A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 225 Spell Duel (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

Hogwarts Headmaster's Office.

Albus Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, looking at the note that suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air, with a very confused expression on his old face.

Because he really didn't know what kind of magic could send a note from an unknown place to Hogwarts, which was protected by countless magics.

In fact, so far, no one in the wizarding world has invented a spell that can communicate and deliver items remotely.

Otherwise, wizards would not go to great lengths to tame owls to deliver letters and packages.

If someone does it, there is a high probability that they will receive the Order of Merlin, First Class Medal.

After all, this is a feat that is enough to subvert and change the communication methods of the entire magical world. It should be praised by everyone and receive due honors and rewards.

But now, someone actually used such amazing magic just to send himself an invitation to a duel.

You must know that since defeating Gellert Grindelwald in a duel, no one in the entire wizarding world has dared to challenge Albus Dumbledore, and he is recognized as the greatest wizard of the contemporary era. The number has been omitted.

Even when Tom Riddle, who claimed to be Voldemort and You-Know-Who, controlled the entire British wizarding world, he still did not dare to take a step closer to Hogwarts.

The reason was that he was not sure of defeating his former teacher, the professor who brought him from the orphanage into the magical world.

But now, when everything has calmed down, someone suddenly appears who wants to challenge him. This is really incomprehensible to Dumbledore.

If the other party hadn't used an unprecedented magic and the note appeared out of thin air in front of him, he would probably have laughed it off as a prank by some naughty students.

"Who could it be?"

This old man with a gray beard and over a hundred years old showed a very curious expression.

However, he did not disturb the professors who were busy teaching students and recruiting newborns for the second half of this year. Instead, he picked up his wand and quietly left Hogwarts Castle, following the address left on the note. Go meet each other.

As the most powerful wizard in contemporary magic, Dumbledore was never afraid of any challenge, and the lion-like courage of Gryffindor House flowed in his veins.

After leaving the magic protection range of the castle, he quickly used Apparition to instantly move to the designated location.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately noticed several figures wearing cloaks and hoods.

Because his face was covered, Dumbledore couldn't see clearly the other person's appearance and age. He could only feel that the other person exuded a weird aura that was hard to describe in words, just like in Hogwarts Castle. Like those ghosts.

You don't need to ask to know that these people are the lichs who have just passed through the portal from the continent of Faerûn.

As for Zuo Si himself, he blessed himself with advanced invisibility skills and stood silently on the top of a tree to provide these subordinates with the magic network environment necessary for casting spells.

Through a simple test, he has realized that the reason why the professions bound to the land cards can still function after leaving the original world is that when the land cards take effect, a certain range of magical environment overlaps around them.

That is to say, it can satisfy the casting environment of the world where the land card is located, and will not affect the casting environment of the current world.

The higher the level of the land card, the greater the range of influence.

The LV2 floating city tower at the beginning could only affect a distance of less than 400 meters around it at best.

It's just that the creator profession itself does not have the ability to cast spells. It mainly creates various magic items and rare objects, so the feeling in this aspect is not obvious.

But after leaving Faerun, Zuo Si could immediately feel the impact of land cards on professions such as mages, priests, archmages, and mystics.

Calculated based on the currently effective LV7 land cards, the maximum range of influence is almost ten kilometers in radius from the planeswalker itself.

This also means that once this distance is exceeded, various magic and divine spells from Faerun will not be effective.

Especially those legendary magics and spells that change the environment and climate on a large scale, as well as various long-distance teleportation magics, are also firmly restricted to a radius of ten kilometers.

For example, [Finbull Winter] can maintain extreme cold weather such as blizzards, strong winds, and hail for one to three months within a maximum range of tens of kilometers;

Another example is [Tenchu ​​Doomsday], which summons darkness and destructive energy into the world and destroys everything within hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

As for the fifth-ring [Teleportation Technique] that can easily teleport thousands of kilometers away, it can now only move a maximum distance of ten kilometers at a time.

In short, the higher the spellcasting level and the greater the range of influence of high-level and even legendary spells mastered, the more constraints and limitations the land cards of not high enough level will become.

However, those spells that have been made into cards will not be subject to these restrictions.

Just when Zuo Si was considering whether to upgrade the land card [Floating City Tower] to see if it would produce some special abilities after LV7, Dumbledore finally broke the silence and asked: "Who are you?" people?"

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that we are going to defeat you here. Come on, stop talking nonsense and let's talk using magic."

Jeffrey was the first to stand up.

As a veteran of the organization, he paid a considerable "price" to grab this "starting" position from his friends.

After all, I have witnessed with my own eyes the extremely advanced science and technology on the earth, the terrifying urban communities formed by tens of millions of people gathering together, the endless high-rise buildings as far as the eye can see, and the trains and cars that can run without relying on magic. , airplanes, and 10,000-ton giant ships, he is full of expectations for the heights that magic in this world can reach.

After all, even ordinary people can reach that level. Even if the number of spellcasters is small, they should be able to reach a level similar to that.

"I wouldn't mind a magical duel. But where's your wand?"

Dumbledore turned his attention to the other man's empty hands.

In his opinion, these people in front of him exuded a strange aura, and his Legilimency was unable to read any memories, emotions, or thoughts from each other.

It was as if what he was facing at this moment was not a group of people, but cold and lifeless puppets or corpses.

In fact Dumbledore was right.

As an undead creature, the Lich's existence itself has broken away from the category of "the living".

Not to mention a mere Legilimency, all charm, mind control and other spells have no effect on them at all.

Because the real soul of the lich is stored in the phylactery, what most people see is just the body controlled by the lich's soul. There is a problem if they can read memories, emotions and thoughts.

Jeffrey didn't waste any time. He raised his hands and performed complex spell-casting movements while reciting spells that ordinary people couldn't understand.

In the blink of an eye, a seven-ring [Spell Reversal] was blessed on myself.

After finishing all this, he raised his chin slightly and said, "Magic wand? I don't need to rely on that kind of thing to assist in casting spells."

"Casting spells without a wand?!"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although he did not recognize the spell that the other party had just cast, the strong magic fluctuation could not be faked.

And in today's magical world, there are only a handful of wizards who have mastered the skills of wandless spellcasting.

But no one can match up with the mysterious man in front of him.

However, Jeffrey, who was eager to understand the world's magic system, ignored this. After blessing himself with several protective magics in advance, he urged impatiently: "Do you want to have a spell duel with me?"

"Of course! In fact, I have already prepared it. You can attack at any time." Dumbledore responded with a smile.

As a master of silent spellcasting and wandless spellcasting, he subconsciously blessed himself with the Iron Armor Curse the moment he heard the other party chanting the spell.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

With that said, Jeffrey followed the tradition of magic duel in Faerûn, put his hands on his chest and bowed gracefully to his opponent.

Dumbledore saw this and politely raised his wand in return.

When the two stood up almost at the same time, the former raised his hand first and shot five shimmering magic missiles from his fingertips.

There is no doubt that this is a metamagic skill - instant spell casting.

This spell that he had never seen before made Dumbledore's eyes light up. He immediately raised his wand and released Apparition, flashing from one place to another.

But just when he thought he had dodged those beautiful magic light groups, he suddenly saw the thrown-away missiles making graceful arcs in mid-air, catching up again as if they had eyes.

After performing several consecutive apparations, Dumbledore finally realized that this was a magic with automatic tracking capabilities like a Bludger.

No matter where you hide, these magic missiles will never stop until the energy to maintain the spell is exhausted.

In desperation, he could only rely on the armor spell on his body to eat five magic missiles.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

As the missile hit the invisible energy source and emitted a dazzling light, Dumbledore's originally relaxed expression finally changed.

Just five magic missiles had a huge impact on the armor spell he had released.

Obviously, without protection, any wizard may be killed by these small, inconspicuous-looking energy balls.

"Who are you?"

Dumbledore asked the question again.

But this time, his tone and attitude were obviously different.

Unfortunately, Jeffrey had no intention of communicating with the other party, and directly sneered and mocked: "As the greatest wizard in the existing magic world, your performance at the moment really makes me feel a little disappointed. If you don't take it seriously, I will Guaranteed you’ll regret it.”

"There are many obstacles!"

Dumbledore said nothing and immediately chose to fight back with practical actions by waving his wand.

But unfortunately, this spell was instantly bounced back by [Spell Reversal], causing him to instantly fall into sluggishness.

Upon seeing this, Jeffrey immediately shook his head in disappointment, completed the advanced dispelling magic at an extremely fast speed, and directly removed the armor spell from Dumbledore's body.

Immediately after the last two seconds before the effect of the obstacle spell disappeared, the third ring of [Exhaustion Ray] was completed.

When the terrible beam hit, Dumbledore's face suddenly became extremely pale and painful. His already very old body looked as if he would die at any time, and even his breathing became extremely weak.

However, after regaining his ability to move, he quickly cast some kind of recovery spell on himself using silent spells, and he recovered completely in just a second or two.

At the same time, the wizard known as the most powerful wizard of the modern era immediately used the transformation spell to turn the towering trees next to him into giant walking tree men.

After being awakened, the latter immediately rushed towards the location of the lich.

"Transformation? Summoning? It's interesting..."

Jeffrey's eyes shone slightly, and his mental state became extremely excited.

Because this was the spell duel he was looking forward to, not the unilateral crushing he gave his opponent.

But before these trees could get closer, a wall of blazing flames appeared out of thin air on the tree man's path.

All the trees that passed through were quickly ignited and burned violently in the next second. After a while, they turned into puddles of large firewood that fell to the ground.

In the next few minutes, Dumbledore finally demonstrated the brilliance of this world's magic system.

That means no preparation and no need to remember.

As long as there is still enough magic power in the body, you can cast any spell you have learned at will.

And the effects of many magic spells may seem inconspicuous at first glance, but they play an extraordinary role in actual combat.

In particular, the Stopping Curse seems to have the effect of dispelling magic, advanced dispelling magic, and even anti-magic fields to a certain extent.

Several of Jeffrey's high-level spells were countered in this way.

With Dumbledore's full firepower, the Lich's spell slots began to be continuously consumed, and eventually he was gradually defeated.

Just when he wanted to use the wand, scroll, and magic items he carried to reverse the situation, Vanessa immediately stopped him and said, "That's enough! You have already lost this spell duel, don't embarrass us."

"Damn it!"

Jeffrey couldn't help but curse in a low voice, but reluctantly stopped casting the spell, and said to the old man standing not far away: "You won this game! But don't be proud, I'm still There are many cards that are restricted and cannot be used. What’s more, I am not the strongest among them all.”

"Your magic and spells are very strange. Almost every one of them is unheard of and unseen. Even the library of Hogwarts cannot find even a little bit of relevant information." Dumbledore also put away his wand and commented. .

He could see that although the identity and origin of the strange man in front of him was very mysterious and full of mystery, he did not have any malicious intent or murderous intention.

And there is always room for leeway throughout the mage duel.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as just being slightly injured and bleeding a little at this moment.

Normally, a wizard with such strength should never be unknown.

What's more, it can be basically judged from the other party's dress, appearance and behavior that this should be a small group or organization.

"There is no need to ask around for our identities and origins, and there is no need to worry about what we do that endangers order and law. We are not interested in this island country, we just want to see you, who is known as the greatest wizard of our time. Whether you deserve such praise or not, that’s all.”

Vanessa made her attitude clear.

Because after seeing Dumbledore bleed, he knew he had accomplished his mission.

At the same time, through the observation just now, the Lich also discovered a distinctive feature of the spell casting by "wizards" in this world. Different spells require different emotions and strong wills to be mobilized.

The latter may even have an unimaginable increase in magical effects and power.

During the spell duel just now, Dumbledore relied on a similar method to forcibly interrupt and terminate several of Jeffrey's seventh- and even eighth-level spells.

Vanessa is very interested in the strange spellcasting methods and magic systems of wizards.

But he knew that this kind of situation was not suitable for discussing with the other party. Instead, he had to hide his secret from another world.

As for future matters, Zuo Si, as the leader of the organization, will naturally handle them properly.

"You just want to have a spell duel with me?"

With Dumbledore's suspicious character, he obviously didn't believe this.

If it weren't for Jeffrey's powerful spell-casting ability, which is completely different from the current mainstream spell-casting method in the magic world.

He would even mistake the people in front of him for Voldemort's newly recruited Death Eaters.

Vanessa nodded slightly: "That's right! If you still have enough magic power, you can fight with me again. If you are tired, then go back and have a good rest for a few days. Within the next week, We will all stay here and wait for you to come for the duel.”

"What about a week later?" Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and probed cautiously.

"In a week, we will leave for home, and it is estimated that we will not appear in front of the world again for hundreds or even thousands of years." Vanessa replied pretending to be profound.

"Hundreds of years or even thousands of years? Are you a hidden magical organization from ancient times!"

Dumbledore's eyes widened in disbelief.

If this answer is correct, then everything makes sense.

Whether it's the opponent's method of casting spells that is completely different from modern magic, or a large number of spells that he doesn't recognize, they can all be classified as lost ancient magic.

After all, before Hogwarts and other ancient magic schools were established, that is, around 900 to 1000 AD, the history of wizards basically did not exist.

At that time, all wizards were scattered around the world, secretly conducting secret research that was unknown to anyone.

No one knows how many spells and potion formulas were invented by wizards at that time, let alone how many of them were lost, and how many of them were passed down and gradually improved and turned into the current magic spells.

As for what kind of state the wizards were in during the thousands of years before that, modern wizards have no way of knowing.

We can only find the knowledge and wisdom left by wizards in ancient times from ancient ruins such as the pyramids.

"That's what you think. But remember not to tell anyone, and don't bring them to see us. Otherwise we will leave immediately without hesitation."

After saying this, Vanessa raised her hands and began to chant a spell loudly.

After a while, a door appeared out of thin air in the open space.

When he reached out and pushed open the door, Dumbledore saw extremely gorgeous decorations, carpets and chandeliers, as well as a large number of well-dressed servants on the other side of the door.

On the long table in the distance, you can even see steaming meals ready.

But before he could ask any questions, the lichs filed into the mansion and slammed the door, completely cutting off contact with the outside world.

You don't need to ask to know that what Vanessa just cast was the famous [Mage's Mansion] among the seven-ring arcana, also known as [Mordenkainen's Mansion Spell].

Like [Mage's Sword] and [Great Disintegration], it was also invented by Mordenkainen, the most famous legendary mage in the world of Greyhawk.

It is said that even in the multiverse, most high-level mages will learn at least one or more spells invented by Mordenkainen, which shows how amazing his influence and scope of influence are.

As a very curious old man, Dumbledore was obviously very interested in the door that appeared out of thin air and the mansion connected to the other side of the door.

He walked straight to the door, raised his wand to the door lock and whispered: "Open the Alaho hole!"

Unfortunately, the door lock didn't respond at all.

Seeing this scene, the over-100-year-old man couldn't help but smile and exclaimed: "Okay! I think this door should be blessed with some kind of powerful protective magic. It seems that these mysterious people have a high level of magical attainments Quite astonishing. It's just that a week is too short, otherwise I should have written to Nico Flamel. I'm sure he would be interested in these magics and spells from ancient times."

Obviously, the various performances and magical skills displayed by the lich completely convinced Albus Dumbledore, and made him believe that the other party was an ancient magical organization that had been inherited to this day and was isolated from the world.

After all, the magical world has never been visited by intelligent creatures from other worlds before.

Just like that, the headmaster of Hogwarts quickly disapparated and disappeared.

He now needs to return to school, ask Madam Pomfrey to take care of some of his more troublesome wounds, and then take a day of rest to recharge his batteries.

Wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to have a spell duel with these interesting ancient wizards.

If possible, it is best to communicate some theoretical knowledge of magic and the principles of spells.

Strive to let those very powerful magics be passed down in Hogwarts.

As soon as Dumbledore left, Zuo Si walked out of his hiding place, carefully got a little blood from the ground that had fallen on the weeds, and without hesitation summoned "Legacy" to perform the mimicry.


The bit of blood he just obtained on his hand was immediately absorbed by his skin, and the most important part of it was integrated into his body and blood.

In about a few seconds, a very strange energy began to expand rapidly in the body.

Fortunately, Zuo Si discovered it quickly and suppressed the energy in time with the power of sparks.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause violent eruptions and fluctuations of magic power.

The eruption of magic power will 100% be recorded in the admission list of Hogwarts that is blessed with powerful magical power.

Maybe it also includes the specific time and place.

If Dumbledore happened to see him then, it would be great fun.

After this uncontrollable impulse was suppressed, Zuo Si breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he saw that there was an extra [Wizard (Dumbledore Family Bloodline) - LV1] in the column of his mimicry profession, with a look on his face. A satisfied smile suddenly appeared.

After a while, the lichs who had just hid in the [Mage's Mansion] also opened the door and walked out.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, he immediately asked without looking back: "How do you think? What is your evaluation of the greatest wizard in the world today?"

"Hmm... I think his strength is very close to that of a legendary mage, and even reaches the level of a legendary mage in some areas.

For example, the teleportation magic (Apparition) can be cast repeatedly in an instant without any restrictions.

However, the damage caused by various magics is slightly insufficient.

Of course, it does not rule out that he did not use those powerful spells, just like Jeffrey did not use his best summoning, charm and control spells.

In addition, the spell that can stop most people is very strange, and its release speed is also very fast.

If there is no way to crack it, it may be difficult to pose a substantial threat to it.

And I discovered that the spellcasters in this world who call themselves wizards rely heavily on the small weapon in their hands called a wand.

Especially the one in Dumbledore's hand, the intensity of the arcane aura is almost as strong as many legendary level magic items. "

Vanessa thought for a moment and then quickly gave her judgment.

"So are you confident that you can defeat him in a one-on-one spell duel?" Zuo Si turned around and showed a playful smile.

Vanessa answered without thinking: "If I let my hands and feet go, I am 60% sure that I can defeat it.

After all, in terms of spell diversity and lethality, Faerun's magic system is much more complex than this world, and it is also much more dangerous.

What's more, Principal Dumbledore's body is already very weak, and I happen to know a few necromancy magics that can accelerate aging.

Coupled with the mental arithmetic and unintentional calculation, my chances of winning should be quite high.

What, are you going to do something to him? "

Zuo Si immediately shook his head: "No, of course not. I was just confirming the height he could reach in the magic field and the threat level.

But it doesn't matter now.

Because I have received my ticket into the magical circle of this world.

In the next week, you will accompany Dumbledore to finish the play, and then you can go back.

I will slowly solve the rest one by one by myself. "

"Don't you need our help to collect all kinds of knowledge, technology and magic in this world?"

Jeffrey has clearly fallen in love with this world and is somewhat reluctant to return.

"No need. Besides, your identities and spell-casting methods are too sensitive. I don't want to make too much noise.

What's more, the reason why you can release magic normally now is entirely because you are by my side.

Once you leave my side, all of you will lose the support of the magic network in minutes, and you may not be able to perform even the lowest level of tricks. "

Zuo Si unceremoniously rejected Jeffrey's idea of ​​staying.

At least until the problem of incompatibility of the casting environment is solved, these lichs have no way of leaving him and acting alone.

"The magic systems and spell-casting environments of different worlds vary greatly. It is indeed a problem that needs to be solved."

Vanessa touched her chin with a thoughtful expression.

But fortunately, the Lich is immortal, and he has almost unlimited time to overcome all difficulties bit by bit.

In this way, the lichs communicated (physically) with Dumbledore in this unknown place for a whole week.

Until the lichs left this world, the latter did not know that what he was facing was actually a group of undead spellcasters from another world, and he did not learn even a single spell in the battle.

Even though Dumbledore himself remembered some so-called "magic spells" and tried to use them after returning, they all failed in the end.

Because if you want to cast a spell in Faerûn, it is not enough to have the spell alone, you also need the corresponding casting actions and casting materials.

Spells and spell-casting actions may be imitable, but spell-casting materials are definitely not something that can be easily figured out.

Similarly, Vanessa and others did not reveal any of the magic system and creations of Faerûn.

From beginning to end, there were just a few fierce spell duels.

As for Zuo Si, in addition to providing the necessary environmental support for casting spells, he also hid in the dark and memorized several incantations that the "principal" recited when he released spells.

It's a pity that Dumbledore is a white wizard through and through, and he has never used any of the three unforgivable curses, powerful fire and other incredibly lethal spells.

Otherwise, Zuo Si really wants to know whether "Avada chews the big melon" is a negative energy spell in the necromancy system, or a legendary magic that directly targets the soul, and whether it can kill lich as an undead creature.

With the expectation of entering the magical world, he stayed at his home for several months. Apart from a small burst of magic power, he basically went to the British Library every day.

By touching the covers of the books on the bookshelves, I recorded each book in my mind, intending to report it to the God of Knowledge when I returned home.

But in the eyes of the librarian, Zuo Si is undoubtedly a freak and anomaly.

Because he has never opened any book, he just touches the covers of books along the bookshelf every day, which makes people completely confused as to what he is doing.

Some of these highly specialized books are beyond the comprehension of a boy.

Fortunately, he had never made any move or tendency to destroy books, so the administrator could only follow behind and stare at him, without stopping or expelling him.

As time came to July, when Zuo Si had just celebrated his so-called "birthday" and officially turned eleven, an owl messenger delivered an acceptance letter from Hogwarts as expected.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Federation of Wizards, First Class of the Order of Merlin, Archmage, and Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. South:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Attached is a list of required secretaries and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st.

We will send someone to explain to you and your family later.

Vice Principal (Female)

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall.

As for the second page, it is basically all books that need to be purchased, as well as school uniforms and a small amount of other equipment and equipment.

"Everything is exactly as I planned. It seems that I have got the key to enter the magical world. I just don't know which professor will come to pick me up, a student from a Muggle family. Oh, I almost forgot, it's about time Call the guardian to help."

After saying that, Zuo Si picked up the phone placed on the table and dialed one of the numbers.

In less than forty minutes, a white male police officer who looked to be in his forties appeared at the door of the house.

Since his memory had been slightly tampered with, he directly regarded Zuo Si as the orphan of a colleague who was killed during the mission, and quickly began to assume the role of guardian.

In just two or three days, a family atmosphere was created.

About two weeks later, a thin man with straight hair, a big aquiline nose, and cold and unfathomable eyes appeared at the door of the house.

He was wearing a black robe, and his skin turned a pale white like a vampire due to being out of the light for a long time.

You don't need to ask to know that this is the famous "Love Saint", Professor Severus Snape who is currently the potions professor at Hogwarts and the headmaster of Slytherin.

I saw him raising his left hand and knocking on the door very rhythmically.

boom! boom! boom!

When the white policeman heard this, he jumped up from the sofa and walked quickly to the door and opened it.

When he found out it was a stranger, he immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "Excuse me...who are you?"

"Hello, sir. I am Severus Snape, the professor of Hogwarts. The child living in this house should have received an admission notice from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry some time ago. Book. Since you are a Muggle family, the school sent me to give a brief explanation."

Snape put on a businesslike look.

"Magic school? Are you liars?" The white policeman suddenly showed a wary look.

Since Zuo Si never disclosed any information from beginning to end, when he heard the word magic, his first reaction was that he had met a liar.

Snape knew how difficult it was to convince a Muggle family to believe in the existence of magic, so he took out his wand and tapped lightly on the bunch of dried flowers on the table.


The whole bouquet of flowers seemed to have gone back in time, returning to the vitality it had when they were just inserted into the vase more than a week ago.

"Oh-my God!"

The white policeman plopped down on the sofa, his whole body falling into a sluggish state.

Then he quickly took out a flower, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and then exclaimed: "Unbelievable! Magic really exists in this world! Why have I never heard of it before?"

Snape explained expressionlessly: "Because the wizarding world has a secrecy act that prohibits you from revealing even a little bit of magic-related information to Muggles, that is, ordinary people like you who don't understand magic and don't have wizard relatives or friends." information.

Even if you find out occasionally, your memory will be erased.

Okay, after this child becomes a little wizard, you will naturally know everything about it.

Now, let us talk about everything related to admission..."

With his identity as a wizard and his powerful aura, Snape managed to defeat the titular guardian in just a few minutes.

After confirming that Zuo Si was going to Hogwarts, the two parties quickly agreed on a time to go to Diagon Alley to exchange Muggle currency for wizard currency in order to purchase the books and tools on the list.

As for Zuo Si, he used almost perfect acting skills to express a genius child's yearning for the magical world.

After all, he had already fully utilized his two skills of "acting" and "pretending to be young" when he was in the floating city tower.

Even the Archmage of the Necromancer Asta couldn't see any flaws.

When Snape finished his work and left, Zuo Si directly drove the nominal guardian out, released the charm control, and returned him to his normal life.

The subsequent currency exchange and purchases also went very smoothly.

Zuo Si did not show any "money printing ability". He only exchanged enough expenses for a semester. He didn't even look at things that could attract the little wizard's attention, such as pets, owl messengers and flying broomsticks. He went back directly after buying things. .

Snape was obviously very satisfied with the restraint, maturity and intelligence he showed.

The only pity is that the Sorting Hat will almost never assign Muggle-born wizards to Slytherin students. Even if they are not pure blood, they must be at least mixed blood, so they are destined not to be students in his college.

However, Snape did not know that the "excellent" student in his eyes had disassembled the wand purchased from Ollivander's Wand Shop into "parts" on the first night he returned home, and then remodeled and enchanted it. , blessing various shielding detection magic.

Although Mr. Ollivander, who specializes in making and selling wands, always emphasizes that the owner chooses the wand, and the wand chooses the owner.

But Zuo Si completely scoffed at this and thought this idea was as ridiculous as playing a card game and engaging in all kinds of metaphysics.

Even worse than a metaphysical gamer.

At least the latter understands that the metaphysics he engages in is at best for psychological comfort, or simply to "fix his life."

After all, the wand is not a high-level activated magic item with intelligence and independent thinking ability, so where does it come from so many bad things?

It is a tool that simply enhances spellcasting. Since it is a tool, it can be modified and upgraded.

However, the magic power of some wizards will be particularly sensitive to some special materials, and during long-term use, the core of the staff will gradually adapt to the owner's magic characteristics, gradually forming the so-called "human and staff unity" feeling.

Once the wand you are used to is lost or damaged, it will become very uncomfortable to replace it with a new one, and it will be far less comfortable to use than before.

In addition, there are very few people or families in the entire magic world who are capable of making wands, and they rarely communicate with each other on weekdays. This eventually led to the emergence of the metaphysical theory of Ollivander's Wand Shop.

After a lot of fiddling with it, Zuo Si's wand was completely different from when he first bought it.

Whether it was the material of the wood or the core inside it, everything had been transformed and Mr. Ollivander couldn't even recognize it in person.

In addition, Zuo Si also engraved many powerful magic runes inside the wand to enhance the effect of guiding and condensing magic energy.

After feeling the power of this "magically modified" wand for a while, Zuo Si put it back with satisfaction, then opened a book of "Standard Spells" and read it with relish.

There was still more than a month before the start of school, and he planned to go through all the spells from first grade to sixth grade.

All spells that can be recorded in [Standard Spells] are usually not very powerful, and the danger is also very low.

For Zuo Si, who has a rich reserve of magic knowledge, it is basically not too difficult.

The reason why I chose to enter Hogwarts instead of other magic schools was actually because of the castle's huge library and restricted book area.

After completing the entrance ceremony and becoming a new student, he promised to live there on the first night until he had read all the magic books.

More than a month is neither long nor short.

Zuo Si used this time to sort out the world's magic system, and found that personal emotions and will played a huge role in it.

For example, when releasing the Patronus Charm, one must desperately think of the happiest moment in memory.

Without sufficient happiness, the spell cannot be cast.

The same is true for the often used Iron Armor Curse.

The stronger the awareness of protecting oneself when this spell is released, the stronger the force field formed around the body will be and the more difficult it will be to be broken by other spells.

All in all, unlike Faerun mages who emphasize calmness, rationality, and keeping their heads clear, the wizards in this world are often able to exert unimaginable power when they are emotionally agitated.

This also explains very well why the ancient magic released by Harry Potter's mother before her death successfully deflected the Killing Curse, making her the first and only person to survive after being hit by the Killing Curse. The lucky one.

"In addition to one's own magic power, are there also strong will and emotional factors? Does this mean that the magical energy in this world will be affected by strong emotions? Or is it that strong enough emotions will trigger a resonance between one's own soul and the surrounding magical energy? ?" Zuo Si sat in front of his desk and murmured to himself with interest.

There is no doubt that this is a new research direction and topic.

If he understands it, then many magics will be more powerful and lethal when he casts them.

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