A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 222 From now on, let you fall in love peacefully

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the hall turned their attention to Jon.

Think for a moment.

Jon said: "I don't think this is a big deal, there is no need to go online."

Charles thought Jon was cooperating with him and smiled slightly, "No big deal?


As Captain Mark, openly disobeying the 'Three Laws' is indeed not a big deal.

After all, the entire lighthouse depends on him to support it. "

Praise and kill.

Praise without any cover-up!

Hearing this, the honest General Victor became anxious, "No matter who you are, you can't disobey the 'three laws'. This is the iron law of the lighthouse!"

Jing Nan sighed silently and said: "There is currently a serious shortage of hunters with gathering experience, and there are even fewer who can drive the 'heavy plane'

Lord City Lord, every hunter is very precious. "

After talking for a long time, he still begged for Mark.

Charles sneered and followed Jing Nan's words, "Yes, I think the lighthouse cannot live without Captain Mark."

"The lighthouse can survive to this day not by one or two hunters, but by the survival rules set by the Lord of the City!" General Victor frowned and said decisively.

"I agree with the general."

"Yes, Mark must be dealt with according to law!"

"If you ask me, rather than executing Mark, it would be better to leave him to me for experiments. This can be regarded as his last contribution to the lighthouse."

The heads of various departments in the lighthouse spoke one after another.


——In this lighthouse where people are generally honest and love-minded, Charles, who is a little scheming, can kill at will!

Jon pursed his lips and decisively chose silence.

Sister Jingnan still refused to give up and raised her tone slightly, "Lord City Lord, the lighthouse really needs Mark now.

I mean

That doesn't mean he can get away with it.

I suggest that Mark be dismissed from all positions and that he be allowed to stay in the Hunter team to serve his crimes. "

Charles used a move to flatter him, and Jing Nan immediately responded with a move to retreat in order to advance.

No matter what, save your life first and then talk about anything else.

Jon nodded secretly.

The research and development equipment is useless, but it is quite clever at critical moments.

It seems that it is not just a 'beautiful waste'.

There was a lot of noise in the hall.

It just so happens.

A thunder fell from the sky.

boom! ! ! ! !

The entire city lord's hall trembled slightly.

Lord Morgan raised his head.

The lightning made his expression flicker.


The old man stared at Mark with extremely complicated eyes.

Silence for a few seconds.

Mark, who was covered in bruises, looked directly at Lord Morgan and said, "To live."

There was a pause.

He took a deep breath.

"To truly live!"

Jon:? ? ?

Just very confused.

As the hunter commander, a high-ranking figure in the entire lighthouse, why is he not really alive?

Have enough to eat and wear warm clothes every day.

Don't worry about survival.

You cannot see that so many ordinary people are oppressed every day.

Just because the woman you like is assigned a breeding mission, you can't stand it?

Euphemistically called resistance for true love and freedom.


Jon would like to call it the top love brain!

He was not alone in his thoughts.

Lord Morgan stood up from his seat and put his hands behind his back, "What do you think makes you alive today?

It is the lighthouse that teaches you how to survive and fight. Whether you are willing or not, you are part of the lighthouse! "

boom! ! ! ! !

Another thunder.

It makes the atmosphere extremely depressing.

Mark tugged at the corner of his mouth, "Corey fought tooth and nail to bring back supplies for the lighthouse, but was injured but could not get medical treatment;

Instructor Elon worked hard all his life, but was exiled when he got old;

Those dustman porters did the heaviest work and ate the cheapest food. 1225 just wanted her lover to live. What was wrong with her?

Even giving up one's life to save a loved one is considered a crime.

As a part of the lighthouse, we live in such confusion.

live like this

What is the difference between us and a cold corpse? ! "

The tone of voice is getting higher and higher.

By the end, Mark almost yelled instead of stating.

Jon was dumbfounded.

Mark, who only has muscles but no brains.

Are you trying to escape?

Lord Morgan walked off the platform with his hands behind his back.

"Do you know how much energy a lighthouse consumes every minute?"

"You know that there will be population replenishment after a battle, but do you know how many resources it takes to train a hunter?"

"You only saw Beacon abandoning your injured comrades, then you know how many ordinary people can't even eat 'worm cakes' by treating a seriously injured hunter!"

"You think the lighthouse drove the old man to the ground, but you don't know how many newborn babies will starve to death by feeding people who have no ability to contribute."

"Lighthouse can not control breeding, and Lighthouse can restore family relationships. But when the population exceeds the capacity limit, will you decide who to abandon?"

Every word is heartbreaking!

boom! ! ! ! !

Another thunder.

Mark's blank expression was reflected nowhere to be seen.

Jon was literally laughing his head off.

The so-called profession has specialization.

I want to escape.

You should also look at your own quality.

What kind of people like Mark and Victor want to escape?

Can he?

You know, you don’t have the ability.


Mark finally spoke for himself.

If you don't stand up at this time, it would be too inhumane.

Jon pinched his thigh quietly.

After adjusting his mood, he said: "After going round and round, we still come back to the resource issue. If we don't liberate productivity."

He had said the next words so many times that he was too lazy to say them anymore.

But everyone in the hall knew that what Jon was going to say was, 'If productivity is not liberated, this broken tower will be finished sooner or later! ’

"If. If we could get back to the ground."

After getting a moment of 'breathing', the smart Mark thought of a way.

After hearing this, City Lord Morgan suddenly became excited, "Give up your unrealistic ideas, humans are no longer the masters of the ground.

In front of the Devouring Beast, we have nowhere to hide! "

Jon blinked.

The old man should be talking about the fact that mood swings can attract pole-devouring beasts.

But judging from the expressions of others, they probably don't know this information yet.

Just thinking about it.

Mark retorted: “But there are still signs of human activity on the ground.

I told you that in the last mission, we encountered a monarch-level pole-devouring beast, and it was a mysterious woman who saved us.

She was standing on the shoulders of the Devouring Beast!

If she can survive, surely we can find a way too! "

Rebellious boy.

A pure rebellious boy.

What he said made City Lord Morgan so angry that he was blinded, "She is not a human being at all!"

Oh ho~

Listen to this.

Does City Lord Morgan know the woman last time who exuded life fluctuations?

Jon touched his smooth chin.

"Lighthouse", "Ultimate Devouring Beast", "Ground Survivor".

The water in this.

It was deeper than he imagined.

Not only Jon discovered the loopholes in Lord Morgan's words.

Charles, Jingnan, Victor

One by one, these lighthouse senior officials showed panicked expressions.

City Lord Morgan realized that he had made a mistake and closed his mouth tightly.

a long time.

He sighed and stepped onto the platform again.

"The lighthouse can't afford any extra consumption. Now, except for living, everything else is a luxury. That's it for today. I'm tired. Let's take him down."

‘He’, of course, refers to Mark.

Mark said reluctantly: "City Lord, please tell me clearly who that woman is!"

Morgan ignored him.

Mark wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by the priest, "City Lord! Lord City Lord! Don't leave!"

Seeing hardship and asking for nothing.

His eyes darkened, and he said disheartenedly: "Since you don't want to say more, I won't ask.

I beg you, let Ran Bing and I travel far. "

What? !

As soon as the words were spoken.

The expressions of everyone in the hall changed drastically.


Some were shocked, and some were secretly delighted.


The next city lord who had high hopes was determined to leave the lighthouse. How could the city lord Morgan withstand such a blow?

He couldn't catch his breath and almost died.

Fortunately, Jon is there.

While the old man was still conscious, he deliberately said: "Traveling far away? What a beautiful idea!"


Just like the beginning.

Everyone's attention was once again focused on him, this magical mortal.

"Ahem, I have become the city lord's advisor. I think I have the right to speak about Mark's handling of the matter."

Lord Morgan:? ? ?

I promised not to accept sugar-coated bullets.

What about the class you promised not to betray your class?

Jon: This time and that time.


When he rejected City Lord Morgan, he didn't know that Mark, a fool, was openly disobeying the laws of the lighthouse.

Meeting Lord Morgan's eyes, Jon said: "Rather than letting him travel far away, it's better to let him farm with me. Look at his tendons, he is a natural hand to carry a hoe."

Plant. Farm?

Lord Morgan blinked his eyes.


He reacted.

"Jon, the former Dustman 4396, is right. Let Mark and Ran Bing farm and continue to contribute to the lighthouse."


Don't give anyone a chance to speak.

With a cold face, he left the city lord's hall alone.

The dust has settled.

Jon didn't forget his 'partner' either.

He gave Charles a cryptic wink.

Charles, whose forehead was throbbing with veins, was slightly startled.

Think for a moment.

He seemed to understand Jon's true intention.


In order to eradicate the weeds.

Deliberately leaving Mark on the lighthouse, not giving the other party a chance to make a comeback.

very good.

Very much to my liking!

Think about it.

Charles smiled slightly and resumed his elegant posture.

He looked at Mark.

"That's great, Captain Mark. No, I can't call you captain now. Anyway, please continue to contribute to the lighthouse."

"City Lord! I want to travel far! I don't want to stay at the lighthouse!"

Mark, who was pressed down by the Priest, shouted.

Good or bad things.

Jon walked up to him angrily.

Slap him out.


IQ correction palm!

There was a ‘pop’ sound.

Mark was stunned.

Jon's hands were also numb.

"Calm down?"

Calmly hiding his swollen palms, he spoke in a deep voice.


I calmed down.

I'm so calm that I want to punch you a few times.

Jon did not explain, but ordered the two priests, "Take me to another prisoner."

Ah this.

The two priests did not dare to act rashly.

Charles said at the right time: "Didn't you hear what Advisor Jon said? Whatever he asks you to do, you will do it."

After all, we are in the same group~

The blond man with ponytail chuckled inwardly.

"As you command, sir."

The two priests could disobey Jon's orders, but they could not ignore Charles.

They held down Mark and led the way, leading Jon out of the city lord's hall.

Half an hour later.

Light and Shadow Church Cell.

"This is the situation. From now on, you are no longer a part of the hunting team, but my peasant soldiers."

Jon said calmly.

After listening.

Ran Bing was dumbfounded.

She looked at Mark, "Is what he said true?"

Mark took a deep breath.


"Are you still angry that I slapped you? Didn't you see? I was saving you!" Jon frowned slightly.

"I know you are saving me." Mark's expression was complicated, "I don't hate you."

"You shouldn't hate me, you should thank me!" Jon said matter-of-factly.

There were no outsiders around.

He lowered his voice and said: "With your IQs, it's difficult for me to explain the key to you two. You just need to know that because you are both honest people, I won't harm you."

Mark \u0026 ​​Ran Bing:

The former commoner suddenly became his boss.

Changes too fast.

The two of them couldn't adapt for a while.

Jon twitched his lips, "Don't believe it.

For example, this time, you obviously have countless ways to get through the difficulties, but you have to choose the one with the most effect, right?

It doesn't matter if this little girl is a love brain, after all, she is not twenty years old, she is innocent and excusable.

And you?

A big man, no big deal, who only knows how to solve problems with his fists?"


"Aren't you the captain of the Hunting Team? You have a bunch of brothers who can fight for you through life and death, and coupled with the importance of the Hunting Team in the lighthouse, you put pressure together, and even the Lord Morgan will give you three points.

The results of it?

If I hadn't interceded, you two would be on the ground chewing tree bark and eating grass roots. "

Mark \u0026 ​​Ran Bing:

"And you, don't think that I won't talk about you because you are young. As the adjutant of the hunting team, you should not be the main target of the breeding mission. You have been selected for this mission for no reason, don't you think there is something strange? "

Generally speaking, when the hunting team is so short of manpower, let alone a deputy team member like Ran Bing, even ordinary team members (female) should not put the cart before the horse and perform breeding tasks.

It's obviously a trap.

Good guy.

Just get in there without saying a word!

Too honest.

The hunting team went up and down, honestly a little too much.

Jon sighed.

Clapping his hands, he glanced at Ran Bing and Mark, "From now on, you two will follow me steadily.

Can't guarantee anything else.

At least, it will allow you to fall in love safely. "


And such good things!

The eyes of the two top love brains lit up.

Meeting their eyes, Jon smiled and said nothing.

This way.

In addition to innate class advantages.

He won over the hunting team again.


Just put up the flag.

Then we can justifiably seize power.

do not forget.

In the apocalypse.

Who has food in his hand, who has a gun in his hand, who has people in his hand.

Who can be the boss!

Sorry, Brother Charles.

I will be the city lord myself, my brother.

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