A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 219 The Beholder’s Lair (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)

boom! ! ! ! !

Along with a loud noise, dazzling fire and violent explosions suddenly erupted near the entrance and exit to the south of the beholder's lair.

A dozen beholders who relied on their natural magic abilities to float about one meter above the ground were swallowed up by shock waves, heat waves and flames on the spot.

Before they could figure out what was happening, the hard shell was instantly shattered, turning into large bloody balls of flesh and falling to the ground.

Since the location of the explosion is located in a narrow tunnel at the bottom of the sewer, the space is extremely limited, and the lethality is far more terrifying than in open terrain.

In addition, there was no place to hide, so all the beholders in the center were blown to death on the spot.

And those who were affected were all spurting blood from their big mouths full of fangs. They looked dizzy. They would fall down immediately after flying up, unable to maintain their balance at all.

As for the Eye of the Elder following the queue, although it was also affected by the shock wave due to its relatively long distance, fortunately, its huge flesh ball-like body and the hard shell covering its surface successfully withstood and absorbed most of the shock wave. It was partially damaged, so it wasn't as dizzy as other beholders.

Just the opposite!

After realizing that it was under attack, it immediately blessed itself with several protective magics including [Stoneskin] as quickly as possible, staring at the pitch-black tunnel ahead with vigilant eyes.


In the silence, a pinging sound came from far and near, as if something was rolling downwards.

After about a few seconds, the Elder's Eyes saw a huge metal can that was as tall as a person and half a meter thick rolling over.


The valves at both ends of the tank suddenly began to spray out a large amount of unknown gas, quickly filling the surrounding environment.

Before the powerful beholder spellcaster could figure out what those gases were, a strange device on the top of the jar snapped and released a silver arc.

The next second!

boom! ! ! ! !

Another explosion that was exactly the same as before swept through every corner of the entire passage.

The metal that was blown into pieces was like rotating sharp blades, flying everywhere in the confined space.

Even the beholder's hard shell that could withstand ordinary swords was easily torn open and inserted deeply into the fragile internal organs, causing horrific wounds with bloody flesh.

In an instant, both the dead beholder and the injured beholder were all cleaned up in the second explosion.

Their astonishing flesh-ball bodies, which are two and a half to three meters in diameter and weigh more than two tons, are like tattered rag dolls. They were effortlessly thrown to the wall or ceiling during the explosion, and then hit hard again. It fell down, completely losing its life.

Realizing that the situation was not good, the Elder's Eye did not hesitate for even a second and immediately wanted to use teleportation magic to escape.

Unfortunately, at this critical moment, a green light directly hit its body.

【Dimensional Anchor】!

Without any surprise, the teleportation magic failed on the spot.

Realizing that the enemy hiding in the dark was trying to kill him, the Elder's Eye immediately changed direction and fled back into the intricate lair.

As soon as its front legs got into the dark passage, Zuo Si and Erinikas came out of their hiding place with their back legs.

After the latter checked the injuries of the beholder corpses with great interest, he immediately asked in an uncertain tone: "What was in the jars you just used? How could it produce such an amazingly powerful explosion?" If the walls and ceilings nearby are not reinforced by magic, maybe even the passage will be blown down together."

"It's nothing, just some alchemical creations." Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders pretending to be casual.

In fact, what was in that jar was not anything created through magic at all, but simply high-purity hydrogen and oxygen obtained by electrolyzing water.

It is then turned into a liquid form by pressurization and stored.

When used, just like before, roll directly in front of the enemy, and then activate the closed valve through a simple trigger spell, allowing liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen to quickly eject, vaporize, and fully mix in the air.

In the end, all it takes is a small arc of electricity, and a terrifyingly powerful explosion will immediately occur.

Moreover, this explosion is different from the [Fireball Technique] and the seven-ring [Delayed Explosion Fireball], which only burn high-temperature flames. Its main damage comes from the shock wave and concussion generated by the expansion of air.

Therefore, whether it is energy absorption and resistance to spells, or anti-magic force fields, they are almost ineffective.

Only force field protection magic such as force wall, shield, and Bigby's protective palm can successfully weaken the power of the shock wave, or even completely block it.

In fact, at the beginning, Zuo Siwei wanted to develop nitrostarch, a more portable solid explosive.

But the problem is, I don’t know if it’s because of the wrong process, or because the quality of nitric acid and sulfuric acid produced by the alchemists in Faerûn is not up to par, or because of the influence of ubiquitous magical energy.

In short, the power is a bit unsatisfactory, far from as amazing as imagined, it feels like a large firecracker.

After experiencing several failures, Zuo Si decisively chose to give up and turned to making a simpler and more crude hydrogen-oxygen hybrid bomb.

After all, there are transformation magics like [Shrinking Objects] that can shrink items to only one-sixteenth of their original size, which perfectly makes up for the shortcomings of large metal gas tanks that are not easy to carry.

However, even though he had developed this "big killer" that could be mass-produced, Zuo Si had no intention of promoting or selling it at all.

Because he knows very well that if this thing is really popularized in Ferenpe, it is estimated that apart from increasing the brutality of wars and battles and the number of casualties, it will not play any role in promoting the development of science and technology.

And the ones who benefited the most from it were definitely the red-robed wizards.

Then they won't have to go through as much trouble as they do now when they invade other countries. They will also have to coordinate the army with a large number of low-level mages and apprentices.

Just order the necromancers to control low-level zombies and skeletons, and rush towards the densest crowds with jars on their backs.

What's more, besides this, there are direct threats from the gods.

It is true that the promotion of new technologies and new knowledge will be supported by gods like Ogma and Gond, but it will also attract the hostility of other gods.

For example, Tempus, the god of war, despises the use of "magic tricks" in war and battles.

In addition, there are many neutral and even good-aligned gods such as natural gods and elven gods, who will be strongly dissatisfied or even hostile to this.

As for those evil gods, there is no need to say more.

Therefore, in a world like Faerûn, where gods are everywhere, if anyone wants to engage in "materialism" and imitate the earth's modern society in vigorously developing science and technology and popularizing education, if he wants to enclose his own land on a small island, That's all.

If you still dare to spread it widely, you are definitely because you didn't die fast enough or tragically enough.

Therefore, Zuo Si is often very careful when using purely technological items, trying to ensure that they will not be seen by others and can be copied successfully.

"Does the force field hurt? It seems that the alchemy creation you made is a bit complicated." Irenekas said meaningfully.

"Do you still have time to care about this? If I were me, I would rush after the Eye of the Elder right now. Otherwise, if it runs away and comes back with more beholders to take revenge, don't expect to be able to feel at ease by then. Do research." Zuo Si reminded him equally meaningfully.

When Irenekas heard these words, his eyes suddenly became sharp. He directly blessed himself with several protective magics, and then chased in with several golems.

Since he has the chosen ability blessed by Zuo Si, he now does not have to worry about the deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins carried by the dead bodies in the lair.

As for Zuo Si himself, he followed behind to pick up the relatively well-preserved beholder corpses, planning to go back and make them all into dead-eye tyrants, which would be used as an important force in the mage tower's defense against enemy invasion.

After all, waste is shameful!

Especially for monster corpses that are as powerful as beholders and retain all their abilities after death, they must be fully utilized.

But just as Zuo Si was following behind to pick up the leaks, Irenicas, who was rushing to the front, fell into a huge crisis.

When this powerful elf mage caught up with the enemy, he suddenly found that he was not facing one Elder Eye, but two.

Moreover, the main eye of the second Elder Eye has been blinded and can no longer release the terrifying ability of the anti-magic force field.

But what replaced it was a higher and more terrifying spellcasting level.

There is no doubt that this eye magician is the supreme leader of the entire eye cave.

The Eye of the Elder, whom Irenekas initially thought was the leader, was nothing more than the latter's deputy.

"Damn it! This is really troublesome..."

Irenekas carefully hid behind the huge steel golem, with strong fear in his eyes.

You must know that it is quite troublesome to deal with one Elder's Eye, let alone two together.

Just when he was trying to use Zero Ring Magic [Messaging Technique] to send a help signal to Zuo Si and Lei Yin and Badi who were at the other exit, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Mage! Are you also here to find the artifact?"


Irenekas decisively chose to play dumb, trying to delay a little more time.

The beholder obviously didn't notice this, and immediately asked in a puzzled tone: "If it's not for the artifact, then why are you attacking us?"

"Because you are blocking my path."

Irenekas gave the answer straightforwardly.

"Road? Your target is also the temple hidden deep underground?" The beholder's tone was full of doubts.

Because it couldn't understand why the other party was looking for this lost ancient temple if it wasn't for the artifact.

Irenekas nodded slightly and explained through the spiritual connection: "Yes, my goal is also that temple, but it is not for the artifact, but for the saint hidden in that temple."


The beholder obviously didn't quite understand what the strangely dressed mage in front of him wanted to do.

But just when it was about to continue asking questions, a violent wave of magic suddenly came from a place not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a Balor Balrog armed with a beheading sword and a flaming whip rushed over and attacked without saying a word.

When the two Elder Eyes saw this, they immediately terminated the conversation and entered a fighting state.

Among them, the one whose main eye was well preserved immediately released an anti-magic force field, trying to use this powerful spell-like ability to wipe out the Balor Balrog that was obviously summoned through the nine-ring spell [Gate to Another World].

Because within the scope of the anti-magic force field, all creatures summoned through conjuration magic will be temporarily sent back to the corresponding plane, and will not reappear in their previous locations until the anti-magic force field disappears.

And legendary creatures like the Balor Fire Demon usually cannot last long even if they are summoned using [Gate to Another World].

So there is no need to fight him desperately, just wait patiently for the spell duration to expire.

Unfortunately, this Elder's Eye obviously underestimated the spell resistance of Balor Balrog.

As a result, when the anti-magic force field formed by the main eye enveloped the Balor Balrog, this powerful demon resisted the effect of the anti-magic force field. He rushed forward with a single step, raised his decapitating sword and chopped it down hard.

You must know that anyone hit by this weapon blessed with vicious magical power has a certain probability of being "decapitated" instantly.

Although the beholder's body looks like a ball of flesh, it actually has a head.

Therefore, the Elder's Eye did not dare to force the attack. He closed his main eye, turned off the anti-magic force field, and immediately released the four-ring [Any Door] to escape.

As soon as it closed its eyes, the anti-magic force field disappeared immediately.

Irenekas, who was originally unable to cast spells, completed the nine-ring magic [Standstill of Time] with extremely fast movements.

In an instant!

His body was forcibly accelerated to an unbelievable degree.

The people around him seemed to be completely still at this moment, unable to move at all.

No hesitation!

Without saying anything, Irenekas first threw a nine-ring [Great Disintegration] to the elder's eye in the distance whose main eye was not blind, preparing to destroy all the magic protection on the opponent's body.

Then, he used the little time left to summon two seven-ringed [Mage Swords], also known as [Mordenkainen's Swords].

Because this spell, like the previous [Great Disintegration], was invented by Mordenkainen, the famous legendary mage in the world of Gray Eagle next door.

It's just that the function of the former is to strip away all the magic protection on the enemy, and at the same time destroy all magic-related equipment, items, and even artifacts.

Of course, how much it can destroy depends entirely on the level of the magic item and luck.

If the caster is lucky enough, one shot will definitely make the enemy feel heartbreaking pain and despair.

Nothing can make mages and warlocks feel more desperate and miserable than a suit full of top-notch magic equipment that turns into waste in an instant.

As for [Mage's Sword], it is the same as [Force Wall], which is a force field-type energy-shaping magic.

Its effect is to shape the force field into the shape of a sword, and then automatically attack the target according to the caster's command.

Because it is a force field, this thing is almost immune to all forms of physical attacks. Only magic and energy damage such as dissociation can destroy it.

For a beholder with thick skin and amazing physical defense, the [Mage Sword] can cause higher damage than most enchanted weapons.

When Irenekas finished casting three high-level spells, the effect of [Stop Time] disappeared instantly.

The world that had remained static seemed to suddenly come to life again.

Before the Elder's Eye even had time to react to what was happening, he discovered that the protective magic effects such as [Stoneskin], [Mage Armor], and [Shield] on his body had disappeared without a trace in an instant. .

Several lenses equipped on the eye stalk to enhance the power of the rays were instantly shattered and completely useless.

Although not all the magic equipment on the body was destroyed, the loss was still considerable.

Then a sharp pain came from the crack of the soft shell on the side.

By rotating one of the eye stalks, it was surprised to find that its body was pierced by a sword-shaped force field that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and a large amount of blood continued to flow out from the wound.

Almost at the same time, another [Mage's Sword] also pierced the huge main eye, obviously intending to destroy this big eye that could release an anti-magic force field.

It's a pity that the Elder's Eye reacted quickly and made a tumbling motion in mid-air by rotating the huge flesh ball body, barely missing the main eye.

But he was stabbed in the mouth and cut off a section of his tongue.

You don't need to ask to know that it probably won't be able to continue chanting the spell for some time.


The severe pain drove this powerful beholder spellcaster completely crazy. Ten small eye stalks instantly aimed at the [Mage Sword] that was close at hand, and shot out dissociation rays and damage rays crazily.

It didn't take long for the two sword-shaped force fields to be completely destroyed.

But just when it was about to fight back against Irenicas who hurt it, it suddenly felt something behind it, and immediately turned one of its eye stalks with anti-invisibility capabilities to confirm.

But before he could turn around, he felt a terrifying force coming from behind.

The huge impact knocked the Elder's Eye away more than ten meters and hit the wall next to it.

I saw Zuo Si coming from behind. He first used a [Big Flying Palm] to fly away the Elder's Eye, and instantly released [Deep Darkness] to block the opponent's vision.

Then the Shadow Legion takes action, inevitably bringing it to the brink of death.

Although during this process, almost dozens of shadows were hit by the beholder's rays and were wiped out on the spot.

But he also managed to turn a powerful Eye of the Elder into a prisoner who suffered respiratory failure and fell into a coma.

Seeing Zuo Si's smooth spell connection and scalp-numbing insidious tactics, Irenicas immediately understood why the top brass of the Emerald Society had attacked him twice before, but failed to cause any harm to him.

It's not that the latter is too weak, it's that the chosen one in front of Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, is too powerful.

Even if he doesn't rely on the chosen ability given by God, Zuo Si is still a terrifying spell caster, and he is also skilled in both divine and arcane arts.

However, since there was a more powerful Eye of the Elder, Irenekas didn't care too much and immediately turned around to help Badi and Lei Yin.

As soon as his front foot left, Zuo Si, his back foot, made the unconscious Eye of the Elder on the ground into a card.

[Creature Card: Beholder—Eye of the Elder]

[LV7 multi-color cards (upgradeable)]

[Card quality: precious]

[Effect: Summon an Elder Eye with LV16 Warlock level to serve the Planeswalker.

This terrifying alien creature possesses the highest level of eighth-level arcane magic.

It also has ten eye stalks that can rotate freely and release various magic rays.

It can release at least three rays in an instant, and its power is equivalent to that of a LV13 arcane caster.

In addition, when the main eye of the Elder's Eye is opened, it will release a cone-shaped anti-magic force field within a range of 45 meters directly ahead.

When the main eye is closed, the anti-magic field will disappear instantly.

This beholder is equipped with a "spell storage ring" that can store six levels of spells, an "extended range prism crystal" that can increase the distance of the eyeball rays, and an additional fifth, sixth, and seventh level spell slot for the wearer. One "Ring of Witchcraft" each.

At the same time, it also masters some metamagic skills.

The Eye of the Elder can understand any language you speak and obey all orders you give until it is killed or the summons is cancelled]

[You need to pay fifteen blue mana points and ten black mana points when using it, or twenty-five general mana points. 】

[When the summoned Eye of the Elder is killed, the card will automatically enter the graveyard to wait for rebirth for fifteen days]

There is no doubt that with the warlock level of up to LV16 and the creature level of the beholder, this card, like the Dragon Lich, is an out-and-out legendary creature.

Don't look at how embarrassing the Eye of the Elder was just now by Erinikas.

But if Zuo Si hadn't suddenly made a sneak attack, it is estimated that the spell duel between the two would have lasted for a while before the winner could be determined.

After all, the Eye of the Elder has a powerful anti-magic field, which is absolutely overwhelmingly disadvantageous to any spellcaster.

What's more, it can be switched anytime and anywhere.

For example, close your main eye when you cast a spell, and then open it again when the enemy casts a spell.

In short, there is another trump card that can turn the situation around at a critical moment.

"The harvest from this trip is really good."

Zuo Si quickly put away the cards, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and quickly turned his attention to the battle on the other side.

If he guessed correctly, this powerful beholder who was fighting against Rein, Badi and Irenikas on his own was the "Blind Eye" who would establish a sect in Askatra in the future. He is also the supreme leader of this group of beholders.

As the name suggests, this guy took the initiative to blind his main eye, gave up his innate anti-magic field, and then gained powerful spellcasting ability.

And judging from the number of spells he mastered, he should be an eye magician, not a warlock like other Elder Eyes.

Especially the blind main eye, after being transformed by some kind of magic ritual, can absorb the magic energy from the enemy.

Whenever it is successfully absorbed, the guy's central blind main eye will release a blazing red light.

It is precisely because of this powerful ability that it can remain intact under the siege of three powerful enemies, and it can continue to fight back.

Those eye stalks that were supposed to release rays are now almost all tentacles used for casting spells.

Whenever the eye stem starts to swing, it means that the "Blind Eye" is preparing a spell.

In addition, there is an extra modified eye stalk at the end, which can actually release a chilling [Advanced Dispelling Magic] ray.

With a spellcasting level that is most likely to exceed LV20, every time it is released, it can instantly strip away most of the protective spells on the enemy, causing Irenikas and Reine to be extremely annoyed.

In the end, Lei Yin couldn't bear the pain of being stripped naked as soon as she put on the protection, so she simply made a mistake and didn't use any protection, so she used the sub-artifact - the Archmage's Staff to absorb it directly.

Every time she absorbs a spell released by "Blind Eye", she will calculate the energy level in her heart, and then either release direct damaging magic, or save it and use [Level 9 Monster Summoning Technique] to summon powerful elemental creatures and alien creatures. Come and help.

As for the Balor Balrog summoned through the [Gate to Another World], he was sent back to his hometown in the bottomless abyss by the [Expulsion Technique] a long time ago.

Because these guys participating in the war are basically either legendary mages, or the archmage and vampire queen who are only one step away from the legendary mages.

Therefore, all kinds of spell countermeasures, confrontations, predictions and complex calculations can be said to be quite exciting, which greatly fascinated Zuo Si, who had never seen a real advanced spell duel in Faerun.

He did not rush forward to help. Instead, he added [Advanced Invisibility Technique] to himself and hid in the dark to watch the battle silently.

In particular, Irenekas's spell-casting habits, memories and favorite spells were all remembered in his mind without exception.

The moment the two people turn against each other and become enemies, this information will become very useful and deadly.


Zuo Si, who likes to be fully prepared for everything, has already begun to plot against Irenicas, who is still an ally.

In fact, it’s not just Erinikas, but also the Lord of Symbols, the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, Manson and Fuzor Chamberry of the Zhentarim, the chief of the red robe wizards, the devils from hell, etc. , he has made a lot of preparations.

Although these preparations may not come in handy, having them and not having them are two completely different things.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Zuo Si felt that his way of thinking seemed to be becoming more and more similar to that of a certain "master".

The only difference is that he is a selfish person, and everything he does is purely for himself, and he has no other lofty ideals or anything like that.

After all, if ideals are not strong enough to support them, they will collapse like a castle on the beach with a gentle wave of waves.

While Zuo Si was hiding in the dark and observing, the spell confrontation between Blind Eye and Irenicas and others was gradually coming to an end.

Although the former relied on the [Advanced Dispelling Magic] released by the last eye stalk, he managed to defeat one against three in a short period of time, and even had the upper hand for a time.

But as the high-level spell slots were exhausted, the situation finally ushered in the expected reversal.

Lei Yin, who owned the Archmage's Staff, was the first to attack. He bullied the opponent because he was blind and could not release the anti-magic force field, so he consumed the energy stored in the Archmage's Staff in one go and used the [Level 9 Monster Summoning Technique] to start from the bottom. Three berserk demons were summoned from the abyss.

As soon as the latter appears on the scene, he immediately releases the spell-like ability [Hammer of Chaos], summoning energy from chaos to strike at the enemy.

Since beholders are usually of the lawful evil alignment, which happens to conflict with chaos, they immediately take a surprising amount of damage.

You can even see the blood foam spraying out of the big mouth full of fangs.

Fortunately, the Blind Eye's vitality is strong enough, and it also has a high level of magic resistance. If it were an ordinary beholder, eating three [Chaos Hammers] in an instant would 100% kill it instantly.

Zuo Si himself had eaten the [Hammer of Chaos] released by the Mad War Demon, so he was quite aware of the power of this magic.

If the target is the lawful camp, the damage and range caused by this spell is almost the same as the three-ring fireball spell, and it can also cause a magical effect similar to the slow spell for a few seconds to more than ten seconds.

Seeing that the enemy was sluggish under the influence of [Chaos Hammer], these ferocious-looking Berserker Demons immediately swarmed forward, ready to tear the Blind Eye into pieces alive.

But unfortunately, when they got closer, they discovered that they were isolated by an invisible force field.

No matter how hard it hits, it can't get even one step closer.

Upon seeing this, Badi immediately activated a [Great Disintegration] spell scroll, instantly destroying the wall of power and stripping away the magic protection on Blind Eye.

"Quick! Now! Kill it!"

Irenikas issued orders to the Crazy War Demon and the still-moving golems around him.

But just a second later, Blind Eye's body suddenly released a surging and terrifying energy, sweeping everything within a few dozen meters around it in a way visible to the naked eye.

Whether it was the Berserker Demon or the constructed golems, they were all crushed into dust flying all over the sky in an instant.

I saw half of a scepter-like thing floating next to this powerful beholder.

The energy that just spurted out was released from this half of the scepter.


This thought came to everyone's mind.

Because except for artifacts, there are no other magics, items, or other things that can kill so many creatures with high magic resistance at the same time in an instant.

What's more, the death methods of the three fighting demons and the golem were so strange and unbelievable.

However, after the successful attack, Blind Eye did not pursue the victory.

Just the opposite!

It began to retreat slowly.

You don't need to ask to know that the attack just now consumed almost half of the energy stored in the artifact, and I'm afraid it won't be able to be used again in a short time.

But the problem is that both Erinikas and Badi were frightened by the terrifying power of the artifact.

They didn't dare to gamble, so they could only watch the blind eyes slowly retreat and disappear into the dark passage.

As for Lei Yin, she simply got Zuo Si's order, so she didn't take the risk to pursue her.

After the Blind Eye was completely gone, Irenekas' tense nerves relaxed a little, and he said with a lingering fear: "It's really terrifying destructive power! No wonder Soth wants to get this artifact."

"What should we do now?" Badi asked with a frown.

Although she is a vampire with nearly infinite recovery ability, she still inevitably feels numb when she thinks of provoking such a powerful enemy.

Once the Blind Eye seizes the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, it probably won't even have the chance to transform into gaseous form and escape back to the coffin to recover from its injuries.

"Don't worry, someone will help us solve it. Didn't you notice that Soth, who came here early, completely disappeared after his brief attack?"

Erinikas reminded him expressionlessly.

"Damn it! It seems like something is missing."

Only then did Badi realize that of the four people who were acting together, there were now only three left.

She couldn't believe that Zuo Si could hold back from taking action against such a good opportunity just now.

But Irenicas explained meaningfully: "Soth obviously knew that the beholder might be carrying an artifact, so he was very careful from the beginning and would only choose to take action when he was absolutely certain. And... Just as I was using him to achieve his goals, he was using me to achieve his own goals."

"What a terrifying guy. Now I seem to understand why Talona, ​​the goddess of poison and disease, chose him to be her chosen one."

A strong fear flashed in Badi's eyes.

Because no matter which god's chosen one is, his power must be very restrained against undead creatures.

Especially high-level and even legendary priests from the evil camp can even force powerful vampires like her to obey orders through the power given by God.

At the same time, in the west passage about a few hundred meters away from the beholder's lair.

Blind Eye, who had just escaped from death, was carefully passing through this place filled with a large number of ghouls, zombies, skeletons, and ancient mummies. He planned to return to the upper level of the sewer first, and then find a place to rebuild a new lair to make a comeback.

One or two failures are nothing to a creature like it.

What's more, the beholder is a very strange creature.

Although offspring can also be produced through mating, most of the time it is done by dreaming while sleeping.

When a beholder dreams of another beholder while sleeping, the latter will come out of the dream and become a reality.

I have to say that this method of creating similar creatures out of thin air is really, really weird and incredible.

Because no other creature can do this except a beholder.

Some people say that when a beholder dreams of another beholder while sleeping, their spirit is actually connected to the "Great Mistress".

Therefore, the "Great Mistress" who created the entire beholder race will immediately create an identical beholder according to the dream and send it to the former.

However, all this is just unfounded speculation by some powerful spellcasters who have studied beholders in depth.

As for what the truth is, I'm afraid even the beholders themselves can't tell clearly.

After safely passing through a huge area filled with undead creatures, Blind Eye's vigilance dropped significantly.

Although the ten eye stalks are still rotating continuously, conducting 360-degree reconnaissance without blind spots.

When it floated and moved up the spiral staircase, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and landed steadily in front of it.

Through the inherent dark vision, the blind eye clearly saw the appearance of the other party, a deformed creature with a human upper body and a scorpion lower body.

Moreover, with the opponent as the center, it is surrounded by anti-magic fields within a few meters, so that it cannot release any spells at all, nor can it activate the magic items worn on it.

I have to say, this scene is quite ironic.

Because the beholder, who is best at using anti-magic force fields, was completely suppressed by others using anti-magic force fields.

You don't need to ask to know that this half-human, half-scorpion creature is the warrior and mage named Mural who Zuo Si captured in the leyline maze of the "crazy mage" Halaster Blackrobe.

Obviously, because this guy's tactics are very suitable for dealing with the blind eye that has lost most of its ray capabilities, he was summoned by Zuo Si for a head-on confrontation.

No nonsense!

No need for so-called conversation!

The moment Mural landed, he immediately waved the [Sword of Solid Stone] to attack the huge meat ball in front of him, and from time to time he would control the poisonous tail stinger to sting the opponent.

After several failed attempts to distance itself, Blind Eye decisively opened its bloody mouth and tried to bite off the former's head.

The two powerful spellcasters gave up their magic and staged a brutal and bloody close-range fight in the anti-magic force field.

Blood splattered all of a sudden!

Whether it is Mural or Blind Eye, they all have only one purpose, and that is to kill the other party.

Just when the two sides were fighting inextricably, the shadow army ambushing nearby finally launched a siege under Zuo Si's order.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of shadows rushed out of the darkness and swarmed towards Blind Eye.

The huge number immediately frightened the latter out of their wits. They tried their best to climb to a floating height to avoid being touched, and at the same time fired a large number of rays wildly to kill these creatures.

Unfortunately, how could Mural let it get what it wanted, and quickly suppressed it back to the ground through jumping chops and other combat techniques.

In the end, this powerful Eye Mage was finally made into a LV7 card by Zuo Si under the touch of a group of shadows, just like the previous Eye of the Elder.

However, although the card levels are the same, the combat effectiveness of the Blind Eye is obviously at least one level higher than that of the Elder Eye.

In particular, the last eye stalk it transformed through the study of magical power can release [Advanced Dispelling Magic] rays infinitely, giving it an advantage when fighting spellcasters.

This can be gleaned from the previous spell confrontation.

If Irenekas, Badi and Rein hadn't consumed almost all the high-level spell slots of Blind Eye, it might not have been so easy to succeed with just Mural.

After a battle, Zuo Si not only swept the entire beholder lair to harvest a large amount of mana, but also made several seven-ring magic cards such as [Delayed Explosion Fireball], and also transformed the two strongest beholder leaders into Became a summoned creature.

Even the corpses of dead beholders were collected and prepared to be taken back to the mage tower to be made into the Dead Eye Tyrant.

The most important thing is that Zuo Si got half of the artifact before Irenicas.

Looking at this cylindrical metal object engraved with countless strange symbols and words, he couldn't help but touch his chin and said to himself: "Strange... I have never seen any of these words and symbols. Even Candlekeep There are no records in many collections of books.”

"Master, these are not the words or symbols used by any known race or civilization in Faerun. If nothing else, I think it should come from other planes and crystal walls." Mural carefully put forward his opinion. .

After all, he is also the apprentice of the "Crazy Mage", and has lived for more than a thousand years through magical transformation, so he still has some say in this aspect.

"An artifact from an alien plane? Then why did it appear in Faerûn? And it is still kept by the ancient sun god Amaunata?" Zuo Si frowned and asked.

Mural shook his head slightly: "Sorry, because there is too little information obtained so far, it is difficult for me to analyze the results. But one thing is certain, that is, there must be something ulterior hidden in this temple. secret."

"In that case, let's go meet this saint who remains in the material world from the ancient sun god."

After that, Zuo Si put away half of the artifact and took Mural straight towards the underground temple without notifying Irenicas who was still waiting for news in the beholder's lair.

His purpose is very simple, that is, to figure out the origin and specific function of the artifact before the other party does, and how the energy impact that Blind Eye released just now using half of the artifact was achieved.

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