A sneeze destroys a magical civilization

Chapter 218 Pain and disaster must be shared with the enemy (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe

There is no doubt that defeat is a very terrible thing for any city-state or even country in Faerûn.

Many seemingly powerful and arrogant forces often disappear forever in the long river of history just because of a single defeat.

So when the Nelanthel Archipelago fleet appeared at the docks, all the residents of Baldur's Gate thought they were in danger.

Many smart people even wanted to take their valuables with them and flee directly to other cities by land in horse-drawn carriages.

As for the emergency recruitment order issued by Duke Bert and Grand Duchess Lila Jeanas, not many people responded at all, and everyone was busy running for their lives.

After all, there must be a prerequisite for the forced recruitment of young adults, that is, there must be an army at hand, which can be used as a force to intimidate and maintain order.

But now, only the few people guarding the Flame Fist Fortress are left in Baldur's Gate, and the rest have been taken away by Duke Iltan.

There is still a group of soldiers stationed outside the city, but the problem is that now because too many people want to escape, various carriages and trucks have blocked the only road leading to the city gate.

People inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

Many chambers of commerce that hired guards even fought over the way to escape, fully demonstrating the selfish nature of businessmen.

Of course, ordinary people are not much better, and they are also scrambling to escape.

The situation was heading toward uncontrollable chaos from the beginning.

Fortunately, all this finally calmed down after a few hours as the Nelanthel Islands Fleet showed no intention of landing.

Immediately afterwards, Silver Shield and Duke Iltan, who were under the influence of psychic powers, "self-destructed" in public, instantly causing an uproar among the people of Baldur's Gate.

You must know that they have always believed that Duke Iltan is an upright and selfless man. For many years, he has diligently directed the Flame Fist mercenaries to eliminate threats and provide protection for the city.

But who would have thought that such a person would collude with Duke Silver Shield and use his power to embezzle countless taxes.

As for Anta Silver Shield, who controlled maritime trade, he used various coercion and inducement methods to drive away competitors, allowing his family and allies to control the most profitable trade routes.

So in a very short period of time, the people of Baldur's Gate turned from initial panic to anger. They gathered in the port area and roared to hang or burn these two sinners.

If it weren't for the sailors led by the hobgoblins who stopped them, they might have been beaten to death.

However, as the influence of the psychic powers disappeared, when Iltan and Anta Silver Shield realized what they had just done, they seemed to have fallen into an extremely cold ice cave, and their whole bodies trembled slightly involuntarily. Full of panic and fear.

Especially the latter, who tried to explain to the onlookers that he had just been affected by magical power.

But unfortunately, no matter how he explained it, no one believed it.

In contrast, Iltan quickly understood the enemy's intention to do this, which was to undermine the huge personal prestige he had built up in Baldur's Gate over the years.

He didn't defend himself like his allies, he just looked at it all indifferently.

Because he understood that as long as he still controlled the Flame Fist mercenaries, no one could dislodge him from the position of Grand Duke.

As for the angry people and businessmen, they are nothing more than a mob in front of the powerful army of violent machines.

At that time, if you suppress it a little and kill a few of the leaders, everything will be calm again.

The top priority right now is to negotiate with the fleet behind the Nelanser Islands and ask the other party to release themselves and all the captured Flame Fist mercenaries. This is the most important thing.

But Iltan did not realize that his thoughts had left the lawful neutral camp and began to get closer and closer to lawful evil.

And because his memory was modified, he completely forgot what happened before, and there was only one thing on his mind, and that was to keep the power in his hands from being taken away by anyone at all costs.

Compared to the two dukes who became prisoners, the other two fell into ecstasy after a brief panic.

Duke Belt, who controlled the guild and land merchants, and Grand Duchess Lila Janus, who was almost ignored by Anta Silver Shield, suddenly discovered that this defeat did not seem to be a bad thing.

At least the power he lost is back.

Especially after experiencing "self-destruction", both Iltan and Anta Silver Shield seemed to be completely finished.

Therefore, they did not hesitate and quickly sent envoys to negotiate with the Nelanser Islands Fleet and strive to quickly conclude an armistice agreement that was satisfactory to both parties, even if it cost a little more.

As for the responsibility and blame for the defeat...

Of course, all of them were pinned on the heads of Anta Silver Shield and Iltan, and they were completely nailed to the pillar of shame in history and would never be able to recover.

If possible, it would be best to liquidate all the families and allies behind them.

However, the families and allies behind Anta Silver Shield and Iltan were not fools, and they also sent envoys to try to redeem the two.

Under Vanessa's control, what was originally an invasion by a foreign enemy turned into an internal fight between the four dukes of Baldur's Gate and two political forces.

"My old friend, your manipulation of power and people's hearts is still as scary as ever."

Looking at the two groups of messengers not far away who were deliberately arranged together, Jeffrey couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, the nature of the negotiation has completely changed since the two groups met and understood each other's intentions.

Duke Belt and Grand Duchess Lila Janes, who had just regained power, would never allow Anta Silvershield and Iltan to come back at this time, so they had to prevent them from returning to power by paying a ransom at all costs. Be free.

At least not until a reckoning with his family, allies and political forces is complete.

On the other side, the latter's family, allies and political forces are not fools and know the huge crisis they are facing.

If Iltan and Anta Silver Shield cannot be redeemed, then the other two dukes will inevitably put themselves to death after completely stabilizing the situation and taking over power.

The end result is that both parties can only continue to increase the price in exchange for the support of the Nelanthel Islands fleet, which should have been the enemy.

Most people would not believe such a magical scene if they had not seen it with their own eyes.

Vanessa responded with a meaningful smile: "No, it's not that my methods are brilliant, but that the enemy is too stupid.

To be honest, I really can't think of how Baldur's Gate can survive crisis after crisis with idiots like Iltan and Antar Silvershield ruling the city.

If I were the mastermind behind this, I would have turned them all into manipulated puppets.

Moreover, Baldur's Gate doesn't have any decent magical power. The person with the highest level of spellcasting is probably the owner of the wizarding grocery store, Habatha Delin.

If I remember correctly, his spellcasting level should be between LV13 and LV15. "

"I have heard of Habaser Delin. He has good alchemy skills and is very good at squeezing apprentices to make various low-level magic items. He should have monopolized almost 50% of the arcane magic resources in the surrounding areas. Only those who live in Bell Tyrantir of High Barrier Castle to the west of Gost can barely compete with it."

Jeffrey touched his chin and told about the situation of the only two high-level spellcasters near Baldur's Gate.

In fact, the lichs had already regarded the two high-level mages as potential threats when they made the plan.

Not only did he collect a large amount of information about them, but he also used prophecy magic to conduct a series of explorations on their spell list.

This is why Vanessa has gathered so many core members of the organization.

Although mages of the same level as Tyrantir and Habathur Delin are basically unlikely to be hired by the Duke of Baldur's Gate.

But he still prepared for the worst.

However, judging from the current situation, the two of them seem not to be involved in these messy things.

"Don't worry, my friend.

According to Lord Soth, now is not the best time to reach into Baldur's Gate.

All we have to do is weaken it and then develop it into a trade node subordinate to the Nelanthel Islands.

Only when the city's upper-class rulers and the merchant guilds engaged in maritime trade have completely turned into vassals can they truly be brought under control.

As for Habathur Delin and Tyrantir, I will find an opportunity to ask them out to talk at the appropriate time.

I believe they will not refuse to cooperate with us.

Of course, if these two guys are ignorant, I wouldn't mind letting them understand the consequences of being our enemy. "

When saying these words, Vanessa's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Since he was originally a specialized mage of the necromancy system, he adapted to his identity as a lich faster than several other members of the organization, and he had no psychological barriers to things like destruction, destruction, and killing.

He won't be merciful just because the other party is a mage like himself.

Jeffrey obviously knew very well what kind of person his old friend was, so he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile: "Don't go too far. Don't forget that Mr. Soth has emphasized more than once that our principle is that no one offends us, I don’t offend anyone. Unless the other party takes the initiative to provoke you, it’s best not to use force.”

Vanessa responded with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. And the current goal is to get the Duke of Baldur's Gate to publicly admit his defeat and then sign a treaty with us."

"Haha, I think the two groups of messengers outside should be more anxious than you." Jeffrey couldn't help but joke.

It turned out that what he said was absolutely correct.

It had only been less than ten minutes since the two parties had met, and they had already started scrambling to make various promises to Eric, even going so far as to sell out Baldur's Gate's interests, just in exchange for the pirate leader standing beside him. aside.

Especially the families behind Anta Silver Shield and Iltan, they almost went to the extent of redeeming their people at all costs.

Because they knew very well that Duke Bert and Grand Duchess Lila Jeanas had been excluded and suppressed by the family leaders for a long time, and they must have accumulated a lot of resentment.

If he really takes back all the power and becomes the ruler of this city, he will inevitably die without a burial place.

At that time, whether it is wealth, land, or anything else, everything will be taken away without mercy.

What's more, the entire citizens of Baldur's Gate are now filled with anger towards Iltan and Anta Silvershield.

There is no need to use legal means to pronounce a sentence. As long as the emotions of those "tough people" are aroused a little, they will rush into their homes in groups like crazy, and then kill all the men and rape all the beautiful women. , and finally left with wealth and loot.

This is not the first time something like this has happened in Faerûn.

Not to mention commercial cities like Baldur's Gate, even the city of Neverwinter, which is ruled by followers of Tyr, the God of Justice, has experienced citizen riots more than once.

Therefore, under the control of fear, the two families have almost no bottom line.

Every time the envoys of Duke Bert and Grand Duchess Lila Jeanas set out a new condition, they would immediately choose to follow it without hesitation.

If you don’t have enough cash, you can use goods as mortgage. If you don’t have enough goods, you can use real estate and land as mortgage. If you don’t have enough money, you can use the trade routes you control to mortgage...

Such a crazy move even stunned the envoys who came to negotiate.

He couldn't imagine that after losing everything, what would happen even if he succeeded in redeeming the person?

One hundred percent of his family's power will be on the verge of decline or even collapse!

Finally, at Vanessa's signal, Eric accepted the conditions offered by the two families, allowing them to release Anta Silver Shield and Iltan back after paying the ransom.

Seeing the spectacular scene of the two captives and their family members being raped by citizens with rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves, Jeffrey couldn't help but laugh and joked: "The reputation they worked so hard to build is completely over. Elimination is still in charge. Iltan of the Flame Fist mercenaries, Anta Silver Shield, will inevitably be responsible for the defeat.”

"The life and death of Anta Silver Shield has nothing to do with us. If nothing else happens, Iltan will try to redeem all the captured Flame Fist mercenaries and a large number of weapons and equipment in our hands at all costs. Because Only in this way can he ensure that the other two dukes will not dare to launch liquidation easily."

Vanessa has obviously arranged everything long ago, and the entire plan is linked together, leaving no room for choice for her opponent at all.

In less than an hour, Iltan, who returned to the castle of the Flame Fist mercenary headquarters, immediately sent his trusted lieutenant Shika to secretly deliver a surrender letter and corresponding agreement.

Since he is still the Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate, he has the authority to sign any agreement on behalf of the city.

The content of the agreement is exactly what Vanessa wants to get through this action.

So he did not hesitate to ask Eric to sign it, then released all the prisoners on the spot, and issued an announcement to all the citizens of Baldur's Gate.

Upon hearing the news, Duke Bert and Grand Duchess Lila Janus were shocked and angry.

What was surprising was that the fleet of Nelanthel Islands actually released these two "scourges", making all their previous actions as ridiculous as clowns.

What makes them angry is that Iltan and Anta Silvershield, who were defeated and captured, and whose reputations were already notorious, actually had the nerve to continue representing Baldur's Gate as dukes and signed a series of humiliating compensation clauses.

What's even more annoying is that they have to admit it.

Otherwise, if you dare to tear it up, the powerful fleet that just left may turn around again at any time.

In addition, businessmen who have been guaranteed that fees will be treated equally in the future will not support any proposal that may lead to war and damage their own interests again.

In desperation, Duke Bert and Grand Duchess Lila Janes could only try to incite the anger of the citizens, intending to use this as a bargaining chip to prevent Iltan, who still held military power, from jumping over the wall.

For a moment, the entire Baldur's Gate fell into a strange atmosphere of tension and silence.

No one knows what will happen next, and no one knows what the divided dukes will do next.

In short, Vanessa has achieved all the planned goals and reported them as soon as possible.

"Did it directly intensify the conflict and force the dukes of Baldur's Gate into two factions to be hostile to each other? All I can say is that it's a great job! If this state can be maintained until the Sons of Baal begin to awaken, then the situation will become quite interesting. Sorry. Sarevok, I have done you a big favor, you must remember to be grateful..."

Zuo Si read the report sent by the lich with a playful smile on his face, lit it on fire and threw it into the trash can nearby.

You don't need to ask to know that he is quite satisfied with the result.

Because throughout the entire incident, Vanessa had a very good grasp of the situation and did not leave any excuse or handle for important members of the Northland Lords Alliance such as Waterdeep City, Neverwinter City, and Silvermoon City.

And by letting Anta Silver Shield and Iltan blow themselves up in public, it was proved that the economic sanctions launched before were completely "just".

Baldur's Gate is a city-state ruled by a few greedy and evil oligarchic businessmen. The top officials will do almost anything for their own benefit.

Since the enemy is evil. Naturally, the fleet of Nelanthel Islands should not be blamed for anything they do.

"Who is Sarevok?" Wilmes asked very puzzledly.

Zuo Si smiled and responded: "A young man I met in Candlekeep. His adoptive father is Rita, the leader of the Iron Throne Chamber of Commerce, and his biological father is Baal, the god of murder who was killed by Cyric."

"A son of Baal?"

Wilmes raised his eyebrows in surprise.

There is no way, the son of Baal is too famous.

You must know that before this god produced children in large quantities, the number of children of gods in Faerûn was actually very rare and rare, and each one was regarded as a treasure by the church of the corresponding god.

But after experiencing the turbulent years, everyone was shocked to discover that Balkan had done something that stunned the gods and mortals alike, and that was the mass production of thousands of children who contained their own divinity.

What’s even more outrageous is that in addition to intelligent creatures, there are even various animals.

This directly caused the image of gods that was originally high in the minds of mortals to be lowered a lot.

Some small groups of fertility worshipers also regard the dead god of murder as their idol.

"That's right! But he is not an ordinary son of Baal, but the kind of careerist who is destined to sense the divinity in his body and then cause a bloody storm."

As Zuo Si spoke, he closed the "Bokabu Blessing Book" that he had just copied a large number of spells.

In order to facilitate search and memory, he spent a little time to record all the spells he currently mastered in this book, and classified them according to level and faction.

Of course, the price is that the spell book, which has more than a thousand pages, is packed to the brim, leaving almost no blank pages to copy the eighth-level spells.

However, Zuo Si has already contacted Aisha, the newly promoted magic items merchant in Calimport, and has reached a series of cooperation intentions with her. At the same time, she has entrusted the other party to purchase another "Bokabu Blessing Book" at a high price.

According to his calculations, if he wanted to record all the spells in the entire Faerûn continent, he would need at least eight to ten "Bokabu Blessing Books" to barely have enough.

"So you plan to use him to achieve some ulterior purpose?" Wilmes probed in an uncertain tone.

"Yes. But not now, but in the near future. By the way, what have you been busy with recently?"

Zuo Si obviously didn't talk too much about this aspect with Red Dragon, so he took the initiative to change the topic.

Wilmes raised the corners of his mouth and replied: "Of course she is helping Ashtelance get pregnant. In fact, just a few days ago, she had successfully entered the egg-laying period, and it won't take long before she will lay at least two to three dragon eggs." Eggs. In up to a year and a half, I can use these dragon eggs to increase my size and ability to a level comparable to that of an old red dragon."

"Wow! It's really scary to be so cruel to others of the same kind."

Zuo Si patted his chest in an exaggerated manner, pretending to be scared.

"Stop pretending to be innocent! Didn't you teach me this method?"

Wilmes rolled his eyes angrily.

"No, no, no, don't accuse me wrongly. I also learned this from the Dragon Lich of the Entangled Talisman Organization. And I didn't use it on myself." Zuo Si said meaningfully.

"Hmph! Whatever you say, your share is indispensable in this matter.

In addition, as per your request, I have started large-scale experiments on hybridization of various animals and dragons underground in the Mage Tower.

Soon a large number of dragon-accompanying creatures of various shapes will be born, and you'd better be mentally prepared.

You must know that the descendants of the red dragon are usually not very obedient and are extremely aggressive. "

Wilmes reminded solemnly.

Zuo Si shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Don't worry. What do you think I do by providing so many goblin brains as food to the strange thing every day? Its current psychic power strength is beyond comparison with a group of people with low IQs. No matter how tall a half-dragon animal is, even if an adult dragon comes, it is easy to get hit by accident."

"Damn it! No matter what you do, you always think everything through in advance."

Wilmes felt a stomachache when he thought of what was in his mind.

If she had known she would end up in this situation, she would have chosen to sign the magic contract and actively cooperate, instead of being punished by not eating the toast.

Now, as the power of strange objects becomes more and more powerful, even if she one day becomes a recognized dragon king like Balagas "Flying Flame", she will still have to be controlled by others.

Although this kind of control often didn't make her very disgusted.

"Thank you for the compliment. Being a spellcaster who is always prepared at any time is always my goal. If there is nothing else, you can go back to the Mage Tower and stare at the prisoners."

After saying that, Zuo Si ignored the red dragon, took out the second chapter of the Netherese scroll, and concentrated on reading it.

As a "time management master", he schedules his schedule from waking up to going to bed every day.

Apart from eating, there is hardly much rest and entertainment.

To be precise, entertainment activities in Faerûn are still in a very primitive stage.

Whether it is stage plays, minstrel singing and playing, or various circus and clown performances, for a person on earth who comes from the information age, they all seem boring and boring.

Especially the former, which can make people dig out three bedrooms and one living room with their toes in embarrassment.

As for those entertainment activities forbidden by the Eighteen Eighteen Years, Zuo Si was temporarily unable to do so.

So the only thing that can be done is to learn, research, experiment and make various magic items, equipment, and props.

Occasionally, he would go through the portal to extract energy from the mage towers of other lichs in the organization to make cards.

The days passed like this, and when the time agreed with Irenekas came, Zuo Si put down everything at hand and met Lei Yin again at the sewer entrance of the Waking shopping mall area.

Without saying a word, the latter directly presented the book containing the legendary magic - Mummy Dust.

"A legendary spell book? Shangla gave it to you!"

Zuo Si opened it and flipped through it, and immediately recognized this magic, which is the easiest to learn among many legendary magics, with the help of his eye of knowledge.

Lei Yin nodded without thinking: "Yes, he gave it to me. And I can feel that he is very obsessed with the contents recorded in that notebook, and he should start trying it soon."

"Haha, great. I can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out that he has completely lost the ability to cast spells after obtaining the first-level creator profession."

Zuo Si's eyes flashed with a chilling light.

You must know that this is how he was led into the ditch by the Necromancer Asta.

If it weren't for the Planeswalker's trump card, he might have wanted to die.

Now, it's time for others to get a taste of that, too.

After all, good things must be kept for oneself, but pain and disaster must be shared with the enemy.

"Believe me, if this happens, Shangla will call me back as soon as possible. When the time comes..."

Lei Yin pursed her lips and revealed a sinister smile.

"At that time, we will kill him and give him a big surprise. At the same time, we will also let the Lords of Talisman, including Lagon, understand that I am an existence they cannot afford to offend. Your task is to confirm as soon as possible The location of Shangla’s hidden life box.”

Zuo Si directly filled in the unsaid part of the second half of the sentence.

Nothing scares a Tangled Talisman more than killing a Talisman Master.

Lei Yin quickly put one hand on her chest and bowed deeply: "Please rest assured, I have probably guessed where the mentor will hide his life box. I just need to confirm it a little bit."

"Okay, let's stop talking about the entangled talisman. Let's go meet Irenikas together."

With that said, Zuo Si took the lead and was the first to walk deeper into the sewer.

Since he had been here last time, he had already stored in his mind all the forks along the way with his terrifying memory.

In about ten minutes, they arrived at the door of the opponent's secret base.

But what’s interesting is that the clay golem guarding the door last time is gone, replaced by more advanced and powerful stone golems and steel golems.

And without exception, they are all new products that have been manufactured recently.

As for Irenekas himself, it only took less than half a minute to walk out.

"It seems that your exploration is not going very well, right?" Zuo Si probed meaningfully.

Even if he thought with his toes, he could guess that the powerful elf mage in front of him must have suffered a big loss from the beholder.

"Do you know that there is a large group of beholders gathering near the temple?" A trace of anger flashed in Irenicas's eyes.

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think I disclosed so much important information so easily? And gave you two full weeks?"

Zuo Si raised the corners of his mouth and gave a straightforward affirmative answer, and his expression seemed to reveal naked and undisguised ridicule.

Fortunately, Irenicas was originally a calm, calm character, and he quickly adjusted his emotions and said in a slightly cold tone: "I took advantage of you, and you also plotted against me. This time we are even. Let’s put aside the unpleasant experience and let’s sit down and talk about cooperation.”

"Even? Are you kidding? I was sincere last time, but what I got in exchange was your betrayal. Unless I am given sufficient compensation, I do not intend to cooperate with you anymore."

Zuo Si began to use the topic again, hoping to get some extra benefits first.

He knew very well that the other party had a lot of good things in his hands.

How can I be worthy of myself if I don't take the opportunity to extort money?

"What compensation do you want?"

Irenekas obviously didn't want to get too entangled in this issue and decisively chose to compromise.

After all, he was right in the first place, and it was not unacceptable to pay a small price in exchange for further cooperation.

What's more, Irenikas's ultimate goal is always to figure out what the nature of God is.

As for other money, materials, magical knowledge and skills, it doesn't matter even if they are all given away.

Zuo Si touched his chin and thought for a moment, then slowly stretched out two fingers: "First, I want a powerful enough magic item as compensation. Second, I need some gray dwarf blacksmiths, and you should have quite a few here. Is it right?"


Irenekas agreed without even thinking about it.

In fact, since settling in Askatra, he has created quite a lot of magic items, so just pick one and take it out.

As for the gray dwarves, without exception, they are all cheap slaves, and even skilled blacksmiths are not scarce.

Soon, the Elf Archmage turned around and returned to the base. After a while, he reappeared at the door with eight gray dwarves and an activated magic shield that could float around the holder's body and automatically resist enemy attacks. .

"Here, this is a +4 [Activated Guardian Shield], which comes with a certain resistance to fire, acid, freezing and lightning. It also has the ability to reflect all long-range weapon attacks. I think it should be enough as compensation. In addition, these gray dwarf blacksmith slaves are now yours."

"Thank you. Now we are clear."

Zuo Si immediately used the special ability of the land card that took effect, opened a portal to the mage tower by paying mana, and sent the gray dwarf blacksmiths back first.

The activated shield is activated directly, causing it to automatically float around the body.

After all this was done, he smiled and said: "Now, we can finally talk about cooperation."

"How much do you know about those beholders? For example, why do they appear in the sewers of Askatra? And why do they block that road to prevent anyone from approaching? Even the teleportation magic is completely blocked."

Irenekas asked several questions that troubled him in one go.

You must know that creatures like beholders usually do not appear in groups.

Especially beholders of different types and shapes, let alone living together, even meeting may lead to a life-and-death fight.

After all, in the beholder's cognition and thinking, he is the creator of the beholder, the most perfect heir of the Great Mistress, and other beholders whose appearance is different from his own are all inferior imitations and are not qualified to live at all. Go down.

Therefore, when two beholders with obviously different appearances encounter each other, they will immediately notice the subtle differences in the other person, which will lead to irrepressible anger and eventually a fight until one of them is completely dead.

Not to mention obviously smaller monsters like the Gaussian Beholder, which are not even regarded as their own kind by normal beholders.

But that day, Erinikas saw the Beholder, the Gauss Beholder, and the Eye of the Elders gathered together to work together. This was even more incredible than seeing the kind-hearted dark elves.

Zuo Si touched his chin and pretended to think for a few minutes, and then said meaningfully: "As far as I know, the reason why these beholders gathered here is actually looking for something, something stored in the ancient Sun God." A powerful artifact from the temple of Amaunator.”

"Artifact? What kind of artifact is it?"

Irenekas's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Sorry, I don't know much about this, but what is certain is that its power is so amazing that even the beholder has a strong interest in it."

This time, Zuo Si did not cheat or lie.

Because the description of the artifact was so vague that it was impossible to tell from just a few words who made the artifact and what its purpose and effect were.

The only thing he knew was that this artifact was a scepter that could release astonishing energy shocks.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Irenicas's face, and he touched it and said to himself: "An artifact? The temple of the ancient sun god Amaunata hidden deep underground? Even if the original body has been A saint who is still alive after complete death? It seems that things have become complicated..."

"What, do you want to give up?" Zuo Si asked with a chuckle.

"Hmph! How is that possible! Let's not talk about the artifacts and Saint Amenata for the time being. Let's discuss how to deal with these beholders first.

According to my last observation, I found that among them there is an Eye of the Elder with a very high level of arcane spellcasting.

If this big trouble is not solved, it will be impossible to pass it on quietly. "

When saying these words, Irenekas showed strong fear.

He would never forget that the anti-magic force field of the Eye of Elders suppressed almost all the magic protection on his body almost instantly.

But Zuo Si shook his head disapprovingly: "No. I think it would be better to explain everything clearly at the beginning, so as to avoid the problem of unclear ownership. Since your target is a saint, then the artifact belongs to you as a matter of course. Me. In addition, you have to come up with all the knowledge, books and notes you promised last time."

"Don't you think you got too much?" Irenekas asked expressionlessly.

"Maybe. But I will personally take care of all the other beholders except the Eye of the Elders, as well as the slaves they control. You should be satisfied now, right?"

Zuo Si laid out the conditions calmly.

Swarms of beholders are a terrifying nightmare for anyone, even legendary mages.

But in his opinion, as long as they are not constructs, elements, or undead, then beholders, demons, demons, and other alien creatures are not much different from ordinary people and animals.

It only takes a little bit of viruses, bacteria and toxins to kill them all easily.

However, high-level beholders with powerful spellcasting abilities, such as the Eye of the Elders, may possess some powerful magic or abilities to prevent themselves from being poisoned or dying of illness like ordinary beholders.

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Irenekas's eyes shone slightly.

After all, this is a good opportunity to observe up close the power of the chosen one, the goddess of poison and disease.

"So you agree?" Zuo Si confirmed again.

"Yes, I agree. Just follow your distribution plan."

Irenicus did not dwell on the issue.

Although the artifact is good, it is far less attractive to him who aspires to become a god than a saint.

After hearing this, Zuo Si showed a satisfied expression: "Great. In fact, my method is very simple.

That is to prepare dozens of cannon fodder, first infect them with viruses, bacteria and toxins, and then throw them near the beholder's lair, so that these guys can be controlled, captured, and even become food for the beholder.

In this way, the terrible plague will spread in the beholder's lair.

The only thing we have to do is to block the only two entrances and exits, and kill each one when they come out. "

"Poison and plague? What a brilliant idea."

Irenicus did not hesitate to praise him.

Nothing better reflects the wisdom and power of a mage than using the easiest way to deal with enemies.

It's a pity that he himself is not good at this.

To be precise, the elf city of Sonnisla banned all magical research related to the Necronomicon faction.

The vampire transformation ritual used by Lian Badi was the result of the two people's secret research.

In this way, after getting the books and notes promised by the other party, Zuo Si quickly began to search for the most terrifying, deadly and contagious viruses, bacteria and toxins in his body, extracted them and injected them into dozens of In the goblin's body.

After doing all this, Erinikas immediately threw them near the beholder's lair.

As expected, all the goblins were hit by countless domination rays the moment after they appeared, and turned into slaves controlled by charm.

A few hungry beholders even tore the captured goblins into pieces on the spot and devoured them alive.

With the help of these hosts, the plague in the incubation period began to spread rapidly within the nest.

Whether it was the beholders or the controlled slaves, they were all infected in less than half an hour.

When the first goblin began to lie on the ground and frantically sprayed blood and rotten internal organs from its mouth, the horrific disaster finally struck.

In less than ten minutes, the slave with the weakest constitution died at an alarming speed.

Next affected were the smaller Gauss Beholders.

They kept firing magic rays around like crazy, causing huge chaos in an instant.

At first, the Elder's Eye thought this was just a trivial disturbance, and immediately ordered other beholders to suppress it.

But soon, it saw with its own eyes the genuine beholder it had sent out, and they all went crazy along with it.

Colorful energy rays kept flashing in the lair, and some of the beholder's eyes began to spurt out blood, and they couldn't stop it no matter what.

Some bodies began to expand continuously, and finally exploded with a loud bang, with large amounts of plasma, minced meat and internal organs flying everywhere.

Since he had no idea what was going on, as the top leader of the entire beholder community, Elder Eye immediately thought of leaving this evil place first.

As a result, it immediately took the other beholders who were not dead and rushed towards the entrance and exit leading outside.

I didn't even realize that the door was already covered with all kinds of traps and ambushes...

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