A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 267 You are the ones who are really surrounded (please subscribe to the 10,000-word chapter)

With the help of monsoons and ocean currents, it took only three days for the fleet to set off from the Whalebone Islands, cross the Death Swamp and Neverwinter, and successfully arrive near a river on the border between Neverwinter and Luskan.

Since the river is only less than 20 meters wide and the water is only deep enough to cover an adult's waist, it is not marked on the map at all.

Anyone who knows something about the situation in Northland understands that it is this inconspicuous river that has become the natural dividing line between the two cities.

If either side crossed the river, it would be a very clear signal for war.

Moreover, due to the unique terrain along the Sword Coast, the coastal areas are often filled with very steep cliffs, and the river water flows directly from hundreds of meters high, forming a very spectacular waterfall.

Normally, it is impossible for ordinary people to climb up.

This is why the relatively flat areas along the Sword Coast that were washed away by rivers have all become busy ports and trade hubs.

Apart from these cities, there is no place to go ashore in other areas, let alone large-scale transportation of goods inland.

But what Zuo Si has to do now is to transport the sailors and soldiers on the ship to a cliff hundreds of meters high, have them suddenly appear in the rear of the Luskan army, and then cooperate with the Neverwinter coalition forces to completely defeat this group of enemies. Encirclement and annihilation.

Vanessa didn't even bother to put in the effort to set up the portal. She just carried the box back and forth and transported more than two thousand people up.

Along with these people, there were 500 heavy war horses, a specialty of the Kingdom of Tethyr, as well as full body armor and lances matching the war horses.

In a short time, those guys with the highest level of warrior profession and the strongest body were transformed from sailors into heavy cavalry.

Others also put on protective gear and replaced their scimitars with spears, swords and shields and other weapons that were only used in military formations.

After more than a year of training by the hobgoblin captains, the former pirates of Nelanthel Islands were no longer the ragtag group they were before, but a group of well-trained elites with permanent assets.

In particular, the battle formation experience personally taught by the captain of the Royal Guards of the Kingdom of Tessel is definitely not something that these armies in the North, which often only have a few hundred scattered city-states, can match.

As the nominal supreme commander, Eric was now wearing a gorgeous and strong magic armor, riding a dragon-born war horse covered with scales, raising his head slightly like a majestic king.

You don't need to ask to know that he really enjoys the feeling of commanding thousands of troops.

The most important thing is that there is no suspense in this battle, and victory is almost a certainty.

In addition, after the war, as the Lord of the Nelanthel Islands, he would have to meet with the leaders of the towns in the North, pretending to discuss some things, and even sign some trade and cooperation agreements.

Although these have been decided in advance, now it is just a formality.

But the feeling of being praised and respected by others greatly satisfied Eric's vanity.

He knew very well that he did not have the necessary abilities to manage such a huge territory, and he was not qualified to play tricks with a lich with powerful spellcasting power like Vanessa.

Captain Hallett is smart and ambitious enough, right?

But what's the result?

It's not like being easily toyed to death by the opponent without any effort.

So Eric is very satisfied to be a puppet who does not have much real power, but is very rich and has a very high social status. He fulfills his responsibilities and obligations honestly, and then enjoys banquets, wine and women, and spends his time comfortably. the rest of his life.

After all, the reason why he risked his life to go to sea in the first place was to pursue these things.

Thinking of this, the man who had been a pirate for many years suddenly raised the magic sword with a dazzling cold light in his hand and waved it vigorously: "Attack the whole army!"

The next second...

Both infantry and cavalry began to move in an orderly manner.

Under the guidance of magic, they quickly found the location where the Luskan army was stationed.

When the distance approached within two or three kilometers, the Luskan sentry in charge immediately sounded the alarm.

Suddenly, the entire camp was in panic.

The commander in charge of leading the team ran out of the tent in panic and shouted at the lookout standing on the arrow tower: "What's going on? Why are there troops appearing behind us? How many are they? ?Wearing the emblem of that town again?”

"I don't know! They are moving fast and raising a lot of dust, and the number cannot be clearly seen at all. But one thing is certain, that is, these people have an amazing number of cavalry." The lookout hurriedly responded in a hoarse voice.

According to common sense on earth, generally speaking, in battles in the cold weapon era, the infantry charge distance will generally not exceed one hundred meters.

Because this is the limit that human beings can endure strenuous exercise.

If it is further away, it will consume too much energy and it will not be able to use its full strength in the battle.

As for cavalry, generally speaking, three hundred to five hundred meters is a very good charging distance.

But in Faerun, a world filled with magic and various supernatural powers, any LV1 warrior, barbarian or ranger can run several kilometers quickly without losing breath.

With the bonus of superhuman physical fitness, the maximum distance of the charge has undoubtedly been greatly extended.

Before the commander of the Luskan army had time to organize his soldiers, the heavy cavalry rushing at the front roared past, cutting the butter-like military camp in the middle like a sharp knife.

Those who tried to resist were without exception killed by lances, or were knocked away or trampled by horse hooves, turning into splatters of blood and flesh.

Because the Arcane Brotherhood had just experienced a disastrous defeat, many low-level mages and apprentices were either captured or buried at the bottom of the sea to feed the fishes, leaving no manpower available to cooperate with the army.

Therefore, Luskan had no way to deal with the heavily armored cavalry.

While they were building their fort, they cut down some trees and made the proposed fence to keep out horses.

But it was blown to pieces by a fireball.

Coupled with the fact that the raid came so quickly and there was not enough reaction time, Luskan fell into chaos in a short time.

The infantry followed closely and began to divide and encircle.

Whenever someone tried to stand up and organize resistance, Eric would personally lead the heavy cavalry to rush over and kill the leader.

The Neverwinter City coalition forces located on the other side of the river undoubtedly discovered this, and quickly took action to cross the river and launch a two-sided attack.

In less than ten minutes, the last armed force in Luskan collapsed. Most of them surrendered on the spot, and only a few took advantage of the chaos and ran into the woods.

After the battle ended, many town soldiers who had been threatened and intimidated by Luskan for a long time began to beat and kick the prisoners, venting the resentment accumulated in their hearts.

Especially among the officers, several were identified as having participated in the invasion of other towns and connivance with their men to rob, and were beaten to death on the spot.

Because this army was the main force behind Luskan's several foreign expansions, many of them had looted and massacred civilians.

If you use Detect Evil, you can see that without exception, they all flash with a red light that symbolizes evil.

However, this act of venting anger was quickly stopped by the priest of the God of Justice who was following the army of Neverwinter.

Because lynching has always been strictly prohibited by Tire's teachings.

But they took the lead in setting up a temporary court to try these Luskan soldiers and then decide how to deal with them.

Since Tyr himself pays more attention to procedural justice and has even defended evil gods from the opposite camp like Cyric, his church advocates that even the most heinous people must be put to death after trial.

Of course, Eric was not even interested in paying attention to these messy things. Instead, he got off his horse and gave Lord Nasir a warm hug. Then he said with a smile: "I heard it a long time ago. Live up your name. From an adventurer to the ruler of a city, you have done things that countless people could not even imagine."

"Isn't it the same for you? The Lord of the Nelanser Islands may be called the King of the West Sea from now on." Lord Nasir complimented in a half-joking tone.

Then the two of them laughed in unison.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, Eric's life experience is also legendary.

He transformed from a great pirate to the supreme leader of a force, and even brought order to the originally chaotic maritime trade routes for the first time.

Soon, under the introduction of Lord Nasir, Eric got to know each other and the representatives of those towns, and made a promise that Luskan would never invade their land again after it was occupied.

In addition, towns are welcome to bring their specialties to Luskan for sale.

Seeing the Lord of the Nelanthel Islands talking about the benefits of free trade in front of everyone, and signing agreements with several towns at once, Aribes couldn't help but ask in a low voice: " Is he really just a puppet?"

"Yes, he is really just a puppet. The entire Nelanthel Islands are currently managed by a simple bureaucratic system, and neither taxes nor the fleet are under Eric's direct control. Only when conducting military operations, nominal Only the highest leader in the world will come forward and take command.”

The intelligence director of Neverwinter gave an affirmative answer without thinking.

To be honest, he was a little confused about the power structure of the Nelanser Islands.

Because as the real person in charge behind the scenes, Zuo Si basically doesn't care about anything and will hardly even appear on the island.

Normally, such decentralization can easily breed ambition and eventually lead to internal power struggles or rebellions.

But the Landseer Islands were better off, and the situation was extremely stable from beginning to end.

Even if some forces want to infiltrate and bribe them, they will be found out and eradicated soon.

Eric, in particular, seemed to have no dissatisfaction with the fact that he was a puppet, and he had no intention of reaching out for more power.

In Faerûn, where careerists abound, this is even more incredible than seeing a vegetarian ogre.

"Judging from his words and demeanor, it's hard to imagine that this was a cruel and bloodthirsty pirate before." Aribes sighed slightly.

"That's because Eric hired a teacher to teach him etiquette, etiquette and other aspects of knowledge. Oh, by the way, he is also an extremely lustful guy, and he has more than twelve lovers."

The reason why the intelligence chief of Neverwinter was able to find out so many things was not because of how powerful his spies were, but because everyone on the Nelanthel Islands knew these gossips.

no way!

Like most people who suddenly become rich overnight, Eric inevitably fell into the quagmire of desire.

In addition, merchants who wanted to gain more trade shares kept sending all kinds of beauties to please him, so it was inevitable that he would have an astonishing number of mistresses.

And these so-called twelve are actually just for establishing long-term and stable relationships.

As for those that were just a night of passion, they were not included in the calculation, otherwise it would definitely exceed three digits.

"How rotten and depraved!"

Hearing these words, Aribes's feelings and evaluation of Eric suddenly dropped a lot, and there was even a trace of contempt in her eyes.

As a paladin who symbolizes purity, she has always strictly abided by the doctrines set by Tyr, the god of justice.

Not to mention this chaotic and indulgent private life, even before the official wedding, unmarried couples are not allowed to have any overly intimate behavior.

After all, in the teachings of the God of Justice, overindulgence in the pleasures brought by physical and sensory stimulation often means corruption.

So no matter who you are, if you want to pursue a paladin, you must be mentally prepared for a long-term platonic spiritual love.

During this period, even normal behaviors between ordinary couples, such as holding hands, hugging, and kissing, may be regarded as rude and offensive.

However, Eric obviously didn't know that he was despised by Aribes. After signing trade treaties with representatives from other towns, he immediately followed Lord Nasir to another empty tent.

"Where are Lord Soth and his fleet at the moment?" Lord Nasir asked straight to the point.

Eric answered without thinking: "At the mouth of this river. According to the original plan, we planned to launch an attack directly from the sea. However, we heard that the Neverwinter coalition forces were here with Luskan's last army. If there is a confrontation, then send me to join forces with you to eliminate this threat first."

Lord Nasir nodded thoughtfully: "I see. So, Luskan is currently completely undefended?"

"Of course there are no more armies and soldiers in the ordinary sense, but this does not mean that they have lost all their ability to resist. At least if you want to take down the mage tower controlled by the Arcane Brotherhood, you still need to pay a considerable price." Eric explained in a pretentious manner.

In fact, he had no idea how the lichs would attack a magical tower with powerful protective capabilities, let alone Vanessa and Zuo Si's plan.

"That's right. What are your plans next? Will you continue to move towards Luskan?" Lord Nasir continued to ask.

"That's for sure. Our next phase of the mission is to take over Luskan and liquidate those pirates, criminals, unscrupulous traders and ruffians. But Neverwinter probably won't want to get involved in this matter. , right?" Eric asked meaningfully.

"Yes, Neverwinter will not be involved in this matter. So we will not get close to Luskan anymore, let alone enter that city full of evil people." Lord Nasir expressed his position clearly .

Because if Neverwinter gets involved, a court will be established as taught by the God of Justice, and then more than 780% of the city's residents will be tried in accordance with the procedures.

This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also very easy for those insidious and cunning people to take advantage of.

On the contrary, it was faster and more effective to let Zuo Si carry out the cleansing that cut through the mess with a sharp knife.

Only in this way can Luskan change.

"Then let's say goodbye here. When the matter with Luskan is settled, I will invite you to be my guest, and then we will have a drink together to celebrate our victory."

After saying that, Eric bowed slightly to the other party, then threw all the prisoners to the coalition forces of Neverwinter, and took some of the supplies and headed north to Luskan.

Although the meeting was short, he left a good impression on the leaders of many towns in the North.

At least everyone no longer regards the Nelanthel Islands as a pirate force, but as an object with which they can trade, cooperate and communicate.

At the same time, the huge fleet also completed the final journey with the help of strong winds and appeared on the sea level that could be observed by Luskan Lighthouse.

When the guard in charge saw this scene, he immediately rang the bronze bell hanging at the top.

With the low sound echoing over the pier, the city instantly fell into panic.

The merchant ships and pirate ships that had docked around the port were all raising their sails, trying to escape before they were completely sealed off.

But soon they saw one of the pirate ships being sent directly to the bottom of the sea with a fireball by a rising mage.

The violent explosion and burning burned more than half of the sailors on the deck alive, while the rest screamed and jumped into the cold water, and eventually froze to death as expected.

You must know that Luskan is very close to the Roof of the World and Icewind Dale on the other side. Even in summer, the water temperature does not exceed ten degrees Celsius.

Although a person would not freeze to death immediately if he fell in, his body temperature would be lost very quickly. He would sink to the bottom of the sea because his hands and feet would be numb and his limbs would be cold before he could even swim ashore.

With this vivid negative lesson in mind, the other ships immediately lowered their sails and anchored, giving up the idea of ​​​​escape.

With the deterrence of magic, Zuo Si captured all the ships effortlessly.

All ships belonging to Luskan were confiscated without a word.

Ships from other city-states will be returned to their original owners after investigation and confirmation that they are not selling slaves or narcotics.

For these trivial matters, Zuo Si has always delegated power to his subordinates to take responsibility, and he took the lichs to an independent island located at the mouth of the Mirar River.

Looking at the mage tower that looked like a towering tree, he immediately ordered without looking back: "Let's get started! It's time to make the Arcane Brotherhood history."

"As you wish!"

Vanessa put one hand on her chest and bowed, and then started to cast spells together with several other lichs.

After a while, the magic network in the surrounding environment began to tremble violently, followed by a dazzling beam of light that directly hit the closed door.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

After a deafening bang, the door and the surrounding hard stone walls exploded instantly, revealing an entrance to the interior.

Just when Vanessa was about to release the undead army and rush in to step on all the magic mechanisms and traps first, a golden light shot down from the top of the tower.

A core member of the organization was hit on the spot before he could dodge, and his whole body began to disintegrate under the astonishing negative energy.

In just a few seconds it turned into a pile of lifeless dust.

"Damn it! What kind of spell is this?" Jeffrey's eyes immediately showed strong fear.

He couldn't believe that the Arcane Brotherhood was still hiding such a trump card.

"Don't panic! There's no need to be afraid! Don't forget, we are all lichs, so what if we are killed once?"

Vanessa quickly blessed herself with a lot of protective spells and gave reassurance to all the core members present.


The lichs who were a little panicked one second quickly regained their composure the next second.


So what if the other party kills me.

As long as the life box is kept intact, you can come back even if you die ten thousand times.

As for Zuo Si, he activated two magic cards [Meteorite Falling from the Sky] and [Running Earth] without hesitation.

Just as the lichs were preparing their magic to counterattack, they suddenly saw a red light spot appear in the sky above their heads, and it was crashing down in the direction of the mage tower at an extremely fast speed.

Almost at the same time, the ground began to tremble violently, as if something was about to emerge.

Out of caution, they quickly retreated to the stone bridge behind the island.

This decision proved to be the right one.

Not long after retreating to the bridge, the small island under the mage tower burst out with red magma, completely submerging the lower area in less than a few seconds.

Many mages and apprentices hiding inside wanted to run to higher places like crazy.

Although the tower initiated some protective procedures to reduce the damage that the magma could cause, in the end it was a drop in the bucket.

However, compared to the magma spewing created by [Running Earth], [meteorites falling from the sky] are the real life-threatening threat.

As the meteorite got closer and closer to the ground, a huge meteorite with a radius of fifty meters was finally completely exposed to everyone's sight.

Anyone who is not a fool will understand that once this thing really hits, the mage tower will be destroyed in an instant.

In order to avoid such a result, Akram Grace and the other four tower owners immediately tried their best to release the [Force Wall Technique] and set up a force field protective barrier at the location where it might be hit.

The moment the meteorite hit the wall of force, a loud noise hundreds of times more violent than before reverberated like thunder over the city.

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The shock waves and air waves generated by the impact alone leveled all the surrounding buildings to the ground.

The scattered gravel and dust covered everything within a radius of several hundred meters.

The entire population of Luskan was struck by a loud bang as they realized that their city and the tower of the Arcane Brotherhood were under unprecedented attack.

In the end, the force wall technique successfully blocked the meteorite, but it failed to block the scattered stones.

After the mage tower was hit by several rocks weighing hundreds of kilograms, one of the towers finally collapsed due to severe structural damage.

"Come out! Otherwise I guarantee that the next blow will directly destroy the entire mage tower." Zuo Si threatened unceremoniously.

Because the positive energy spell just now is definitely at the seventh or even eighth level in terms of power. It is simply not something that an organization with no foundation like the Arcane Brotherhood can possess.

He was 100% sure that there must be people from other forces in the mage tower right now.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Accompanied by crisp applause, the Desire Demon walked out first and praised in an unabashed tone: "You are indeed a mortal who was favored by Grand Duke Disbat. I am deeply impressed by the power you possess."

"Can you release such powerful magic without using any spells or spell-casting actions? Is this the chosen ability given to you by the goddess of magic, or is it the magic knowledge and technology you brought from another world?" Mansong followed closely and also emerged from the darkness. Walked out.

Xi Manmeng followed closely behind his mentor.

Because he knew very well that in a duel between spellcasters of this level, he might be killed based on his own level.

The red-robed wizards headed by Aznar Sruer spread out in a very strange formation, vaguely surrounding Zuo Si and his party.

In comparison, the local vigilante Akram Grace and his tower masters who launched the rebellion were as humble as the former's subordinates.

After all, they are the weakest of the several forces present. Whether it is the Zhentarim or the red-robed wizards, there is at least one legendary mage in charge.

Behind the desire demon stands a powerful hell lord.

"So...you finally chose to join forces to deal with me?"

Looking at the unprecedentedly powerful group of enemies in front of him, Zuo Si, instead of showing any fear, could not help but laugh.

To be honest, he never dreamed that his stirring up the situation this time would bring out guys like Mansong and the chief red-robed wizard who were always used to hiding behind the scenes and planning conspiracies.

But that’s fine too.

If he can be defeated or even kill one or two of them, no one will dare to cause trouble within his sphere of influence for a long time.

"Just let it go, young elect. Even you can't handle the joint efforts of so many high-level and even legendary mages at the same time. I swear, as long as you don't resist and cooperate, we will not take your life."

Aznar Sruel began to use his "communication" characteristics again, hoping to avoid a fierce frontal spell confrontation.

He had seen the power of silver fire before, so he knew how terrifying and amazing the raw energy from the deepest part of the magic network was.

Once you take action, there will inevitably be casualties.

If you accidentally kill this precious research object in front of you, all your efforts may be in vain.

"Do you think you have a chance to win?" Zuo Si asked with a half-smile.

Although he had no impression of the other red-robed chiefs except Sazastan, he could tell the identities of the chiefs present through their attire and the number of magic items they wore.

There were almost thirty red-robed wizards present, but the only ones who really posed a threat were the three chiefs of an unknown faction.

Two of them looked like men in their forties or fifties, and one was an attractive woman in her thirties.

Of course, appearance and age are just a reference.

After all, changing age, gender, and race is as easy as eating and drinking for high-level spellcasters.

"We have surrounded you now and can ensure that you will be locked and imprisoned as soon as you cast the teleportation magic."

Aznar Sruel pursed his lips and revealed a proud smile.

But before this smile lasted long, he saw Zuo Si suddenly open his arms and opened several portals on both sides of his left and right hands.

Before the red-robed wizard on the side could stop or counterattack, a large number of reinforcements appeared out of thin air.

These reinforcements include the mind flayers, dead-eye tyrants, golems, half-dragon creatures, super giant mutated hounds that are always in a berserk state, and the leader of this monster army, the red dragon—— Wilmes.

In addition, the dracolich Barisriat, who hides in the dark and almost controls the entire Emerald Society, and the legendary lich Rein, who becomes the master of the talisman, also respond to the master's call.

Coupled with the blind eyes, giants, trolls, various magical creatures summoned by using cards, and several dragons soaring in the sky, the situation was reversed almost instantly.

When the lichs in the organization saw this scene, they immediately gathered together and completed the ritual of blocking the surrounding teleportation magic in less than a few seconds.

After all this was done, Zuo Sicai said with a meaningful smile: "I'm sorry, you are the ones who are really surrounded.

And I don't intend to negotiate or accept prisoners, so please be prepared to fight to the death.

Even though I know that most of you already have more than one clone in your secret hideout, there is no real point in killing you.

But it can give you a clear understanding of me, and you will think twice before making such a decision next time. "

As the last word blurted out, Aznar Sruer and Mansong's expressions suddenly changed.

But just when they activated the magic items and protective spells, the whole world instantly turned gray, and everyone seemed to be at a standstill.

You don't need to ask to know that Zuo Si used his ability as the chosen one of the Magic Goddess to activate the [Time Stop] memorized in the spell-like ability once a day.

As the most powerful and well-known of the nine-ring magic, it is almost the first spell cast by all high-level spellcasters.

Many high-level mage battles are to see who can release [Time Stop] one step ahead of the opponent.

After all, during this period of time, the caster can not only add a large number of protective spells to himself, but also summon powerful alien creatures to remove the protective spells on the opponent.

In short, although you cannot cause any substantial damage to the enemy during the time stop period, you can do a lot of things to accumulate your own advantages.

But Zuo Si is obviously different from the traditional wizards in Faerun.

He neither protected himself nor summoned more powerful alien creatures. Instead, he aimed at the densest crowd and unceremoniously performed the Great Disintegration.


You heard it right!

The frantic Zuo Si didn't care at all how precious and rare magic items the other party was wearing, he just wanted to clear the place as quickly as possible.

You must know that the carrying capacity of the magic network is limited.

With so many high-level spellcasters gathering together, the magic network in the surrounding environment may collapse at any time.

When time stopped and ended, more than fifteen red-robed wizards and members of the Arcane Brotherhood instantly discovered that all the magic items on their bodies, including their robes, had lost their effect.

Some of them were completely scrapped and no longer had any arcane aura.

"The Big... The Big Break? My wand! My staff! My ring! My amulet! No!!!!!!"

A red-robed wizard's ring instructor let out a desperate cry.

After all, his magic equipment is worth at least ten or two hundred thousand gold coins, and he spent almost all his money to get it.

Now, half of one was scrapped directly after the big crack, and the rest were temporarily suppressed by the effect of the big crack. It is not known when they will be restored.

Of course, this was not the only one who screamed in despair, but there were at least twenty others.

What's even more frightening is that dragons, lichs, beholders, mind flayers, giants and other monsters rushed up immediately behind them and directly launched a siege on these mages who had no magic items to use.

After a few quick spells of super magic skills were consumed, they were mercilessly knocked to the ground without even having a chance to chant the spell.

Some of them were killed, and some surrendered quickly and temporarily clung to their lives.

What awaits them will be forcibly transformed into a lich, or turned into a summoned creature card.

As for Zuo Si himself, he, together with the two powerful eye demons, the Eye of the Elder and the Eye of Blindness, as well as the legendary mage Reine, and the dragon lich Barisriat, stared at the chief red-robed wizard and Manson. , so that they dare not act rashly at all.

Especially Manson, who was the supreme leader of the Zhentarim, could not believe that the other party could unknowingly develop such a huge and astonishing power while completely hiding it from him.

Especially the legendary mage Lei Yin, who looks like a young and beautiful girl due to her use of transformation.

It was impossible for anyone to recognize her as the Sigil Master, feared throughout Calishite.

In addition, the addition of so many beholders also made Manson find it extremely puzzling.

He really couldn't imagine how Zuo Si established an alliance with these evil creatures.

Could it be Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Manson felt.

In contrast, the reaction of the chief red-robed wizards was even more frightening.

As the Tour Masters they brought were killed or captured one by one, everyone realized that they had definitely lost everything this time.

You must know that the ring master is a powerful force within the red robe wizard, second only to the chief.

Each chief will do his best to cultivate and win over mentors who are loyal to him, and the number of mentors also determines each chief's status and power in the parliament.

If these Tour Masters in front of them are all wiped out, they will be completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Sazastan.

"If I say this is a misunderstanding and we should sit down and talk, will you agree to a truce?" Aznar Srul narrowed his eyes and probed cautiously.

"No, no. Because apart from death and awe, I don't want anything else from you." Zuo Si refused bluntly.

"Are you sure you really want to be our enemy? Will you fight to the death?" Another chief threatened sternly.

Zuo Si sneered and mocked: "Are you sure you have the courage to fight to the death? If you did, your several overseas expansion military operations would not have ended in disastrous failure without exception. So stop pretending here and get ready to fight. .I am looking forward to fighting against the legendary mage."

After saying that, he winked at his men.

The next second...

The anti-magic field of the Eye of Elders instantly covered one of the chiefs.

Followed by Dracolich, he was the first to rush forward and completed the dragon wing flapping + tail sweep at lightning speed.

The latter didn't even have time to react. He flew backwards and hit a broken wall hard, spitting out a large mouthful of blood with a loud sound.

But soon, he didn't know what spell, ability or magic item was activated, and he instantly released a healing magic on himself.

Then he struggled to get up from the ground and completed the force wall technique as quickly as possible to isolate the Dracolich that rushed forward.

Seeing that the battle had begun, Manson and Aznar Sruel began to chant the "Time Stop" spell almost at the same time.

Although Lei Yin and Blind Eye wanted to counterattack, due to the distance and slow response, they were finally successfully used by the opponent.

Just when everything around him turned gray, Mansong was surprised to find that Zuo Si was not affected at all and was in the same ultra-high-speed time stream as himself.

So before he could cast another nine-ring magic [Gate to Another World], he saw the opponent rushing over with a strange-shaped long sword in his hand.

No time to think too much!

Manson immediately activated the short-distance teleportation magic, opened a relatively safe distance, and asked loudly in shock: "How could you not be affected by the stop of time?"

"Did you forget that I am the chosen one of the Goddess of Magic? When I obtain the nine-level spell slot, I can naturally choose a nine-level spell as immunity. So stopping time has no effect on me, but makes you lose your allies. For assistance. Now, let me see if you can block my attack in this brief period of ten seconds to half a minute."

The words have not yet been spoken!

The weapon in Zuo Si's hand immediately released a beam of light composed entirely of energy, the length of which reached an astonishing ten meters.

Mansong couldn't dodge, and was instantly hit in the thigh by the beam.

In the blink of an eye, the energy severely burned large areas of skin and muscles.

The robe even showed signs of collapse and disintegration under the erosion of energy.

"Pure magical damage? Artifact!"

After realizing how dangerous his opponent's weapon was, Mansong only felt a numbness in his scalp.

He finally realized why the young man in front of him always looked confident.

Because the opponent's trump card is much more than he imagined.

"That's right, pure magic energy damage. This means that force field protection magic like force wall has no effect. And energy protection will also collapse quickly under continuous attacks. What's more, , under the influence of time stopping, all spells cannot take effect immediately. This means that you must rely on the staff and dagger in your hands to fight me in a close combat. "

As he spoke, a chilling smile appeared on Zuo Si's face.

This is also the most important reason why he gave up the Great Disintegration and chose to stop time when he decided to become spell immune.

Because he believed that among all spell casters, he must be the one with the strongest ability in close combat.

Especially when he has an amazingly powerful artifact in his hand, which can kill a powerful legendary mage directly in the ten seconds to half a minute when time stops.

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