A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 223 Shocking Change

With the current technological level of Lighthouse, there is no reason why agriculture cannot be improved.

The reason why they don't have enough to eat is because they spend too many resources on meaningless things.

As an advisor to the city lord, after taking office, Jon has great or small power.

He personally went to the suspension area to select twenty relatively healthy dustmen. He led the field team, Mark and Ran Bing to the sky farm.

The breeze blows.

There is a faint fruity aroma in the air.

Jon sniffed and commanded: "Who is that? 4068, you and 4097 take a few people to move those fruit trees safely and vacate the land."

I can barely eat anymore.

How about growing fruits here?

Just hilarious.

Hearing this, Chenmin 4068 and Chenmin 4097, who were previously '4396 Chui' and now 'Qiao Chui', said hello and moved the tree with great energy.

Mark pondered for a few seconds and couldn't help but say: "Consultant Jon, although we have a lot of seeds in hand, it is really difficult to grow food that can be consumed by the entire lighthouse in a short period of time.

Tell me the truth, are you sure in your heart? "


Of course!

Who do you think I am? !

Jon raised three fingers and said, "Give me three months, and I will ensure that the entire lighthouse has enough to eat."


Do not believe.

Don't ask, if you ask you don't believe it.

In just three months, the entire lighthouse can be fed?

Just lie!

Of course he wouldn't know.

The reason why Jon set a time limit of three months was because it does take time to ripen grain.

More importantly, three months later, the directional teleportation coordinates were established, and the main body could arrive across time and space at any time.

By the time.

What kind of pole-devouring beasts, what kind of spine Gu group, what kind of law priests.

Look at me, Mr. Qiao, defeating everything in minutes!

Seeing Jon's expression, Mark sighed helplessly.

It seemed that he still had to find a way to get City Lord Morgan to agree to his and Ran Bing's long trip.

Mark looked sad;

‘The only white hair in the lighthouse’ was a little excited.

After leaving the hunting team, she felt relaxed and free for a long time.

Even if she is farming, she is willing to be with the one she loves until she dies!

Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to ask: "When will we start?"

Jon smiled.


In the past two months, the "Lighthouse" has undergone great changes.

First of all, it was the Sky Farm that vigorously launched the ‘big production movement’.

At least 100 ordinary people are busy farming inside every day.

Without exception, the mortals working on the farms were well fed.

Now, working on the farm suddenly became a popular option.

Countless mortals are vying for the opportunity to go to the farm, just to have a good meal under Jon.

And the name "Jon" has completely spread.

All mortals knew that there was an ‘other’ among them.

He once saved the hunting team, and also contradicted the top management of the lighthouse face to face. Later, he became an advisor to the city lord and got rid of his identity as a commoner.

Dust people 4396.

Jon Advisor.

A living legend!

The longing of all mortals!

In addition, Mark was forced to leave the hunting team because he trespassed into the Hall of Dawn, causing the dust people's admiration for him to drop sharply. The extra admiration naturally transferred to Jon.

But in just sixty days, Jon used his personal charm and practical benefits to win over all the common people.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he says a word, those ordinary people are willing to cheer for him.

The reputation is unparalleled!

this day.

End of day's work.

Jon returned to the spacious room exclusive to Shangmin.

Unexpectedly, there was someone waiting there for a long time.

Charles put his hands behind his back and said with a faint smile: "Consultant Jon is really a noble man who forgets things."

"What do you mean? Why can't I understand you?" Jon asked knowingly.

"Don't you understand? Then I'll just tell you Mark." Charles said a name, "I'm here for Mark."


Jon blinked.

"Mark does a pretty good job at my place. He eats a lot and works a lot. One person is as good as ten people. He is a good farmer."

"Stop talking to me such useless nonsense!" Charles snorted coldly, with three black lines appearing on his forehead. "What I want to ask you is, when can you get rid of Mark?"

"Oh, that's what you're talking about." Jon suddenly realized.

"It's only been two months, are you too impatient?"

“Two months is enough to do a lot of things”

Charles narrowed his eyes slightly, indicating something.

"What do you mean?" Jon asked.

"Morgan City Lord is old and frail and seriously ill. He doesn't have much time left." Charles said calmly, "I think he will announce the successor to Lighthouse City Lord soon."

"If that's the case, then you don't have to worry about Mark. He broke into the Hall of Dawn and even questioned Lord Morgan personally.

In other words, the position of City Lord is already secure in your hands. "

Jon pretended to congratulate.

"That's what I say, but it's safer to eliminate the root cause, isn't it?"

Charles walked up to Jon and said, "Anyway, I want to hear the news of Mark's death within three days. With your ability, you should be able to do it."

Jon didn't answer.

After a pause, he said, "Can I think you are threatening me?"

"Whatever threats or not, don't forget, we are partners. Helping me means helping you.

When I become the city lord, I will fulfill my promise and help you improve the living environment of ordinary people. "


There is also this thing.

I almost forgot about it~

Jon complained silently in his mind.

"It's all on you."

After leaving a few words, Charles turned and left.

Silence for a few seconds.

Jon shrugged.

Didn't take the other person's words seriously.

Who will be with you for three days?

Go and complete the so-called three-day appointment with yourself!

Today is different from the past.

The person I am now is no longer the helpless commoner I was two months ago.

After more than sixty days of hard practice, and with the blessing of Ripple Qigong, I am confident that I will fight 1 against 5.

In addition, there is Mark and the hunting team behind him. As for your Church of Light and Shadow, to be honest, I really don’t pay attention to it.

Jon decided to let Charles go.

But unexpectedly, on the evening of the next day, he suddenly heard the news that the city lord was critically ill.

"How efficient." Jon pinched his eyebrows.

Having said that, it is true that he has not spoken to the city lord for a while.

Although I feel sorry for the old man, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


He didn't stay in the house and went straight to Mark.

"Don't talk, listen to me.

Now City Lord Morgan is critically ill and the lighthouse is leaderless. What do you think? "


Mark suddenly stood up from the bed.

Although he strongly disagrees with some of the ideas of Lord Morgan.

But after all, Lord Morgan was a person who dedicated his life to the lighthouse, and was his former guide and escort.

How could he remain indifferent after hearing this news!

Meeting Jon's eyes, Mark said without thinking: "How come Lord Morgan is suddenly critically ill? Where is the medicine? Lord Morgan has no medicine anymore?"

"This is indeed the case. The old man is in poor health and relies on pills to survive.

You also know that the lighthouse's medicine reserves are smaller than its food reserves.

Forget it, why am I telling you this?

I mean, here's your chance to completely change the lighthouse! "

Jon's eyes burned.

Mark was a little confused.

Jon smiled and explained: "You may not believe it, but I think City Lord Morgan still wants to leave the position of City Lord to you.

You see, he has neither removed you and Ran Bing from their status as superiors, nor has he come to trouble you casually.

I guess he wants you to hide from the limelight under my hands.

As time goes by, I will pass on the position of City Lord to you again. "

"But...why..." Mark's mind was in a state of confusion.

For a moment, I didn't know how to speak.

Jon patted him on the shoulder.

"I know you can't understand those profound questions now, but I ask you, are you willing to believe me?"

If it was two months ago, Mark would not believe it.

But after getting along with him these days, he felt that he had understood Jon's personality.

This is a man who looks cold on the outside but has a touch of warmth on the inside.

At least Jon showed full sincerity in his attitude towards him and Ran Bing.

Mark took a deep breath, "I believe you."

"Just believe me, now Charles has taken action. So we must take action too!"

"Wait a minute, what do you mean Charles has already taken action?"

Mark was very puzzled.

Jon said patiently: "The fact that Charles has taken action means that he wants to be the city lord, and the fact that we have to take action means that we will also fight for this city lord."

This. This. This is a coup!

The position of the Lord of the Lighthouse has always been peacefully surrendered, and there has never been any precedent of armed seizure.

Mark didn't know what to do.

He stared closely at Jon's expression, "Taking a step back, even if Charles really wants to use the power of the Church of Light and Shadow to seize the position of city lord. But we don't have anyone in our hands. Do you want to mobilize those dusty people?"

"Don't look down on the dust people. The dust people are the most powerful force on the lighthouse.

But this time, they couldn't fight against the heavily armed priests. So, what I want you to do is contact Mo Cheng and Feixue. "

"Hunting Team?!"

Mark suddenly became nervous.

As a former commander of the hunting team, he has always been unwilling to associate his personal affairs with those in the hunting team.

Jon said: "They risk life and death for you, but you can't bear to see them go to the ground to die on Charles's order? Mark, you have no heart!"


Since this reason cannot completely convince the big man.

Jon immediately changed his story.

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about your Ran Bing."

Prescribe the right medicine!

Finding the correct password, Mark was convinced almost instantly.

Yes, if Charles becomes the city lord, with his hatred for him, he will definitely kill him.

It doesn't matter to me, but Ran Bing

How could he bear to watch Ran Bing being tortured by Charles!

"I understand, I will contact the hunting team now."

"Well, this is decent. As a grown man, don't hesitate to do things. Go ahead!"

Jon nodded.

After thinking about it, he added: "After all, the hunting team and the Law Priests are not the only ones on the lighthouse. The city defense army is also very important. In order to avoid telling the truth, you should stabilize Mocheng and the others for the time being and don't act easily."

Mark understood.

After saying goodbye to Mark, Jon hurried to the City Lord's Hall.

There, he saw Morgan, who was dying because there was no medicine.

The old city master obviously vented more air and took in less air.

"Lord Morgan." As a consultant, Jon is qualified to have close contact with Lord Morgan.

He stretched out his hand, quietly touched the wrist of City Lord Morgan, and quietly transferred a pure life force to the other person.

Nourished by the Ripple Qigong, City Lord Morgan's complexion improved significantly.

Jingnan, Charles and others beside them were slightly stunned.

Why did he still look like he was dying just a second ago?

The next second


Could it be a flashback?

"Ahem." City Lord Morgan coughed dryly and slowly opened his eyes. "I'm afraid I'm going to die."

"Lord City Lord, please don't say that. I will immediately organize a hunting team to go to the resource point to find medicine." As the adopted daughter of the City Lord, Jing Nan burst into tears.

"No! I can't violate the rules of survival that I personally formulated." The old man refused Jingnan very stubbornly.

Charles blinked, "Lord Morgan, for the sake of the lighthouse, please make an exception!"

He obviously wished that his own father would die immediately, but he still wanted to say something sarcastic to provoke the other person.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was a master of yin and yang.

As expected, City Lord Morgan fell into the trap, shook his head slightly and said: "Forget it, you know your own situation, don't waste resources on me."

After pondering for a moment, he asked: "Where's Mark? Why didn't Mark come?"

Hearing this, Charles looked very ugly.

mark! mark! mark!

It's Mark again.

You are almost dead, but you still want to pass the position of city lord to that brainless idiot?

The last trace of unbearable feeling in my heart was completely extinguished.

Charles clenched his fists tightly and said with a smile: "Mr. City Lord, you have forgotten that Mark is not the commander of the Hunters now and is not qualified to see you."

"Call him here, I have something to say."

As expected by Jon, City Lord Morgan still did not give up the idea of ​​letting Mark succeed him.

The murderous intent in Charles' eyes became even stronger.

If you let the old guy announce Mark's successor, then all your arrangements will be in vain.

So before Mark comes here, he must let Lord Morgan die!

Charles pretended to straighten his collar and cast a stern look at Jon in a subtle way.

Jon nodded slightly to show his understanding.

But secretly, he quietly instilled life essence into City Lord Morgan.

As time passed, Charles became more and more anxious.

He clearly saw that Jon had been stepping on the gas pipe tightly, but Lord Morgan refused to breathe.

This point puzzled him.

The thing I was most worried about happened.

Mark came after hearing the news.

I saw him striding to the City Lord's bed, "Morgan City Lord!"

Charles sighed.

I didn't expect that the most extreme method would be used in the end.

But forget it

When I become the city lord, all the pain will subside.

As for the city defense force, even if the stubborn General Victor would not support him, he had found a stand-in puppet.

Charles looked at Lord Morgan and Mark coldly, and quietly winked at a certain legal priest at the door.

The law priest understood and left the room quietly.

"Mark, listen to me. After my death, you will be the next city lord. You must be the next city lord, no one else can!"

City Lord Morgan said word by word.

Without waiting for Mark to reply.

Charles suddenly said, "Well, I understand, I will be the next city lord."

Everyone:? ? ?

"Charles, are you crazy? Lord Morgan means to make Mark the successor." General Victor corrected with a cold face.

"City Lord Morgan is confused. He should be talking about me, Charles, the leader of the Church of Light and Shadow."

Charles smiled and clapped his hands.

Someone suddenly broke in violently outside the city lord's hall, and a group of heavily armed legal priests came in.

He glanced at everyone, "What do you think?"

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