes almost zero efforts to care for and guide the mental health of young students, which gives Zuo Si a lot of room for maneuver.

To be precise, except for the savior Harry Potter, there is no other student who can receive special treatment and care from so many people from the principal to professors at the same time.

Most students are basically barbaric. When bullied, they can only endure it silently, or they can form gangs and look for opportunities to take revenge.

This is why students from the four major colleges all like to stay in groups without exception.

Because not joining the group means you will be bullied to death.

It is not surprising that Slytherin students who grew up in such an environment would choose to become Death Eaters.

After all, from their point of view, whether it is Voldemort or the entire top management of the organization, they are basically talented seniors and seniors of their own college. After joining, the other party will naturally take care of them. In essence, it is still the same concept in the school of teaming up for warmth.

"What do you think I should do?" Ron took a deep breath and asked. "

“First of all, correct your attitude and get to know yourself again.

Secondly, try to keep a distance from Harry during this semester, so as to eliminate the image of you as a follower in the eyes of others.

Finally, and most importantly, raise your spell level to at least a fourth grade level.

If you have done the above, then we will talk about the second step next semester.

Oh, by the way, since your wand is broken, I’ll give you this as a gift.

If you encounter any problems or difficulties in learning and practicing magic, you can come to me at any time and I will be very happy to provide some help within my ability. "

After that, Zuo Si took out a hand-made wand and placed it on the table, then stood up and disappeared at the end of the dark corridor where he couldn't see his fingers.

Carefully picking up the new wand placed in front of him, Ron murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear as if he was possessed by a man possessed: "I am Ron Weasley...I am not anyone's follower... Let alone live in Harry’s shadow for the rest of his life..."

After muttering under his breath for about two or three minutes, he dragged his tired body back to the Gryffindor common room.

"What did you do to Ron?"

Hermione, who had been hiding in the darkness and peeking for a long time, finally asked.

"I didn't do anything. As you can see, I just invited him to a meal, and then told him some truths and the most superficial truths. As for the rest, it was Ron's own choice." Zuo Si He smiled nonchalantly and shrugged his shoulders.

You don't need to ask to know that the reason why he appears here tonight is entirely because of the girl next to him who is only wearing pajamas.

As a classmate with whom she had a relatively good relationship in the first grade, Hermione couldn't bear to watch Ron degenerate step by step, turning into a disgusting person who was hated by everyone and hated by dogs.

But she couldn't think of any good solution herself, so she could only turn to Zuo Si, who seemed to be able to solve any problem easily, and then the conversation tonight happened.

"But Ron seems to have changed a bit more than I expected." The corner of the girl's mouth twitched slightly inadvertently.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "Isn't this great? Not only does he no longer have low self-esteem and cowardice, but he is also ready to hone himself and do a career. If Mrs. Weasley knows that her youngest son has finally enlightened, maybe she will He thanked me with tears in his eyes."

"Well, maybe you're right. But I'm not sure Harry is ready to accept a new Ron." Hermione whispered her worries.

She knew very well that although the savior was usually a very talkative person, he was actually a very stubborn person at heart.

Once a decision is made, it will never be changed easily.

If Ron compromises everywhere like before, then the two of them will naturally get along very happily.

But if Ron also becomes independent and insists on his own opinions, sooner or later they will have a fierce quarrel, and it is not impossible that they may even part ways and become strangers.

"Everyone should live for themselves instead of flattering others. Ron just chose another life path. Harry can either accept it completely or bless and end this friendship. Although he is the savior, he also Understand that the world does not revolve around him alone."

Zuo Si obviously didn't care at all about Harry's reaction.

Because he knew that the boy would soon lose his mind to think about these messy things.

As the Ministry of Magic begins to formulate relevant laws and regulations, and at the same time resurrects the dead semi-publicly, Snape will soon obtain a legal identity for Lily and appear openly in front of everyone.

At that time, Harry's biggest headache will probably be how to deal with his relationship with his stepfather.

In addition, how should we deal with the younger siblings who were born after the mother became pregnant?

As for Ron...

Sorry, this friend who he has only known for a year is far less important to Harry than his mother.

After ending this topic, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became subtle.

Both of them could clearly feel that the large amount of hormones secreted was affecting their bodies and producing a strong urge.

Especially the bright moonlight shining in from outside the window makes the surrounding environment look very romantic.

Soon, the distance between Zuo Si and the girl kept getting closer, and finally their lips collided.

After a full minute, they slowly separated with unfinished thoughts.




Hermione could hear her heart beating wildly, and her whole body was shaking with overexcitement and nervousness.

Even without looking in the mirror, she knew that her face must be red at the moment, because the hot feeling couldn't lie. At the same time, her brain was secreting dopamine and endorphins crazily, bringing an unforgettable ultimate pleasure.

And this kind of happiness and pleasure is something that the girl has never experienced before.

In comparison, Zuo Si, who was quite experienced in this area, was much better. After licking his lips, he smiled and joked: "Is this a reward for my help tonight?"

"That's right! How do you feel now?" Hermione asked pretending to be calm.

"Hmm - not bad. But I still want more. And the skills in this area are a bit stiff and immature, and need more practice." Zuo Si also followed the nonsense.

"It's twelve o'clock now. I think we can practice for another ten minutes before returning to the dormitory to sleep." The girl suggested after glancing at the clock hanging on the wall.

"Happy to accompany you."

Soon, the two young people hugged each other again.

No one knows exactly how long the exercise lasted, but it was certainly much longer than ten minutes.

During the daytime class the next day, Hermione, who had always presented herself as a good student who listened carefully and answered various questions raised by the professor, unexpectedly deserted, yawned, and occasionally blushed and giggled inexplicably.

Some experienced senior female students immediately realized what this reaction meant and smiled knowingly.

After all, this kind of thing is so common at Hogwarts that it's nothing to be alarmed about.

For some couples who fall in love in fifth or sixth grade, it is normal to stay away from home for several days and nights.

Compared with girls whose flaws are easily seen, Zuo Si behaved no differently than usual.

He just regarded what happened last night as a way to relax his mind. After it was over, he quickly turned his attention to reading Netherese scrolls and studying various magics and spells.

In less than a month, he had successfully digested and absorbed a lot of knowledge and information brought from the Floating City.

Among them, [Starfall], a super destructive magic that is far more powerful than nuclear weapons, has now been officially added to the magic cards available for use.

Especially after throwing away [Starfall] and then activating [Spell Disaster] for graveyard linkage, I am afraid that the world can be messed up in a matter of minutes. In more serious cases, it may permanently change the landform, natural environment, and spell-casting environment. It is an out-and-out "world-destroying" package.

Looking at the new card that he had worked so hard to create, Zuo Si touched his chin and whispered softly: "I don't know if the power of [Starfall] plus [Spell Disaster] can achieve the legendary destruction of the world. Solan’s artifact—it’s almost the same as the omen.”

"You want the same omen?"

Diary suddenly asked.

"Of course! That is a terrifying magical power that can make countless planeswalkers change their minds after hearing it. It is said that just the aftermath can tear apart and create twelve fragmented worlds in an instant. If I have such a trump card, I can explore with confidence and boldness Zendikar without worrying about being killed by the Eldrazi Titan sealed in that world." Zuo Si answered without hesitation.

The Syndrome is something invented and created by the Sorans, an ancient intelligent race in Dominaria's time and space.

No one knows what principle it uses, let alone how it is made.

The only thing that is known so far is that when the Syndrome was activated, Dominaria's time and space was torn into pieces by terrifying power and fell into a terrifying ice period that lasted for thousands of years.

As for the Sorans, they were once the first race to establish a glorious civilization in Dominaria. They even developed to the point where they could manufacture various large aircraft, floating cities, intelligent constructs, automated machine workers, human body modification technology, and countless other A super giant machine that even modern earth technology cannot imagine.

Later, due to a dispute over technical routes, a powerful and evil leader named Yawgmoth emerged. Under the leadership of an ancient planeswalker, he came to a mechanical time and space and transformed it into half-machine and half-living things everywhere. Phyrexian form of life.

In the end, Yawgmoth, who created Phyrexia, destroyed and buried his hometown with his own hands, completely sweeping the Thran civilization into the garbage heap of history.

He himself is regarded by many planeswalkers as one of the greatest threats in the entire multiverse.

Just by looking at Yawgmoth and the Phyrexia he created, we can see just how powerful the Thran civilization was back then.

Therefore, as the ultimate weapon that condenses the most advanced technology and magic of this civilization, the complexity of Tongzhao is not even fully understood by many planeswalkers, but can only be used for a while.

If he could obtain the same omen, Zuo Si would be equivalent to obtaining the prerequisites for equal dialogue with any force and those ancient planeswalkers.

Otherwise, in the eyes of veteran planeswalkers such as Sorin Markov and Spirit Dragon Ugin, novices like him are probably not much different from other mortals, and will most likely be used as pawns or cannon fodder at critical moments.

Thinking of this, Zuo Si summoned the legacy and fell into deep contemplation looking at this thing shaped by the sparks of the previous planeswalker.

Because he suddenly realized that almost all planeswalkers had some unique signature skills of their own.

For example, Sorin Markov is good at creating life, and the conglomerate Nahiri is good at drawing power from the earth and shaping rocks into various shapes.

For another example, Spirit Dragon Wujin invented a universal and attributeless energy through long-term research on the relationship between matter and energy, which can be applied to his own original magic system.

"You want to take advantage of this extra spark?"

The diary seemed to be aware of the owner's crazy thoughts, and his tone revealed unparalleled surprise.

Because things like sparks are a mystery even to planeswalkers.

There is no way to detect what it is, how it was born, whether it is energy or matter.

The only thing that is known is that very few people possess a spark, and even fewer are able to eventually ignite it.

In some time and space, several or even a dozen planeswalkers may be born at the same time, while in other time and space, there may not be even one.

Zuo Si replied meaningfully: "Why not?

Most planeswalkers only have one spark, but I have two.

This is both a disadvantage and will interfere with my teleportation ability, but it is also an advantage.

As long as I can make the two sparks resonate and act on my body and soul at the same time, I can explode with unimaginable power.

And this kind of power is enough to frighten those high gods. "

"Spark resonance? You are really becoming more and more crazy. Be careful, the spark is not an ordinary thing. It is not only the source of power, but also a part of your life. If something goes wrong, it will not just be death. So simple." The diary warned solemnly.

Zuo Sishen nodded in agreement: "I understand this without you reminding me. What's more, this research has just taken shape in my mind and will not be easily put into practical action in a short time."

But after all, since the idea was born, the four words "Spark Resonance" are like a seed, taking root and sprouting in his heart.

Except for occasionally taking some time to cultivate a relationship with Hermione, all the rest of his energy was devoted to studying Sparks.

Of course, as a cautious and life-saving person, Zuo Si did not mess around with his own sparks. Instead, he used the sparks left by the previous planeswalker as experimental products and conducted a series of tests that were not dangerous.

Through these tests, he obtained a lot of valuable information and data about sparks.

Just before he was about to go to the Ministry of Magic to participate in the ceremony to resurrect Gideon Prewett, Zuo Si came alone to the depths of the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, stood on a bare boulder, and began to try for the first time. spark a resonance between sparks.

"Master, I have driven away all the creatures within a few kilometers of the surrounding area. You can start with peace of mind." A summoned black dragon reported in the common vocabulary of Faeren.

"Very good! Keep on alert! Remember, don't let anyone get close." Zuo Si ordered without raising his head.

Without saying a word, the black dragon immediately rose into the air and began to circle around the dense woods.

As soon as several unicorns and centaurs had the intention of approaching, he immediately swooped down and unleashed the power of the dragon, quickly scaring them away.

In fact, if Zuo Si had not ordered not to kill, this evil black dragon would have been more than happy to play tricks on the intruders and then brutally kill and eat them.

But unfortunately, the master's order is absolute for ordinary summoned creatures, and there is no possibility that it can be misinterpreted.

This is completely different from having followers with great power and growth.

Seeing the black dragon disappear completely in the night sky, Zuo Si closed his eyes and began to feel the two sparks in his body.

Among them, the burning spark in his chest, he knew without asking that it belonged to him.

The spark located on the right arm near the back of the hand, giving people a dying spark that seems to be extinguished at any time, belongs to the former planeswalker.

After confirming the location of the spark, Zuo Si took off his upper body clothes, stood shirtless on the boulder, raised his right arm and lightly bumped it against his chest.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A dazzling beam of light penetrates the sky and the earth!

The resonance generated by just one close approach immediately released unimaginable terrifying and destructive power.

Everything within a radius of five kilometers, including trees, rocks, soil, and various small animals, were all evaporated by the released energy in an instant.

And where he stood, there was a huge pit hundreds of meters deep.

Fortunately, he had to be prepared in advance and take off all the magic items he was wearing and put them in the laboratory. Otherwise, except for a few artifacts, the rest would be reduced to ashes in minutes.

"Damn! This is a big deal!"

Looking at the horrifying scene around him that looked like the coming of doom, Zuo Si immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. He didn't even bother to clean up the scene. He threw a powerful confusion spell and then quickly used teleportation magic to escape back to the castle and pretend to be a good baby.

It turns out that this is a very wise choice.

Not long after he left, Dumbledore, who was wearing a nightgown and holding an Elder Wand, rushed over. He stared solemnly at the Forbidden Forest, which had been wiped off a large piece of the map. His heart was full of words that could not be expressed in words. Describe the shock.

You must know that the huge magic wave that came out at that moment was something he had never heard or seen in his life.

"Albus! What's happening here?"

Professor McGonagall followed closely and felt the scene, her voice obviously trembling.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly: "I don't know. A powerful confusion spell was cast on the scene, and there was no way to find any useful clues."

"Could it be the work of the mysterious man and his men?" Professor McGonagall guessed with lingering fear.

"Impossible. I know Tom. Although he has very high attainments in the field of black magic, he has never had any magic spell that can achieve such astonishing destructive power. It seems that some deeper dark forces can't help but start. It’s taken action.”

When saying these words, Dumbledore showed a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Obviously, in his opinion, this matter is probably related to the mastermind who secretly gave Soth the Dumbledore family bloodline.

This hand alone can instantly level the terrifying magic within several kilometers, which is enough to prove that the opponent is much stronger than Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

If you fight head-on, the probability of losing is quite high.

Just when Professor McGonagall was about to say something, several other professors in the school also arrived and stared at the appalling sight in front of them.

Gamekeeper Hagrid even exclaimed loudly: "Professor! What is going on?"

"Tell me, Hagrid, what did you see tonight?" Dumbledore asked seriously.

"Uh... I only heard a loud noise when I was patrolling, and then I saw a white beam of light rising into the sky. Oh, by the way, the centaurs also said that they saw a dragon in the sky above the Forbidden Forest tonight."

Hagrid quickly told everything he knew.

No matter how rough his nerves were, he still realized that what happened today was definitely unusual.

"Dragon? What kind of dragon?" Dumbledore continued to ask.

"Sorry, it was too dark at the time, and the men and horses were frightened, so they didn't bother to look carefully. I only knew that the scales on the dragon were pitch black. But as far as I know, the Forbidden Forest seemed to have There has never been a record of a dragon appearing, so it must be exotic."

Hagrid became visibly excited at the mention of dragons.

After all, his favorite things are those big and ferocious animals.

If a wild dragon comes to the Forbidden Forest, then he can get along with this big guy day and night without worrying about being punished by the Ministry of Magic.

"An alien dragon?" Professor McGonagall was keenly aware of something wrong.

"It seems that it should be a mount or a vehicle. An outsider has broken into the territory of Hogwarts." Dumbledore quickly made his own judgment.

Although dragons are savage, ferocious, and almost impossible to tame beasts in this world, some powerful wizards can still make dragons obey their orders.

"Damn it! This is not good news." The little Professor Flitwick cursed in a low voice.

Because the opponent can blow up the Forbidden Forest like this, they can also blow up Hogwarts Castle to the sky, even if the latter has a lot of magical protection.

"What should I do? Do you want to ask the Ministry of Magic for help?" Professor McGonagall turned her attention to the principal.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment and quickly vetoed: "Forget it, there is no need. Because of this powerful magic spell, even if a dozen or even dozens of wizards are needed to help, the result will not be too big. Difference. But from now on, the control of the Forbidden Forest will be strengthened. Professors will take turns patrolling every day and send signals immediately if any abnormalities are found."

"Understood! I will make a patrol schedule later, and everyone will form a team in pairs according to their own time to ensure that the castle and the students in class are not threatened."

"Please arrange my time later. I hate getting up early."

"I suddenly had an ominous feeling that there might be big trouble this semester."

While the professors were standing in front of the huge pit and discussing in low voices, Zuo Si had quietly returned to the laboratory, put on all the magic equipment, and was doing whatever he was supposed to do like nothing happened.

no doubt!

The terrifying power erupted from the sparks and spark resonance far exceeded the limit he could imagine.

That violent release of energy is like two singular points in the Big Bang theory colliding together.

What’s even more incredible is that the dying spark in the legacy actually became full of life again after resonance.

In other words, the planeswalker's spark can not only be captured, but can also be rekindled through resonance after being extinguished.

"Sparks...are really an interesting and incredible thing." Zuo Si sighed slightly as he felt the sparks in his arms.

Obviously, although this experiment caused a huge stir and did not end well, it was equally rewarding.

At least he now knew that the spark resonance theory was possible.

In some time and space, when facing powerful enemies, planeswalkers will even use sparks as a one-time expendable weapon to kill their opponents together.

So it's not that difficult to use sparks as weapons.

The real difficulty is how to ensure that the sparks resonate and release amazing energy, while ensuring that neither spark is damaged or even extinguished, and can be recycled again and again.

If this set of theoretical research is successful, will it be possible to change from double-spark resonance to multiple-spark resonance of three, four, five, or more than ten?

Vaguely, Zuo Si felt as if he had found his own path, a power that had never appeared in the multiverse or any other planeswalker.

As for where to find so many sparks?

Of course by taking it from other planeswalkers!

After all, not all planeswalkers are good people. There are quite a few of them who are extremely evil or both good and evil.

Coincidentally, what Zuo Si is best at is playing tricks on others.

He had even made a long list of planeswalkers to kill in his mind, and planned to kill one or two of them to prove his theory after going to Zendikar to contact other planeswalkers.

At the same time, far away in the mage tower of Askatra in the Faerun continent, a crazy self-devourment is taking place.

After a period of hard work, Isadora and her clone finally decided that both of them had achieved sufficient growth, and it was time for a round of elimination and evolution.

Right now, they were standing naked in a huge glass tank, their bodies soaked in the psychic solution provided by the mind flayer.

When dozens of Isadoras activate their abilities together, appalling spiritual energy surges through the container like a tide, connecting everyone's spirits together.

They held hands and stared at the light of soul shining in each other's eyes, without any fear of death.

Because in Isadora's inherent understanding, this process of being swallowed and absorbed by another self is not death, but fusion, evolution, and ultimately becoming a more powerful self.

"Sisters! For Soth! Let us be the nourishment for each other's growth."

As one of them, Isadora, spoke, this cruel devouring finally began in the eyes of outsiders.

Because it was impossible to tell who was the original body and who was the clone, dozens of Isadoras let their spirits and wills leave their bodies and began to tear and devour each other in the psychic solution.

In about half an hour, one of them was devoured first and completely disappeared from this world.

The body that carried her consciousness quickly melted completely and was broken down into nutrients that were absorbed by other bodies.

"This human girl is a complete lunatic! She's so crazy that it scares me."

The red dragon Wilmes, who was hiding aside and peeking, only felt his scalp numb.

She couldn't believe that there were people in the world who really didn't care about their own specialness, and were even willing to turn "I" into "we" in order to quickly gain powerful power.

"Isadora has reached a higher dimension in the spiritual realm. Of course you can't understand it with your way of thinking. As the master said, she is a genius, a true genius." Qiwu explained in a tone without any emotion. road.

Wilmes rolled his eyes angrily: "Soss also said that half a step ahead is a genius, and one step ahead is a madman. Isadora obviously belongs to the latter. Just watch, sooner or later she will change herself Become a real monster. In addition, her obsession and attachment to Soth will become a big trouble sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter. The master has mastered the ability to create follower cards. With Isadora's character, she will definitely not refuse the temptation to become a follower and stay with the master until the end of time. So instead of becoming a trouble, she will Become the most capable helper. Ah! Look, this devouring and fusion has already produced results."

Following the reminder of the strange object, Wilmes soon noticed that there were only four Isadoras left in the pool, which was originally densely packed.

One of them looked cold, and both his eyes and movements were full of indifference that would make people thousands of miles away.

She didn't even pay attention to the other three selves. She walked out of the pool alone, picked up a robe and put it on her body casually. Then she stepped on the cold marble with bare feet and disappeared at the end of the stairs leading to the upper floor.

"She's so cold. Soth will definitely not like her personality." Another Isadora teased with a joking smile on her face.

"You are not Soss, how do you know that he doesn't like her? You must know that conquering an iceberg beauty is a strong temptation for men."

The Isadora who spoke this time gave people a very gentle and tranquil feeling, exuding an elegance like an aristocratic lady in her every move.

"Hmph! Don't imagine Soth to be as vulgar as ordinary men. What he needs is a helper and spiritual partner who can do things, not a vase or a tool to vent his desires. Otherwise, tree spirits, water fairies, and desires Demons, succubi, human clones, pleasure golems, there are so many things that could be used as substitutes.”

"No, you are wrong. Soth is also a human being. He has his own emotions and desires, rather than just needing a helper like you said. The person who can really win his heart must be someone like me who can satisfy his emotions. and desires, and can help him deal with various things. To put it simply, he is a partner who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. "

"You...don't quarrel anymore. Soth likes silence. If you always quarrel, he will definitely be unhappy."

The last one, Isadora, stopped in a weak voice.

You don't need to ask to know that after some devouring and fusion, the four victorious Isadoras eventually formed four completely different personalities.

Among them, the first one to leave belongs to the type that is cold and does not like to communicate, while the second one is a bit like a little witch who likes to tease people, the third one is a gentle and considerate aristocratic lady, and the fourth one is introverted. Shy character.

Seeing this dramatic scene, Wilmes couldn't help but snicker immediately: "Hey! This is so interesting! I really don't know how Zuo Si will deal with this kind of scene after he comes back. Just thinking about it makes people feel excited And looking forward to it.”

But just a second later, the strange sound in her head made her originally gloating mood turn extremely bad.

"The rest time is over! According to the exercise plan formulated by the master, you should go to the training room to stimulate the magic in your body and try to release more and stronger spells."

"Exercise! Exercise! Fucking exercise again! When will this kind of day end? I haven't slept in for a long time!" Wilmes complained angrily.

But the complaints were complaints, and she honestly started exercising for twelve hours a day as planned.

no way!

If she doesn't exercise, the magic takes over instantly and doesn't return for a week.

She would rather suffer a little than the helpless feeling of watching others control her body.

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