A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 193 Infinity Train·Prologue

"UV flashlight"!

"The Talisman of Great Compassion and Transcendence"!

Where did Mr. Tutor get these new gadgets from?

All the ‘pillars’ were completely speechless.

On the contrary, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said happily: "Wonderful, this way, the team members will be safer when fighting against evil spirits."

Think for a moment.

He looked regretful again and sighed, "I'm afraid there aren't many of such rare things."

Not too much, not too much.

There are only more than 3,000 flashlights.



The Talisman of Great Compassion and Transcendence is only about 600 billion.

I can't guarantee anything else, but it will definitely be enough to blow up an infinite city.

Jon smiled and said, "I will do my best to equip each team member with these two pieces of equipment."

When these words came out, even Tomioka Yoshiyuki couldn't help but show deep admiration on his face. Those with more emotions, such as Ming Ming Yu Xing Ming, were even more moved.

Mentor-sama has really paid too much for the Demon Slayer Squad, I cried to death!

"Your Excellency's mind and magnanimity are far beyond my reach." Ubuya Shiki Yaoya shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said sincerely: "I still have some money left at home. If you don't mind it, just take it all."

Kill ghosts.

Big business!

Those who can make a difference will make a difference.

Contribute what you can.

Neither people nor efforts can be made.

I just had to give money.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was very generous and said with a smile: "As long as the safety of the team members can be guaranteed, I will have no complaints even if my life is taken away."

The words fall.

All the ‘pillars’ stood up one after another.

"Lord! As long as I, Purgatory Xingjulang, am here, I will protect you to the death!"

"Amitabha, my lord, don't mention this again."

"As for the purchasing expenses, I think I can contribute some."

"Me too."

"The same goes for me!"

"Haha, the little girl still has a lot of private money saved, and she can use it now."

It can only be said that these people in the Demon Slayer Squad are too real.

When Uyashiki Yōya spoke, everyone in the area suddenly considered the issue of funding.

Jon's head was filled with dark clues and he quickly said: "Stop it all!"

Successfully attracting the attention of several demon slayer captains, he coughed lightly and said, "You may not believe it, but I am actually the young master of a wealthy family. On the other side of the distant sea, my family's properties are spread across the entire country, and our assets are hundreds of millions.

So, don’t worry about funding, just leave it all to me. "

I, Jon Joestar, am rich!


The entire Demon Slayer Squad fell into silence.

Finally, Ubuya Shiki Yoshiya covered his mouth and said with a smile: "I am really lucky to be able to meet you. In that case, I leave this matter to you."

Assets worth hundreds of millions?

Can't afford to offend.

Ubuyashiki Yōya was in a good mood and did not dwell on the matter. He pressed his hand and asked Tomioka Giyu and others to sit down.

Waiting for the Demon Slayer Captains to take their seats again.

He then said: "Although Sir Jon's support is timely, we still cannot relax our vigilance until the new equipment is distributed.

During the battle at Natian Spider Mountain, there was such a big commotion in the "Fifth Part of the Second String", which meant that Wu Mei was not there.

Same in Asakusa, if there is something that he wants to hide, that guy will start a riot and cleverly divert the attention of our Demon Slayer Squad. How cunning.

Although the recent battles have been good, don't forget that in places where the blades of our Demon Slayer Corps are hard to reach, evil spirits are still eating people leisurely.

Even for the sake of those victims who have died, we cannot relax. "


Several demon slayer captains responded in unison.

Ubuyashiki Yōya smiled and said, "Everyone here, I think, is the strongest group of demon-slayer swordsmen since the Warring States Period. Even those seniors who use 'Primary Breath' are on par with you in terms of strength. It’s not a small gap.”

As he said that, he looked at Jon and said, "Sir, it's all thanks to your teaching."

Jon waved his hand.

Ubuyashiki Yōya smiled.

After scanning the crowd, he read out the names of several demon slayer captains, "Infernal Anjuro, Immortal Kawa Miniya, Mingyuyu Yumei, Tomioka Giyu, Iguro Kobanai, Butterfly Ninja, Uku Tengen, Kanroji Mi Li, Toshiro Ichiro.

I'm looking forward to your performance. "

Some people are born with convincing charisma.

I saw all the 'pillars' staring at Ubuyashiki Yōya with feverish eyes as if they had been injected with chicken blood, "I am willing to die in the service of my lord!"

Next to Ubuyashiki Yaoya, Jon, the "ordinary melon-eater", blinked.

Then, he silently picked up a piece of grilled fish with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

Click, click, chew a few times.


So delicious.

Early the next morning.

It was just dawn when Jon was woken up by the noise.

"Brother Jon! Brother Jon, are you there? It's me! Your number one pony Zenitsu!"

"Ahahahahahaha, pigs are advancing suddenly! Tutor! I'm here to see you!"

"Zenitsu, Inosuke, you are so rude."

"Stop talking!"

"That's right, Tanjiro, look at how well-behaved Nezuko is. So, can you marry her to me?"

"The Breath of Water·The Shape of One"

"Speak what you say, don't draw your sword!"

Perhaps because there were no outsiders in the backyard, Tanjiro and others looked extremely excited after getting up early.

Jon walked out of the room wearing his regular clothes and said angrily: "Are you itchy? You want to be trained by me again, right?"

"Brother Jon!"


"Master Mentor!"

For a time, several names rang in Jon's ears.

Jon pinched his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I'm not dead yet, so there's no need to summon my soul so early in the morning."

While he was talking, Golden Retriever Zenitsu rushed over and hugged Jon's thigh, "Brother, you don't know how much I miss you during this time, woo woo woo."


Shanyi felt bitter in his heart.

Ever since Jon left the Demon Slayer Corps, he has been on missions with Tanjiro and Inosuke.

He suffered countless injuries, big and small.

At Natian Spider Mountain, he almost lost his life.


Say no more.

Talking too much brings tears.

Looking at the mysterious golden retriever holding on his lap, three black lines appeared on Jon's head.

Was about to speak.

Nezuko, who has dark hair and a dignified appearance, walked over in small steps.

Touch the skirt.

The little girl saluted Jon in a standard earth-seat posture and said, "Thank you for your help. I will definitely repay this kindness with all my strength."

Tanjiro also knelt down, "Me too!"

Nezuko said again: "If you don't mind, my little lady is willing to always be by your side, serving tea and water, doing laundry and folding quilts."

Tanjiro: "Me too!"

Seeing that Jon didn't speak, Nezuko touched her head to the ground, "Although I know, little girl, that this method is far from repaying your kindness, but please accept me."

Tanjiro: "Me too!"

Jon: .

Same as what?

You kid is a repeater!


This sounds weird.

Forget it, never mind.

Jon helped Nezuko up and said warmly: "Even if I didn't have this relationship with your brother, I would still lend a helping hand when I see a girl in need."

Again, the Joestars have been gentlemen for generations!

So Asashi (gentle).

Nezuko was almost moved to death.


Jon looked at the three little ones and said casually: "You are now the official members of the Demon Slayer Squad, so you should have many tasks."

Tanjiro said: "You are right. After Nezuko's problem was solved, I was indeed assigned a new task."

Beside them, Golden Retriever and Piggy nodded repeatedly, "We are too."


Jon tapped his temples with his fingers and quickly ran through the plot in his mind.

Meeting the eyes of the three of them, he asked knowingly: "Where are you going?"

"Listen to me, brother. Recently, an 'Infinity' train appeared out of nowhere, and more than forty people disappeared in a short period of time. I don't know what the lord is thinking, except for our performance in the battle at Natian Spider Mountain. Excellent, so I gave the investigation task to the three of us."

Shanyi hugged Jon's thigh and burst into tears.


Same as guessed.

Jon suddenly became interested and said, "Well, I happen to have something to do and have to go out, so let me come with you."

what? What?

The mentor wants to walk the same path as us?

Very good!

Tanjiro and the other three were overjoyed.

Nezuko blinked, "Nezuko wants to go too."

"Nezuko" Tanjiro tried to dissuade him.

Without the power of ghosts, Nezuko is no different from an ordinary girl.

Once a fight breaks out, he can't guarantee that he will take good care of the other party.


Since the demonic characteristics disappeared, Nezuko can no longer get into the wooden box.

All in all, it's just all kinds of inconvenience.

Unexpectedly, Jon waved his hand, "It's okay, sister Nezuko can stay with me."

"Really? That's great!"

Hearing this, Nezuko smiled happily.

Jon gently patted the little girl's head and said, "I'll teach you a few tricks when I have time, so you can help your brother."

Nezuko: (灬°ω°灬)

A few days later,

A small town.

At dusk, everything in the world seems to be coated with a golden halo.

The lights gradually come up.

Masao, without a sword, walked into a noodle shop in a shaky way.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his immediate boss eating soba noodles.


Purgatory Anjuro devoured it while giving his own evaluation.

Seeing Masao, he raised the corner of his mouth and shouted: "Boss, give this young man a bowl of noodles, and give me another bowl."

"Lord Yanzhu, is this really okay?" Zhengxiong was a little flattered.

Purgatory Xingjulang waved his hand, "No problem, sit down and talk."

Masao did as he was told.

At this time, the noodle shop owner came over and took away the empty bowl of Purgatory Anjuro, "Young man, you are so bold in eating. Don't worry, the noodles will be ready soon."

Purgatory Anjuro nodded.

After the boss walked away, Zhengxiong lowered his voice and said: "Master Yanzhu, your performance last night was really outstanding."

Purgatory Xingjulang smiled hoarsely, "No matter what, they were all escaped by the evil spirits.

By the way, is the girl okay? "

"Thanks to you, not even a scar was left."

Masao replied respectfully.

"Really? Fortunately, it was handled in time." Purgatory Xingjulang crossed his arms.

The conversation changed, "By the way, Master Mentor, where have they arrived?"

Masao said: "If there are no accidents, they should arrive here tonight."

After a pause, he asked curiously, "Lord Yanzhu, what kind of person is your mentor?"

"Master mentor." A certain figure flashed in Purgatory Xingjulang's mind and he said with a smile: "Tall, strong, with a resolute face. In short, he is a very good man."

"A very good man"?

Zhengxiong couldn't help but fell into reverie.

A few minutes later, the noodles arrived.

The two of them were not polite, just picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Purgatory Anjuro took the initiative to talk to the noodle shop owner and said, "Boss, the noodles here taste so good, but the business is very poor."

The boss who was reading the newspaper didn't even raise his head, "It's not all because of the 'Ripper', the flow of people suddenly dropped a lot, which made me extremely idle every day.

I heard that even the captain of the Infinity had an accident. Small towns like ours along the track will certainly be affected. "

Hearing this, Purgatory Anjuro fell into silence.

At this moment, the door of the noodle shop was suddenly opened, "Hello, is anyone here?"

Is this sound?

Purgatory Anjuro stood up excitedly, "Master Mentor!"

Master mentor? !

Masao was stunned at first.

Look for the sound.

But he saw a tall young man looking over here with a smile.

Dark eyes and black hair!

Kong Wu is powerful!

The face is determined!

It completely fits the image of a "good man" in my mind.

Masao quickly lowered his head.

"Hey, Anjuro." Jon said hello to Infernal Anjuro.

Next to him, there was a little girl with fair skin and beautiful face.

It was Nezuko who had turned back into a human.

"Master Mentor." Purgatory Xingjulang looked very happy, "I thought you would come over at night, but I didn't expect you would come so soon."

"I was just idle, so I sped up a little bit. By the way, Tanjiro and the others are behind. It will probably take a while before they arrive."

Jon led Nezuko towards the other party.

Purgatory Xingjulang said: "Boss, add two more bowls of noodles!"

Then, he looked at Nezuko, "We meet again, Tanjiro's sister. How are you feeling recently?"

"Thank you." Nezuko said timidly as she could not adapt to Purgatory Anjurou's enthusiasm.

Purgatory Anjuro's eyes widened, with a look of surprise on his face, "The breath is long and the breathing rhythm is very regular. Tanjiro's sister, it seems that the mentor has taught you the 'Ripple Qigong'!"

"Yeah." Nezuko nodded.

These days, Brother Tanjiro and Zenitsu have been receiving special training from Brother Jon.

And she herself also learned the basic breathing method of 'Ripple Qigong' under the step-by-step teaching of Brother Jon.

Purgatory Anjuro smiled heartily and said, "That's great news. You have to work hard and improve."

Jon interjected: "Okay, no need to say any more unnecessary words.

Xingjuro, Lord Yozai should have sent you a message. In this investigation of the 'Infinity' train, I, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke will jointly assist you. "

Purgatory Xingjulang lowered his head slightly, "Thank you, Master Mentor!"

After saying that, he motioned to Masao with his eyes.

Masao understood, cleared his throat, and said slightly nervously: "According to the investigation, since the captain of the 'Infinity' was killed, this train has been locked in a certain warehouse."

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