‘Wind City’.

The moon and stars are sparse.

Everything is silent.

Suddenly, a white light fell from the sky!

Not long after.

The light dissipated, and two young teenagers appeared out of thin air.

One has gray hair, the other has fiery red hair.

It is the brother and sister Pietro and Wanda who were transported from the 'Love Train'.

The brother and sister looked at their surroundings carefully and breathed a sigh of relief.


It doesn't look like a remote place.

Wanda blinked her eyes and said to her brother in confusion: "Didn't we agree that someone would come to pick us up? Why didn't we see him?"

Pietro was also puzzled.

The brother and sister must have been deceived by that big scammer!

At this moment, a voice sounded in their ears.

"Looking at your expressions, I know you must be thinking about something rude."

Before the person arrives, the words are heard first.

A figure flashed out of nowhere.

Wearing a white shirt, gray vest, gray trousers, white gloves and crystal monocle, he looked very elegant.


Wanda and Pietro shouted subconsciously.

‘Jon’ nodded, “I feel your politeness, but who are you?”

Wanda:? ? ?

Pietro:? ? ?

Three black lines couldn't help but appear above the heads of the brother and sister.

Obviously five minutes ago we were chatting in the same car, but now we are pretending not to know each other, right?

Was about to speak.

Two balls of light floated out of Pietro and Wanda's chests.

The light balls gathered in the air and turned into a stream of light, which went straight into Jon's brain.

In an instant, Jon understood everything.

He couldn't help scratching his brows and said helplessly: "I thought the main body would be waiting for me, but I didn't expect that it was you two who came.

Forget it, it's better than no helper. "

He waved, "I already know the details. Come on, I'll take you to dinner."

At this time, Pietro and Wanda were extremely vigilant.

Not only did the two of them not listen to Jon's words, they took a few steps back and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why."

Before he finished speaking, Jon waved his hand and interrupted, "Okay, okay, things are very complicated to explain.

In short, you can think of me as that guy's doppelgänger.

We are one mind and many bodies, but our memories are not shared. "

The ‘Jon’ in this world is clearly one of Jon’s countless clones.

Since the main body's gains in the Marvel world are far beyond imagination, after upgrading, the concept of "chaos" will even affect other worlds, and it must be stable for a period of time before this passive aura can be completely eliminated.

Therefore, when he received the clone's request for help, he did not choose to come in person, but sent brothers Pietro and Wanda to help.

Despite their young age, their fighting ability is not low.

Pietro possesses 'super speed' that ordinary people cannot match.

Wanda is proficient in telekinesis and mental control, and her ability to fight enemies is much better than Jon's clone left in this world.

The brother and sister seemed to understand, but they knew that the 'Jon' in front of them would not harm them, so they followed each other into the car honestly.

The car is an old commercial vehicle.

Although it doesn't look good, it is very practical.

On the way, Jon introduced them: "I think you must have guessed that this is not your original world.

Let me explain briefly. This is a city with huge windmills - Wind City.

Since recently, strange incidents involving strange people called "doping bodies" have been reported on the streets of Fengdu.

You can understand this ‘adulterated body’ as a special mutated human being

Oh, that's about the same superpower you two have.

"So, what does this intelligence have to do with us?" Pietro interjected: "We are here to become stronger and then protect people like me."

Jon glanced at him in the rearview mirror, "Don't remind me, I know your purpose. Likewise, I will also provide you and your sister with the opportunity to become stronger.

In fact, I recently opened a small employment company, similar to Wanshiwu, and I can often receive commissions related to ‘doping substances’.

As the saying goes, ‘Practice makes true knowledge’, if you practice with me for a while, I believe you will gain something. "

The cosmic god who traveled through the heavens suddenly announced that he had opened a company. This sense of dissonance made it impossible for brother and sister Pietro and Wanda to recover for a long time.

Jon shrugged helplessly, "What's all the fuss about? I need to eat."

The ontology has its own way of living.

The avatar has its own way of living.

Maybe I will have to take root in this world in the future.

So the question is, what can you do with less money and not be too busy?

Of course it’s freelancing!

With Pietro and Wanda, the two 'gold medal thugs', Jon couldn't believe that those 'doped body' monsters could still be his enemies!

Of course, this is because he doesn't know much about the detailed fate of this world.


He wouldn't have had such an idea

Back to business.

Driving to the city, Jon first arranged a reception banquet for the brother and sister.

The location is an izakaya.

Although this kind of place is a gathering place for office workers and self-proclaimed tough guys, and teenagers are not allowed to enter, the good thing is that Pietro and Wanda are foreigners and have relatively mature looks, so the izakaya owner doesn't care too much. .

Jon has been familiar with this world for some time. With various weakened versions of his original abilities, Jon has been doing well here, and many regular customers have greeted him.

Among them, a man wearing a hat appeared the most eager.

The director of Narumi Detective Agency, Shotaro Zuo, waved to Jon, "Hey, JOJO, you're here too today."

"Yeah." Jon smiled and nodded.

Then, he introduced Pietro and Wanda to one of the friends he made in this world, "They are my nephews and nieces. They can no longer survive abroad. They plan to come to Fengdu to help me take care of the company's business."

"Company?" Zuo Shotaro raised his eyebrows, "You just rented a loft."

After a pause, he added: "I have to say, you might as well join our Narumi Detective Agency."

"You can hardly afford to eat, and you still want to recruit me?" Jon waved his hand.

As he said that, he called the waiter, "Fried chicken, fried tofu, grilled chicken skewers, tamagoyaki"

Lin Zongsong ordered a lot, which made Shotaro Zuo laugh.

This guy didn't see anyone else, he came over and sat next to Jon, "You haven't forgotten the treat I gave you last time, right?"

They are all adults, what does Jon still not understand?

He said angrily: "Okay, okay, who asked you to introduce me to such a big business last time? This meal is just a favor to you."

"Hey, we are all friends, let's not talk about this." Zuo Shotaro raised the corner of his mouth.

As the protagonists of the Feast of the Wind, Pietro and Wanda have become outsiders.

But the two siblings didn't care.

When the dishes were served, they started showing off without saying anything.

Jon and Zuo Shotaro chatted nonstop, raising their glasses from time to time.

"JOJO, listen to me. Recently, a mysterious woman came to my door. She must be Uncle Narumi's daughter. She wants to take back the detective agency. It really annoys me to death."

"If it is really your former boss's daughter, and there is proof of real estate ownership, then whatever she does is in compliance with the law, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Uncle Narumi gave me his hat before he died. This means that I am his heir to the detective career. How could I let a woman like that mess up my career?"

Speaking of this, Shotaro Zuo curled his lips.

Then, he lowered his expression.

"By the way, I have something to trouble you with."

"What's up?"

Jon put down his wine glass, "If it's the kind of good job we caught cheating on last time, I'd be happy to accept it."

"Oh, it's not that kind of business." Zuo Shotaro mysteriously took out a photo from his vest pocket, "It's my childhood sweetheart.

Her boyfriend has disappeared recently, please find him. "

"Childhood sweethearts." Jon repeated the word silently, grinning evilly, "It's not like I made a promise to you when we were young that we would get married when we grow up.

Gee, I actually have a boyfriend.

My assessment is that the Tauren are ecstatic. "

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything." Zuo Xiangtaro rolled his eyes, "Please be serious, I know you have some kind of magical power.

Just think I owe you a favor and help. "

Jon looked at the photo carefully, nodded slowly and said, "Since you said that, it would be too much for me to shirk it anymore."

As he spoke, he put his arms around Pietro and Wanda.

"Don't underestimate our company. Now I also have an assistant."

"Oh?" Zuo Shotaro looked at the two brothers and sisters who were obviously of foreign descent with interest, raised his glass and said, "I'm also asking you, little devils."

the next day.

"You actually called me a kid, it's so irritating!"

Pietro kept mumbling something, with an angry expression on his face.

On the side, although Wanda did not speak, it could be seen from her eyes that she and her brother were on the same side.

Jon pinched his eyebrows and said, "Okay, it's just a title, it's no big deal.

Besides, that guy is not an ordinary person, and you will have to deal with him for a long time in the future. "

Not an ordinary person?

Pietro frowned, "But, I didn't feel anything special about him."

He pouted, "Except for being arrogant."

"He prefers to call that style hardcore, but okay, it's definitely a little bit of it."

Jon, affected by his hangover, yawned.

In his previous life, as a serious two-dimensional enthusiast, he also had a certain understanding of the well-known tokusatsu drama "Kamen Rider".

I understand, but I don't know the plot. I just vaguely know that Zuo Shotaro is the Kamen Rider in this city.

Inadvertently or unintentionally, Jon and Zuo Shotaro became friends.

But what will happen next, his eyes darken.

"found it!"

At this time, Wanda's eyes suddenly lit up.

When Jon heard this, he immediately became energetic.

The little witch's psychic ability can be regarded as a radar to a certain extent, which is very convenient for finding people and things.

Driving an old business car, Jon quickly took Wanda and Pietro to a certain venue exhibition hall.

Sure enough, the Togawa Yosuke that Shotaro Zuo was looking for is here!

"Mr. Togawa."

Jon put his hands in his pockets and approached the other party with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Togawa Yosuke seemed very excited and shouted: "Don't come over, I will never go back with you!"

Where is this going?

Why does it seem like there is another hidden reason for this guy's disappearance?

Jon felt something strange. Unexpectedly, Yosuke Togawa suddenly went crazy. He took out a USB flash drive from nowhere and touched the special pattern on his left arm with the interface.

In an instant, the flames burned.

The eyebrows of Brother Pietro and Jon were raised in suspense.

Pietro and Wanda couldn't help but stare, "Is this so-called magic?!"

"After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be a 'doped body'." Jon cursed secretly and lowered his voice: "Get ready to take action."

In fact, there was no need for Jon to speak, as Pietro and Wanda were already ready for battle.

Wanda controlled remotely, and Pietro attacked at close range.

Although the current power of 'Quicksilver' and 'Scarlet Witch' is far less powerful than what is known to the public, it is completely enough to deal with a 'doped body'.

Qiao, who thought there was going to be a fierce battle, turned into a salted fish and went crazy on the edge of the battlefield.

the other side.

Hearing that there was a commotion at the exhibition, Shotaro Zuo got on his motorcycle and quickly arrived at the scene.

Unexpectedly, what I saw was the famous scene of the 'doped body' weirdo being violently beaten by the two brats from Qiaoen's family.

"This is really true." Zuo Xiangtaro pressed the brim of his hat.

At this time, something unexpected happened!

The beaten unconscious Togawa Yosuke was directly bitten by a big mouth protruding from the ground and swallowed from head to toe.

Another ‘dopant’!

Zuo Shotaro's pupils shrank sharply, and he took out a drive with a serious expression.

The drive soon lengthened and transformed into a belt.

He pulled open his suit vest, took out a memory stick, and pressed it lightly.

【Joker(ace)! 】

At the same time, somewhere in Fengdu.

The gentle young man raised his head thoughtfully and took out another memory stick.

【Cyclone! 】

The two of them said in unison with great understanding: "Transform."

【Cyclone! Joker! 】

The inexplicable sound effects sounded out of thin air, which immediately stunned Jon, Pietro, and Wanda siblings.

One thing to say, where did that mysterious voiceover come from?

But Shotaro Zuo didn't feel anything strange. After transforming into Kamen Rider W (Hayate Ace Form), which was half green and half black, he turned sideways and raised his hand.

"Sa, come and count your sins."

The Tyrannosaurus 'Dopant' that succeeded in the sneak attack hesitated for a second, and seemed not to be so willing to fight Zuo Shotaro.

Zuo Shotaro didn't care so much, and without saying a word, he took off with a flying kick.

This kick is fast and hard!

It hit the head of the Tyrannosaurus 'Doping Body'.

Jon saw the opportunity and poked out several transparent filaments from his palm.

The plunder begins!

Visible to the naked eye, two memory USB disks were formed in the palm of his other hand.

It is Togawa Yosuke's lava memory and the Tyrannosaurus rex memory of the "dopant"!

Shotaro Zuo saw Jon's actions and felt slightly relaxed.

Take a deep breath.

He focused all his attention on the enemy in front of him.

Do not know why.

He could always feel a familiar feeling on the Tyrannosaurus 'doped body' in front of him.

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