A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 226 School starts (big chapter of 10,000 words, please subscribe)

September 1st is a very important day for the British wizarding community.

Because every year on this day, Hogwarts will usher in the much-anticipated start of school. At that time, dozens of new students from pure-blood, mixed-blood and even Muggle families will officially join the wizard family. And the lifeless magic world has been injected with new blood.

You must know that there is not only one magic school in the British Isles, but also many other institutions for training wizards.

But Hogwarts is undoubtedly the best of them all.

Therefore, anyone who can graduate from here will, without exception, become elites in all walks of life.

What's more, among the freshmen entering this year is the famous "Savior" Harry Potter, so it is inevitable that he will receive special attention.

Although Harry himself, who had lived in the world of ordinary people for eleven years, was not aware of this, he was still immersed in excitement, joy and disbelief.

For the first time, he learned that his parents were both wizards, and he finally got rid of the aunt's family that made him feel depressed and disgusted.

Whether it was the Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley, Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, or the Hogwarts Express in front of him, they all left a deep impression on this child who had suffered discrimination and abuse since childhood.

For the first time since he could remember, he tasted happiness and freedom.

Especially after learning that his deceased parents had left him a large inheritance, he suddenly gained financial freedom that many adults had never had.

Currently, Harry Potter was walking along the corridor of the train looking for an empty carriage and seat.

Since the number of wizards in the magical world is not large to begin with, and Hogwarts has certain rigid standards for students' qualifications, the number of students has always been very small.

The number of students is small, so naturally the train does not need too many carriages.

If the number of students suddenly increases in any given year, seats on express trains will become very crowded and difficult to find.

Apparently that's the case this year.

So much so that when the "Savior" found his way from the front to the back of the car, he finally saw a relatively empty carriage. There was only one student who looked like an Oriental, sitting alone by the window and reading quietly. The seats next to and opposite were empty.

"Um...excuse me, can I sit here? The other carriages outside are full." Harry asked cautiously.

"Of course. This is a public area and there is no need to ask for my permission. Please do so."

Zuo Si raised his head and glanced at the other party, then made a polite gesture of invitation.

The reason why he specifically chose to sit at the back of the car was because he didn't want to interact too much with other students.

After all, as an adult, it was a bit too difficult for Zuo Si to pretend to be stupid, act stupid, and play house games with a bunch of brats all day long.

But what he didn't expect was that other students managed to avoid it, but seemed to have encountered a bigger trouble.

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter, and I am a freshman in this class."

Harry introduced himself as soon as he sat down.

He has hardly made any friends since he was a child, and now he can't wait to find a sense of belonging in a new environment.

But unfortunately, Zuo Si obviously lacked interest in this and just continued to read the books in his hands. At the same time, he responded without raising his head: "My name is Suosi, and I am also a freshman this year. Nice to meet you, ha. Leigh Porter.”

Seeing that the other party didn't want to talk to him, Harry immediately showed a disappointed expression and sat down on the empty seat in a daze.

Just when he repeatedly wanted to find something to talk about to break the awkward silence, red-haired Ron finally appeared.

The youngest son of the Weasley family first glanced at the empty seats in the carriage, and immediately showed a smile of great surprise: "Fortunately! I finally found an empty carriage with seats. I thought I was going to stand in the corridor for several times today. It’s only an hour. Do you mind if I sit down?”

"Of course I don't mind! I'm just here too." Harry quickly stood up and greeted.

"Thank you. My name is Ron Weasley, a first-year student." Ron took the initiative to introduce himself.

"My name is Harry, Harry Potter, and this is Soth next to me."

Seeing that someone was finally here who was willing to talk to him, Harry immediately showed considerable enthusiasm.

"Harry Potter?! So the rumors are true? I mean...do you really have that...scar?"

Ron's eyes widened in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

After all, he was born in a pure-blood wizard family, and he had heard stories about how the "Savior" defeated the mysterious man since he was a child, and ultimately saved the British wizarding world.

"Yes, it's me."

Harry had obviously seen the enthusiastic attitude of wizards towards him in the Leaky Cauldron, so he took the initiative to lift his hair to reveal the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

Even Zuo Si couldn't help but raise his head and glance.

After all, this is one of the Horcruxes left by Voldemort, and it is also the most special one.

"God! This is really terrible! Do you still remember about this scar?" Ron asked curiously.

Harry shook his head slightly: "At that time, I was still a baby who didn't know anything. How could I remember what happened?"

"Well, not remembering is not a blessing. At least I don't want such a terrible memory to be forever imprinted in my mind and become a lingering nightmare."

After saying that, Ron shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to Zuo Si sitting by the window.

After a full minute, he couldn't help but ask: "Hey! Man! Don't you want to say something? We are now sitting in a carriage with the great Harry Potter who saved the British wizarding world. inside!"

"Do you really think a baby can defeat a wizard as powerful as You-Know-Who?

Do not be silly. There must be someone else who really defeated him.

Of all the exaggerated descriptions in books and newspapers, only one thing was true: Harry was the Boy-Who-Lived, and that was it.

Also, don't stare at his scars all the time, that's a very rude thing. "

Zuo Si responded in an unhurried tone.

To be honest, he couldn't understand or understand why those adult wizards would tout a child as a savior.

And so many people believe it!

This is outrageous!

Perhaps he was frightened by Voldemort's wanton killings and had a psychological shadow, so he was eager to establish a heroic image to boost morale and get everything back on track.

It is also possible that Dumbledore deliberately hid the truth and allowed unreliable speculations and rumors to fly in the sky, just to keep the secret of the guardian magic released by his mother before she died.

But no matter which one it is, it is extremely irresponsible behavior.

Because of these rumors and flattery, a newborn baby was pushed into a dangerous situation.

Especially during the period when Voldemort had just fallen and a large number of his followers had not yet been arrested, Harry Potter could be killed at any time by Death Eaters who fell into madness.

"You...how do you know this? You weren't there at the time!"

Ron was a little unconvinced and wanted to fight.

Zuo Si couldn't help laughing, and said while laughing: "Although I was not present at the time, I understand the simplest logic.

That is, with the power that the mysterious man had at the time, he could basically kill anyone he wanted except Dumbledore.

Not to mention a mere newborn baby, even a dragon would die in his hands.

What's more, if Harry really had the power to defeat You-Know-Who as a baby, his current magical talent must be amazing.

You can ask him personally, how many spells did he learn after getting the textbook? "

Poor Ron blushed at this rebuke and stared at the "Savior" beside him with pleading eyes, eager for the other party to show his hand quickly so that he could get out of the current embarrassing situation.

But for this kind of request, Harry, who had never even opened those textbooks, could only spread his hands and express his helplessness.

Since they live in the house of their aunt and uncle, these two people have an extremely disgusting attitude toward magic, and can even be said to hate it.

So he didn't dare to practice at all, for fear of causing any trouble and preventing him from going to Hogwarts.

Seeing the "Lord Savior" stretching his hips at the critical moment, Ron immediately said nonchalantly: "Then how many spells have you mastered? My great genius!"

"Haha, not many, just a hundred or dozens. Do you still want me to perform for you next? It doesn't matter, I will satisfy your requirements and curiosity."

With that said, Zuo Si took out his wand and pointed at Harry Potter's glasses wrapped with tape, and whispered the repair spell.

"Restored to the original condition!"


A spark of light flashed from the tip of the wand.

Immediately afterwards, Harry discovered that his originally broken glasses had miraculously turned into a brand new state.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Zuo Si turned around and stared at Ron, who had an O-shaped mouth, and asked with a half-smile.

The latter quickly shook his head: "No, no... no more."

Seeing the silly look of the youngest son of the Weasley family, Zuo Si couldn't help but sigh slightly, secretly feeling sorry for Hermione for a second, he closed his mouth and stopped talking, but continued to concentrate on reading.

At this moment, Ron and Harry noticed that "Standard Spells - Level 6" was clearly written on the cover of the book Zuo Si was holding.

That is a textbook used only by sixth-grade students who are about to graduate.

Fortunately, a cart selling snacks passed by in the corridor outside woke them up in time, otherwise they would probably have been stunned for a long time.

Especially Ron, who came from a wizarding family, knew very well what "Standard Spells - Level 6" meant.

But he was not sure whether Zuo Si really had the ability to read and learn the contents, or whether he just wanted to stand out among the freshmen in this way.

But soon, Ron put this matter behind him and immersed himself in various snacks from the magical world.

As a true "rich" among the freshmen, Harry generously bought a lot of snacks and shared them with the other two people in the carriage.

Zuo Si simply declined these messy things.

Whether it's chocolate frogs or Bibi's multi-flavor beans, they are all things that cannot be eaten in his eyes.

Needless to say, the latter knows how disgusting it will be once you eat a taste that is not acceptable to normal humans.

Although the taste of the former is normal, the thought of it still moving after being thrown into your mouth will inevitably cause a kind of psychological discomfort.

As for other snacks, most of them are so sweet that they make people feel unappetizing.

Based on these things alone, Zuo Si could tell that the British wizarding world, like the Muggle world, was a "desert of gourmet food" and a "paradise of dark cuisine."

But skipping snacks doesn’t mean skipping lunch.

The departure time of the Hogwarts Express is exactly eleven o'clock at noon, and the arrival time at the destination should be after six or seven o'clock in the evening.

So while Harry and Ron were eating snacks crazily, Zuo Si took out a large thermos box from the satchel he carried with him, which was filled with steaming meals.

Although it is not easy to use magical skills like [Heroes' Banquet] at the moment, he will not offend his mouth and stomach.

After all, this is the time when your body is growing, so it would be impossible if you don’t eat nutritious food.

The three of them had a makeshift lunch in the carriage, and then returned to their previous state.

Ron took Harry to talk about some interesting facts about the wizarding world and various things that happened at home, and kept complaining that because of his young age, he could only use the leftover things of his brothers.

Whether it's the robes on his body, teaching materials, tools, or even his pet, the rat Banban, he inherited it from one of the brothers.

When the mouse was mentioned, Zuo Si subconsciously glanced at it from the corner of his eye, but did not express any opinions or views.

After hearing this, Harry seemed to have found a confidant, and he told all the abuse, discrimination and bullying he had suffered at his aunt's house since he was a child.

What was originally a good conversation seemed to suddenly turn into a misfortune competition.

Ron was completely shocked that a few Muggles dared to treat the "savior" of the British wizarding world in this way, and at the same time expressed his strong indignation.

As a result, the relationship between the two quickly heated up in this atmosphere of "same hatred and hatred", and after a while they became good friends who talked about everything.

After all, one of them lives in the shadow of his outstanding brothers, and has extremely low self-esteem in his heart;

The other one grew up in an environment that lacked care and desperately longed for family and friends.

To a certain extent, they can be regarded as sharing the same fate.

Just when Zuo Si was eliminating distractions and reading the interesting spells in "Standard Spells - Level 6" with great interest, a slightly shrill girl's voice suddenly came from the door.

"Have you ever seen a toad? A new student named Neville lost his pet."

Harry and Ron looked up almost at the same time.

I saw a girl with thick, fluffy long hair and slightly large front teeth, but giving off a domineering look, standing in the corridor outside the door.

You know without asking that this is Hermione Granger, the last of the protagonists.

Ron quickly swallowed the drink in his mouth and shook his head gently: "No."

"Me neither." Harry echoed.

Realizing that Toad might not be in this carriage, Hermione immediately turned around and left.

After all, Zuo Si had successfully cast the repair spell before, so Ron did not dare to show his shame at all, and naturally there was no chance for them to get to know each other further.

As for Zuo Si, he lowered his head and read a book and remained silent throughout the whole process, as if he didn't even notice that there was another person at the door.

The reason why he showed an indifferent attitude was to keep these little wizards away from him.

Maintaining the state of keeping the well water from the river water, the three people in the carriage sat on the ancient steam train that kept shaking for an entire afternoon. It was not until the sky became completely dark that they finally arrived at their destination.

When the train stopped, Zuo Si closed the "Standard Spells - Level 6" in his hand, stood up and walked to the platform with the freshmen, boarded the boat under the leadership of Hagrid, and slowly sailed towards Hogwarts Castle. location.

I have to say that looking at this ancient magic school at night for the first time is really a shocking visual impact.

Whether it is the majestic spiers, walls, attics, or the lights and firelight revealed from every corner of the windows, the freshmen feel as if they are in a fairy tale world.

But unlike those ordinary freshmen watching the excitement, Zuo Si used true knowledge and the eye of knowledge to constantly analyze the constant effects of spells on the walls, ceilings, floors, stone pillars and stairs.

no doubt!

The castle itself was a huge treasure to him.

Because Hogwarts is no longer what it was originally built by the four founders.

Instead, it has been transformed and expanded again and again, and more protective spells and magic have been added, and finally it has reached today's scale.

It can even be said that it is a microcosm and history of the British magical world from around the first millennium AD to the present, including the changes and evolution of the spell itself.

“What a place full of expectations…”

Zuo Si whispered in a voice that could only be heard by himself.

If possible, he would even want to dismantle this huge castle and study it bit by bit starting from the foundation.

It's a pity that Principal Dumbledore and those professors will definitely not allow this behavior.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

Professor McGonagall, standing in the entrance hall, delivered a speech to all the new students.

Before these little wizards could stand still, she continued with a loud voice: "Soon, you will pass through the door behind me and participate in the opening ceremony with other students.

But before that, there is one very important thing to do.

That is to sort out the colleges and determine which college you will study in the next few years.

The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

During your time at school, the college is like your home.

If you perform well, you will gain points for the college. If anyone violates school rules, points will be deducted.

At the end of the year, the house with the highest score wins the House Cup, which is a very high honor..."


A chubby little man suddenly rushed out of the crowd and interrupted Professor McGonagall. He bent down and grabbed the toad on the ground and held it in his arms.

But within a few seconds, he realized that the eyes of the people around him seemed a bit wrong. He immediately stammered an apology and hid at the back as if running for his life.

Neville Longbottom, another important member of the future savior team appears.

Fortunately, although Professor McGonagall looked very stern, he actually cared for every student very much and did not pursue Neville's rude behavior. He turned and entered the hall on the first floor to prepare for the upcoming sorting ceremony.

As soon as her front leg left, Master Malfoy jumped out, pretending to be a little adult, and said to the savior who would fall in love with and kill her in the next few years: "It seems that what they just said is true. Harry ·Potter is coming to Hogwarts."


All the children from wizarding families present paid attention to Harry.

After all, he is so famous in the British wizarding world that everyone from centenarians to children of several years old knows about him.

Some younger children will even worship him as a hero and idol.

But Harry obviously didn't like this feeling, and immediately showed a nervous and overwhelmed expression.

Master Malfoy pointed to the two followers beside him and introduced: "This is Crabbe, and that is Goyle. And my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

I have to say that his pretentious imitation of an adult performance was a bit embarrassing.

As expected, Ron next to him couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This move instantly angered Master Malfoy.

The latter immediately turned his head and mocked angrily: "Do you think my name is funny? I don't even need to ask you what your name is. Just by your red hair and the old robe passed down from your family, I can tell that you must be Wei." The Sly family."

This sentence was like a sharp dagger, piercing Ron's pain, and the smile on his face was replaced by inferiority and anger in less than a second.

Seeing his friend being humiliated, Harry's eyes suddenly became extremely unfriendly.

After all, he had been bullied by his cousin Dudley since he was a child, so he would instinctively empathize with him when encountering such a situation.

Unfortunately, Master Malfoy was completely unaware of this and continued to fire at Ron with full force.

"Believe me, Potter. It won't take long before you find that some wizarding families in the wizarding world are more noble than others. So don't make friends with those shady people. I can help you!"

After saying this, Malfoy took the initiative to stretch out his right hand, with a confident smile on his face.

In his opinion, how could a family like the Weasleys, who were poor and had little status in the wizarding world, be compared with his own family, which was rich and could directly influence the top management of the Ministry of Magic.

As long as Harry Potter is not stupid, he should know how to choose.

But Master Malfoy forgot one thing, that is, Harry grew up in a Muggle family and had no idea about the financial power and power of the Malfoy family.

In other words, few children at this age can truly understand and understand the concept of power.

Harry lowered his head and glanced at the hand Malfoy held out, and refused bluntly: "I think I can distinguish between good and bad by myself, thank you."

As these words blurted out, Malfoy's confident smile solidified on his face.

He didn't know whether he was angry or feeling humiliated. The roots of his ears quickly turned red, and the outstretched hand was clenched into a fist, as if he would swing it out to hit the savior in the next second. face.

Seeing that a fight was about to start, other students around them quickly dispersed.

Crabbe and Goyle stood behind Master Malfoy without thinking, staring at Harry and Ron with eager eyes.

Due to the relatively large size of these two guys, the latter immediately felt strong tension.

At this critical moment, Zuo Si had to stand up and said in a slightly warning tone: "That's enough, stop. If you don't want to taste the feeling of losing consciousness on the first day of school, you'd better give it to me." Calm down quickly."

"Who are you? Who dare to interfere in my affairs?"

Draco turned his head sharply, his fierce eyes as if he wanted to eat someone.

"Last warning! Either calm down! Or get ready to lie down."

Zuo Si pulled out the wand without ceremony.

He finally understood why Master Malfoy was able to offend so many people in school by himself.

Whether it's his bad character, his self-righteous attitude, or his arrogance, people can't help but want to beat him up.

After all, creatures like naughty children will never have long memories without being beaten.

Of course, taking a shot may not be useful, but at least it can make you feel happy and comfortable.

"Hahahaha! Look! A Mudblood is pointing a wand at me? A descendant of an ancient pure-blood family! This is simply a big joke! Do you really know how to use a wand? Do you know how to recite the spell? ?"

Draco laughed maniacally and used all the sarcastic words he thought were the most vicious.

After all, the British wizarding community is so big, and wizards basically know each other.

So after confirming that Zuo Si was not from a wizard family, he immediately wanted to regain face from this new student without any power.

"Savior" Harry Potter can't afford to offend him, but isn't a Muggle-born wizard at his fingertips?

Just when Master Malfoy was about to stage a drama of "killing the chicken and frightening the monkey", he suddenly heard a voice coming from his ear.




The next second...

He, Crabbe and Goyle saw the red light flashing from the front of Zuo Si's wand, and then completely lost consciousness.

boom! boom! boom!

As expected, the three unlucky guys all fell on their backs at the door of the lobby on the first floor, looking as if they had fallen into a deep sleep or a coma.

You must know that during the period of waiting for the start of school, Zuo Si was using the energy generated by land cards and daily spells to upgrade the wizard profession to LV5.

In addition, his wand has been modified, strengthened, and upgraded by himself, so even though it is just an ordinary sleeping spell, its power is probably not strong even for an adult wizard.


After witnessing the whole process of the three people being hit by the spell and then falling to the ground, Ron immediately exclaimed.

Although he had seen Zuo Si's spell skills on the train, the previous one was a repair spell used in daily life, while the coma spell was a typical offensive spell and was much more difficult than the former.

"Damn! Are you crazy? If you attack your classmates on the first day of school, you will be expelled." Hermione said worriedly.

"No, you are wrong.

First of all, before launching the attack, I repeatedly stated that I asked them to calm down. So strictly speaking, I actually broke up the fight rather than fighting.

Secondly, Malfoy used the most vicious Mudblood to insult me. Do I not even have the right to use a wand to defend my honor and dignity?

If Hogwarts is such a place where there is no distinction between right and wrong, then it's okay not to learn this.

Finally, and most importantly. We haven't completed the sorting ceremony yet and are not considered real students, so those school rules don't have any control over us for the time being. "

Zuo Si calmly explained in front of all the freshmen.

Because he had noticed that just a few seconds ago, Professor McGonagall had walked out of the hall on the first floor of the castle and was now standing behind him.

as expected!

As soon as he finished speaking, the dean of Gryffindor House coughed hard: "Ahem! A very good stun spell. I think even many senior students would be hard-pressed to do it better than you. Yes, Mr. South.

To be honest, your talent for learning spells is probably one of the best I've ever met in my life.

However, I suggest you not to try those too dangerous spells in private, but to ask professors for advice.

After all, the original intention of establishing a magic school was to teach knowledge and spell-casting skills.

In addition, Hogwarts is not a place where right and wrong are indistinguishable, as you said.

Based on what Mr. Malfoy said just now, you are indeed qualified to use a wand to defend your honor and dignity.

But next time, I hope you will report it to the professors and let the professors handle it.

Instead of casting a curse on your classmates yourself.

As for punishment...

As you just said, the freshmen have not yet participated in the sorting ceremony, so they are not considered formal students yet, so the school rules do not control you for the time being. "

"Thank you very much for your understanding and magnanimity. Please be assured that if there is another time, I will definitely ask the professors to do justice."

Zuo Si put one hand on his chest and bowed politely.

Seeing how well-behaved the young man with the oriental face in front of him was, Professor McGonagall suddenly smiled with satisfaction, waved his wand and cast several resuscitation spells in succession, waking Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle from their comas.

Especially Master Malfoy, as soon as he woke up, he immediately recalled the scene of Zuo Sichong casting the coma spell on his own. He immediately jumped up from the ground in fright, and his whole body trembled slightly involuntarily.

On the one hand, I couldn't believe that a Mudblood from a Muggle family could learn the Stunning Curse, an offensive spell that could still play an important role even in adult wizard battles, without anyone's guidance.

On the other hand, he saw Zuo Si's meaningful and threatening eyes and was afraid that he would be attacked and plotted again in school.

There is no doubt that Zuo Si's performance left a deep impression on the freshmen and Professor McGonagall.

At the same time, it also established a reputation as a genius, paving the way for the next series of plans and actions.

You must know that he is not just standing up to take care of the conflicts between children, but he wants to establish a "personality" to ensure that others will not be too surprised by certain things he does in the future.

After settling this minor incident, Professor McGonagall opened the door and led the new students into the crowded hall, and walked straight to the worn-out Sorting Hat.

After the Hat sang a weird song, the sorting ceremony officially began.

Professor McGonagall opened a parchment scroll, read out the names of the new students one by one in order, and ordered them to put on the sorting hat to assign them to their respective colleges based on their personalities and traits.

I have to say that this concept of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is quite advanced.

The only question is, how to ensure that the four colleges have equal numbers?

After all, since there is a competitive competition like the Academy Cup, it is only fair that the number of people should at least be about the same.

If there are too many people in one college and too few in another college, where does fairness come from?

If even the most basic fairness does not exist, then where does the so-called "honor" come from in the so-called "College Cup"?

At least in Zuo Si's eyes, this thing is a means to encourage students to study hard and abide by school rules.

Whether it was Dumbledore's exaggerated extra points given to Harry and others more than once or Snape's favoritism towards Slytherin students, the House Cup became a complete joke.

Although when it comes to competitions, competitions and the like, there will always be people trying to cheat.

But the two people above are shameless at all, and it is really rare for them to interfere nakedly in person.

Just as Zuo Si was complaining secretly, he suddenly heard Professor McGonagall's voice coming from the front.

"Thos Gemir!"


All the freshmen present turned their attention.

They will never forget how this genius classmate easily brought down Malfoy, Goyle and Crabbe with a spell.

As for the surname "Gemil", it was an identity disguise created by Zuo Si, derived from a policeman who died in the line of duty.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, he walked out of the crowd very calmly, then sat on the chair and let Professor McGonagall put the dirty Sorting Hat on his head.

As a result, a full minute passed without the hat making any sound.

the reason is simple!

The reason why it can assign so many young wizards to their respective colleges is entirely based on its ability to read thoughts.

But Zuo Si's thinking, memory and soul are protected by divine power.

Not to mention just a hat, even if the four college founders came, it would be for nothing.

In order to prevent this embarrassing situation from continuing, he had to open a gap slightly.

And in this short moment, the Sorting Hat immediately shouted: "Slytherin!!!!!"


Everyone in the entire first floor hall was stunned.

Not only the students of Slytherin House, but also Severus Snape, who was the Head of House, and the students and professors of other houses had similar reactions.

First there was stunned shock, then confusion and confusion.

Since Slytherin Academy was founded at Hogwarts, only a handful of young wizards from Muggle families have been admitted. Generally speaking, at least one parent must be a wizard's mixed blood.

However, compared to other professors and students, the one who could not accept this result the most was Master Malfoy, who was shaking with anger.

He simply couldn't believe that a "Mudblood" was considered by the Sorting Hat to have the qualifications to enter the noble Slytherin House.

This is a taint of pure blood!

This is a great disgrace to the entire academy since its establishment!

Suddenly, many Slytherin students from pure-blood families gave extremely unfriendly looks.

However, Zuo Si himself was completely expecting this result.

After all, the criteria for entering the "Snake Yard" are shrewdness, tact, ambition, self-preservation, unscrupulous means, firm will, outstanding talents and qualifications, etc.

Taking a closer look at the above items, they all fit perfectly.

In addition, the blood characteristics of the Dumbledore family in his body also perfectly meet the requirements of mixed blood and even pure blood.

Just like that, Zuo Si handed the sorting hat back to Professor McGonagall under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, and then walked towards the Slytherin classmates who exuded dangerous aura with a smile.

Not only that!

He also deliberately chose to sit next to Master Malfoy and said to him in a low voice: "Let us get along well in the next few years."

"You're dead! Mudblood!"

Probably because of the support of a large number of senior students around him, Malfoy issued a vicious threat.

He was now waiting for the opening ceremony to be over, and after returning to Slytherin for the common break, he would give the bastard in front of him an impressive lesson, and it would be best to scare him into quitting school.

Only in this way can we wash away the humiliation that we and the academy have suffered today.

"Haha, if you dare to speak in such a tone and tone, do you think that these wastes can pose any threat to me?"

Zuo Si chuckled and turned on the group teasing mode.

As someone who has experienced this, he knows very well that the best way to shut up these "naughty kids" who are keen on committing violence is not to avoid conflicts.

On the contrary, it is necessary to completely intensify the conflict, so that these guys can't help but take the lead, and then they can legitimately "defend themselves".

At the same time, teach these self-esteemed Slytherin "little snakes" to understand a truth.

That is, in the magical world, only powerful wizards are qualified to speak loudly.

Only in this way can Zuo Si live a stable life in the future.

Otherwise, any attempt to ease the relationship will be regarded as a sign of "weakness" and will be subject to more serious discrimination and bullying.

Although he is not afraid of these things, considering that there are too many flies and mosquitoes around him, it is quite annoying, so he plans to solve this little trouble once and for all on the first day of school.

"Hey! Boy! Did you just say that we are trash?"

A tall boy who looked like he was in the fifth or sixth grade had a fierce look in his eyes.

"What, do you have an opinion? If you don't feel good about it, then pull out your wand and prove me wrong. Otherwise, shut up. The reason why trash is trash is that they only dare to talk and not put it into practice. Action." Zuo Si said sarcastically.

"Very well! Freshman! You succeeded in irritating us! When you return to the common room, you will understand what it means for a Mudblood to enter Slytherin House."

Another senior boy also expressed his naked and undisguised malice.

In less than a minute, Zuo Si made himself a public enemy of Slytherin House.

Although the conversation just now was very quiet, it was not heard by the people from other colleges at the next table.

But when they felt the weird atmosphere and saw the extremely unfriendly eyes of the senior students of Slytherin College, many people began to worry about Zuo Si's safety.

Even Dumbledore had to give a few words of advice to Dean Snape.

The latter's attention was obviously focused on Harry Potter before. After being reminded by the principal, he discovered the situation in Slytherin and immediately frowned subconsciously.

Since he himself graduated from Slytherin House, he knew very well how a Muggle student would be treated.

In contrast, Harry couldn't help but said to Ron next to him: "Damn it! It seems that Soth is in big trouble. According to my experience, those bastards Malfoy will definitely find ways to cause trouble for him."

"Each house has its own common room, so we can't help much. But I'm curious, why was someone like him not sorted into Ravenclaw, but into Slytherin?" Ron frowned, puzzled.

"I don't know, maybe the Sorting Hat made a mistake."

Harry's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Because when he put on the Sorting Hat before, the Sorting Hat also thought about sorting him into Slytherin, and thought he could succeed there.

Later, it was up to him to refuse with all his strength, and finally he was sorted into Gryffindor.

In the eyes of the "savior", Zuo Si seemed to have become a similar "victim".

Little did he know that this "victim" was thinking about how he would use the magic he learned from the standard spell book to bring down the entire Slytherin Academy in the shortest possible time.

Use these "bad kids" as stepping stones to create your own "famous reputation" in the school.

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