A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 268 The fish will die, but the net may not break (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

What does it feel like to be chased and chopped?

Manzon, a powerful arcane spellcaster, had never experienced this before.

Because he was born into a noble family, he has been surrounded by various bodyguards and guards since he was a child. Anyone who wants to approach will be searched repeatedly until it is confirmed that there is no threat.

When he grew up a little, he had become a genius mage who was praised by his mentor as a rare genius in a century.

Later, he joined forces with Fuzor Chamberry to form the famous Zhentarim Order, with a large number of mages, priests, assassins, and spies at his disposal.

Coupled with the fact that he later successfully crossed the threshold and became a legendary mage, Manson should be grateful if he didn't bother others, let alone being hunted by others.

But today, in the short half-minute when the time-stopping magic took effect, he experienced the panic and panic of struggling to survive on the edge of death.

As we all know, the magic of stopping time is the most special of all nine-ring magic.

It pulls the caster into the flow of time so fast that others around them appear to be stuck in a time standstill.

But precisely because of this, there is a problem, that is, no matter what kind of spell the caster casts during this period, he will be in a state of waiting to be activated.

Only when the time flow is restored, will the spells that have been cast take effect collectively.

In addition, usually if the caster is in a different time stream than other people around him, even physical attacks cannot damage him.

But there is a loophole here, that is, what will happen if someone is immune to time stopping, or enters the same ultra-fast time flow as the caster?

Just look at Zuo Si wielding the magical energy beam formed by the artifact at this moment, and unscrupulously launching an attack on Mansong a few meters away, you will know how serious the consequences will be.

Unlike Elminster, who can use two-handed swordsmanship and has a warrior level, Manson is a pure mage and has not received any close combat training.

The most important thing is that the staff in his hand cannot resist the burning of the energy beam.

So he was already seriously injured in just a few seconds.

Not only was the purple velvet robe on his body in tatters, like a beggar's uniform, but the mask on his face had also been cut off in half, and the left half of his face was covered with burnt scars, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying. Not surprisingly, his eyes were completely blind.

If he hadn't been wearing a combat gorget with powerful protective capabilities around his neck all year round, he might even have been cut off from his head by the blow just now.

"You know? The way you were jumping up and down, rolling and crawling just now was as funny as a monkey in a circus."

Zuo Si fiddled with the artifact in his hand, revealing undisguised ridicule and contempt in his tone.

You don't need to ask to know that he is trying to provoke his opponent to lose his mind and rush forward to fight for his life.

After all, Manson himself wasn't the only one who had no training in close combat.

Without the blessing of corresponding spells and divine arts, Zuo Si also didn't know any skills such as swordsmanship or footwork. He just simply waved the weapon.

After all, for a magic energy beam with a length of ten meters, technique is not important anymore.

The astonishing length and pure magic damage alone are enough to make the opponent unable to fight back without being beaten.

But unfortunately, the wily Manson has long passed the age where he can be easily angered.

On the contrary, he still maintained the highest degree of vigilance, and tried his best to dodge in various extremely ugly and awkward postures, not caring about the so-called "image" and "master demeanor" at all.

Seeing that the provocation method was ineffective, Zuo Si could only continue the previous strategy and pursue continuously, trying to kill Mansong in the last few seconds.

But unfortunately, in the end, he only succeeded in cutting off one of the opponent's arms and failed to kill this scheming guy.

When the effect of stopping time ended, the originally gray-white world returned to normal instantly.

Since everyone was in another relatively static time stream before, it's not clear what happened.

The only thing that could be seen was that Zuo Si was holding a ten-meter-long magic energy beam weapon in his hand, while Mansong was covered in scars.

Not only was his appearance disfigured, but one of his arms was cut off.

You must know that the latter is more than a hundred years old this year, and he can be regarded as the number one among the many legendary mages in Faerun.

At least the chiefs in red robes have always regarded him as an equal to themselves, and the voters of the Magic Goddess also dare not underestimate this dangerous person.

But now, this powerful mage has ended up like this, which makes people wonder what happened in the short ten seconds to half a minute when time stopped.

Especially Xi Manmeng, who had always been full of awe and admiration for his teacher, could hardly believe the facts he saw with his own eyes.

Without any time to think about it, he immediately took out the highest grade healing potion and rushed up to feed it to Mansong.

In the blink of an eye, the fatal wounds, torn skin and muscles on the latter's body were no longer ready to bleed, and his pale face quickly returned to rosy.

After getting out of danger, the first thing Manson did was to shout at Aznar Sruel, who also stopped during the casting time: "Stop! Stop! Don't use..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, the world around him once again fell into a gray-white high-speed time stream.

You don't need to ask to know that Aznar Sruel completed the nine-ring magic of stopping time.

Similarly, he was as surprised as Mansong to find that his opponent was not affected at all, but was holding the extremely dangerous weapon and staring at him with half-smiling eyes.

"Welcome to the world of you and me. In the next ten seconds to half a minute, we will play an interesting little game where I chase you and escape. If you can successfully persist to the end, you can win A chance to survive." The corners of Zuo Si's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cruel smile.

By chasing Mansong just now, he discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, under the effect of stopping time, most high-level mages and even legendary mages are extremely fragile.

And almost all spells, including legendary magic, cannot take effect immediately.

"Your immunity time has stopped?!"

Aznar Srul's face instantly became extremely ugly.

As a high-level red-robed wizard who has always been against the Storm Queen Xinbu, he obviously knows very well what additional powers the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess will gain.

Each of these levels has a targeted immunity spell, which is undoubtedly the most troublesome one besides Silver Fire.

"That's right! It's a pity that you knew it too late. Now...I announce the start of the game."

As the last word blurted out, Zuo Si rushed forward again holding the artifact in his hand.

Just one blow!

He left a severe burning wound on the opponent's bare head, completely destroying the magic tattoo that was finally applied.

The severe pain made Aznar Srul couldn't help but let out a scream, and then he covered his head and ran away in a hurry, which was almost the same as Manson's reaction just now.

Because the powerful magical power he was proud of had no effect at all during this period of time.

What's more, Zuo Si wouldn't give him any chance to chant a spell.

When time stopped, everyone present was surprised to find that the red-robed chief had lost an arm just like Manson, and there were also large and severe energy burn marks on his chest and abdomen.

"Don't stop time! One of his chosen abilities is immunity to this magic!"

Aznar Sruel immediately shared this important information with all friendly forces.


Whether it was the red-robed wizard, the Zhentarim members, or the top brass of the Arcane Brotherhood, they finally understood why he and Manson were suddenly so seriously injured that they almost died.

What's even more frightening is that no matter what faction the mage specializes in, after learning the nine-ring magic of stopping time, they will often use this as the core to establish a corresponding set of tactics.

If time cannot be stopped, it means that many of the spells of memory cannot work at all.

As we all know, the biggest flaw of Faerun's spell slot system is that once the memory is completed, it cannot be replaced before taking a rest for up to eight hours.

Although some special abilities and professions can convert spell slots into pure energy forms such as arcane fire for attack, others can be used to counter the opponent's spells.

But these two abilities are of no use to Zuo Si at all.

Pure energy attacks such as arcane fire will be directly absorbed by him into the mana pool, or stored in the sword-shaped staff in his hand.

As for magic counterattack...

Sorry, planeswalkers never need to chant spells to use magic, they only need to activate the corresponding magic cards.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si is never alone. He is also accompanied by Reine, Blind Eye, Elder Eye and Dragon Lich Barisriat.

Especially the powerful anti-magic field released by the Eye of the Elders is absolutely fatal to these mages.

Once you find someone who wants to use the amazingly powerful legendary spell, just look at the other person and you will immediately fall into the embarrassing situation of being unable to extract energy from the magic network.

Without energy, it is naturally impossible to form a stable spell structure, eventually leading to spell casting failure.

Once the spell casting fails, it is equivalent to wasting a daily legendary spell slot.

If necessary, Zuo Si will also let other summoned creatures around him rush up to consume the opponent's spells, wands, magic storage rings and other items.

Therefore, instead of being at a disadvantage in the spell confrontation, they were firmly in control of the initiative.

Although Manson and the chief red-robed wizards tried to summon a large number of alien creatures to save the situation, under the influence of the anti-magic field and expulsion spells, a large number of them were sent back before they had time to take effect.

Only a few creatures with relatively high spell resistance, such as the legendary creature Balor Balrog, successfully passed the saving throw and remained on the battlefield.

But what awaits him will be the siege of equally powerful dragons and giants.

Suddenly, the independent island where the Arcane Brotherhood's mage tower was located was completely transformed into a battlefield.

All kinds of high-level magic and divine arts that are rarely seen in ordinary times are thrown out as if they are free of money.

Large-scale damaging spells such as Death Cloud Technique, Burning Cloud Technique, and Withering Death Technique are everywhere.

The poor low-level mages and apprentices of the Arcane Brotherhood didn't even have a chance to escape in this environment, and they were all killed and injured in just a few minutes after the war started.

But that's okay!

Their bodies and souls were not wasted, but sacrificed to the Abyss to summon more demonic cannon fodder.

Such a brutal spell confrontation undoubtedly plunged the entire Luskan into panic.

Because in the minds of the residents, the tall tower standing on the island has always been the center of city governance.

Not to mention being attacked since it was built, few people even dared to approach it.

But now, those normally arrogant mages are dying in large numbers, and the main body of the tower has been severely damaged, not to mention the giant dragons flying in the sky, the giants wielding heavy hammers, and the human souls as their The ferocious demon that eats.

Especially the people whose houses were destroyed by meteorites from the sky were staring dumbly at what was happening in the distance, completely losing the ability to make sounds and speak.

They even forgot to escape, and just stood stupidly on the ruins until they were hit by fireballs flying from the island or begged for his spells, and then their whole people evaporated instantly.

There is no doubt that it is very normal for the magical power in Faerûn to be awed and even disgusted by ordinary people.

After all, every time a battle breaks out between high-level mages, the result is often devastating.

At least a street, a few houses, and at most a city or even a country will be completely destroyed in their magical confrontation.

Fortunately, this time the battle between the two sides was strictly limited to this small island, otherwise the entire Luskan would have been completely reduced to ruins under the ravages of powerful magical power.

Not to mention anything else, the flames spewed out by the giant dragons flying in the sky were enough to ignite most of the wooden houses in the city.

"Damn! The intelligence we collected before was wrong! This guy's spellcasting level and ability far exceeded expectations." Mansong couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

With the help of regeneration potions and other spells, his severed arm has grown back.

Although it is still a little slender and thin, it can no longer affect the complex casting movements.

"What should we do now? Judging from the current situation, capturing or even capturing Soth has become an impossible goal. If we continue to entangle, we may all be killed."

Aznar Sruel asked with gritted teeth while carefully maintaining the protective spell on his body.

Under the effect of the anti-magic field of the Eye of Elders, his spell slots were consumed very quickly, so that now only less than half of the original ones were left.

Among them, there are less than seven protective magics left, which is barely enough to make up for one round after being hit by the Great Disintegration.

"Do you have any other trump cards?" Mansong narrowed his eyes and asked.

Although the two sides are now out-and-out allies, due to the selfish nature of the evil camp, they still remain on guard against each other.

He believed that the man beside him who could compete with Sazastan in the Chief Council must have some unknown means.

Aznar Sruel hurriedly shook his head: "Unfortunately, except for a few legendary spells, there is nothing I can do. And I don't think the other party will give me the time to cast the legendary spells."


The word "disbelief" was revealed in Mansong's eyes.

"Of course it's true. Do you think I would have any reservations at this time?" Aznar Srul asked sincerely.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, death is not the end of life for spellcasters like you and me. It can only be regarded as a small setback at best." Mansong said meaningfully.

In fact, with the invention of cloning, a spell that can infinitely create soulless bodies, death is no longer a big deal to high-level mages.

Almost every high-level mage will prepare at least one or even several, dozen or dozens of clones for himself as backup.

Unless these clones are found and destroyed in advance, it is impossible to truly kill them.

Perhaps the only loss was the rare and precious magic equipment and items he carried with him.

Aznar Sruel smiled and nodded: "You are right. At least after this failure, we know that when dealing with Soth, we must not use the time stop spell. Only one death In exchange for such important information, I don’t think it’s a loss.”

"I completely agree with this. What's more, we still hold a bargaining chip in our hands."

Speaking of this, Mansong suddenly paused and turned his attention to the desire demon who was always hiding behind and not participating in the battle.

The latter seemed to realize something and immediately raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound echoing in everyone's ears, a huge crystal shining with dazzling arcane light was lifted out of the cellar of the mage tower.

The terrifying magical energy caused everyone else present who was still fighting to quickly stop all actions, even those summoned creatures.

"A Mythra Core?!" Zuo Si raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Since this thing has very detailed descriptions of its appearance in many books, it is very easy to identify.

At least the energy, which is huge enough to make a mountain peak float in the sky, is definitely not comparable to any other magic item or artifact.

"It would be best to know it."

The Demon of Desire walked up to the Mythra Core and said in a slightly admiring tone: "I have to admit that your growth rate and hidden power far exceeded my expectations. Similarly, I also admit that my The plan failed. In order for us all to exit with dignity, how about we sit down and talk?"

"You want to threaten me with this thing?" A very strange expression appeared on Zuo Si's face.

"That's right. I believe you should know what a terrible disaster it will cause if something like this is detonated. Not only will you have to bear huge risks, but the entire Luskan will also be completely wiped out from the map under the ravages of the magic storm. was wiped out. So instead of fighting to the death, how about we each take a step back?"

The desire demon puts on a "it's good for you and it's good for me" attitude, trying to force the other party to give in through threats and intimidation.

Although she wanted to secretly detonate the Mythra core while no one was paying attention, kill Zuo Si directly, and then return to hell with her soul.

Unfortunately, neither Manson nor the chiefs of red-robed wizards are idiots. How could they leave such an important thing in the hands of a devil?

Therefore, the desire demon has no chance to detonate the core of Mythra, and can only stand up and turn the tide according to the pre-arranged results.

"Tell me, what kind of retreat do you mean by taking one step back?" Zuo Si admired the performance of the Desire Demon with great interest.

"My conditions are very simple. First, there is a truce, and then you will take your men out of Luskan, and promise not to attack the city again." The demon's unceremonious lion spoke loudly.

In fact, this is also a tactic used by devils in negotiations.

Once they think they have the upper hand, they will push harder to take advantage.

After hearing this, Zuo Si immediately sneered and said sarcastically: "So what you call each of you taking one step back is actually asking me to take two steps back?"

"It's not impossible if you think so." The desire demon raised his chin slightly and showed a proud smile.

"I'm sorry, I may have to disappoint you, but I will not retreat even a step. Not only will I not retreat, but I will also drive you all away."

When saying these words, Zuo Si unceremoniously drew energy from the surrounding magic network to strengthen the silver fire in his body, so that his whole body was bathed in the silver flame, and the light from his two eyes was like a god. Advent.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the "Silver Fire Burst" mode invented by Elminster and used in critical moments.

It's just that as a planeswalker, Zuo Si is particularly good at energy control, and he can go further on the original basis.

The essence of the "Silver Fire Explosion" mode is to let the magical power of the Magic Network and the Goddess of Magic fill your body and even your soul, which is equivalent to a small incarnation of the gods.

In this mode, many low-level spells cannot even penetrate the protective layer formed by the silver fire, and the power of high-level spells will also be greatly weakened.

Not only that!

Silver Fire can also absorb spells released by enemies and convert them into pure energy form for attack.

It can be arrows, spears, fireballs or chain lightning.

As an old rival of Elminster (as he thought), Manson recognized the "Silver Fire Explosion" mode at a glance, and immediately warned sternly: "Be careful! Don't get close to him! And don't use magic below the fifth ring. Attack him!"

"Do you really want to fight to the death?" The demon's eyes widened in shock.

She simply couldn't believe that this mortal who was favored by Archduke Disbat was so crazy that he didn't even care whether Luskan would be completely destroyed by the explosion of Mythra's core.

"The fish will die, but the net won't necessarily break. Because the power I have is something you guys will never understand."

After saying that, Zuo Sigao raised his left hand and let the power of the silver fire gather in his palm, eventually forming an astonishingly powerful thunder and lightning.

No hesitation or scruples!

He aimed directly at Mansong and threw it hard.

The next second...

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by a white light that could blind human eyes, the energy protection spell on the latter's body was instantly broken through. The whole person flew straight out like a tattered rag doll for more than ten meters, and then fell to the ground with a plop, twitching and swallowed the last One breath.

Instant kill!

An old and famous legendary mage, the lord of Zhentil Keep, the founder of the Zhentarim and the Dark Intelligence Network, the famous Manzon was killed with ease.

Although everyone knew that within seconds his soul would be reborn in a clone.

But the strong visual and psychological impact cannot be described in any language.

Xi Manmeng, who had always regarded his mentor as an object of admiration, even lost the elegant demeanor he usually maintained, and turned around and ran away like crazy.

It is easy to see from the fear and despair on his face that he did not expect that Mansong would be killed so easily by a "junior".

Especially when the "silver fire burst" mode that Elminster had used appeared on Zuo Si, Ximanmeng completely lost his calmness and reason.

You must know that this method of using silver fire is unique to the first elect of the Goddess of Magic, and even other elects cannot master it.

There is no doubt that Manzon's death was like the first domino to be pushed, triggering a chain reaction in an instant.

The Zhentarim members who had been resisting desperately just now lost their will to resist almost instantly. They turned around and ran away with Ximanmeng, trying to escape from the forbidden teleportation range, and then activated teleportation magic to retreat.

But unfortunately, how could those soaring dragons, beholder demons and a large number of summoned creatures in the sky miss such a good pursuit opportunity and quickly swarmed up and launched a violent group fight.

Before long, more than 80% of the Zhentarim members who came with Mansong were killed or injured, and only a handful of lucky ones successfully returned to their lair.

I believe that after this attack, the Dark Intelligence Network's power in the entire Northland will shrink on a large scale.

Because Zuo Si has proven with actual actions that he has the courage and strength to defeat Manson, the supreme leader of the Zhentarim.

When the high-level leaders completely failed in the head-on confrontation, the lower-level members did not dare to make any big moves at all.

"Now it's your turn."

Zuo Si turned around, raised his left hand again and began to gather energy.

His move instantly made Aznar Sruel feel threatened. He rushed to the side of the Mythra Core, raised the ram ring on his index finger and threatened in a stern voice: "Stop! I Order you to stop immediately! Otherwise I will detonate it!"

"Haha, you can try it."

Zuo Si showed a contemptuous smile, and then pointed out the second lightning with astonishing power.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The chief red-robed wizard, who was less than fifteen meters away from Aznar Sruel, was struck by lightning and turned into a corpse exuding a burnt smell.

Obviously, ordinary magic energy protection cannot withstand the thunder formed by the silver fire energy.

If magic teleportation was not prohibited, perhaps these victims could use short-distance teleportation such as any door to dodge.

But now, they are like living targets, unable to even run away.

Even if you are blessed with acceleration or advanced acceleration, you can't run faster than lightning falling from the sky.

More importantly, most traditional academic mages do not have high agility attributes, so their reactions in critical situations are not as fast as warriors, rangers, and thieves.

Especially for thieves, they can even suddenly burst out at unimaginable speeds the moment the fireball is thrown, and rush directly out of the center of the explosion to reduce or even completely avoid damage.

"Asshole! You forced me to do this! Then let us die together once!"

Seeing his allies being killed, Aznar Sruel's accumulated anger finally exploded, and his eyes burst out with extreme madness.

I saw that he lifted the barrier used to maintain the stability of Mythra's core at an extremely fast speed, and then activated the Ring of the Ram without hesitation.

For a super unstable energy crystal, in many cases, just destroying its external structure in the simplest and most brutal way can trigger an incredibly powerful and devastating explosion.

But just when the sheep's head formed in the energy field was about to hit, a dazzling beam of light fell from the sky and directly enveloped the huge Mythra core.

As a result, after the sheep's head hit the light beam hard, it disappeared in less than a tenth of a second.

Disappearing along with the sheep head was the huge Mythra Core.

"What...what's going on?"

The desire demon stared at the empty space with wide eyes, completely unable to understand how such a large crystal could disappear out of thin air.

You must know that the magic ritual performed by the lich just now prohibits all teleportation magic and magic items.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible for Mythra's Core to be teleported away by any magic.

Just when everyone was in disbelief at this scene, only Dragonborn Knight Davian and Pyromancer Alena quickly turned their attention to the card that appeared out of thin air in their master's hand.

[Land Card: Legendary Land - Mythra's Core (Unstable)]

[LV10 colorless card (can be upgraded)]

[Card quality: unique]

[Effect: When this card takes effect, it can provide one hundred and fifty points of general mana per day, and all spell cards will undergo unstable mutations to varying degrees.

Among them, 70% probability is in the favorable direction, 10% probability is in the unfavorable direction, and 20% are unknown changes that are good or bad.

In addition, the quality of all magic items made into treasure cards on the planeswalker will automatically increase by one level.

For example, a spell storage ring that can store ten levels of spells will be upgraded to be able to store eleven levels. The Ring of the Ram and the Energy Shock Bracelet will increase the number of uses by one to two rounds per day.

Magic items that can add spell slots will also add an additional spell slot or divine spell slot of the highest current level to the original one.

Weapons and armor will receive an additional +1 enchantment level bonus.

Consumables such as wands have a certain probability of recovering one to three points of charge per day under the influence of land cards, but they will not exceed their original maximum limit.

Finally, temporary magic items within the influence range of the land card will have the same effect as normal magic items]

[Using this card does not require mana consumption]

[If this card effect is damaged or destroyed by other magical forces, it will automatically enter the graveyard and wait for rebirth for one hundred and fifty days]

[Note that this card can not only be used as a permanent card, but can also be used as a power source similar to the energy core of the floating city by summoning physical objects.

However, it is limited to the planet Toril, or the area within a radius of one and a half kilometers around the planeswalker.

If you want to repair the unstable state, you need to consume at least one wish card and two LV6 treasure cards]

Looking at the detailed description of the most powerful land card in his hand, Zuo Si couldn't help but show surprise.

Because this is the card with the highest level and the most amazing special effects that he has ever seen and made by himself.

Apart from anything else, the general mana value of up to 150 points is quite good.

The magic items that have been made into treasure cards can be enhanced to a higher quality level, and they can take off directly from the spot.

Take the spell storage ring as an example. Under normal circumstances, it can store up to ten levels of spells.

That is, a ninth-level spell and a first-level spell, or an eighth-level spell and a second-level spell, and so on.

In short, if you use the powerful spell and the most effective spell at the same time, you can store a magic that does not exceed the fourth level at most.

But now after adding a level, it is directly upgraded to the fifth level, which can cause amazing energy attribute damage in an instant, and even directly kill enemies who have amazing magical power but whose own vitality and physical attributes are not high.

In addition, by adding a ring with one to nine levels of spells and divine spells on your hand, you can also memorize an additional nine-level spell and divine spell.

Even the seemingly inconspicuous weapon and armor enchantment level of an additional +1 is a qualitative leap.

Whether it is Talona's favor or against the tide, its power will be greatly increased because of this, and it can even ignore magic armor and protective spells with lower enchantment levels and directly penetrate them.

In Faerûn, the enchantment level of a weapon is the most important measure of its quality.

If the enchantment level is not enough, you will be in the embarrassing dilemma of being unable to break through when dealing with some creatures and enemies with protective force fields or natural magic armor.

When the weapon reaches +5 or above, it means that it can cause damage to the incarnation of the god.

Although protected by divine power and various immune properties, this kind of damage may be as severe as scratching a little skin.

As for consumables such as the automatic recovery wand, it allows him to use the wand completely and unscrupulously to carry out large-scale bombardment of large numbers of enemies.

Anyway, as long as you keep the last hair and wear it on your body, you will be back to your original state in a month or two.

The most important thing is that this precious card is also a gift package sent to you by the enemy.

To be honest, Zuo Si didn't expect that there would be such a big surprise waiting for him on this trip to Luskan.

"What on earth did you do?!"

Aznar Srul seemed to have noticed something. He raised his head and stared at the satisfied smile on the other person's face. His whole person was immersed in fear of the unknown.

Zuo Si smiled and replied: "Nothing, I just snatched the core of Mythra and made it my own. In addition, please allow me to express my most sincere gratitude to you. Because if you hadn't taken the initiative to deliver it to me, , I really don’t know where to go to find such a complete Mythra core. As a thank you, let me send you to your death happily."

The words have not yet been spoken!

He suddenly threw out the last big disintegration card in his hand, instantly destroying almost one-third of the magic items on Aznar Sruel's body, and the rest were temporarily useless.

Lei Yin, who had been secretly preparing for a long time, unceremoniously activated a legendary magic she had mastered - the Great Collapse Technique.

In the blink of an eye, a cluster of light as bright as a star formed above her head.

When the brightness of the light group reaches its extreme, it quickly transforms into attributeless energy that can destroy everything, as if the extremes of matter must be reversed.

A huge roar spread in all directions accompanied by ripples like shock waves.

Many red-robed mages and high-ranking members of the Arcane Brotherhood who were preparing spells were torn to pieces by this energy without any attributes before they even had time to apply protective magic.

Their bodies were like balloons filled with water that were pricked by a needle, and then fell apart into a shower of blood and minced meat.

Any language or text to describe such a scene is pale. Only by witnessing it with your own eyes can you understand why legendary magic is called "legendary".

However, Aznar Sruel, who is also a legendary mage, apparently recognized the Great Collapse when Rein chanted the spell, so he did not know what kind of triggering magic was activated, and he managed to survive this energy impact. Come down.

But the price is that the entire body seems to have been drained of moisture and becomes dry and old, like a mummy that has just climbed out of the coffin.

There is no doubt that as one of the most profound spellcasting organizations in Faerûn, the spells retained by the red-robed wizard are absolutely amazing.

Not even Candlekeep can compare.

So far, both the chief and the ring magic instructor have performed at least a dozen arcane spells that Zuo Si has never seen before.

After all, the larger the organization of spellcasters, the more successful it is in the field of magic creation and invention.

Just when Zuo Si was about to do the final touch-up, the forbidden magic teleportation effect that the lichs had jointly released suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason.

The next second...

Several portals opened instantly out of thin air!

Then a skinny, pale-skinned human wearing a gorgeous robe appeared out of thin air.

He has dark eyes and a sparse black beard. The skin and muscles of his hands have withered away, leaving only the bones wrapped in the skin.

Anyone with some common sense can tell that this is a lich whose body has not completely decayed.

Behind the lich, there were also a large number of red-robed mages and some high-level warriors wearing expensive magic equipment.

"Sazastan? Why are you here!"

Aznar Srul's expression suddenly changed, and he called out the names of his political opponents in the parliament.

Yes, this is the most talked-about leader of the Necromancer faction in Ser - Sazastan, a legendary mage with a level of up to twenty-nine arcane spellcasting.

"Why can't I come? You must know that I have spent a lot of effort to break the ritual of banning teleportation magic. Look at the mess you are in now and the huge losses you have caused to the entire organization. I really don't know what those idiots are. How do you think that you really think you have the strength to go against me?"

Sazastan taunted in a tone full of contempt.

He could foresee that after this disastrous defeat, some of the chiefs and ring instructors who returned to the clone body and were resurrected would inevitably choose to take sides again.

Because in the internal struggle of the red-robed wizards, a defeat often means the disintegration of the force to which they belong.

Just when Aznar Sruel was about to retort, another series of magical transmissions appeared out of thin air.

Only this time, the chosen ones of the goddess of magic appeared, headed by Kelben and Alustriel.

Obviously, they who planned to rush over to help were also blocked by the previous prohibition of teleportation.

It wasn't until Sazastan eliminated the effect of the magic ritual that it was transmitted all over again.

However, among these voters, Zuo Si found that Elminster, who was the leader of the voters, was not there. Instead, Xinbu came with him.

She looked short, maybe not even 1.6 meters tall. She looked very petite. She was wearing a torn black robe, and she didn't even have a pair of shoes on her feet, exposing her white toes and insteps. , the iconic silver hair also looks messy, probably because it hasn't been taken care of for a long time.

Only that delicate and beautiful face could vaguely see the blood relationship with Alustriel.

When seeing the appearance of the Storm Queen, Sazhastan quickly changed from being careless to becoming nervous and alert.

And other red-robed wizards recalled the fear and despair of being dominated by this queen...

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