A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 249 Kamen Rider J, a wave of classic revivals

Facts have proved that Zuo Shotaro's hunch was correct.

After a arduous battle that omitted two thousand words, the enemy revealed his true face

——It was Tsuki Shina who pretended to be looking for her boyfriend but actually planned to silence her. She was also Shotarou Sa's childhood sweetheart.

"Marina, why would you do such a thing!" After canceling the knight transformation, Shotaro Zuo was confused and heartbroken.

Tsuki Shina smiled sadly, "Shoutaro, we have all grown up. There are always helpless things in the adult world, and I can't help it."

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo gently closed his eyes.

Then, slowly opened it.

His eyes gradually became firm, "I really don't want to see you crying. But Jinna, you made this city and the wind shed tears, and I will never forgive you for this!"

For a moment, Tsuki Marina's eyes were in a trance.

She looked at Shotaro Zuo as if he had gone back more than ten years ago.

Yes, that's the look.

Bright and clear.

Tsuki Mariina lowered her head.

Some people grow up, and some people never grow up.

"You really haven't changed at all, Shotaro." She twitched the corner of her mouth and murmured to herself in a voice that could only be heard by herself.

Things ended successfully.

Tsuki Mariina, whose memory was destroyed, was quickly taken away by the police.

After the dust settled, Zuo Shotaro, Jon and others quickly left the scene before the police arrived and returned to the Narumi Detective Agency in the city center.

Once inside.

A sweet-looking girl suddenly pounced on you, "You guys rushed out after talking to yourself, but luckily you have me."

Zuo Shotaro said angrily: "Hey, Philip and JOJO are the ones helping. You probably didn't do anything."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to introduce Asukiko Narumi, "By the way, this is JOJO, the owner of 'JOJO Master House', my good friend, and the kid over there is his nephew and niece."

As soon as he finished speaking, a slightly feminine voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"I saw it all."

Phillip slowly walked out of the back room with eager eyes.

He looked at Jon carefully and asked curiously: "Is your method of extracting memory a legendary super power?"

"Well, you can say that."

Jon couldn't cope with Philip in this state, so he took a step back calmly.

"This guy is my partner and assistant." Zuo Xiangtaro's tone was very casual, "He generally doesn't like to go out, so he will inevitably be a little excited when he meets strangers, so please don't worry about it."

This is no longer exciting.

Clearly a fanatic!

Jon was stunned by Philip's look.

Cough slightly.

Under the gaze of everyone, he magically took out two Gaia memories from his pocket.

It's the "magam·magma" and "T-Rex·tyrannosaurus" that we just took advantage of the chaos.

"Tsk, tsk, my intuition is indeed right, you are really secretive."

Shotaro Zuo hooked Jon's shoulder, his expression suddenly turned serious, "But as a friend, I still want to warn you that without a drive, using the memory without authorization will turn it into a 'doping body' like Marina.

It can range from confusing your mind to losing your relatives and turning into a complete monster! "

Jon has been living in this world for some time, so he naturally has some understanding of how Gaia's memory is used.

He smiled and said: "I can't explain the principle to you, you just need to understand that these two memories have been purified.

Although the power is less than half of what it was before, there are no side effects when used. "

After a pause, he added: "Of course, it would be safer if you would lend me your drive for some research."

"What? You actually put your idea on my drive." Zuo Shotaro pretended to be nervous and pressed the brim of his hat.

But Phillip handed over his drive very generously, "If you can satisfy my curiosity, then please don't be polite."

"Philip, you guy!"

Seeing his good teammates and selling him out so easily, three black lines appeared on Zuo Shotaro's head.

Although the tough guy's intuition tells him that JOJO is a trustworthy friend, Philip, are you too cautious?

The scene was both harmonious and intense.

Xiaopi and Xiaowang were completely speechless.

At this time, Jon turned his head, looked at the brother and sister, and shook the knight driver in his hand, "I have long said that I can let you learn the magic of transformation.

Look, this is a success. "

Wanda \u0026 Pietro: (〃A)(д`)

Three days later.

Fengdu Center, ‘JOJO Everything House’.

"Incredible, what is the principle of this!"

"Yes, why does a mysterious sound sound inexplicably when I insert the memory?"

"Emmm, you can understand this as the rules of the world."

"World rules? What are world rules?"

"Tsk, why do kids ask so many questions? You just need to know that this is the power you can use."

"Honestly, I still think my superpowers are easier to use."

"Me too."

"Is there a possibility that these two memories are just not suitable for you. Speaking of which, don't you two really want to try the fusion transformation?"



"Okay, okay, I thought you brother and sister had a good relationship."

"Of course we have a good relationship, it's just too shameful."

"Yes, what a shame!"

"What's there to be ashamed of? Haven't you seen those two people, Zuo Shotarou and Phillip, become particularly enthusiastic about their transformations? This kind of thing makes you feel ashamed for the first time, and then you will gradually become addicted until you can't stop!"

"We are not adults yet, so be careful what you say. You will teach my sister a bad lesson."

"Tch, are you pretending to be a brat with me now? You weren't clamoring for revenge against Stark at the beginning."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. I think you should try the drive you made. If it doesn't work, there will be no place to cry."

Upon hearing this.

That's right, Jon thought.

In this case, I, Qiao, am not welcome.

Walking to the middle of the room, he placed the drive on his belly.

A ‘swish’ sound.

The drive turned into a belt, tightly wrapped around Jon's waist without a trace of fat.

After doing all this, he took out two more memories and inserted them into the drive grooves with a serious expression.

【Magam(Lava)! 】

【T-Rex (Tyrannosaurus)! 】

A mysterious voice suddenly sounded, and Jon lightly snapped his fingers.


【Magam·T-Rex(Lava Tyrannosaurus)】

Red and gray light flashed, and a layer of armor of unknown material appeared on his body.

At the same time, Jon's entire appearance also experienced many changes.

Although he is still in human form, his eyes have turned into slender blood pupils, making him look extremely ferocious; with every breath, streams of hot air are exhaled from his mouth, which is astonishingly powerful.

Jon raised his hand and felt the power after the transformation.

"The strength has increased by almost three or four times compared to before. Well, in short, it was a quite successful experiment."

Meeting the eyes of Pietro and Wanda, he opened his arms.

"It's decided, from now on, I will be the invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex warrior of Fengdu!"

Hearing this, three big question marks appeared above Pietro and Wanda's heads.

What the hell! ?

Jon waved his hand, "You're just kidding. Although the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior is cool, it doesn't fit the style of this world. So, please call me Kamen Rider J from now on."

Is the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Warrior cool?


That's not the point.

The point is, Kamen Rider J?

Pietro and Wanda looked at Jon, who put his hands on his hips and said, "Yes, Kamen Rider——"

He deliberately drawled, "J!"

Too middle-of-the-road.

The middle two to two teenagers had goosebumps all over their bodies.

Jon didn't care.

This is called taking the initiative to draw close to the world of knights. You people in the Marvel world know how to draw a hammer.

Wait until you've had enough fun.

Jon released his transformation, picked up the phone on his desk, and called the Narumi Detective Agency.

After all, the drives were borrowed from others, and the research and development was successful. Naturally, they had to inform Shotaro Zuo and Philip of the good news.


After a brief busy signal, there was a response from the other end of the phone, "Hello, this is Narumi Detective Agency."

"It's Philip, I'm JOJO." Jon was in a good mood, "Nothing's wrong, I just want to tell you that the revised Knight Driver has been successfully developed."

"Really? That's great."

Phillip was very happy, but his tone sounded uninspired.

Jon was stunned for a moment and asked with concern: "What's wrong? You and Shotaro had a fight again?"

Phillip was silent for a while, "No, I'm just because of some things recently. Forget it, let's not talk about it. When Shotaro comes back, I will convey the good news to him."

Jon changed his position on the chair, "What do you mean, Shotaro has another case to investigate?"

"Well, it's about the case of the 'Million Arena'." Philip said matter-of-factly.

"Million Arena." Jon repeated the name silently.

Then, recall the relevant information in your mind.

It is rumored that there is a dream casino somewhere in Fengdu. As long as you are lucky enough, you can turn over overnight and reach the top of your life.

To be honest, Jon has never believed in such urban legends.

Million Arena?

This thing didn't attract him as much as Macau's first online casino.

But then again

Jon said 'wait a minute' to Philip on the other end of the phone.

He looked at Pietro, "Did our company also take on a casino-related case a few days ago?"

"It's obviously just a small workshop, but I have to say it's a company." Pietro muttered in a low voice and nodded, "It's a commission from Mrs. Kazama. His son Shunichi Kazama has been addicted to gambling recently, and he asked us to think of a solution."

"That's it~" Jon's intuition made him realize that there might be something unusual behind these cases.

Million Arena?


It sounds like a very suitable stage for Kamen Rider J's debut.

the other side.

‘Arena of a Million’.

"I didn't expect you to find this place, Shotaro Zuo." Kagata said with a smile.

"You are still so calm when I come to your door. I think you think you have lived too long!"

Not wanting to talk nonsense, Shotaro Zuo took out the drive.


Kaga Taizo raised the corner of his mouth and motioned Zuo Shotaro to look at the gaming table.

Looking along what the other party pointed at, Zuo Xiangtaro's pupils shrank.

At this time, Kaga Taizo said: "I know I am not your opponent, but I have 'chips' in my hand. These are the souls of gamblers. If they kill me, they will also sink forever.

The kind-hearted Lord Knight must not be able to bear to see this scene, right? "


Shotaro Zuo was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

For a while, there was no good solution.

Kaga Taizo took the opportunity and said: "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Since we are all in the casino, we must follow the rules of the casino.

My bargaining chip is these souls.

And you? What can you bet with me? "

After pondering for a moment, Zuo Shotaro took out a few Gaia memories from the pocket of his suit vest, "I have this, and I want to use these things to bet on the soul in your hand."

"Hahahahaha, okay!"

A glint flashed in Kaga Taizo's eyes.

Maybe he is no match for Kamen Rider W in battle, but in terms of gambling skills alone


How could he lose!

The gambling begins soon.

Gambling is a common poker game.

Although Shotaro Zuo has rich combat experience, he is not very lucky when he encounters this kind of thing.

After three games, he lost three memories: "Ace", "Blast" and "Trigger".

Seeing that only half of the chips in his hand were left, Shotaro Zuo was a little anxious.

But at this time, his brain was spinning faster.

The whole Fengdu knows me, who can be proficient in gambling?

He must be the kind of guy who seems to be acting casually but actually hides his secrets.

Just as the thought came to his mind, a figure flashed in his mind.

"Yes, I can ask him for help!"

Fifteen minutes later.

Jon hurried to the Million Arena with his two assistants.

At this time, Shotaro Zuo only had one memory left.

"I'm really touched. I didn't expect that at this time, the first thing you thought of would be me." Jon patted Zuo Shotaro on the shoulder.

"That guy Philip may be very good at other things, but when it comes to gambling..." Zuo Shotaro didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious.

"You still have to do this nonsense."

Jon nodded, "I have to say, you found the right person."

Upon seeing this, Shotaro Zuo lowered his voice and said: "JOJO, you'd better be really sure, because this bet is not only about my commonly used memory, but also the souls of innocent civilians in the city of Fengdu."

Betting on souls?

I'm so familiar!

This wave.

This wave is a revival of the Darby Brothers classic.

Jon pushed Shotaro Zuo aside carelessly.

He stared at the sly-looking Kaga Taizo, and slapped his two memories on the table with a 'pop' sound.

"Come on, I can't wait to win you over."

Kaga Taizo felt a little unsure, "This is a bet between me and Shotaro Zuo, and no one else is allowed to join."

Shotaro Zuo had a quick mind and said with a smile: "I'm tired. I'll bet on the last round later."

Jon then said: "I'll take his place. As a dealer, you won't refuse a customer, right?"

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